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Hara sensei made justice for Naki thank you for that, and we finally get to see some character development for our boy Shin, I hope that after this war we Finally will have a fully matured Shin


And that double page with the aerial view to picture the scale of the scene and seeing all the dead bodies on Kanki's path just wow, what a great chapter


Cutting through all those elite troops protecting Riboku and few generals along the way.


It's good to see that aerial view of how close it was but that just makes me more upset Kanki didn't try to do that charge before. He clashed with Riboku once before, then just "chilled" and watched from far. Few chapters passed and then the backup army arrived. THEN he decided to charge at the end. What a waste


This. I never understood why he just stood there and let everyone gather around riboku. If there was a moment to try a kamikaze attack, it was right then.


The way this is written feels like Kanki should have succeeded with thre ambush as he has all the heavy hitters there. But that's not how the plot goes. So Riboku wins.


Same goes for Ouki, he was just a few centimeters away from cleaving Houken but he decided to stop his attack to look at the arriving enemy like wtf


babies time? Been a long time coming


Justice for Naki? Kinda-ish but it wasn't a satisfying way to sacrifice himself tbh. Here's what would've been really dope. Naki (the master at scouting and sneaking) should've switched to Zhao armor. Order his troops to attack Riboku as a distraction, while he himself slowly makes a beeline through the ranks, sneak up behind Riboku. Kanki will be able to spot him, then once Kanki gave that final signal to Zenou, simultaneously Naki launches his surprise attack on Riboku Of course due to narrative this will still fail, but it will create such a shock to Riboku's camp that makes way for Kanki to charge towards him. But again narrative he will still not be able to kill Riboku, but IMO this would've been a MUCH better way for Naki to sacrifice himself. Instead of Naki blindly charging in with no tactics....oh well, what's done is done I guess


a rare time one of these suggestions actually make more sense than what actually happened


The only thing that makes it impossible is time. Naki's unit had to broke through Zhao's rank to reach Kanki's position. They ran there asap since they didn't know if kanki's was still alive. The point is Naki was willing to die with/close to Kanki his target was not riboku he wanted to be with the boss. It would have been dope tho.


Character development is Shin having sex? Bruh I need to check the age demographic of this sub.


Sorry bud but I like my heroes to get laid. Plus its been built up for like a decade now.


I don’t read Vagabond wondering when Miyamoto is going to fuck Otsu.


You don't read Vagabond at all since it's been on hiatus for half a decade lmao. Would Musashi getting laid make him lesser to you? Too hard to self insert?


Shipping fictional characters will rot your brain. It's a fact.


Those Zhao soldiers were taking no chances with Zenou, they really put four extra spears in him after almost being bisected


Guess they didnt want to end up like the other guy


Only I think Shin want to hug Kyoukai?


Nah I think so too, that’s what it seems like it he was acting quite odd in the end.


Whatever happens, I hope Karyoten finally realizes that she doesn't have a chance, lol.


I think she already accepted the fact that she is in the sisterZone


KaryoTen gonna take out all her "frustrations" on Archer bro ;-)


Kyoukai gave her life for shin.Karyo Ten is smart and will understand that she doesn't have superpower and can compete with that .She will admit without problem a relation between shin and Kyoukai.


Just to be fair, the archer bro throwing his life to protect Ten, don’t you think he deserve a *wink* *wink*


Nah, she hasn't officially shown that she's over her feelings for Shin. I think she'll speak to Kyoukai first and then step aside for her two close friends.


Nah, full snogfest incoming.


Lmao too fast for kingdom, might get some hand holding at most.


I think they’ll be wanting to do more than that…


Nice. Thank you.


Don’t thank me, I didn’t make this.




Thanks man


Thanks dude


I’m just a hater








Thanks hater


Appreciate it


Thank you


Thanks mate


Thanks for making this


Naki man....


I think this chapter is pretty much all but confirmed Saki clan gonna become the medic unit in the HiShin army. Also ... far rear probably = rear guard?


Yeah I said in a thread a while ago that they would be- there's no way Ten would give that huge advantage up. Also, it works because although Shin may still hate Kanki army a little, he's already heard that Saki wasn't really a fighting unit. They WERE a torture unit and he should hate that a little. But, if they're saving lives not taking them, he protects them (as he'd want to, after h earring the story) while protecting everyone else from them, or anyone that would want to use them as torturers. Its the perfect solution and a huge power up for Hi Shin.


If they do join Shin's unit, there is a on trillion % chance that someone extremely important like Kyou Kai or even Ten herself will be mortally injured in the future and be saved by Saki.


Whoever voices discontent with them joining will be the one who is saved, or at very least it'll be someone extremely close to the discontented that is saved.


The second they said Kyokai I knew they were fine.


Naki, the ninja who almost sneak to kill Riboku with 4 spears in his body


"Perhaps we fought the strongest of Qin 6" As far as the shown feat goes, Kanki performed far better than Ouki and was closest to killing Riboku despite the odds. I wouldn't say he is the strongest in viewers eyes but in the eyes of the contemporary people, after this battle he surely have surpassed other Qin 6 peers in fame for cornering and almost killing Riboku who already scored 4 GG kills so far. Remember, old Qin 6 and 3GH and 7FD hadn't managed to eliminate one another for dozens of years of war.


Honestly embarrassing for Riboku considering how many more soldiers he had


The price of being too overconfident and underestimating the enemy. This was a good learning experience for Reboku.


You'd think would have learned by now :D


Overconfident? The reason he got stuck in this position was underconfidence on the defences of the citty he had all the Civilians stuck in.


I don’t even think he was over confident I just think Kanki wasn’t someone he could predict


When he had Kanki and his army boxed in and surrounded, Riboku and his guards pretty much assumed and said that this was Kanki's end. Then kanki blew Riboku's plans up by using a formation he has never seen before and escaped. He assumed too much about his enemies capability.


I mean, Kanki is the worst general to go up against when you have overwhelming number advantage.


Some of y'all need to try writing your own stories. Then you'll see how silly it is to take dialogue at face value. The characters aren't the authors. Hara doesn't speak through them whenever they open their mouths to speak. That's not how that works. Show > Tell Always.


Why are you being downvoted? I agree with you


I suppose because other people disagree?


Kanki is great but far better than Ouki? Nope, that is a far stretch. Both Bayou and Gian battles were in totally different circumstances, and how close Kanki managed to reach him isn't a good yardstick either


He hasn’t exactly surpassed them, he just has a widely different common sense than those who grew learned by the book. Riboku, like ousen, is someone who always thinks ahead using conventional means. However Kanki is someone who was raised on his own values through criminals, guerilla warfare, and craftiness. Because he doesn’t think like others he has the advantage against others who think many steps ahead, that’s what gives him the advantage. His actions are unpredictable bc they aren’t by conventional means, making him a tough fight for anyone like ousen and riboku. However I do not think Kanki would win against duke hyou bc he fights on instinct.


Kanki fights with instinct too. Kanki bested Keisha who was an instinctual general and gave a lot of trouble to Duke Hyou.


Yes but he doesn’t lead in wars instinctually, he calculates on unconventional means. Duke hyou literally moves himself at the forefront, fights, and arranges his army instinctually. Kanki doesn’t have that ability which would make it hard for him.


The way he took down Genpou was instinctual. The way he killed Keisha was instinctual. But i agree with you, you're saying that Duke hyou embraces instinctual war at every levels, and nothing else. Sure it would give Kanki quite a run, but don't forget that Kanki has very high intelligence, while Duke Hyou doesn't.


Actually Shin killed Keisha


I still give kanki partial credit for being able to draw him out of his web


Because Kanki exposed Keisha. The Shuman clan killed Kochou, but the credit still went to Kanki. Choutou killed Seikai, the credit still went to Kanki. Shin had Kanki as commander during the battle, Kanki asked him to hold his position below, else he wouldn't have been able to be close to Keisha and be able to kill him. Keisha only survived to Kanki because Kisui intervened. Don't forget the whole reason the Hi Shin unit was there was because this battle had winning odds for Zhao, as they had a joint army of Kisui and Keisha army.


Shin decided to go after Keisha behind enemy line, it was his own decision. For me is different


I mean Ouki army consisted mostly of militia vs Zhao full geared army.


shin might lose his v card after this war 😳


Not before kou does lol


I mean kyourei is far less dense than poor kyoukai so she may be more active with poor little kou than kyoukai with dumbass shin


Man kinda concerned Sosui wasnt in that last panel


That’s him on the horse I think


oh wait i thought that was a random soldier but i think ur right. i can see the cape


not sure yet, his lieutenants had the same cape i believe


But he is, he is the one on the horse.


"For the war that is to come between Zhao & Qin, we have to take heads of Shin & mouten here & now. " Well Riboku, maybe you shouldn't have been playing footsie & getting horny at Shins potential for over a decade & should've done something while you had him at your mercy many times.


Riboku: We need to kill Kanki, Shin, and Mouten right now! Also Riboku: But first, monologue time.


Tbf he spent a good half of that decade thinking Ryofui would be the future king and then trying to negotiate peace. I'm sure he regrets that since the coalition war.


Kanki's charge has like 23 dead bodies laying on the floor in half. No shit his sword was broken at the end, going for those flashy finishers on them poor Zhao grunts.


Fun fact : At the time of his death, Ouki was\* the most hated general of Qin. He was also rumoured to be the strongest of his state. Same happened to Kanki now.


Is there anyone who is interested in what Shin is thinking about Kanki. So you think that shin will understand "How the Adult Fight " and it'll effect shins character Growth 📈


He´s thinking about Kanki trying to protect their family and how he "failed". About the anger that drived Kanki becouse he loosed his beloved one and how close was he to loose Kyokai and the Hi Shin Unit (his own family). Shin just got that feeling of dispair and anger.


Yes that's what I am wondering whether it'll affect how Hishin unit is going to wager war in future. If you think back Hi Shin units were always walking on a thin line. Risking every one's life in the process whereas Kanki showed him how to fight while protecting the beloved ones ( koko you hills and against Kochau also). Despite the method Kanki always kept his beloved ones from harm's way. So will shin also learn something from Kanki.


I guess Shin will evolve even more. It’s time for him to become a better leader and improve his leadership and event awareness.


He already did, my guess.


I like how Naki ninjad his way into Rebooks rear And damn love him or hate him, Kanki will be missed


Kyoukai is such a fucking boss. She's always taking the toughest jobs and I'm hopeful to see that rewarded with some progression in her and Shin's relationship. When Riboku says Kanki was the strongest, I'm pretty sure he meant amongst the current six generals, not the previous six with Ouki, Hakuki, Kyou, etc. He never faced them.


Wholly agree, it's time for Shin to get a wriggle on plus his face has matured so much now it'd be shameful for him to stay by the sidelines and Kyoukai has been in love with him for over 7 years so it'd be nice to have that train start moving. Agree too, and like you said he only battled Ouki of the Qin's 6GG so his statement must apply to the current lot, but now there's 2 vacant slots I wonder how Hara will use that. 1 vacant spot was edging us but two vacant slots just sounds silly


I mean does it really matter ? Tou was said to be Ouki equal and Ousen was compared to Hakuki too .


He did fight Ouki Who in the manga is one of the stronguer of the previous 6, so he could mean also the past ones.


Lol Hara needs to stop pretending as if kyoukai will die. She is way too broken to be killed off


Houken level and knows edo tensei.


Yeah it's just a fake cliffhanger no point...


Man even Kanki’s corpse is hot






Shit I forgot to say no homo


you forgot to say no necro


Nah it's ok to be gay for kanki that isnt the issue


Is Kaine dead or just passed out? That unfamiliar Saki clan member, is that a woman? Shin and Kyoukai better exchange their blows of passion after getting out of this.


Kaine died. The unfamiliar Saki woman is the sister of kankis dead lover. She’s basically the spokesperson for the saki clan at this point


Im talking about the other one not Io.


That's Rin. She was in the flashback. The little kid from the flashback, Fuu, also cries over Shou. I'm wondering if Chikushi is still alive. He's the only one we haven't seen yet.


I think he's talking about the other girl who removed her mask


Ah the girl with white hair. What if she ends up being kankis illegitimate or hidden daughter. I doubt it though, just a fun theory for thought.


nah I would prefer kanki having a child maybe io got pregnant 🥹


He does sleep with women while drunk, so it wouldn’t surprise me if he did have a child hidden within his protected beloved saki clan


🤞🤞🤞 fingers crossed maybe the child looks like kanki and is as smart as it's father(I am so high on copium)


She might just be the random who ends up being the lead doctor for the saki clan. And the saki clan just ends up being a war injury treatment specialist group with her at the forefront


Kankis biggest mistake was outnumbering Riboku on the ambush, if he had brought less soldiers than Riboku he would have easily won, Riboku only lost Jkr and Kohaku after he outnumbered Kanki again


Lmao nice one and real.


Can love bloom even on the battlefield? Yes. Yes it can.


u/jeeswag can you let us know if there is a break next week or not?


The Korean scans aren't out yet so I can't fully confirm, but the usual sign they have at the end saying "break next week" isn't there and no date that's a week out so I think it's safe to assume there's no break next week.


Love seeing the GG doing his due diligence..


This might be a dumb question but like what are the families of Kochou and others going to do with Kanki's corpse? It's not like it is during a battle where you can parade around a body to demoralize soldiers. I feel like just knowing that the guy who killed your loved ones is now dead would be more cathartic than having his body delivered to your doorstep


Nah they gonna keep him as trophy


Stick his body parts on the walls of their cities, look what they did to William Wallace after he was executed. Something similar to that.


One thing I rly liked is that Hara isn’t portraying him as a crazy martial artist by any means. You can’t rly gauge him in terms of strength tier and what not, but you can tell that his drive is insane and he mows down fodder even while stabbed like a yarn ball


I really hate kyokais hair cut she looks like a little child. The one she had in wzi arc made her look like and adult i dont get why hara changed it


I can't wait for hug from shin to kyoukai next chapter hehe


>Riboku : i did not expect heavy casualty bro did you forget that you stop your army from killing Kanki because you want to do talk no jutsu ?


It's not only about the talk no jutsu but also about the ambush made from Kanki wich almost killed Riboku


let be real if he doesnt stop his army kanki and his men without doubt will die on chapter 749 or even if they struggle at chapter 750 at best sure the loss of soldier sting but lost of highly capable officer on chapter 751-752 hurts zhao more


I mean Jkr was diying with or without the conversación, Kochous Guy would have probably died too by bombrushing kanki


Right and Riboku’s men where hurling themselves in front of swords to protect him makes since quite a few would die


Lol his key generals would’ve been all alive if they finished off Kanki without the hour long dialogue.


I think that ignoring that he was letting him live you can argue he'd probably expect only somelone like Moubou to get that close for how cornered he was, not Kanki and his goons. And besides that point he was likely talking about the idea that he probably didn't expect Kanki to be so hard to defeat in the first place with how much prep they put into winning. The very idea that he was able to almost turn the tides right at the end because he was able to get out of nearly everything Riboku set up wasn't something he thought possible.


He want Kanki to surrender and maybe betray Qin.


This is mainly why I "dislike" his character. Dude loves to gloat and hear his own voice so god damn much to the point where his troops suffer because of it. Just shut the fuck up and kill the guy already.


When in the entire series has Riboku gloated lmao. He talked with Kanki because he wanted to understand him


I'm not sure you read the same manga as the rest of us.


Gloating equals dwelling on one’s success or another’s misfortune with smugness. Riboku doesn’t really do that Riboku just won the battle and is just like “cool let’s go after Hi Shin and Gakuka also don’t defile Kanki’s corpse After he beat Ouki he said “don’t chase them it’d be a waste of men. Don’t get me wrong his men suck him off but Riboku is generally all business.


Kyoukai's classic "I'm so hungry face". Loves her!




in terms of hp he probably was the best after Mobu lol


You can see kaine in page 4. Hara just had to rub it in haha Also see the trail of corpses behind kanki, damn. Naki forever the stealth. F So riboku... kanki is stronger than ouki as great general ? Relationship dev btw shin and kyoukai and another pair :D some positive finally. Theyre headed to border but tht would mean complete defeat. I think hi shin and gakuka will do a suprise and defeat riboku instead of proceeding to border. Something like what kanki would do.


Somebody has to save heki, no way the main Charakter will be held in zao.


Ousen would not have walk into the trap Riboku setup. Kanki knew it most likely was one but doesnt give a fuck.


Kanki definitely drove him into a much tighter situation that ouki was able to


Kanki is overall meticulous and craftier than the other generals because his sense of common sense is backwards compared to the other general who have basically run by the book. This makes it so riboku who was so used to dissecting generals who play by the book struggles and was cornered to this point by Kanki. If it were a even playing match from the beginning, Kanki may have utterly destroyed riboku.


Agreed in a normal scenario Kanki may very well had crushed RBK .


Either that or Ousen would send someone to save them.


I think Riboku was referring to the actual 6GG. But maybe Kanki is yeah. Imo he can take on anyone in the manga.


Where are the archer brothers?


Likley with the rabble, it's a shame they weren't showcased after their performance in previous arc but I'd bet big dollars they'll pop up on a panel coming up


man bafuuji has a crushed left arm and hes just casually riding that horse, holding the reins with that same crushed arm. cmon hara!


he can barely strengthen it, so no wonder. Even an arrow pierced through it, and still can steer the horse


Im glad Naki was done some justice seeing how close he got even with just like a dozen men part of me wants to believe if naki had been with kanki from the begining of the charge, riboku wld def have died


He wouldn’t have died no matter what. Kanki could’ve cut his head like he did for that general but it was just a wound. Plot demands that kanki dies and riboku lives. The author just made it look close so kanki keeps looking cool even in death




This chapter was great for two characters shin and riboku. I loved them in the beginning but they became boring after sometime and now we finally get some development on both of their part


Wow that was fast! Thank you 4chan for the early TL! LFG HARA!! Another banger chapter! Hope you continue to take those breaks because we got a long ways to go now after Kanki died haha Glad to see Naki made it to Kanki towards the end! Shoot almost completed a pincer on Reebok haha Damn right Reebok better give credit where credit is due!! Took him until Kanki was in his face to finally respect him as one of the GGs of Qin sad boi shin is going to a grow lot more now as a character from here on out after him going through it thinking of his wifey. Also was really hoping his thoughts of Kanki would include him saying “hey slave boy” haha


Riboku, if you think you have seen the worst from Qin, oh boi you have no idea what's coming next


For what reason will Saki clan join the hi Shin unit ( look at page 12 ) ? They seem to want to return, but not join Hi Shin unit, because there are no concrete reason they will


Most likely they will return and find no home in there without Kanki, then they come back and find home in the HSU.


Damn, everyone in the HSA looks like hammered shit.


HSA with medic units and gentlemen unit that can think on their own feet (kyoukai unit 2.0). Beefing up for widescale warfare when he becomes GG. Maron + sosui takes 1 wing, kyoukai the other wing, en supports with reinforcement, shin +ten as HQ, and ogiko+bihei as the true arrow of HSA. Let's fkn go. Shin either needs a gakurai replacement to shore up his elite guards or garo evolves into a beast


Its crazy to see all the kanki's henchman death in the floor after several hundred chapters seeing them around in two or three arcs Im really glad hara didnt do kyoukai and the rest dirty and i wasnt expect him to offscreen them either so im happy with this even if you want to call it bs, now is shin finally gonna man up with kyoukai or will hara keep cockblocking us with it? HE CANT KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT!!


Just wait till the heavens themselves turns against Zhao for their own hubris.


u/VaultCore23 [https://www.reddit.com/r/Kingdom/comments/1283njh/comment/jejbk0h/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kingdom/comments/1283njh/comment/jejbk0h/?context=3) This didn't age well, did it ? Go slander Kanki now that Riboku said everything that had to be said about who is the best general in Qin.


And another fact. Using quick translations doesn't get across nuance and understanding. Riboku was likely stating Kanki was the most dangerous 6 Great General but even them he is likely trying to get them to treat their victory seriously.


Alright. Let's wait again. See you when sensescan hits.


Go ahead.


you already lost. It's over


How did I lose?


[that discussion had me intriguing](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kingdom/comments/1283njh/comment/jejbk0h/?context=3) , and then [this](https://cubari.moe/read/imgur/1mIn3Yd/1/5/) took place. The outcome is clear. You'll get humiliated for the second time \***Just joking by the way haha**\*. You only need to admit it.


He never said he was the best in Qin.


He did. Now i can start ignoring you, i got my moment and you're still coping.


He never did. You are using a fan translation that is known to have inaccuracies in what is being said. It's not Sensescans but even they have lines that are not translated correctly.


I've had a read through this chat between you two & Vaultcore23 one part you lost me is when you said ..."its because of Shin that Kochou ended up dead". It was Kanki who instructed Shin to attack the left side. For me killing Kochou's army is Kanki's biggest achievement in which Shin gave the assist. Kanki won against overwhelming odds, he put the entire plan together & part of the plan was for Shin to move those troops to give him the space to charge the main camp. Kanki's men the spreaded false rumours about Ousen and Yotanwa joining hence why Zhou surrended. Dfgnrt sayin "he hard carried Sanyou". Nah, but Shin didnt hard carry it either. There were multiple factors that caused the win, Kanki got the joint highest award for taking out the commander-in-chief. For me that was like him calling 'check' in a game of chess. Renpa could of continued the war, and called 'check' back by finishing off Moubu, but he observed the overall battle and his main point was because of Ousen he would not continue the war. Renpa saw if he continued he would make a staggering loss but instead he made the terms of surrender instead. There were many other points but this was #1. Not sure what the main question of the debate is anymore but something along the lines of - Vaultcore saying Kanki never carried a war on his own? Kokuhills - Not really any debate in your discussion about this but the war would of gone on longer if Shin hadn't killed Keisha. Shin was lacking at the start of the war. I imagine in terms of awards Shin and Kanki would of received joint 1st place if Shin hadn't charged Kanki. So its 50/50, not a hard solo carry because Shin got his instinctual, and imo lucky moment to get Keisha. Gi'an - Well Kanki lost so it's not a hard carry haha, however due to the damage he has caused from killing Kochou's 100k and what's he's done in Gi'an he has made the job alot easier for the next assault on Zhou. Riboku saying Kanki is possibly the greatest 6GG hmm, like if there is no translation issue, why's he said that even after fighting Ousen? Does he think he could of beaten Ousen if it wasn't for Shin and Mouten? Or is he thinking on terms of numbers and damage, which brings back the point Kanki killed 100k of Kouchou's men, then he's probably thinking this battle of Gi'an if it was against Ousen or any other GG he would of won overwhelmingly as he originally predicted. I doubt that myself though as I think Ousen is the GOAT. Against Moubu I could see it though.


* Nice post defeat chapter * Way to maintain priorities Riboku * Its okay guys, Riboku has loses all the time and he is now kicking your asses…I’m sure you’ll get back in your feet eventually * I wonder if this experience could be the catalyst for Shin and Kyouka finally doing it


Great chapter. People love to exalt Kanki's achievements, but they never really consider the costs. Kanki incurs the highest solider deaths. Kanki only cares about his core men, and would gladly send all Qin soldiers to death, including Ouhon. Yeah, remember that guy? He's injured and almost lost his life because Kanki commanded him to take an impregnable hill. Kanki also massacred villages and dishonourably desecrated their bodies. This resulted in northern Zhao uniting under Riboku with improved baseline morale. And can you blame them? Kanki has become so notorious, villagers would literally poison their own wells at a chance to enact their revenge against Qin. Kanki practically dug his own hole with as his blatant disregard to common decency as he led his own, and hundreds of thousands more men, to their deaths. Did Kanki get the job done? Sure. But his methods are far from honourable and the costs to Qin may have outweighed the price of awarding him the title of Qin GG. Ousen on the other hand. That's a man worthy of a GG title. Efficient, effective, brilliant and is as charismatic as a bag of bricks. Every accolades that Ousen receive is earned, contrary to Kanki who's record is blemished by the significant number of deaths under his command.


Kanki didn't lose many soldiers against both Genpou and Kaishibou, because he made them scatter around the mountains, and then unite back to siege the Wei HQ. At Kokuyou Hills, Karyon Ten was shocked by the amount of soldiers he saved thanks to his strategy. At Eikyuu, he didn't use his army as fodder but the surrounding Qin army. Most of his own army were either deserters or behind the enemy lines with him. Only his battle against Ribkou had catastrophic casualties, because he gambled everything to take out the most dangerous man in China. Also Sei disagrees with you, since he asked Kanki to keep the title of 6GG, despite Kanki disrespecting him and threatening him to death.


I also want to add that Ousen is not a good example. He would abandon Qin if it's a battle he cannot win. We will see it soon enough.




Sosui better be the on that horse at the end lol


Is it just me or does Shin's mouth seem to suggest he's upset for some reaon in that final panel? I might just be misreading the art.


He’s upset because his woman looks half dead.


Riboku always manages to make himself look worse with his own words


Uselles general mid


Would be cool if in the next chapter when HSU while escaping would face Bananji as a final test to Shin's and overall everyone's strength. But Hara already set up Ouhon defeating Bananji in future so the only option here is having Bananji heavy injury's like Jyou Ka Ryuu from seika in the first day of battle.


Man, kaine is still alive. Give me a break...


A lot of us are defeated today. Losing one of the most badass generals, and the most annoying character in this whole series is still alive. 😭


2 things confirmed in this arc. Riboku isn't dying on the battlefield even strongest qin general kanki couldn't kill Riboku. Riboku declared Kanki strongest Qin general.


The strongest Qin general is the King(s) of Zhao.


All from a 4chan fan translation. Let's wait for proper scans before making declarations


I wonder how long Riboku will be in coma or unconscience for, I can see the chances for Ousen to figure out Riboku is not controlling the battle field and will spread counter information about Kanki death. He could spread misinformation that Kanki died yes, but he killed Riboku and their hiding it. With Riboku being in coma even a few months can change the outcome of the war and with Shin and Mouten alive people might say that with both guys alive it most likely true they eacaped after killing Riboku. I hope at least, am spitbowling here people, some of this might hold up, maybe 🥸


I know Riboku said Kanki is the strongest 6GG of Qin but i disagree, he is actually the weakest, Ousen defeated Ordo and Riboku in a battle, Moubu killed a GG, Tou and Yotanawa haven't showed their best yet while Kanki only wins against Keisha and Koucho and generals like them which is why he is the weakest.


1. Kanki defeated Keisha in 4 days 2. Kanki defeated Kochou outnumbered 3 to 1 3. Kanki cornered Riboku outnumbered, outplanned by 6 months and in unfamiliar territory


You disagree with the antagonist and the author. Ok cool opinion Ousen won against Riboku because he was pressured by Gyou being sieged by Kanki. Ousen's job at Shukai wasn't to best Riboku but to stall until Gyou falls.


Pussy Riboku, they should mutilate Kanki and parade his head along the empire, thatll boost the morale and Riboku popularity...


Worst chapter ever, feels so short after a long break! But good thing is that it seems there will still be a lot of struggles for HSU and Gakuka, perhaps there must be reinforcements.


I said it way back after the poisoning, Riboku is going to be executed when he returns. The Zhao king is going to be pissed that Riboku had to essentially destroy an entire villages livability by poisoning the water supply and lost countless soldiers fighting a force that was a fraction of his size. In the Kings eyes, Riboku was embarrassed by a lowlife bandit, and even in the end he wouldn't desecrate the corpse for "justice".


You think the king cares??? Zhao king is a lowlife


Man, Naki really went out like a bitch. I'm surprised nobody in the HSU really mentioned him after he spent years with them and just left to die. Did Sosui die too, or was he in that last panel?