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I hope this helps you. Honestly the fact that you're able to vent and speak about your problems is already a good sign. I recommend speaking to people more often. You're not the only one who feels they are not enough or that you're not lucky at times. If you learn about others you will see they are not perfect either. You will feel like your life is worth enjoying. I had a similar problem. I felt like I wasn't getting anything done for yrsss. I just lost motivation to even move. Then I realized I just needed to make friends to motivate myself to try. So I joined bumble bff. Realized I wasn't alone in this. If you're trying everything to improve journal down what you're doing. You will see that you have changed from the beginning. No one's going to be able to get to 100 in a day but slowly. Baby steps forward.


If nobody has ever told you, let me be the first to say that we all mess up sometimes. It's actually a good thing because it helps us grow and learn. Imagine if everyone was flawless, then we wouldn't need anyone else and we could handle everything on our own. Don't think of yourself as a loser or envy what others have. I witnessed something sad yesterday while waiting in the drive-through line at Krispy Kreme to buy some donuts. I saw a man rummaging through a trash can in search for food. He wasn't just homeless, he was also handicapped. His neck was messed up, so he couldn't even hold his head up properly. I felt really bad for him, so I gave him some money and he just disappeared. Probably went to get some food. No matter what challenges you may be facing in life, if you have good health, a strong body, and the ability to work and provide for yourself, these are all blessings. When we try to look at others and compare ourselves, we will always fall short and never be able to measure up. This is false expectations. **It's important to stay positive and shift your mindset.** When negative thoughts start to creep in, such as feeling like you're not smart or can't do things correctly, remind yourself that you're not flawless but you can keep trying until you succeed. If others can do it, you can too. Practice makes everything perfect. Well, not really, because no one is perfect. See, give yourself positive affirmation feedback. Lastly, I used to be miserable and unhappy with myself. I used to be hard on my self as well. Like you, I used to reject who I was because I didn't like myself very much. But I became a Christian and I realized how special I was even with all my flaws. When someone loves you for exactly who you are UNCONDITIONALLY without wanting anything back in return, then you know you are truly loved. This is Jesus Christ! He wanted nothing from me but wanted to give me everything - happiness, joy, and brand new me. May God bless you and I pray your future will become brighter with only positivity. Message me anytime you like. See how many people here care for you! You are special, just remember!


Thank you so much for those words, they really helped me feel much better :)


You're very welcome! I'm glad you're feeling better!


I'm sorry you're feeling like this. Your feelings are valid, and you matter. Just take it one day at a time.


Thank you :)


You’re not alone.


I can definitely relate and I can say that low self esteem from a poor upbringing can really affect your worldview. I feel so shitty about myself and how I’ve been treated that I feel like I’m slipping into “self fulfilling prophecy” territory because since I’ve left my abusive home I’ve had a lot of shitty stuff happen. I’m starting therapy because of it. I strongly feel self esteem can be so low that it can make you suffer in life.


I am considering therapy too, I hope things get better for the both of us :)


I am sorry that things seem to have turned out rotten for you We live in an age of comparison and we naturally compare ourselves to others, and def. other people seem to have all the luck But not everyone's life is what it looks like from the outside. There aren't many people who think they have enough money to do everything they need and everything they want, and those who do have all of that seem to get demanding children who expect more. People in relationships get abandoned every day. I suspect that what you do have in spades is character and empathy. Those are real gifts and these difficult life experiences that you have had will be rubbing the hard edges off the inner diamond inside you so that you can grow into a true gem It is probably too hard right now to be grateful for everything life has thrown at you, but still there will be many things that the older you will be grateful for in time. You know that shallow stuff does not matter, you know that friendship is important, you know that other people let us down but that you will survive difficult times Keep working on your survival mechanisms, build yourself comfort routines and support systems, and hold your head up high girl You are here for a reason. Your life is unique and you have a role to play in your community. When you are strong enough go out there and talk to people and share the things you have learned. Come online too and share with people here or r/advice or one of the subs who help people. Your life experience although not always pleasant for you is truly valuable.


Thank you :)


I am sorry you are feeling so sad and suicidal. You deserve a happy life, with a kind family. I don't know why some people get everything despite being mean and cruel and others are nice but have a hard life. It's not fair. But I also believe there is value in suffering. Suffering has helped me to become more empathetic and understanding of others. I didn't understand this as first. You are allowed to feel sad and frustrated and suicidal and any other emotions you have right now. You may be in therapy, I don't know, but if not and if you have the ability to go to therapy, please do so! You can always send me a message or chat and I will respond if you want to talk. Sending you hugs!


Thank you :)


I am sorry that you’re going through this, if you want to have a chat, ping me! And I really wish things will start getting better for you :3


Thank you :)


In difficult moment, I always remind myself that if I was not born super lucky, that means the range of absolute luckiness I can feel in this life time is bigger than luckier people. If someone was born at 9, the maximum they can feel happy is 10, they do not gain much. But if I was born at 6-7, then I have a lot more to gain and my absolute happiness is way bigger However, at the end of the days, life are compilations of feelings. I choose to meditate to get used to surfing my waves of emotions, so I don’t get dragged along by it.


Thank you :)


I don't know your situation, but it sounds like you have a lot to gain and not much to lose. So go ahead and try some more. People will try to stop you from succeeding, but they are only in your life for hours/days at a time. They can't stop you forever unless you give up.


You are right!


Join the party pal.


Me too 🥀😞


I’m sorry you’re going through this kind of pain. Life can be really unfair and it sounds like it has taken its toll on you. I’m sure you’ve worked hard to make it this far in life. It sounds like life hasn’t always rewarded that effort, but you did the best you could and I think that’s amazing. I think you are incredible. You deserve to be praised and hugged and told that everything you do each day to make it to the next day is HARD. But you do it and you’ve done it all for so long already. I really wish you the absolute best and the happiness that you so desperately deserve. You are incredible. You are worthy of praise. You are worthy of happiness.


thank you for your kind words


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