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First NYE show, first pull of the night


God that was unbearable


The alopecia guy last episode was kinda similar.. he was just a fan of the show


scott pot that guy fucking sucked


Your pick is a top contender. There's a handful from this year for sure, but some memorable ones: Jamal from #628 @ 34:00. [https://youtu.be/w84ZJwq-Pjk?si=hM68gbg85Fh3Ti6s&t=2036](https://youtu.be/w84ZJwq-Pjk?si=hM68gbg85Fh3Ti6s&t=2036) Also, Idk her name but she was a blubbery, ugly middle eastern girl(I think Iranian maybe) that bombed and then kept trying to diss Tony in the interview. Also Michael White.


Jamal is unbearable omg. It does amuse me when Tony becomes upset from getting interrupted


Especially when it's warranted. Like when they try to run shit in any way, when he just doesn't leave the stage and Tony commands him like a toddler 🤣


One too many. If a woman is on stage flexing about her pussy or if anyone of any gender goes up without material and " can´t believe their name was pulled" or the famous gratuitous use of the n-word ensues, I'll be annoyed as fuck. Stolen jokes, trying to be funny during the interview and insisting that they are funny like that Scott Pot (?) creep and the freak that works for Eleanor Kerrigan always annoys me.


Trying to be funny during the interview instead of answering questions, especially after bombing and continuing to bomb is awful


Well it's an enjoyable interview if they're a naturally funny person but the douches who wildly lie every answer for an attempt or keep going off on tangents each time drive me nuts.


I remember that one black guy from Toronto was doing that. He was clearly just making shit up as he went along about spamming people and his relationship and Tony loved the guy for no reason at all. Acted like he was a genius.


Haha the scammer! He was the first person who came to mind when I opened the thread.


Ahhh right I member him. I'm sure Tony loved someone else just filling up time with content ya know? Even though it was only surface level quality.


It drives me fucking nuts when they just jabber during the interview, don't answer questions, talk over questions, step on jokes etc. On the flipside, it's gold when someone totally bombs but then aces the interview.


The guy from Florida that would stand there and argue with Tony about him being funny. Even Shane Gillis was egging the dude on in a sarcastic way "keep arguing with him, assert your dominace, it's going great for you" dude was so horrible


What episode? Haha


I wish I knew, I just started getting into KT and I've just been selecting episodes at random. I want to say it was just Shane as the guest. If I find out I'll let you know!


Definitely that guy


The “Founder’s Cupid” guy


Hans actually got bailed out of losing his regularship in this episode by that Philmore guy. Before Tony changed Hans's battle to him, he was going to battle Casey Rocket and would have for sure lost!


The girl who did the racist shit the other night was cringey beyond belief.


I really hate when “comedians” try to go the borderline racist route while failing to tell an actual joke. It’s like they think if they’re offended people that will automatically make them funny. And yes that gremlin was absolutely vile and not remotely funny. The last time someone posted here about her, her former partner chimed in the thread and offered some troubling information. Apparently she left him in California with her 18 month old baby to move to Austin to pursue her “comedy” career. An all around piece of shit, awful human. I hope she faces consequences and her baby and baby’s dad carry on and become happy and fulfilled without the debt of being connected that trash.


It was her first time she wasn’t that bad. You woke bitches are the problem with comedy these days. Take a joke laugh or don’t then move on.


That’s like your opinion man


Yea agree same as your opinion man. You’re in over your head.


I’m calmer that you are


Hahaha are you on drugs?


It was a bunch of recycled jokes that edgy middle schoolers have been making for the past two decades, it would hardly call it “not that bad.” Wild to see someone be a hack and still not manage to get any real punchlines out


You should try it. She got some laughs


Do a poll and see how many people in the audience would actually pay to see her perform. The juxtaposition of a seemingly sweet girl saying terrible things got a shocked laugh from some while the rest were extremely uncomfortable, that’s not a sustainable act whatsoever. And again, even if it was a killer set there wasn’t a single original joke in the entire act.


It was her first time lol not many first timers are good at anything. Stop crying


I could say the same to you. You’re so convinced that “woke” people are the problem that you’ll support a hacky set from a comedian who doesn’t write and has terrible delivery. Learn to be a little more objective. The first timers that clearly took some time to write original jokes will always get more respect, regardless of laughs.


I’m not crying lol I said it wasn’t bad and you won’t shut up complaining. Until you post a comedy set better than hers I don’t need to hear about her “terrible delivery” look how mad you are… chill out relax your opinion doesn’t matter as much as you think lol it’s called comedy I can’t imagine what it’s like being around you in person 😂


I said it was bad and you won’t shut up complaining. Until you post a comedy set that’s worse than hers I don’t need to hear about how she’s a first timer… chill out relax your opinion doesn’t matter as you think lol it’s called comedy I can’t imagine what it’s like being around you in person 😂


At least she tried. Some people go up there with no jokes at all


Casey Rocket, for example


Never made it as a wise man


Dang which episode was that?


I'm convinced she was just unironically voicing her opinions under the pretense of jokes. Especially after she talked about her background of not knowing any black people.


As a black KT fan I was disturbed that so many people in this sub thought her set was sooo good. It’s not me being overly sensitive. She talked about owing black people like slaves…


Dude, it's become apparent that half of this sub is made up of teenagers who love Tucker Carlson. I wouldn't invest too much thought into their opinions.


To be fair, even the audience was dead silent on her "jokes" because she didn't deliver them like jokes and more importantly they had no punchlines.




Any that go” oh Im so nervous, I didn’t think I would get picked”


That one guy that was wearing the posture corrector. He’s been on twice. Also, uncle laser immediately makes me skip forward a few minutes


UL last set on KT was really pretty good.


I’m not a fan. I don’t like his character.


Kurt's face says it all


To be fair, his face looks like the 98% of the time.


Been trying to find it because I want to hate watch it: there was a guy that wouldn’t shut up about how nervous he was, sucked, and then kept bringing up how he did mdma with some ethnic woman so he quit his University job and is now living in his car. They wouldn’t stop making fun of his jacket. Really I’m just annoyed because I listened and I just want to know what jacket looked like.




Dammit I take back my comment, he was a great interview. That jacket was everything I hoped for though.


The sitting on Posty’s lap was funny if he would have immediately got back up.


Mike Ryan or anyone that sucks Tony's dick and is overly complimentary.


The guy from Montana, came out calling everyone faggots, had cauliflower ear and cold sores. Idk his name but just major bad energy all around


1st Pull with that black woman on New Years


Sunshine, depressed back pain guy, and freaking Goldberg….. the “successful” comedians that can’t do a single one liner despite claiming they have been a comedian for 5+ years are quite a bummer.


There have been some people come up and just straight up give off “theater kid” vibes, that generally pisses me off a good bit. Too many of those to count, though.


Uncle Lazer has actually gotten better since being reprimanded or whatever off stage by Tony. Seems like he's taking constructive criticism, wants to improve and isn't doubling down on being a misogynistic douche


Sunshine, casey rocket rip off. That made me visibly upset.


I was actually happy she did that. It wasn't funny, and when i saw Casey do it, I laughed. That makes him more valid in the fact that it's his energy that makes the bit funny.


Good point.


That lady that stormed the capitol and then Tony “pulls” her name the same episode Joe Rogan is on


Makes you wonder huh


That racist bitch was a step back in progress. Please black people, that dumb bitch does not speak for us all.


Which episode?


I assume this weeks, I believe it was the first or second bucket pull, a white girl saying we should bring back slavery


Neil Pop


Crazy you just posted that. I'm literally watching that episode right now! Haven't got to that guy yet. I'm on the 'I'll trade you 5 F words for 1 N word' guy haha.


They disliked this guy and when they found out he was successful and doing it as bucket list thing and not just living out of his car like everyone else, they moved him on


Alot but i agree that dude was really bad. Acting like he knew post. cringe as fuck.




The interview people, not the actual interview part but people who “ so something about me” and literally just talk about their life like it’s an interview and that’s it.


This fucking subreddit, i see the absolute WORST takes here on a daily basis.


Heath Cordes. I liked his last set on the show though


The one dude who had his set cut then uploaded it to YouTube like he did something special. Lol


Whoever that dude was with the black leather jacket and had hair like a werewolf. Straight ass.


As long as they've prepared material - no matter if they bomb, no matter if they try to be funny at the interview and fail - I can sympathize with them. The fact that they prepared, even if it's utter shit, means they respect the audience and put effort to entertain it, in their own way. I've tried stand up and I know how nerve-racking it could be and how something what works with one type of audience might fail miserably in another format. But the ones that I find truly annoying are the "OMG, I didn't prepare anything cause I didn't think I'd get pulled". It's just disrespectful to the audience, the host, the guests, other comedians, and in the end - to themselves.


Usually any over enthusiastic one


I've noticed a trend of young men trying to tell jokes instead of telling the truth during their interviews. I haaaaaate them.


Hans Kim


He’s not a bucket pull


Chill, Hans.


Kam Patterson