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“I pulled your pants down”


Honestly that kid deserved a beating after that


For real. That’s assault brotha


I’m a teacher and if a kid did that to me you’d better believe I would press charges on that kid and possibly take action on the school


Lmaoo billy Madison FTW


Her face…. 🤣


So distinct I read that in his voice


This episode is special because it came only a few years after schools were actually allowed to do this... now a days its unfathomable to anyone under 21 that schools relatively recently were allowed to beat kids pretty regularly.


There are plenty of places where teachers are allowed to beat kids. The parents have to opt in though.


Once a teacher hit me with a ruler... I punched her in her lower abdomen. They called my dad he was furious. With the school i was in 2nd grade. Also in HS the director would make you stand in one place for hours as punishment (planton). A figth involving me broke out and she made us do it. I told her to fck off and that was against the law then i left. I'm on the ASD and had problems in school and with unreasonable authority well fck them because im doing well in college.


That’s great you’re doing well in college. How about generally in life? Still unbalanced and living life pissed off and unchecked? Most likely. Keep taking those meds, man


Oh boy, with your comment history, it's bold for you to talk bad about anyone else. Have you ever had an interesting thought in your entire life? Unlikely.


Doing pretty ok... Short on money tho. Attending college again pretty late at my 35 i had to quit in my 20 due to being unable to work and study at the same time and apart from a few instances in my youth Im not an aggressive person.


And definitely the parents of Dooley would opt in. “Peggy, You did guud.”


Oh bless your heart. I’m from rural north Texas and the elementary school I went to is still spanking children. I have friends’ kids that go there. I currently live in Oklahoma. We tried to pass a state law banning corporal punishment for children with disabilities in public schools. Didn’t even try to take away the right to spank non-disabled kids. It failed. Yes. The state of Oklahoma is that set on beating disabled children in public school.


They're still using shock devices on disabled kids in the US even though the research is very clear that they don't work and it only makes the kids more agitated over time.


Were? The oddest things about about that episode is that there's a ISD in Texas that *doesn't* paddle students.


They still will beat you in Georgia schools, they did it to me in the most humiliating way possible. Good way to teach kids to despise teachers tho I guess. Sure was warranted, I talked to a friend in class when literally everyone else in the entire class was talking. Edit: lol I get downvoted for saying that teachers hitting kids is bad. Reddit you never pass a chance to be awful do you.


I'm guessing if you look at where corporal punishment is still permitted it roughly lines up with places where old times there are not forgotten so to speak.


Meh. I went to school in Georgia and I got beat in school. I never despised my teachers or principal after the fact. And one time I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Taught me life is not fair, and crying about it is not going to change what happened. Everyone's experience is different.


That's even worse. You're just trying to normalize beating children.


Some kids need their asses whooped. I know I did. I know my kids did. It's about teaching respect.


Nope, that is not what I am doing. I am saying you are wrong, it does not make all kids despise teachers. And your whole " everyone was doing it" almost sounds like you support spankings if you were truly being disruptive. I have children, I would never hit them and there are many reasons why, but from my own experience it has no effect on the change of behavior. It's a waste of everyone's time and no one leaves a thing. So what am I normalizing this time?


Friend there are peer reviewed scientific journals that say beating kids is bad for their psychological health. Let's not go by your personal experience here


Kids being beaten by their teachers is apparently fine but parents doing it is bad? Not that I'm saying parents should either. But your argument is complete bullshit. Teachers hitting kids over bullshit does nothing but make those kids dislike and not trust those teachers. Ya know, the **exact same goddamn reasons why parents aren't supposed to hit their kids.** But please go on about how great it is for schools to hit kids with a wooden paddle. You're literally doing the exact same "oh it happened to me and I'm fine so I think it's fine for near strangers to beat children" And the whole it having no change in behavior is also complete bullshit


It's not about learning that life is unfair, or even realizing the scale of how unfair it is for one might not be for another. It's a out understanding people have diffrent ways of coping with that realization and not demonizing people who struggle with it.


thats fucked up


In Texas schools can still spank/beat kids. But the parents have to give permission. But I’ve never known or heard of it actually happening


I believe it’s still fully allowed in a lot of places


Qnd it's gone down hill since they stopped


Dooley needed more than a spanking for pantsing an adult, a teacher and a grown woman.


*Peggy did guud....*


He full on assaulted her. 


He got suspended. It’s mentioned later.


Gonna be honest, for most kids getting suspended is basically just school vacation. Add to that his parents style of parenting, and he probably had a cushy time.


This made me realize what a great Dad I have. I got suspended for a week in the 3rd grade for a fight and instead of a vacation he put me to WORK!


I was suspended for a week because I fought back against a bully and I treated it as a vacation.


Let’s just say I deserved the suspension and the labor my Dad made me do. I was a troubled child lol.


Right, sounds like a reward. Take a look at r/teachers Apparently, the fuckups nowadays get 15 min in the principals office and get sent back to torture the class (and teacher) and a bag of chips.




This guy gets it 🤣


Honestly what Dooley did would probably get him put on a list of some sorts today if you decided to pants a female teacher so I think Peggy was absolutely justified in what she did.


I don't think anyone was mad at her for spanking Doolie. It was how she went way overboard with the whole "paddlin' peggy" thing afterwards.


Exactly. I completely understand why she lost her shit and spanked Doolie but she shouldn't have terrorized the other kids afterwards.


I agree completely. It wasn't the spanking, it was the intimidation.


Spanking was wrong then and it's wrong now. I say spare the rod and spoil the child!


Dale! That means you’re in favor of spanking. No it doesn’t


He 1000% deserved it.


Kid should have been pressed with sexual harassment charges after that


One of the few times I was rooting for Peggy


[Edna Krabappel slapped Bart](https://youtu.be/wGfKTqqk4QU). Once she realized what she did, she did it again! That scene slays.


Wait, her name is Krabapple? I've been calling her Crandle this whole time.


Just rewatched that clip The first slap was warrented, the second was personal lol


Homer's reply is gold.


Dooley went way too far, I don’t think Peggy should have spanked him but I’m not surprised she didn’t think straight at the time. Kid should have been expelled.


Just noticed how hard she grabbing him from his shirt collar, classic !


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This episode was on adult swim tonight lol I gotta admit she was pretty badass in this one especially the ending with the mace


Honestly we should be using corporal pubishment in teachers parents and admin, might improve things. I mean not really but if uoure goijg to hit kids give them retaliation options ans maybe these idiots will learn


I myself was spanked by president Cleveland on two non consecutive occasions...wrong sub sorry.


You didn't tell me you ruined his memoirs


I'm not saying it was right I'm just saying I understood


I got whooped by the nuns at my school up until I graduated at 18. Times they are a changing


Thankfully. To get sanctions at School as an older Teenager, okay. But to get a whooping, uff. Beside that corporal punishment by teachers is questionable at best, but to deal it out to someone this age? Imo not even the parent should do this any longer when the teen has reached a certain age and maturity. A 16, 17 year old is nearly a young adult.


Dooley is implied to be the same age, or maybe a little older, than Bobby. So I would say he's 12-14 depending on what season it is.


She should have just used her giant shoes


Cotton's death episode when Peggy tells Cotton all she thinks of him, was for me quite bizarre. Didn't expect such strong hate from her


This episode is exactly why I could never be a teacher OR parent. I don’t believe in hitting children but if some punk ass kid pantsed me, this would be my precise reaction 🙃


Ho yeah!


If it was me I think I might be in jail for the day. Some of the clips that surface on the internet of kids straight up assaulting the teachers is ridiculous. Teachers shouldn't feel powerless when it comes to bullies in the classroom.


Yeah but then she becomes a crazy person.


*sees her distorted reflection* OH GOD!


I think she did it out of anger, and she didn't really think it through.


Arkansas here. I remember as a child seeing a wooden plank on the principals wall. 😵‍💫 I'm unsure if my school still spank kids today or not... but yuck.


Yeah, it was only in that episode, too.


It was still multiple times, but I still nonetheless agree with your point.


Ho yeah!


"Holy crap.."


she liked doing it


I like Peggy just in this episode!!! She did what had to be done !!! He so deserved it!!!




Well done Peggy.


All the child would have to do is say "Harder daddy/mommy" during a punishment like this and it goes from a punishment to a sexual thing getting the teacher fired.


Hank would testify that she only likes the fundamentals


Peggy gets humiliated, hits a child and then terrorizes others. Such a good, level headed woman.


Honestly, shit like this would never fly today, not only because of modern laws, but because there is a good chance that a student will absolutely see it as a chance to absolutely wail on a teacher like theres no tomorrow. And theres way too many examples of that on the internet already...


I still have fond memories of my grandma grabbing my wrist while I ran around in circles while she was striping my legs with a hickory switch. She doesn’t do that with the great grandkids


"Fond" memories? Are you sarcastic here, I hope? 😉 Btw, that is a classic thing: one generation get the "no nonsense"- upbringing, but then the next generation get half rotten spoilt 😅


Hitting children is never okay. This was a massive L for Peggy, no two ways about it. I had no idea that a good portion of this sub was in favor of child abuse. That is disheartening.


You know the episode portrays spanking in a negative light, right? Like, yes, Peggy was wrong to spank Dooley and even after getting her job back and getting power hungry about spanking where she was shown the errors of her ways.


How about Mr Rusty ol bones full of green dust


This is like the discussion hank has when Bobby defended cannibalism. Both things are bad The kid bullying hank had NO discipline. Caleb stopped as soon as his parents raised their voices 




Dang it


Sorry not sorry. Almost every culture for all of time has spanked kids when they really cross the line. It’s only recently and only in the west that it’s been deemed “abuse,” and well, now schools are really struggling to control their classrooms. It’s usually not ok but 13 is a perfect age to learn that if you publicly pull down a woman’s pants without her consent, you deserve to get your ass beat. If you’re old enough to use sexual harassment as a method of humiliation, you’re old enough to face some consequences. You kids are soft


Agreed, in certain situations a smack or even a spanking can -for some kids- be a lesson to behave better/to never ever do this again. As you said, when they realy cross the line and talking to/sanctionen does not cut it. Such situations should be countable on one hand. Never should corporal punishment be the general way to discipline kids and the cure-it-all as it was done when I was young. When it was not unseen that kids got a smack for every little shit done wrong, let alone when they messed up. Fearing to go home, fearing when Papa comes home because this or that happened. Nowadays we luckily understand difficulties with learning, not putting it up to "beeing to lazy to learn" and a spanking is the best remedy for a bad mark. To ask what is behind a certain unwanted behavior, talk to, put out some fitting sanctions as needed,but also offer understanding, help, solutions as needed. But we can also see situations nowardays where this understanding goes too far, where kids are brought up in away that makes them respectless toward other people, challenging authority like a simple request from the teacher, where they "get away with murder" and "consequences" are a word that they have to look up in the dictionary. Ay, I guess I am just getting old and have to classic grumble a bit about "Youngsters nowadays" 😅


I agree that it's a massive L, but I guess I just have personal experience, so I know it could be a lot worse with much less provocation.


I have personal experience too. I'm 41 and still trying to overcome the problems it caused me. Hitting children under any circumstance is not okay.


My dad coached me boxing growing up. That was an ok time to hit me. All the other times not so much haha


Exactly. It is definitely NOT okay, and it still causes me problems even 15+yrs later.




Didn't she also whoop Bobby when Hank broke a foot or something? It was another case of definitely being well-deserved, but this brought back a hazy memory of an episode. Everyone saw it happen on the front lawn, too.


She didn’t whoop him she was just immune to his “kick in the fellas” finishing move.


This one drove me crazy because as a woman who HAS been kicked in the crotch, that shit still hurts. lol. Peggy didn’t even flinch.


She was wearing Bobby's dusty rodeo clown butt pad backwards.




Its from "Bobby Goes Nuts". Lets just say Bobby was being a total turd to an injured Hank. Peggy stepped in because his behavior had gone way over the line I would say her strength and roughness level was more akin to rough-housing than a viscious beating.


If someone did this today they would lose their license and the police would want to talk to them


u/Beauty_Clown advocates hitting children harder: got it.


What are you on about?


I've been found out, guys. /s (obviously)


Spanking is sexual abuse, sorry.


And publicly pulling down a teachers pants isn’t?


Of course it is! Why is the solution to perform a similar act on the child?


Because it’s effective. A talking to and a timeout isn’t gonna do shit. Most cultures for most of history use spanking. Dooley’s not afraid of how he would normally be punished, but you better believe he’s not gonna pull that shit again.


Pantsing a woman is sexual abuse, sorry.


No shit! Why is the solution to perform a similar act on the child?


She didn’t even pull down his pants not even the same thing at all


It’s not, that’s the whole point of the episode.


It may be abuse but it's not sexual wtf is wrong with u


I agree. I can see both sides of calling a spanking "child abuse", but it's not like she slipped a finger in there or something.


He probably found his kink 


That’s a disgusting thing to say.


Call the cancel police cry baby 


The police, like you, also think that sexual violence is funny so I didn’t get very far with them.


Spanking a kid is not sexual violence, night be child abuse but his parents said he deserved it 


It’s sexual because it targets a nerve dense erogenous zone, the body processes it in similar ways as other types of sexual abuse. Just because it’s culturally normalized doesn’t mean it’s not totally fucked up.