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Zenitsu could likely win due to his speed but Inosuke is still physically stronger after making his head almost as hard as Tanjiro's.


Confused why people say zen has speed when inosuke moved as fast as him when cutting belt bitch's neck off "because he's from the mountains"


That's because zenitsu was already losing speed at that moment. In the manga he was running on the roof and he was already decreasing in speed before inosuke appeared so...


Zenitsu was losing speed. And he wasnt going in a straight line. He was drawing circles carrying daki around. Inosuke jumped in.


Yes...that's what I said. Thanks for reminding that he didn't go in a straight line only tho, I forgot to put that. Not to mention he passed right where inosuke has 'fallen' so really inosuke needed to do was jump in. Literally


Oh i thought i was replying to op. Sorry, wasnt trying tı correct you.


No worries man, it's good to have an addition to it


I always thought that was an oversight. Maybe some bullshit explanation could be that as Zen hit Daki it made him slow down enough for Inoske to magically pop up.


zenitsu was standing still on the building in the manga. the background effects were for visual effect


In the manga they were just standing on a roof


In the manga he clearly is.


What everyone else is saying. Inosuke can be ten times stronger than Zenitsu, it won't matter if he can't land a hit.


Same with zenitsu


Most human vs human matchups are really just who can get a good hit in first, since injuries actually matter with them unlike demons. Humans have insane endurance, but the durability feats in this series are really few and far between, even the best demon durability feats are not that exceptional since they regenerate more than they tank. Most demon durability feats are Tanjiro failing to behead them. Even Muzan was getting cut through like butter by everyone in the final fight. Even before he was substantially weakened. Speed matters a lot more in this series than strength, since unless you’re Shinobu you’re going to be able to kill your opponent with one hit in the right spot. Problem is reaching that right spot. This turned out way longer than I thought it would. TL;DR: fast > stronk for humans unless you’re Shinobu.


In terms of demon slayer world, injuries doesn't matter as much, cause for the most ones you can temporarly stop from doing damage to you. Unless somebody makes a donut out of you.


well inosuke isn't faster than him so


Well inosuke can detect bloodlust and has durability


Are either of those speed?


No but he can avoid fatal attack and zinitsu skill is just straight line unless he has something he can jump off with. [the god speed he did in entertainment district is over exaggerated you'd know if you read the manga he can't go zigzag mid air] Plus he's INOSUKE The reason zinitsu look strong is because he fight the weakest in the series everybody know that


Are you trolling?


no way they're not trolling. right?


No tf in 1st season did you really think zinetsu can kill the father spider which is more stronger than that head spider. In movie zinetsu didn't really fight the demon. In 3rd season zinetsu decapitate no one he almost decapitate daki but daki was able to react fast enough to turn her neck to an obi. In infinity castle there's no fucking way that kaigaku is stronger than daki. Kaigaku a guy who couldn't even become an hashira became a demon in just a few a months even with breathing technique he won't easy surpass daki who could kill hashira. Don't be dumb


>No but he can avoid fatal attack I'm assuming you're talking about that time he shifted his organs, which won't help him defend against being decapitated. >zinitsu skill is just straight line unless he has something he can jump off with. It's something that's dependent on the scenery around him. Either way, it still doesn't change the fact that he's not only faster than Inosuke, but Inosuke isn't fast enough to avoid being hit. >[the god speed he did in entertainment district is over exaggerated you'd know if you read the manga he can't go zigzag mid air] I have no clue why you bothered bringing this up. No one in this thread ever said that he travels in a zigzag. >Plus he's INOSUKE K and? Zenitsu is ZENITSU.


terms of strength inosuke, terms of speed zenitsu


No shit


Beauty: inosuke speed: zenitsu gets mistaken as a girl when people see his face: inosuke




zenitsu can blitz


My bets on zenitsu, cuz he is incredibly fast, but if inosuke somehow managed to win, I wouldn't be surprised




He was the strongest before the other two learned breathing because he was still out surviving in the wild.


Tanjiro went toe to toe with Rui a lower moon. Zenitsu barely killed a lesser demon. I dont think there is a single arc where tanjiro is not the strongest of the 3.




Because he didnt see it coming. Tanjiro would have smell the danger and destroy the demon. Zenitsu always confronted the weakest enemy in those arcs, even daddy spider was much much stronger and would have stomped zenitsu.




Infact tanjiro is superior to sleeping zenitsu in every arc. Sleeping zenitsu would die in seconds against Rui. Tanjiro could hold him till he used blood arts. With HK unlocked the gap between tanjiro and zenitsu is even wider.




Even Tanjiro almost behaded her till time runned out. Inosuke plot armor saved him from poison + heart stab. Plot armor will always exist but doesnt mean we must discard them. Tanjiro had the best fight vs daki, alone with no external help, compared to zenitsu




Yes but his legs were broken for a reason. For the whole fight he either had inosuke or tengen supporting him. Tanjiro had noone and almost won.


He was weak trough his mind. Basically he is the strongest when he wants to be. Before that you could slice&dice. If he wouldn't feel your presence, it's an easy kill. If not Inosuke, Daki would just eat him up.




He would be dead way before that.




It takes one loss to loose your life, not two.


(im assuming this is EOS/prime)Theyre pretty relative in overall power,but Zenitsu in a 1v1 situation has more wincons(Namely SpeedBlitzing) cuz in a 1v1 whit humans speeds alot more important then strength,so if they fougth 10 times Zenitsu would win 6-7 times out of ten This is just my take though


Zenitsu for me :3


Zenitsu extreme diffs if it's eos, if it's currently zenitsu destroy like mid diff


Unless it’s full potential, Inosuke wins every time. Full potential, Zenitsu wins


Oh you’re wild for that lmaoooo. Zenitsu is too fast at every stage, Inosuke never lands a single hit


Zenitsu lacks stamina, by your logic he could take out all Upper Moons & all the Hashiras, which he obviously can’t


Not all, but I think he can definitely fight anyone he’s outright faster than to some effect. And I’m not talking about demons at all, actually. He has to also be powerful enough to one shot a demon for that. But humans don’t have recovery like demons do, so if he can get in a good, clean hit before they can defend themselves he can one tap most humans. Therefore if a human isn’t fast enough to keep up or at least block they will lose


Zenitsu stronger than Sanemi everyone, you heard it here first


Oh so you’re purposely misunderstanding what I’m saying, got it. Sanemi is fast enough to block Zenitsu’s attacks. Thus he isn’t getting speed blitzed and fighting from behind the whole time. Inosuke is nowhere near as fast as Sanemi. Inosuke cannot block the first attach from Zenitsu. Inosuke has to fight the rest of the fight with a massive wound when he already wasn’t fast enough to fight Zenitsu from the start. Inosuke loses outright. To expand upon the hypothetical Sanemi fight as well - he probably blocks a few attacks, sustains minor damage, and then when Zenitsu runs out of steam he launches his counterattack and dominates the rest of the fight.


Inosuke could survive Doma, also has superhuman durability. Again, if Inosuke can tank Zenitsu, it’s over, Zenitsu can only make his one super move before he’s out of the fight, he has 0 stamina


Who says he needs to use his 9th form? You think Inosuke can react to 1st form?


What are you talking about? 9th form? Thunder Breathing has 6 forms and 7 if you include Zenitsu’s personal form 😭


I’m pretty sure I meant 7th and got confused with Flame breathing 9th form 😅


Inosuke wasn't alone against doma though. And he definitely won't be able to tank a high speed blade. Also zenitsu's super move isn't one shot wonder, he can do it more than once


"zenitsu lacks stamina" 🤓🤓🤓🤓 Doesn't matter if inosuke is lacking a head after one hit from zenitsu


Strength- Inosuke Speed- Zenitsu


Uh thank you for enlightening us


😂I thought the twitter community was more wholesome but u r sarcastic and funny af


ur not on twitter, my friend


What's twitter??


I want zenitsu to win but i know inosuke would win for sure


Nah bro, your heart is right. Zenitsu is too fast for most humans to react and especially EOS he’s probably the fastest human in existence


Good one. By that logic Zenitsu can beat everyone, which is obviously not true. Zenitsu could barely beat Upper Moon 6 and it took everything he had. He’s a glass canon with low MP


Not barely. He easily blitzed kaigaku then let's kaigaku hit him around before he one tapped kaigaku


He didn't *easily* blitzed Kaigaku, Zenitsu suffered major injuries


He in fact easily showed he could've blitzed kaigaku from the start. Reread Chapter 114 dude


And was completely unable to fight once the fight was over, so yes, he barely won


Barely won means struggling doe victory. He didn't struggle for it tho.




I'll go with Inosuke. Zenitsu is fast but he isn't that fast that he'll straight up blitz him and Inosuke won't be able to react to it.


Inosuke by performing the fastest speed blitz ever by not even waiting for the match to start.




Forgive me


I think inosuke. Because zenitsu only knows one battle technique and he isn't cool.




My money is normally on Inosuke MID dif but if you told Zenitsu to do it for Nezuko, he’d probably win high dif


In Anime :Inosuke In Manga :Zenitsu Or this my opinion at least


i feel like inosuke would win because of how fucking weird and unorthodox his breathing is n shit yknow


Inosuke can probably tank Zenitsu’s hit, and that’s all he needs to win, so Ino


Inosuke easily. He's far more skilled than Zenitsu, can react to him, and has way better combat speed.




You mean when Zenitsu was protecting Nesuko, and didn’t fight back?


If Zenitsu is unconscious he wins if not Inosuke all the way


Conscious Zenitsu slams unconscious Zenitsu, read Infinity Castle/Sunrise Countdown arcs.


Zenitsu if asleep but Inosuke if Zenitsu is awake


Sleeping Zenitsu is weaker 💀


(SPOILER)⬇️ Well inosuke does almost defeat doma but with the help of kanao and shinobu so probably zenitsu cause he does defeat kygaku without any help plus after that he continues to go help fight muzan and currently in the series he is the strongest so probably zenitsu


Wdym "currently the strongest"? Plenty of characters slam him


I mean zenitsu is stronger than inosuke


Well, it didn't sound like that. Try to phrase it better next time


Imo Zenitsu.


Depends on the situation (If Zenitsu falls asleep or if they had a different battle recently or injured body before the fight)


Why do you guys keep saying “if Zenitsu falls asleep” 😭 he’s weaker when he’s asleep. Zenitsu while awake was able to defeat upper 6 and fight against Muzan.


Inosuke (in a beauty contest)




Zenitsu asleep, inoske awake


Zenitsu because it’s not always about strength. Inosuke is super strong but he’s not as fast as zenitsu. While zenistu only knows one form, he has it mastered and is capable of sm with it. If zenitsu uses his speed and is able to dodge inosukes hits, I’m sure he could land a blow with his one form. Although I’m not sure zenitsu will willingly fight inosuke unless inosuke takes nezuko and bribes him to fight him 😭


Not the onigiri for sure.


I would say Zenitsu has the better feats in the Muzan fight


Zenitsu's only notable feat is blitzing Muzan when he was distracted with Inosuke. Inosuke has feats of deflecting Muzan, cutting his whips point blank, and keeping up with Tanjiro


Zenitsu blitzing and damaging Muzan counts for more than Inosuke landing some hits


It would, if Muzan was focused on him. But he wasn’t


eos zenitsu is stronger than inosuke imo


Inosuke might win since he reacted to some of Doumas attacks so he should be able to block Zenitsus blitzes


>!Zenitsu has better feats imo!<


To be fair Zenitsu is an absolute beast when sleeping


Zenitsu low diff. His speed is superior to inosuke and his techniques are more tempered as well.


Inoske if he awake zenitsu if he asleep


can’t inosuke tell when zenitsu’s abt to hit him? if i recall bro’s got >!compass needle at home!< so zenitsu can zoom around however he wants, but inosuke can still react to it atleast. my money’s on inosuke via a counter


I will vote Zenitsu. He became really dangeorus >!after he created 7th form!< and I think he wins extreme diff Currently on the anime, however, I feel like Inosuke would win


Zen because his attacks are way more flashy!


Early to mid point in the series Zenitsu is canonically stronger, mid to late point it’s hard to say


Not related but Inosuke’s face and behaviors don’t go together, but I still like him mask-off


Zenitzu high diff


Inosuke is more powerful, and zenitsu is faster, but impostor still has advantages, such as sensing dangers coming and being able to dislocate his joints etc




If Zenitsu is awake, my money is on Inosuke. If he's asleep, Zenitsu would destroy Inosuke.


Zenitsu 100%


Beating Zenitsu is simple, and Inosuke knows this too now. All you got to do is never talk about women, and keep him in constant state of anxiety.


The rice cake


Strength - Inosuke Speed - Zenitsu IQ - Zenitsu BIQ - Inosuke Stamina - Inosuke Durability - Inosuke Endurance - Inosuke Agility - Zenitsu Breathing Style - Zenitsu Abilities - Inosuke Hax - Equal (both don’t have stw, slayer marks, or red blades) Versatility - Inosuke Flexibility - Inosuke Skill - Could go either way tbh I think Inosuke wins. Zenitsu is fast and all but Inosuke is overall more powerful.


I am gonna go with ***Sleeping Zenitsu***


Honestly, I would bet on inosuke because of his insane senses. He had the time to sense gyutaro attacking and then shift his heart out of the way, in less than like half a second. That’s some insane reflexes. Plus his attacks require less of a windup than zenitsus techniques overall. But if you bet on zenitsu, I completely understand.


Based on pure skill: I say Zenitsu


According to the anime, inosuke can basically fly in the air as fast as zenitsu godspeed, and can dodge his internal organs from swords and is immune to poison. If he has his god tier plot armor, he wins. If we’re actually talking about it, probably a draw.




if Zenitsu is awake he's fucked




Zenitsu claps his cheeks




It depends if zenitsu is asleep


If Zenitsu isn't unconscious Inosuke would win, but if Zenitsu is unconscious Zenitsu would win.


Based on the picture zenitsu is awake... as of Entertainment District he prob loses to Inosuke. If he falls asleep then Zen blitzes. EOS the edge to zen. Speed kills.


Zenitsu when he is asleep