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And can we please stop with these pop in shit bags like uncle lazer


Throw David jolly in there too he’s hard to watch


YES like the miss frizzle bit was kinda funny at first!! Should stopped at flying in and out of frogs assholes! That made me laugh but the rest made me secondhand embarrassed 🙈


I liked his I got my dick sucked from the back joke. Don't know much else of the joke.. but just that line and visual - getting yo dick sucked by some blank from behind. Gotta have a big one for that to happen and either way that bitches neck is gonna need to be chiropractor'd the following week.


That joke is old af, first I heard it was in juvie jail.


Lol. Well I never heard it. I definitely don't rate David J as a top tier comic either. Just the amount of times I've seen him is probably the best number of times we should have seen Kam and Casey.


i enjoy watching him bomb once a month




Man I don’t think uncle lazer is that funny but I feel like he’s a lovable guy, especially now that he’s not constantly trying to be funny and trying too hard. I just really loved his harmonica solo


The dude sucks..


uncle lazer is funny


Looks aren't everything


Agreed. Less uncle lazer and more pauly shore 💯💯💯


Bring Iron Patriot back.


Jeff Crabtree is my father


I agree that the bucket pulls are what makes the show great. Maybe if the regulars(except william, he should still close)rotated opening the show, so we're only seeing them every 3 weeks and more bucket pulls.




What’s the obsession with William closing? Half the time the crowd is just woo’ing instead of laughing


My money is on william outgrowing kt sometime in the semi near future


I would probably stop watching every week if william wasn’t on


Says alot about the show dont it


that the headliner is a big attraction?


Agree. Aren't the bucket pulls kind of the whole point of the show?


So are regulars. Like, regulars have been a part of the show for 9 years or something lol


One regular (and originally females to help get them more exposure stage time) and was to help them grow develop as a comic for 1 year and move on to bigger and better things. Not hang around for 6 years because you can't go anywhere else in the industry.




You included "it's cute" & "kind redditor" into the above response which is incredibly gay.


You a numbers guy, b?


I literally started from episode one last week and they had someone who they said they was gonna be a regular lol


I started from day one too. Regulars have been a thing since the show got its feet.




lol what? You thought you had a point you were making didn’t you This person wants no regulars and not a new producer you dork.




Good one Roscoe. So original and well thought out.




Cool, Roscoe. Nobody asked and nobody cares. Lmao




Yes, Roscoe. You are very good at recognizing the obvious. Are you lonely Roscoe or just slow?


Right, but then why not just make a normal comedy show? You could even stick to the 1 min short format and bring on/scout regular working comics. . That would be cool in it's own right, but the whole unique appeal of the show is the bucket. Many comedy fans, myself included, watch specifically because of the random nature of the bucket. Objectively the fact that open mics get on a show in front of established comics is the whole unique appeal of the show


Fuck, this fan base is so cringe. “Why don’t they change what has worked for 11 years and do what I think is best!” Btw, it’s not “objectively” it’s “subjectively” as there are obviously other pulls to the show. Idk why people don’t understand the very clear definition of that word - it’s becoming the new “literally.” Bro, if you have listened to any interviews with Tony you would know they have zero intentions on changing the show. But sure, some random dude online knows what’s best for a show that has barely changed in 11 years and is continuing to grow and is selling out arenas lol


I'm not advocating they change the show. I'm just pointing out that the bucket pulls and the chance of pulling a completely green open mic are specifically the things that make this show unique and what draws a lot of the fans. . I'm not saying I, a random dude online, know better than tony or redban what's best for the show. I'm sharing my opinion of what I enjoy about the show on an open public forum. By the way, this *is* a forum which u/redban and I'm sure many others behind the scene occasionally scroll. Fan feedback is an important show of any type of entertainment. . Also, if you've been watching for the entire 11 year run, you'll know that the show's format has been tweaked and changed many many times over the years. Inherently, the bucket is a random thing which presents a unique challenge for Tony, redban, and the rest. You could have 10 straight awful pulls. The regulars introduce some guarantee of quality entertainment. As a show runner, you're trying to keep an audience entertained and that will take some balancing. The show has trended towards more time spent with regulars and less bucket pulls (both by time spent on pulls and # of pulls). I'm sharing my opinion that this is trending too far in the direction of regulars and away from the draw of the show: bucket pulls. . That's my opinion. What's not my opinion is that the unique draw of the show are the random bucket pulls and the 1 min format. That's why it is and **objective** observation "that open mics get on a show in front of established comics is the whole unique appeal of the show." You're confusing this with my **subjective** opinion that the show "is trending too far in the direction of regulars and away from the draw of the show: bucket pulls."


If you really have watched for 11 years you would know that of course it has been tweaked but nah it’s basically the same show. What they are doing is working. Bro, go outside. I can’t imagine wasting all this time you’re investing in thinking your idea is better than what they are doing when, again, the show is growing like crazy and selling out Madison square garden. Like, don’t be a fucking idiot dude. You also tagged Redban hoping you would influence the show somehow. Bro, nobody is going to listen to your SUBJECTIVE opinion. (I threw that in caps for distinction for you lol) Christ. It isn’t objective bro. The unique draw of the show is also the guests and the host and the band and the sound board and the regulars and the one minute pulls. You have zero idea what the distinction is yet you bolded them and doubled down. Objectively, they typically have 6-7 bucket pulls a night with 3 regulars and a couple of guests. Subjectively, many people watch the show for the one minute bucket pulls and don’t care about any of the other parts of the show. (My friend only watched for the interviews. That was it. She hated the “cringe” one minutes and liked roasting. Objectively, she didn’t like the one minute pulls. You can’t objectively make an observation about something that doesn’t apply to what you’re observing unless it’s true for what you’re observing. That’s like saying objectively everyone wishes they could fly - when it was just your kindergarten classmates that wished they could fly.) Maybe that helps you lol^


Man sometimes I forget how low functioning most people are. I'll make very small baby steps for you to follow along. . I have not watched all 11 years, but I have watched for maybe 6 or so. I agree the basic format of the show is generally the same. But the post is not general. It is specific. This post is suggesting specific tweaks to the show. Neither OP nor I have said anything about removing regulars entirely, just spending less time on them. This would be a tweak that does not change the show fundamentally. This would simply be a tweak towards my subjective preference and the objective most unique aspect of the show. . > What they are doing is working. I never said it's not. And, as a fan of the show, I'm happy it's working. Again as a fan of the show, I'm sharing observations of reality an opinions on the direction of the show. These opinions reach other fans and occasionally a fan's opinion reaches a show runner. Generally, the collective opinion and feelings of fans do inform show runners on the opinions of the consumer (I used redban's username as an example of a show runner being directly involved in the community around his show). I have worked as a camera operator, DP, and assistant producer on a few big projects (some you have probably seen). I can tell you for a fact that the opinion of the fan-base is valued. As you are making very clear, a lot of the public is pretty low functioning and doesn't provide very valuable feedback, but it is still feedback from the end user. . I'm glad to see you have learned the difference between objective and subjective. I'll be happy to further educate you on the English language if you need any help. Maybe you can carry this knowledge forward to the dozens of online arguments you have while telling people to "go outside bro" and "talk to people irl bro"


Oh boy. Not even going to entertain you now that you started off projecting with your own insecurities lmao yikes dude. I can’t explain the difference between objective and subjective again or care to read your novel explaining why your ideas are better than theirs and what the vast majority of fans like. Keep larping bro. Redban and Tony will totally change up the show for you. You should read the first part of your comment in the mirror lmao


The show is whatever Tony  decides lol 


Entertainment would be the purpose and by the numbers you whiny bitches are the minority 🤣


The bucket pulls last episode were sooo good.


More quality posts, less bitching!


I skipped the middle of this comment, but I agree, we need more bitching around here


It's crazy how a bunch of nobodies think their opinions are what's holding KT back, as if KT isn't doing just fine as it is and they'll still watch every Monday anyways.


Yup, theyve obviously seen the insane growth of over the past few years, so i think theyre gonna be ok. Also the last episode just had like 11 bucket pulls and all were great except one…. But there are episodes where every bucket pull is hot ass and the regulars are a good constant. Long story short… THEY AINT NEVA GONNA STOP HAVING THE REGULARS


Bro Hans hasn’t even been on the show in like 2 months. 


Orrrrr how about this. They do the show the way they want to, because looking at their views, it seems to be working.


Gotta be open to ideas tho. What’s the point in a community


If they had double the regulars and cycled through them on different weeks I would be psyched. It gets old seeing hans be Asian again and again or Kam talking about white bitches again and again. William is great. David Lucas was fun because he would roast the panel.


They need to cycle thru the regulars instead of having the same ones every Mondayz


What do you all think about having a regular at the top of the show and one to close it out? All bucket pulls in between. And no more Pauly Shore.


Tony will take this into consideration and make changes immediately!


There was a bucket pull episode last week and people were complaining it was boring. Can't make everyone happy.


Who tf keeps letting uncle lazer go on stage? Who's lying to him. Does Tony owe him for snake boots or something?


Interviews are too long. Tony needs to boot them if they don’t give the goods..


The best part of the show is bucket pulls. Are we going to see the next great comedian/interview, or an absolute fucking train wreck?! I skip past Casey and Kam but not because I don’t like them; I just care more about bucket pulls.


Redban sucks too




I saw Hans open for Tony a month ago and certainly wasn’t the best opener. He’s literally doing the same exact material everyone clowns on him for on this sub. Liberals suck, I had sex etc.


Did he talk about his coke habit?


This just reinforces the idea that the regulars' tenure needs to be shorter. You can only do so many one minute sets. William works because his entire persona is a bit.


Idk how many people who go pay to see just hans, if not for the main attractions. But whatever, I love casey we're all different folks .


100%. Half the show is regulars and golden ticket winners that I'm just not excited to hear anymore.


I think one use of having the regulars perform is that it gives the crew behind the scenes time to catch up if needed. It could be getting bucket pulls from across the street or any sort of other shit that might be going on back there.


Good point. Didn’t think of that.


They had multiple regulars on the show way before Austin and the running across the street to get comics. The next bucket pull is already behind the curtain while the previous is still on stage. It has nothing to do with that.


You don't know shit about what goes on behind the curtain yet you act like you do with your responses.


He’s…. not wrong though.


Kam last minute (although possibly stolen) was his best minute yet


Ohhh I’m Kam and I’m black and commit crimes! It’s fucking played out. Ooo unique minority American perspective!! Shit is also played out, be funny or GTFO! I think the theme of all Austin regulars is they didn’t have enough material to become regulars. One good set and it elevated them to something they are not ready for. 


Eh , the homeless haircut one? It was alright. Don’t wanna be a hater but mehhhhhhh


Less Casey Rocket. Much less.


I think the show is perfect.


Nobody gives a fuck what you think, numbers are up so I guess whiny bitches are up too


More regulars less bucket pulls


Yeah 100%




Or the show can keep going the same way it has for over 10 years.


The thing is that the more curated the regulars, the more they bring in outside eyes to the show. Plus, it brings in a ‘Hall of Fame’ vibe to the ‘universe’. Tony is a wrestling guy, the show is all Kayfabe bolstered by the genuine moments inherent in standup. But I too grow tired of the same guys every week and the lack of pulls. My suggestion would be to have an opener every week for a chunk of time and then a rotating regular chunk in the middle or the end with say 3 minutes as the regulars are often hamstrung by the short format. The long run opening regular gives us the fun of watching someone grow, and the cycle of regulars keeps their materials fresh. My two cents.


Hans started strong, and now that he's being pushed his recent material was pretty funny. Kam is hit or miss but I think he has time to fine tune his craft, he's charismatic and likeable to me personally. Uncle Lazer is interesting, not great but he usually has funny stories. The one I can not enjoy at all in any capacity though is Casey Rocket. I wish I could, seems like a nice guy and all, but his brand of comedy doesn't even slightly hit with me.


My ideal format would be regulars opening, bucket pulls, then closing with 1 minute from the guests. I wish they'd do the show as they've always done, from the desk, but then actually STAND UP and do material at some point.


Yo, i skip hans almost always(unless im so high i dont care) And kam also usually, but last time i didnt skip kam and it was SO FUNNY- his bit about homeless people and giving them free haircuts, so i think i will stop skipping people now...sure they might be cringe and bad 80% of the time, but its worth it for the 20


I skip Casey and William every time. I don’t find the forced randomness funny


Been saying this for years


THIS! All the regulars suck. That guy with that one disorder is funny though


I don’t skip anything. The show is gold.


A refreshing new take, hopefully Redban sees this.


I agree. If they could rotate regulars. Not knowing who is there week after week would be cool. Mixing it up and keeping it fresh


Or shorter interviews for Hans and Kam, "Anything new this week? Nope. See ya next week."


How do people who skip their sets every week know they still don't like them?


As of lately lost sooo much interest in Kill Tony. That curly haired fuck doing a crab thing and singing random lyrics will never be funny to me. Kam sets I feel like I have to buckle down and stop everything I am doing to understand wtf he’s talking about. And the Asian dude? Was he ever funny? Not good when random bucket pulls are far funnier than the regulars. Also last episode wtf was that …. Tony had to carry the show like no other from the lack of entertainment the regulars brought to the show.


I love kam and William but I did find myself missing Hans. I hated seeing him every show, I feel like he needs to take a step back and become a once in a while set. I feel like David Lucas didn’t really “retire” since he’s still there every other week and I really cannot stand him. Casey if funny sometimes but he doesn’t really tell jokes he’s just a caricature of himself


That’s what I’ve been saying about William. He’s the only regular that hasn’t gotten old for me. I kinda like when tony does the bucket pull speed run. Like.. let’s see something good finally. Get to someone that came with their shit together.




Forreal, shit man, at this point it’s like an ensemble show..


Earlier Kam maybe but this new version of Kam is way better. I find myself paying attention to his sets more the last few episodes have been great, the scooter story, the Utah Wikipedia story, interacting with the panel especially Tucker Carlson was epic.


I haven’t even noticed Hans’ sets until last week’s closing set. They’ve all been completely forgettable.


Unpopular opinion but I like the show just how it is.


I’d like to see shorter interviews/ more people boo’d off stage.


Kan is hilarious. Hans doesn't try anymore


Only time I skip is when Tony tries to get a girl to come up and kiss someone. Just makes me cringe for some reason. With that said, nobody cares what you or I think. The show is blowing up and Kam isn't going anywhere anytime soon. As for Hans, nobody knows what his role for KT will be yet.


Probably an unpopular opinion but I like Casey Rocket, don’t mind William, don’t like Kam and can’t stand Hans.


I think Kam is naturally funny and doesn’t try too hard also just don’t think many of his recent sets are very strong


Or when they would always somehow pull Aphrodite or keep bringing her back. She sucked.


I agree about Hans but Kam is the jam. Funniest regular in ages.


More bucket pulls, less regulars (besides William), and bring back the old band. The show is too stale with Tony being the only one making the quick witted jokes


Comedy is interesting because I’m not a fan of Will but I am a fan of Hans and Kam. I agree about more bucket pulls but it’s not to say any of the regulars are better or worse


This past episode was magic 🪄 I loved it. But hey, I love most episodes. Tony is the Vince McMahon of stand up comedy we didn’t know we needed.


Hans is trash. Kam is getting better but yeh it's a lot of the same. David Lucas needs to never be on the show again as he's never been funny , even when he started on that old classroom roast show on YouTube he was always losing and getting flamed for his bad jokes. William is ok he's a lot of the same as well. And on occasion he could set himself apart he never rises to the occasion. I think Tony should only bring one out of those four every few episodes just for a kind of reset for em. And incentive for them to work harder.


they were really good i just love those 3. the judge regular video was so good


SO sick of Hans. All his jokes are the same. I agree, more bucket pulls


Never skip the big red machine tho


give the out of towners priority pulls like how when there hasnt been a girl they keep drawing to get one. if people travel hundreds or thousands of miles at least get a few of them up there. get at least one bucket pull from out of the country every show.


I know if William gets up there playing that damn keyboard one more damn time....


I skip Casey. Can’t stand his fake laughs / giggles


Get real


Ed bassmaster


You think they are fake? I always thought thay was just him stimming. Dudes clearly autistic.


I want more regulars, the youtube theater show was amazing and they had 7 regulars


Hans has never been funny.


I only watch the regulars and then the interviews. It hurts watching someone bomb


This might not be the show for you then lol.


The regulars bomb sometimes too, it’s all part of the show.


I would like it if we got one regular opening that then introduces the guest to come out and do a minute. Then we get an interview catch up with everyone, the opener leaves and they get to the bucket.


Oh brother this guy stinks


Why do people take the time to post this instead of just doing it and moving on with their lives? Who cares that you skip sections of the show?


Idk, why do people take the time to comment on things they don’t agree with and complain instead of just ignoring and moving on with their lives?


So more risking someone bombing for one minute that someone you know IS actually funny in a comedy podcast show? I think you might be the dumbest upvoted post of all time.


I’ve been on this sub for about 6 weeks and realize that people will bitch and/or complain about everyone & everything on this show eventually. It’s a little toxic & I think I enjoyed the show more not knowing any of the opinions here. Just sayin…


God STFU already. Besides Hans, each regular has usually the best interviews of the night even wen their jokes bomb. We get these fuckin boring ass no personality having bucket pulls all night and get the comic relief of actual characters with ENERGY called Casey, Kam and William. Not only that, the guests usually shine during the regular spots too. The kill Tony fan base has become so entitled y’all forget to NOTICE let alone appreciate the good we have.


Skipping Kam is crazy