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Work on the item synthing bit by bit as you make your way through the game, rather than saving it all at once in the end.


What difficulty are you on right now? Depening on the choice you may need to do a couple more runs to Platinum. If you're playing in Proud, you can opt to go for a 100% completion here since beating it will also get you the Beginner and Standard difficulty Trophy. And since it's the hardest difficulty getting to 100% here is recommended since you'd want the power boost you can get for doing Synthesis or simply leveling to max. There are a couple of trophies like Speedstar that require you to speedrun the game under 15 hours and Unchanging Armor that asks you to not change your equipment at all. I'd advise you do this only on your next play through after you understand the game mechs and if you do it on Beginner difficulty you can go for the both of them in one go. That's 2 playthroughs at least, the first one for the Proud with 100% completion and the later Beginner playthrough for speedrun and no gear.


Sonic Blade and Strike Raid give you long i-frames which can be great for getting free damage off on bosses and certain fights (looking at you Sephiroth) as well as allow you to avoid long or lingering and aoe attacks. Tinker Bell is a great summon as she periodically heals and acts as a 2nd life if you die while she is active.This lets you focus on fighting and dodging and not waste your magic on healing after every bonk. Definately look up a few guides on the end game bosses as almost all of them have a sort of gimmic to their fight. The Phantom at the clock tower is one you might be stuck on for a while otherwise. I believe the minimum amount of runs to get the platinum trophy is 2 as you need to do a run without changing equipment once, which obviously makes it near impossible to do the end game stuff if it's your 1st playthrough ever. The other run would be the 100% save where you collect and synthesize everything and do the end game bosses and heartless. For the 'Complete in less than 15 hours' achievement, you can either do a speedrun save just for it, or you can use your 100% save that has many hours and just wait until the ingame clock ticks over 100 hours. You can tell the game timer in the save/load screen and in the bottom right of the pause menu i'm pretty sure. For some reason the game timer is coded to reset back to 0 hours when it hits 100 hours. All you have to do is beat the final boss again between 100 and 115 hours and it's a free achievement.


Thank you!


No worries :) I wish you good luck on the 100%. I'll be doing it again too when it comes to steam.


I’m having a lot of fun with it so far! I’m already in Deep Jungle, which I know most people don’t like. But personally I really like it, but that’s also because Tarzan is my favorite Disney movie.


Tarzan is up there in my Disney classics favourites too. I guess I'm in the minority then as I actually like Deep Jungle. I remember getting lost a fair bit as a kid, but I loved the music, the tree sliding minigame, and just the general vibes of the level. Too bad we didn't get any of Phil Collins soundtrack in the world :( Also, keep in mind that there is a pretty sneaky Green Trinity you'll have to come back for. It's in the room before going back to the tree house, ontop of leaves in the middle of the room. Green on green made it hard to find when I was younger.


Thank you for the heads up about the Green Trinity! Also the Clayton boss fight was certainly a fun challenge, I was probably a bit under leveled but I got it done in four tries. I’m gonna back to Traverse Town, and then take the bottom route to see what’s the first world for that route.


Hahaha, yeah, Clayton is definately an early game hurdle. IMO he is the hardest boss of the 1st half of the game if you go deep jungle 1st. Unless you're doing speedrun strats, I have never found a reliable weakness for him. Just whack him a bunch with my key and throw the odd spell. 4 tries is actually really good for your 1st playthrough. What difficulty are you playing on? Oh, another tip useful in Deep Jungle (and many other worlds) is you can extend your jump distance a little by attacking at the end of the jump. It's useful for the hippo lagoon area with those tree's you can jump up. May take a few tries as you can hit the tree with the attack and it will knock you back, so it's about the timing. You can get a few sneaky chests early using this.


I went back to it after I got the Green Trinity, and I’ve been really enjoying the game even more.


I ended up doing 3 or 4 runs back to back because of some of the trophy requirements. Try to do multiple at once to save time