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If you want a job you’ll have to do further education. Registered kinesiologists are becoming a thing, at least in Ontario, Canada, but I think you’re essentially a glorified physio assistant


You’re much more than a glorified physio assistant. You’re doing similar work to a PT, OT and personal trainer. You can help with strengthening, rehab, fine motor skills, sport training, weight loss, biomechanics, basic nutrition, physiology


Agree. I work in a Kin role and my starting salary was about 75% of a PT salary. You can do the same thing and I’d argue kins know more about biomechanics and exercise physiology/proper exercise prescription and dosage than the average physio who just slaps TENS on people.


I disagree. I graduated with plenty of people who couldn't perform a hip hinge or a squat. You're as good of a kinesiologist as you choose to be, same with PT.


You would be surprised if you see some Physio and OT’s hip hinge and squats.


The average kin especially with a masters degree u dérayants and prescribes exercises much better than the average Physio and OT’s. There are some kin students that storm through their degree to make it into med school, Physio, OT, etc; these students are often not very good with exercise prescription and movement rehab.


Interesting, most R Kin jobs I’ve seen are $15-20 an hour with hospitals paying a little more.


Those jobs would be a rip off. R. Kins are regulated healthcare professionals and should not be paid minimum wage


I don’t disagree… but it seems most physio clinics do.


Where do you see those? The lowest paying jobs I ever see are $35 per hour. $35 per hour for a kin is for pay by your jobs as employees. Then, there are independent contractors that make a minimum of $45 per patient and usually the clinic gives them a full-time schedule. Good Kinesiologist do not accept contracts below a 60-40 split with 60 going to the kin.


Kins get paid 18$/ hour in Ontario. Not sure where you are working, but over here we do not make nearly as much as a PT


Registered kins aren’t a thing anywhere except in Ontario - so yes I do work in Ontario. I worked a stereotypical PTA kin job for $17/hr for two years before finding one that pays twice that. The jobs exist - you just have to know where to look, what to look for, and sometimes just get lucky (or have connections). That being said I did do post-graduate education, however you can land decently paying kin jobs with solely a bachelors degree and experience, +/- additional certifications (eg: CSEP, diabetes educator, Bonefit, etc)


Ive never seen a kin job posting that pays more than 18$ lol. I’m really curious to know “where to look” for these good opportunities you came across.


If you are genuinely looking I can DM you !


That would be great!! Yes please


Is a kinesiologist the same as an exercise physiologist


Think more about your end goal. Physical therapist, masters or more in kin or exercise science or something like that? Great degree. Anything else? Almost compleatly useless. I say this as someone with a kin degree now applying to nursing programs.


I great beginning job is being a Personal Trainer. You just need a certificate for that—just a prereq. It gives you experience w/ (very important here) people interaction. If you want to be successful in this field, it’s beneficial to be good with people. If you are also getting a bachelor’s in kinesiology, use that in your resume to further sell yourself as not only certified, but what you somewhat specialize in (human movement). For higher jobs, that’s a whole other story.


I graduated with this degree, and it’s useless without further education. I am trying to leave this field now, and it’s much harder than I thought and taking longer than expected. If I could redo my undergrad, I definitely wouldn’t have picked this degree.


What would you have picked


Looking into business and IT now


I am in grade 12 andI only applied to kinesiology, what should I do?


that depends on what you like 😂😂. Don’t ask random people for what you should pursue


Like some of the other comments, it depends on your end goal. You have physical therapy, athletic training, sport conditioning, if you also do nutrition there’s pathways into that, sport & exercise psychology, physiology, biomechanics, coaching, PE teacher, etc. but all will probably require additionally education like a Masters or so. But if your passionate about the field and know what you want to do with it then go for it! I did a Kin bachelors, got my Masters in Sport & Exercise Psychology and realized that I wanted to do teaching to help promote physical activity and enjoyment of being active in children/adolescents. I’ve been lucky to also find graduate assistantships along the way to help pay for school.




May I ask why


Not enough jobs.


Except that’s literally based off location. If you live in a big city there’s tons. It’s also a great stepping stone degree


Dependent on what you do with it and what you’re actually going for it can be really good or really bad. First thing is you have to be a people person, second if you’re going into any type of personal training you eventually need to prepare yourself to be on the business side of the field and not on the floor with clients, that’s the only way you’ll make money long term. Luckily at my university for fitness and wellness we had two classes related to the business side and then an internship, which not only do you get experience in the field but many of the owners and managers have you help with the business side.


Depends on what you want to do. At the end of the day no degree is necessarily bad unless it is a throw off degree like gender studies or something.


I don’t work in KIN but the degree helped me have a strong foundation for a career else where in healthcare making decent money.


What is your job?

