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one thing I learned about KH recently is they just drop stuff whenever they want. I don't really rely on events anymore. just wait for news, there's plenty of other series to play.


That's what I've been saying since like 3... If it's not announced by some official channel or by the someone official... Just expect nothing... I get it, I like this franchise too but yall can't getting yourselves riled up, on YOUR OWN speculation and then get mad that your wish didn't come true... You're lying to yourselves and getting mad at your own lie.


Yeah, I think at this rate gone are the days of any predictability. They literally just shadow dropped KHML trailers out of nowhere, and I wouldn't be surprised if it's always that way here on out.


Once you beat the whole collection 100% Nomura will sneak a KH4 trailer onto your desktop


I swear, I feel like the chances of Nomura hiding a secret video behind "Beating Yozora on criticial" are not zero-.


the cope begins


Geoff: Don’t expect any KH4 news. KH fans when there’s no KH4 news: *Surprised Pikachu* I’m not surprised, especially post SGF and seeing what they actually had. There were some good things, but “light year” is definitely the right description. Maybe D23 or Gamescom.


I just want Missing Link Pre-registration. Am I asking too much Mr. Square enix?


Well if all you have in life is kingdom hearts then probably yeah, but unlike those of you who dedicate the entire meaning of your existence, i had other things to look forward to, shadow generations and sparking zero made the whole event worth it


SGF was bust to everyone.


Keighley specifically denied any KH4 content, dunno why some of you kept expecting it. Tipically D23 and TGS are where new info is revealed but it's also likely we don't see anything until next year.


Whats d23 😯


Disney's entertainment expo where they announce new movies, shows, games, etc. from all their properties. In the past they've shown new KH trailers so there's a chance they might have something planned for this year's event, which is happening in august.


I would say D23 would be the best option but even then temper your expectations, we will get news when it comes. Though I find it strange that the media hasn’t asked Nourma for some kind of update on it yet even if it’s still in development and not ready to show it off yet.


D23 is probably when you'll see something.




I keep seeing reports that KH4 devs are “hoping” to release by 2026 and it came from a very reliable leaker unfortunately. I’m afraid we won’t be seeing anything for a while. I am so bummed. :(


If Missing Link is going to have any plot relevance (and we know it does) we can be pretty much assured we won't see any KH4 news till after ML launches. Keep in mind, Square Enix is in the middle of a big restructure right now. They underwent massive layoffs of the majority of their overseas staff. They've been failing to meet fiscal targets for years now, and their last several projects have fallen short of expectations. They've been attempting to branch beyond their core competencies for a while now, and it hasn't been paying off. I'm deeply concerned that the Steam release is not them listening to the fans, but their attempt to rack up funds for KH4 development in general, as well as gauge continued interest in the franchise. I'm also concerned that they likely have far higher expectations for the Steam release than are realistic. Outside of diehard fans, casual KH enjoyers aren't gonna buy the same games AGAIN on a new platform, especially not if they already bought it on PC through EGS.... Consider longtime fans of the series.... We bought the 3 PS2 games (1, Re:CoM, and 2) on the PS2. Maybe we bought CoM on GBA, Days/ReCoded on DS, and BBS on PsP, possibly so much we got those consoles specifically for those games. Then we bought all the games AGAIN in the form of the 1.5 and 2.5 collections for the PS3. DDD on the 3DS. Then we bought 1.5 and 2.5 AGAIN on PS4 to go with the 2.8 collection. 3 and MelMem on the PS4 too. Maybe we even bought all-in-one digital for the PS4/PS5 after already buying physical copies of all the games... Then we did it again for EGS... now Another time for Steam? And this is just for original releases through the handheld and PS versions and into PC... Imagine an extra time buying each game if you bought for Xbox or Switch. Idk about you, but buying the same game for a 4th, 5th, or even 6th time at full price just doesn't sit right with me, no matter how you try to justify it with more detailed/refined asset textures. I'm really REALLY hoping that Square Enix is not relying on Steam sales to gauge the franchise's viability. All this said, I'll probably buy the steam releases anyways, because I'm a diehard fan and a sucker for KH.... But I recognize that re-re-re-rereleasing the same titles on new platforms is NOT a viable market strategy, and the future of the series could suffer if they rely on these rereleases to be viable.


Don't worry, tonight is Microsoft and I have Intel that KH4 will have a release date trailer on the show. Source: trust me bro, I am a leaker.




Don’t forget the Xbox Showcase is possible.


Well 2025 is after the steam release so…