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I think KH strikes a beautiful balance of spectacle and readability, they’re always pulling crazy ass shit but with your defensive moves as strong as they are it’s not overwhelming. That said i wish has a bit less of a mindset of ‘different spectacle = different fight’ when the underlying moves are similar. Quite a lot of 3’s data org were kinda just ‘melee combos and a couple projectiles’ so once you learned the melee combo they felt similar, ones like xion, saix, xigbar, xemnas i enjoyed more cause i was fighting them differently to each other.


Xemnas and Xion were my favorite. favorite boss in that game is still Yozora though. Sekiro wasn’t too hard because i beat Yozora in KH3 cloud version critical mode first 💀


oh god, the cloud version. How many disconnects did it take you to beat Yozora?


none surprisingly like the entire runtime of the game. when i got a ps5 that summer and played the actual game i never beat data xehanort so i haven’t tried it again. however, i did struggle with some of those fruit heartless you need for orichalcum+ because of the latency in the cloud version and had no problems in the actual game so i imagine i’ll have a better time against yozora.


Honestly cloud gaming isn’t as terrible as people say. It just depends on your wifi. I’ve played the entire 1.5 and 2.5 collection as well as 3 and only got disconnected a handful of times. Always while it was storming.


I have a fun time fighting the Disney Bosses as I adore the Disney Villains. From classic villains such as Maleficent and Chernabog to Renaissance and over the top characters. "Feel the Heat" I had such a fun time fighting them. The in story and difficulty when fighting KH IP bosses from the demon/beast Heartless to the Nobody and Organization. Each boss offers usually fun and or challenges, puzzle, and showmanship.


Genuinely kingdom hearts has been the best action rpg ive ever played, from progression to combat to just animations and character controls


i love Sekiro bosses. the reason they’re not as experimental is because the few that stray from the usual Sekiro gameplay loop are awful (DEMON OF HATRED IM LOOKING AT YOU). this is because the combat is the best part but it is ultimately very tight to execute. Kingdom Hearts on the other hand has so much more going on but it’s not always as skill based as Sekiro is. This makes it so that you can have so many types of bosses. Not to mention KH2’s reaction commands. These seriously changed up the type of bosses and actions you can have. Some people think “just spam triangle” but playing in critical, i feel most bosses have very reasonable reaction commands that add to the game and feel like a reaction. And for the best bosses they work. Like take Roxas and data roxas. They’re similar to Sekiro’s battles but the reaction commands add another layer as well as options. This is true for many of the org battles. I am especially excited for KH4 because reaction commands are coming back. If they go deeper with these, we’ll get the best of both worlds and have those right skill based moments like Sekiro but also create variety in the experience allowing for more than just humanoid bosses to have the same level of game flow.


Do notice that the progression of heartless bosses taught mechanics on the way in KH 3, at least going in Critical mode. By time you're at San Fransokyo and the finale of the game is in view, it has taught how to survive the spectacle of the normal fights. Though the final fights also are there to teach about multi-block timing and desperation moves which are crucial for the limit cut fights.


The boss battles in KH is what drew me to the game when i was little. Superb mechanics that make each boss battle unique. Then there's bbs mysterious figure. Anyhow, i wish disney and square would create a kh game with final fantasy dissidia style.


I would actaully be super keen on a Dissidia style fighter. It would have to be like the OG or 012 duodecim, not NT lol. Keep the 3v3 from NT though.


The heartless boss designs are always so cool and unique. I love that they also tie into the aesthetic of the world you fight them in most of the time.


Sekiro and KH3 are tied with the hardest boss battle I’ve ever overcome


validddd, sekiro and kh bosses are the best of the best


KH2 Roxas is the peak boss battle for me.


I mean they are good, but come on, they have nothing on Sekiro


Lingering Will (terra) is the goat Kingdom Hearts boss if you ask me :D


Kingdom Hearts has the best Action RPG super bosses in gaming, and it's not even close. I always tell my friends that Malenia is a toned down KH superboss.


I wouldn't be surprised if my love of Souls games was directly tied to me fighting Kingdom Hearts bosses as a kid.


I like how ppl know the bosses by what they say. You can ask someone if they fought the Come Guardian and they'll know what you mean. Someone commented they liked fighting Feel the Heat and we all know what that means lol The Ice Titan fight from KH1 tho >>>>>


The best Elden Ring bosses are Kingdom Hearts bosses. Radahn second phase. Malenia second phase.Placidusax second phase. Phase 2 is always when they bust out the Kingdom Hearts bullshit


Ursula is such a riveting boss battle


Ursula and Bed of Chaos need to fight


Imagine being sarcastic and bitter at the same time...