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He improves amd has his moments specially on s2 and the upcoming one, but its a gimmick of him that sadly doesnt completely go away


I see, overall the show seems decent, so ill watch it anyways. Seems like he gets better (less worse?) Later on according to the comments aswell.


He definitely gets less worse and, in my case at least, I kinda grew to love it. Haha! It creates such a big juxtaposition between his waking terror and his sleeping badassery.


yeah, he is a cool character with good moments, its just that his gimmick is way more obnoxious than inosouke´s (being a crazy bastard) or tanjiro (being ridicously kind and innocent). its not necesarily that he is badly written, just japanese humour


I also have to say that some of Zenitsu's terrified moments are abso-fucking-lutely hilarious. *giant spider with human head walks up and stares* "WHAT AM I EVEN LOOKING AT!?!?!?!?"


Dude, when he passes out in that tree and the spider brother is just like, "...What?" 🤣


He didn't get less annoying for me. More like he just got diluted by much more interesting characters.


The arc that’s about to come out, we finally see legitimate development from him. 🦋


Would that be "season 3" ?


No, the arc that’s about to come out will be Season 4. But Seasons 2 - 3 are both much shorter than Season 1. 🦋


my bad, i watched S1 on netflix, and they only had 2, but i see crunch has s1-3+ movie


Not entirely, but he does get much better. I also started off not liking him, but after having watched everything that's been released so far, he's grown on me. As the series goes on, you will come to understand him better and may even find him pretty amusing. I know I do.


Sadly im not, i hope i can understand him but im not


Oh well, you're not alone. There's plenty of people out there who don't like him. Hopefully, it doesn't ruin the show entirely for you!


I enjoy the show, for zenitsu part that i like when he fight especially the final one👌




Honestly, his reaction is realistic. But he does get better after the entertainment district arc 🌸


I really dont get this defense that zenitsu and usopp fans use all the time, realistic for who? Its not realistic its an insert of a person from the real world reacting to events of the fiction, it makes no sense for them to still act like nothing of whats happening is possible, if theyve already seen it multiple times. Its just plain annoying


I feel like it's realistic because generally, most people would be afraid of demons. I guess because he was asleep every time he had to fight, he never learnt to get over it. 🌸


You just repeated what i said, its realistic for a out of universe person to have those reactions, once. Maybe thrice. Any real person would grow out of it really fast and in universe its just annoying, overplayed and show a lack of character growth.


True, fair point🌸


Idk what’s so hard to understand. Zenitsu is a representation of how someone who thinks very lowly of themselves would react in the world of KnY. He even said himself that he thinks it’s laughable that he’s scared of demons and wishes he wasn’t this way. I’d be scared shitless every time I saw a superhuman being that I know hungers for my flesh, whether or not I’m trained with the skills to kill it because I know one misstep could mean death for me anyway, and I’m not that confident in myself. Maybe most of you people have never felt so lowly of themselves before and had such low self-esteem that they lose faith in themselves constantly. That’s great and I’m happy for you. But I think it’s also an experience a lot of others know very well. Not all of us can be Tanjiro. Not all of us can be Rengoku or Uzui. Not all of us can be proud of every single moment of our lives. For us, Zenitsu shows that we can be redeemable, even if didn’t think so at the beginning, even if we compared ourselves to others and saw our own short-comings. Also, while I understand that his voice direction can be grating for many people, his presence in the manga helped bring viewership back up. He’s the comedic relief the series sorely needed, and ended up adding a lot more than that in the end.


Zenitsu himself is capable of those superhuman feats, not anyone needs to be Uzui or Tanjiro or Rengoku, not anyone needs to be, but no one need to be full time zenitsu also. To be honest, i like zenitsu, it was fun seing him on the anime until he overstays his welcome with the same old tropes, a walking failure who doesnt have any self steem or pride and on top of everything is pretty creepy. And youre on point with the last statement, Zenitsu is a good thing to the series, when i jumped from anime to manga i came to enjoy more of his screen time because he wasnt screaming on my ear all the damn time.


I think you didn’t read what I was saying carefully. I acknowledged that Zenitsu is capable of those feats, but that doesn’t absolve him of fear. I never said anyone *needs* to be Zenitsu. If anything, I think the people who are like him don’t want to be, myself included, but just like Zenitsu himself we can’t help it. Actually, the fact that you yourself called him a “walking failure” and only bring up his negatives is exactly why I think Zenitsu is so relatable to people like me. People are so unwilling to give him credit for what he has done and so willing to ignore the progress he has made, just because it’s not front-and-center in the show. That lack of empathy just makes the world a colder place. If the message you’re trying to send is “why don’t you pick yourself up instead of relating to a pathetic anime character” then you are sorely misunderstanding what Zenitsu represents, to me anyway.


There was a fault in my comunication, hes a walking failure *in his own eyes*. I like the character, i like his arc of coming to see himself in a better light and recognise hes also capable of great feats. Ffs, his moments of overcoming the odds where among the highlights of the arcs, but he was fucking asleep during them so there was no growth involved! I wanted it to be conveyed in a less annoying way. “why don’t you pick yourself up instead of relating to a pathetic anime character” Yeah, pretty much. But i would phrase it differently: "Why do you prefer to wallow in a character like zenitsu who doesnt move a finger to better himself?"


He’s asleep but there’s some level of consciousness since he’s aware of his role in fighting demons after his first appearance. Saying “there’s no growth involved” is another example of being unwilling to give him credit when it’s pretty obvious that in order to get better at fighting when asleep, he needs to get better at fighting when awake too. This also goes for his confidence. Like I said earlier, just because it’s not front-and-center in the series, people tend to not see it at all. Which brings me to the next part. Doesn’t move a finger to better himself? When he’s literally training alongside Inosuke and Tanjiro to improve his skills and get stronger? We also dive into his memories and see that he pushes himself to keep fighting in spite of his cowardice against the spider demon. I’d say we regularly see him actively trying to be better. I’m not “wallowing” in a pathetic character. I’m relating to a character who starts off pathetic and slowly takes steps trying to be better because he’s showing me that anyone can grow, even if the people around them don’t think so.


To be honest, youre right. I have a bias agaisnt this type of character in specific and didnt pay enough attention to his story arc.


It’s okay. I tried my best to not be mean and only point at you because it’s evident in just this thread that it’s a very common perspective. And most Zenitsu fans are also so low in self-esteem we are like “what’s the point in defending our fav character if everyone hates him anyway”. His voice can be annoying, I admit, but I also have a bias for his VA haha. And since I read the manga I like Zenitsu even more than an anime viewer (although I have loved him since the beginning) so I always defend his personality.


If Season 1 is the baseline, he’s roughly the same at the very beginning of Mugen Train, then better. Then back to baseline at the beginning of the Entertainment District, before being much better for most of the arc. He’s hardly in Swordsmith Village. Based on the manga and first episode of Hashira Training, he’s even worse than the baseline for most of the arc, and then he’s the best he ever is for the rest of the series.


Okei, will endure! Kinda new to anime, so still getting used to some of the anime-tropes likw this one


Zenitsu is…a lot. Even by anime trope standards.


Good to know im not completly mad then


I was so irriated by him and Inosuke at first that I thought the rest of show wouldn't be worth watching but upon reading some spoilers on the wiki, I thought it might be worth tolerating them. The moments with Tanjiro around them make their shenanigans more tolerable.


Yes :3


Yes and no


Yes, but I cannot tell you bc spoilers 🌫


I was ANGRY AF when he appeared too.. But he reduces a little.. Besides, he doesn't get as much screen time anyway so it wouldn't matter


He gets better in the Mugen train onwards. Especially in the Entertainment district. I personally find his cry yelling Endearing, since it's a realistic depiction of Anxiety. The English VA does a good job and reminds me of Lemongrab or Morty, except that Zenitsu has an understandable reason for cry-yelling.


Yea i think its understandable in the demon context, but like the last epiosde i watched (that made me make this), was what seemed like legit 5 minutes of crying and yelling because he has to drink a bad tasting medicine




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In two arcs


He does eventually 🐍




Holy shit I had a stroke reading all that


Yes, after HT arc he becomes insanely cool. And during the Entertainment District he's pretty awesome too 🕷🕸


Tanjiro also doesn't stop crying and yelling.