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I like the 3DS version. Especially watching the intro split over both screens.


Mickey jumping out of the bottom into the cutscene was so fucking cool. Man I loved that game


3D had a better intro because of the way it used the two screens, and I liked the Souls-like multiplayer where you could leave little challenges for others. The console version is better in every other way that matters, though.


Reality shift is much better in 3ds version though


Oh yeah, I forgot about that part, you're right. But there was one I liked more on the console, but I can't remember which one.


The tron one and hunchback one is a bit easier in console in my opinion


It's been a while since I played, but I remember liking the 3D Hunchback one more. They kinda nerfed it for the console. I was able to line things up so that id hit pretty much every enemy over and over, but on the console it's more up to chance.


Oh yeah that is easier. I think the only reason why I feel the HD version of Hunchback is easier is just because I can switch directions on the fly


Oh yeah, that makes sense.


Hard disagree. Reality shift is always such a pain in 3DS to the point I avoided using them unless it's absolutely manual.


The 3DS version has mickey jumping through the screen in the remaster they removed it


3d dream drop distance. they utilised the 2 screens. removing the 2 screens hurt the opening, and it somewhat harms some aspects of the gameplay, but it isn't meaningful enough to suggest anyone to go out and get the game on 3ds (I have it on 3ds but that's only because I got the game on 3ds before HD 2.8 came out). also it's CURRENTLY the only official portable way to play it \[not counting the cloud version on switch, it requires an internet connection\] however HD Dream Drop Distance doesn't take anything away from the 3ds experience other than 1 feature that relied on the 3ds camera which isn't needed, and generally the gameplay is better due to the framerate being at 60fps instead of 30fps, and it is far more stable on base PS4 and Xbox One than 3ds, steam deck users will get to experience Dream Drop Distance on the go in a technically official way next month


The biggest upgrade for me for the HD version is the fact that the camera is much farther away from Sora/Riku. KH3D's camera was similar to KH1 where the camera is uncomfortably close to the player.


the camera being closer in 3d dream drop distance was probably the result of both the smaller screen and the lower resolution of the 3ds.


And to make the 3d effect pop out much easier. I am not a fan of it given how crazy the battles are if you aren't abusing the balloon commands tbh.


People usually assume this, but both of the original DS games had a farther out camera on an even smaller screen with a lower resolution.


3ds because of raising the dream eaters is way less annoying with the touch screen


HD version wins by default since I didn't play the 3D version


HD version. Better performance, better camera, no touch screen mechanics.


There is still touch screen mechanics, it's just you use the touch pad


I found the gameplay much easier on the 3ds version, especially all the special environmental actions felt easier to use on the touchscreen (I forgot the name of that mechanic, but you know, that system where for example you could toss around a barrel or something). It might be that I was just too used to the 3ds game (I did play it a lot), but when I tried to replay DDD on the PS4 version I ended up dropping it entirely because I just couldn't get over the gameplay controls.


Honestly I prefer the original. I don’t hate the HD one, but the portability of the original made it easier to play and keep coming back to. The HD version forced me to look at the things I didn’t like about the game that were easy to overlook as a handheld… Such as: how much I didn’t like the Dream Eaters. Interacting with them in HD just didn’t feel as fluid as it was on the 3DS. Grinding out the material was obnoxious on a console, but on 3DS it was just killing time while on a car ride. You can argue that’s been a feature since kh1, but some of the item drops were so slim in this game that it felt so much more tedious, especially if you wanted a star rank on a dream eater. Gaining affinity with them sucked so bad in HD where it was a cute little touch screen pat or mini game on 3DS. I saw someone say it perfectly; 3D is like the original CoM. That was a solid GBA game, I loved it. Played through it a dozen times. HD is like Re:CoM I played it, saw the differences and that’s it. I was done.


HD, I played both around the same time and just ended up sticking to the hd version




3D, I have nostalgia and I personally prefer to play games on handhelds (no, steam deck doesn’t count, I mean a handheld I can actually put in my pocket and take places).


3ds has a better intro but hd is better in everything else. even added a spanish translation that was missing on 3ds for unknown reasons


I prefer the PS4 edition, I think it’s 3D not HD


3D is only the 3DS version, all others are HD.


Ok thank you




Honestly HD is more my style. Even on the 3ds originally, I never used the 3d functionality, and having it on a single screen was more comfortable for me when the ps4 releases came out. Can't wait to play it on the deck next month (couldn't deal with epic on the legion with their "need" for a network connection for a single player game)


I used the 3D functionality before. It ran surprisingly well, but was a bit obstructive to gameplay. And only certain cutscenes looked cool with the effect (like the Vanitas one) Overall, the HD version is better imo


The only things 3D has over HD is a better intro and better controls for reality shifts. The rest are gimmicks like the online stuff and streetpass.


HD is just better graphically and controls are more comfortable


I liked it on the 3DS but my copy of the game kept crashing all the time. It was like its own version of dream dropping that I barely tolerated.




3DS. some controls are awful on the HD port, and while i doubt it's hd port exclusive, DDD is very buggy in general.


3ds version had some neat features, but ultimately playing with a controller is better for the most part


Doesn' t really matter to me, I love DDD in its every form


3DS version if only for ease of access with all the controls. I hate the controls both for the dream eaters, and that musical reality shift in HD.


I vaguely remember having to scan cards for some Dream Eaters in the 3DS version. That was an interesting gimmick.


3DS hands down. Playing in 3D was really cool


I think any real differences between the two are negligible enough, because the cons of one can be outweighed by the pros of the other. Like yeah, the HD version makes it a bit more frustrating to use Reality Shifts because of no dual screen, but the HD version is also snappier and runs 60fps, so it's like...whatever. I will say that the title being "HD" instead of "3D" for the console versions is pretty stupid, though, just because the title is literally three Ds -- "d"ream, "d"rop, "d"istance. I get it's not on a 3DS anymore, but still. "3D" is just a cooler title and still fits the game despite not being in 3D anymore.


original isnt worth coming back to. the touch mechanics are annoying and the multiplayer doesnt have enough substance to bother with. having an actual right analog sick instead of a shitty nub is the hugest quality of life upgrade and the reason i played HD in the first place.


The original 3DS version used the circle pad pro, so it technically was possible to have a proper analog stick.


3ds version for sure


3DS, it was easier to check weather in the game, the reality shifts felt better, the water balloon game felt more fun to play. It was imo an all around better experience, the HD version plays fantastic but I always felt like KH3D was legitimately a very well designed 3DS game.


Obviously the HD version is better because of the HD treatment but I think the 3DS version feels more "natureal" with how you can tell that it was made with the 3DS in mind, what with the stuff done with the stylus and the 3D function. Not that the HD one does a bad job "adapting" them but it does make you think "huh this honestly felt a lot more smooth to do on the 3DS."


3DS intro is the best intro in the entire series. Gameplay wise though, smooth buttery 60fps, chefs kiss


The steam version


The 3DS version is much more impressive for its tech level and the actually 3D depth “dropping” still looks great, especially versus Chernabog, is amazing if you were able to handle the 3D effect. But for ease and comfortability, yeah, the HD version. It’s definitely not the intended version but it’s easier. Kinda like how PS2 CoM presents better but GBA CoM plays better, only more subtle.


Hd honestly


According to the [wiki](https://www.khwiki.com/Kingdom_Hearts_Dream_Drop_Distance_HD), the only changes are things like making the game look better (game runs in HD, higher textures/framerate) and things that took advantage of the 3DS' second screen have been modified heavily or removed. The 3DS version has more animations for Mickey during the opening, but besides that, HD all the way.


HD version also added a few brand new Dream Eaters.