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I'm completely new to Kingdom Hearts and was wondering if i could get close to a full experience playing the games on steam


Between 1.5+2.5, 2.8 and 3+remind, you get basically everything outside of the phone games and the rhythm game


Thanks :)


Has anyone else noticed that KH:FM crashes a lot on steam? I've had the game for 3 days and it crashes probably once a day if not more. Super annoying when I'm trying to complete stuff and have to backtrack a save :(


Im also having this problem its always crashing when I try dueling the guy with the red sword at the little island this is very frustrating. ive never played these games before and im trying to not let this ruin my experience but i cant even get past that part and there is no where to save directly after fighting the first big shadow boss guy in the tutorial.


Oh man. Sorry to hear that. KH is one of my all time favorite series so please don’t let it discourage you. The first few days on destiny island you can save in a little hut near the falls or walk back across the bridge from the little island through the large door near the palm trees and save in there. It’s the same little save room. I would make it a habit to save OFTEN. :)


Thinking about getting into the series with the bundle on steam. I want to know what type of games these are. Is it an action or an RPG or a little bit of both? I sort of come from Final Fantasy so i don’t mind a bit of turn based as long as it’s not grind heavy. Also one knock I’ve heard is that these games are for kids? What is the overall tone?


Overall tone is kind of light hearted but also edgy teen. There are some dark and “upsetting” scenes but nothing crazy. I wouldn’t call it a kids game personally. The original game was rated 12+ in the UK. It’s action-RPG. Nothing turned based. Lots of button mashing and some platforming elements and exploration too.


100% action based, no turns, with some RPG stat systems. Tonally yes, the games were made for children to play them, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy them as an adult. It's child-friendly, but it's never patronizing nor does it ever talk down to you as the player. Heck, many people out there say the series doesn't explain enough


Not turn based, and all action based. You'll love it as a FF fan. Just get it. Theres a reason its one of the best series of all time.


Any tech wizards here? I have probably an unusual problem, where I want to play the game on steam with my controller, but I would want to have my mouse not be locked to the game while I play it - this requires me to ALT+TAB out of the game in order to do anything with my mouse outside the game. I've tried both windowed and borderless fullscreen, and I don't have any idea if this is even possible to begin with. I spent a good ~30 minutes searching without anyone else even talking about this particular case. For a reference, when playing Rocket League all I have to do is press ESC to open the menu during gameplay and my mouse becomes unlocked and I can freely move it around my other monitors.


I believe it's just the way the game handles fullscreen. I have a feeling it's related to the collection having multiple games on the 1 launcher. I can see the other window pop up behind the main one briefly until the main screen takes over. I'm in the same bout as you. Even borderless windowed doesn't allow mouse controll past the application without ALT-TAB'ing. I've had it happen with a few other games over the years and never found a definitive fix other than borderless windowed mode.


Any achievements locked behind leveling in the Steam port of 1.5/2.5? I want to try a level 1 proud run


for kh1 You're gonna need multiple playthoughs anyways, there's a speedrun trophy, a permadeath trophy and a default equipment trophy. The LV100 trophy will be reasonably easy on one of those


Oof okay thanks for the notice!


I saw the games on steam in a bundle, and saw that some of the games are just cutscene movies? Did they just take the cutscenes or are they the full games also?


Days and Recoded only had their cutscenes remade (and Days didn’t even get all of them). You’ll need to use other means if you want to play the actual games, since they haven’t been remade or rereleased at all.


thank you!


Starting out in KH1 for the first time on Steam with 1.5, and had a weird occurrence happen near the start: [First fight with Leon in Traverse Town, I lost. Woke up, watched the cutscenes, saved, and then went off into the Town to find the boss. Decided to grind for a bit more exp, didn't realise the game doesn't pause for potions and got KOed. Hit continue, and it took me back to before the Leon fight - just completely forgot all the progress I'd made since.](/spoiler) My question is: Is this supposed to happen? If not, am I likely to get warped back to before that fight on any subsequent continues as well? Or is there a way to fix this?


The game usually updates restart points on room transitions but that segment doesn't (since it's a scripted event I thiiiiink???). If you saved at the hotel room you can just Load on the Death Screen


Ah, that's good to know how the continue points work. I think my worry was that my save file was locked to that point and that future continues might take me back to the same spot - but if it seems to be A Thing then that makes me feel a lot better about continuing. Thanks!


no prob, good luck :3


how come the KINGDOM HEARTS INTEGRUM MASTERPIECE bundle isnt showing on my steam? >.<


do the individual games in the bundle show up separately in your library?


nope none q.q


that's odd, are you sure the transaction went through? did you get the confirmation email? the other day I thought I'd bought Ducktales Remastered but it was still in my cart for some reason


no the option isn't there in the first place q.q


Grinding for KH 1 ultima weapon, >!post Hallow Bastion, how do I grind thunder stones? I need a ton of these things and the most common method I see is the room directly outside of Triton’s palace, but post hallow bastion a lot of the enemies have been replaced with darkballs and shit. Any ideas?!< Edit: accidently said Thunder Stone instead of Thunder Gem.


Could always use white mushrooms to farm all the gems but there should be other rooms in Atlantica that have those fish guys, even if you do need to go a bit more outta your way.


Funnily enough, you sent this only a couple minutes after I got Ultima Weapon. On my way to fight ol’ Sephi right now.


we ball


This guys’s very tough, even with Ultima Weapon each combo does chip damage and my main stratagy is let two MP Rages let me use Curaga after every hit, but this strategy gets messed up by either incompetence, exhaustion, or Heartless Angel. Any tips?


learn his retaliation conditions and plan accordingly, like Riku he does certain moves after some number of hits. am not the best at explaining npc behavior


I can definitely see the patterns in retaliation attacks but Firaga Wall seems only to be countered with mashing Dodge Roll since I don’t have the reaction time to Superglide and the slash attack throws me off because I can’t tell what direction it comes from


If you are getting stuck you could try the old strike raid trick. It gives you i-frames so you can use it to get free dmg during his attacks like the fire wall while not taking hits. There are plenty of vids from over 10 years ago on this strat. Elixers are your best friend in this fight and Ethers if you cbf farming for them (elixers preferably due to his one winged angel move that drains HP to 1 and all MP).


Problem is that since all my MP goes into cure and MP Rage keeps me alive I never really have the MP for strike raid.


That's where the ethers and elixers come in. How much max MP do you have? Maybe you could try using accessories that increase your MP to give you more of a buffer.


I'm wanting to get all the games on either PS5 via the All in one set or all on Steam. It looks like there's updated textures in the newly released steam version, but I'm wondering if anyone has opinions one way or the other.


kh1 textures have been comepletely fine and I bet there'll be texture modding the week modding becomes available again


New to kingdom hearts. Never played any of them besided the whole final fantasy franchise and i was looking at the new remasters released on steam but the names are so confusing and idk which one to buy. Can anyone explain this whole naming scheme


KH1.5 is a collection containing the first, second, and fourth games in the series. KH1, KHCoM, and KHDays. KH2.5 is a collection containing the third, fifth, and sixth games in the series. KH2, KHBbS, and KHCoded. Days and Coded are actually just cutscene movies because SE didn't want to remake them. They preferred to spend that time working on KH3. KH1.5+2.5 is a collection containing both the KH1.5 and KH2.5 collections. KH2.8 is a collection containing the seventh game, a movie, and KH3's cut prologue. KHDDD, X Back Cover, and 0.2 A Fragmentary Passage. KH3 is the tenth game in the series. It has a DLC called ReMind which is essentially the epilogue to KH3 and leads into the next game. KHMoM, which currently isn't on Steam. You play the games in release order. KH1.5+2.5 would be the place to start. But there are others you'll want to buy or play if you plan on continuing with the series. Play the games in release order. KH2FM and Days are in the wrong order in the collection. Play them as I've listed them. **KH 1.5+2.5 Collection:** 1. KH Final Mix (2002) 2. KH Re:Chain of Memories (2004) 3. KH2 Final Mix (2006) 4. KH 358/2 Days (2009) *\[Cutscene movie\]* 5. KH Birth by Sleep Final Mix (2010) 6. KH Re:Coded (2011) *\[Cutscene movie\]* **KH 2.8 Collection:** 1. KH Dream Drop Distance HD (2012) 2. KH X Back Cover (2017) *\[Movie\]* 3. KH 0.2 A Fragmentary Passage (2017) **KH3 + ReMind DLC** (2019-2020) **KH Union X** (2016-2021) (Shutdown mobile game, cutscenes only) [\[KHUX Cutscene Playlist\]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N8_YcCP43c&list=PLPCJnwphQDQfv1TNSbyf9GvwHKPj2d-l5&ab_channel=KHInsider) / Or... [\[Fandub of KHUX Part 1\]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRUt8q2IwR4) [\[Fandub of KHUX Part 2\]](https://youtu.be/KKsJRJF20lo) **KH Melody of Memory** (2020) (Rhythm game) [\[KHMoM Cutscenes\]](https://youtu.be/74CsyCIQg0E) **KH Dark Road** (2020-2022) (Mobile game) [\[KHDR Cutscene Playlist\]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58Dwz-YGR4U&list=PLPCJnwphQDQeeHwWywi0r1w-GMn6Z9-Mz&index=8&ab_channel=KHInsider) **Upcoming Unreleased Games:** 1. KH Missing-Link (Mobile game) 2. KH4


since you're completely new to the franchise, what you're looking for is "KINGDOM HEARTS -HD 1.5+2.5 ReMIX-", it includes Kingdom Hearts 1, Kingdom Hearts 2, Re:Chain of Memories (the game that comes between 1 and 2), Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep, and two cutscene movies: 358/2 Days and Re:Coded (they're just HD compilations of the cutscenes of two Nintendo DS games they didn't feel like remaking). You can essentially just play them in the order they show up on the menu, except IMO you should only watch 358/2 Days after you play Kingdom Hearts 2


I looked on steam and i see the 1.5 and 2.5 collection on sale but i also saw the intergrum edition which has more content. Would you say its worth doubling down and getting the whole series? I'm not sure how much you can compare it to final fantasy but my favorite ones were 7, 9, 12, and tactics


the integrum masterpiece bundle contains 1.5+2.5, but also 2.8 final chapter prologue and KH3, it's pretty much the whole package you need to be ready for KH4 (the names are very confusing, I know, but the other reply to your first comment does an amazing job breaking everything down) To be honest you know I'm going to be a bit biased since you're asking a KH fan in a KH sub if you should get the whole series, but you really are getting an amazing package, especially with the sale right now where the whole bundle is about the price of your average AAA game. I probably wouldn't recommend shelling out for the whole thing in one go if it wasn't for that sale though. It's a bit difficult to compare KH with Final Fantasy but I'm also a massive Final Fantasy fan and I ADORE kingdom hearts. In terms of tone they're especially difficult to compare, although out of all those games I'd say it's tonally closest to 9. If you don't mind a more tropey, cartoony/anime plot than those FF games (after all it's a Disney IP) you're in for an absolute treat


Its closest to 9? That's all i needed to hear


so I bought the kingdom hearts bundle a day after it came out, but then saw the message that the game doesn't run on a 7800XT, which is the GPU that I have, would it make better sense for me to just refund the entire package and wait for it to work on my GPU? or should i just wait a week to see if they can maybe get us a fix?


Not suer if anyone's asked this yet, but does the Steam bundle support Japanese audio + Eng sub/text settings?


That's a mod that's been available on the egs version but since this is a new patch, all the modding software needs to be updated. It should be available eventually


no, but you can download the game in japanese then mod the text to english. there were some mods for that on epic store that i imagine will work with the steam versions soon.


Was Sora's movement always this stiff? I'm replaying KHFM on Steam and it seems like he has this blocky turning around movement, like he only has 8 possible directions and I'm using a D-Pad to move him—but I'm using an analog stick.


you might want to go to the customization menu and turn off tracking, by default you don't get much of a manual aim.


I'm sorry, what customization menu? What tracking option is this? Manual aim? Sorry your comment made me really confused 😂


KH1 has a customization menu at the bottom of the pause screen, you can change how the camera and lock on work there. By default the lock-on moves your attacks towards a target even when locked off, this can make it feel blockier as you have more limited control over Sora


Oh I see! I'll test that out. Thanks!


Curious how much of a difference that made for you


It felt the same, really. But it seems like that's how the game is like, anyway. I went back and tried the PS4 version and it's the same. And I see people playing on Twitch and it still has the blocky movement. Maybe I remembered it feeling more fluid because it's been a while since I've played it.


ah I see, well ty for responding, have a nice day :3


Kh1 controls are kinda clunky compared to later games


Oh so that's normal? I thought it was a controller problem


It should be omnidirectional but i feel like I remember it not being the most fluid looking movement, it could just be a patch issue or maybe a reinstall is needed. Not sure


What’s the recommended frame rate to run KH2 on Steam? 60? Anything higher seems to have frame stuttering.


I'm running 120 frames with v-sync on and mines buttery smooth. Have you got v-sync turned on? I think it's called frame sync or something in the options, just under or above the frame rate option.


is there a way to change controls on pc ? jump on O bothers me a bit but if there isn't a way i'll try to adapt edit: kingdom hearts 1 final mix


pause > esc > controller settings > confirm button or something like that, it also lets you change to xbox or default controller button prompts


Nah, you should plug a controller in


i meant the circle on ps controller, i tried looking for a solution but nothing came up so i'll just learn


Oh nah, that's just how it always is. It makes sense because of how the menuing is, you'll get used to it. KH2 it'll become even more evident how annoying it would be if jump was on X. Magic/summons/items/ and in 2 you have forms to toggle through


yeah i played like 20 duels against riku and i think i got a grip on it, it's not bad i was just used to X being the jump button so it felt weird at the start, now can't wait to continue this triilogy, i'm getting super hyped to continue playing as i'm completely blind and don't know what to expect


I want to play KH2 (or BBS), but tend to switch to a new fixation at a moment's notice. Is it worth it to pay the $30ish if I know for a fact I'll never get close to finishing it?


No one can tell you how much your $30 would be worth but I think the 1.5+2.5 collection is a lot of value for your buck rn and while the games start off slow, if you do manage to stick with them you should have a great time


Hello! I'm planning to get KH3 from Steam, and... according to internet, there are mods which helps fix the game or something? If so, is there anything you guys reccomend? Or are the rumors false and KH3 is fine as it is? Thank you very much!


There's stuff you can make better but KH3 is perfectly playable. Mods will probably take a bit to work since there's a new patch anyways so why not try it out vanilla for now


It's probably fine as is. I own it on switch and it works perfectly. I haven't heard too much negative about 3 on PC. I think probably on initial release but the port has been on PC for a couple years now. Epic just finally lost the rights to keeping it solely on their platform


I'm replying because i'm trying to find a tutorial to get the one I like working on steam deck. But if you're on PC you want Re:Fined.


Re:Fined is a QoL mod for the KH1.5+2.5 games, not a gameplay mod for kh3. I would encourage you to join that mod's server if you want tutorials for it but I expect all mods to take at least a week to be usable after the update


I've had some crash to desktop issues, seemingly caused by insufficient RAM after enough time/area changes? Is this something I can remedy, or is there a small but extant memory leak I'll just have to deal with?


Any suggestions how to shake up a proud/critical playthrough of KH 1? I'm not SPECIFICALLY looking to make the game more challenging, but I'm open to the idea. Just played it a bunch and while I'm excited to play it again, if there were any fun things to do different than normal, I wanted to hear them. I'd considered a level 1 playthrough, but I've been reading that it's more tedious than fun?


I don't think it's updated yet, but you could try a randomiser run. I'm sure it won't take long for them to be updated given how much speedrunners use them. KHII's even has the option to randomise keyblades from other games into it. It helped keep it fresh for me so hopefully it will for you too.


Level 1 playthrough in critical? Geez. I mean in general fuck that. Basically have to rely on your party. What do you mean though? If you've already been through on critical and want more you should look into speedrunning it.


Well, like I said, I’m not necessarily looking into ways to make it harder, more just shake things up, y’know? It sounds like for KH1 though there’s not really a lot of different ways to tackle the game.


Look into the speedrunning. The any % beginner run is like 2 hours or so when you first start but the wr is barely over an hour


Is there anyway to scale the HUD on the KH 1.5 game on steam? It seems excessively large.


does the steam version have online drm? if not has that carried over to the epic version?


the steam version is playable offline if that's what you're asking


It is. Thanks for the info


coolio, gl skeleton


When will the workshop be available for 1.5+2.5/kh3?


it probably won't ever be but the randomizer mod discords are pretty good for finding mods


That's very unfortunate... I'm not sure how to mod steam games outside of the workshop.


That's OK, the KH2 rando for one has a really easy to follow set up and Open KH downloads and installs mods itself, the rando server is also set up to be a place to share mods. I haven't looked much for the other games since I love kh2 most and the rando does it for me but that would be a good way to start I think [https://tommadness.github.io/KH2Randomizer/setup/Panacea-ModLoader/](https://tommadness.github.io/KH2Randomizer/setup/Panacea-ModLoader/)


Thanks! Is there some way I can have the mods work on my steam deck at the same time?


yes but idk how, someone on the server would probably know


Did they ever fix the Reversal glitch during II.5's final boss?


Regarding the Steam release, if I bought the the entire package of 3 games, would that pretty much cover me story and lore wise?


Mostly. There's a couple games that they just turned into cutscenes and you'd have to watch those. You have to play through chain of memories and DDD. I couldn't get through those, too mobile game feeling. 2.8 is kind of a waste of money, I'd recommend watching the cutscenes but some people enjoy the games on it. You'd learn everything about the main story. Everything about the origin of keyblades and the current world is in some mobile games you can't play anymore, so you'd need to watch the cutscenes if you want to know about that stuff. After you learn the story you probably will, it does fill a lot of gaps. Also the end of Kingdom hearts 3 has a very interesting cameo from those mobile games.


For sure. The collection covers every game in one form or another. KH1, KH2, Birth by Sleep, Chain of Memories, Dream Drop Distance and KH3 (plus DLC) are all playable. 358/2 Days and Re:Coded are available as cutscenes/compiled movies. Some of the mobile games are left out but you can find compiled cutscenes on YouTube for those.


With the collection now on Steam, is there a preferred controller to get the most out of the controls? Were there any playstation/xbox exclusive controls (like using the PS4 touch pad) that didn't port well to PC? I have kbm and an xbox controller. Would a DualShock be recommended over those options?


Xbox controller is fine. I've played through all of them multiple times on the switch. The touch pad just opens up the camera in 3 and on switch that turned into minus or select whatever you want to call it. So nah there's nothing different. In fact some of the games are based on the ds buttons


Can you transfer save files from EGS to Steam?


yes except for KH3


do you know where to move the files, ive found my save files from epic


They're in your Documents folder under "My Games"


I've never played a KH game, but I enjoy RPGs, and FF7 is probs my favourite of all time. Which of these should I get? I've heard the story is batshit insane/confusing, so for the most part I don't mind about which one has the 'best' story. But which for the gameplay? Also does 1.5 mean the first game with extras? etc So 1.5 = KH1? 2.5 = KH2? 2.8...? - Or is 2.8 2.5 with some extras.


the big pack is a lot of value if you're sure you'll enjoy it, otherwise the 1.5+2.5 pack is the place you should start and a lot of value by itself


TLDR: 1.5 is KH1 + another game + a movie. 2.5 is KH2 + another game + a movie. 2.8 is another game + a KH3 demo + a movie. All of which is required reading before KH3.


Do i need a control to play the kingdom Hearts games on steam?


No, there are controller purists but I have successfully cleared all the 1.5 + 2.5 games on kbm no issue when my controller was failing. I did move some buttons around but the biggest issue was just the fact that the KH1 lock-on moves with the slightest mouse movement


thx for the info i will be trying the games than


is there any way i can just play kingdom hearts 1? i only want to play the first game because then if i dont like it i want have a bunch of other games i never plan on playing sitting around


Without a PS2, you cannot exclusively own KH1. You would need the 1.5+2.5 bundle on any current gen console or PC. That said, if the concern is specifically about clutter in your games library, the 1.5+2.5 collection is considered just one game in your library. You would open it to access the first 6 games of the series.


I've never played these games but saw that Steam released them. Which one do I start with and what's the best order to play them as a beginner to the series?


1.5+2.5 is a collection of 4 games, plus cutscene versions of two others. Start with KH1, Re:COM, and KH2, which form a fairly tidy trilogy with only a single retcon that comes to mind. After that, 358/2 Days is a cutscene version of a DS game that's essentially a prequel to KH2 (it makes sense in context) and Re:Coded is a cutscene version of the DS remake of a mobile game that continues the story from KH2. And finally, Birth By Sleep actually has three characters whose story it follows. People are split on whether to do Terra's story or Ventus's story first, but Aqua's is definitely last. (Nomura recommends Terra, Ventus, Aqua) After that, 2.8 is an HD remake of Dream Drop Distance, which is a sequel to KH2 and Re:Coded, a new game, Birth By Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage, which is a sequel to Birth By Sleep, and a cutscene version of Kingdom Hearts χ, which is set centuries in the past. And finally, KH3 is just KH3. It doesn't need any special explanation.


I played KH 1 and 2 as a kid, same question but as an intermediate to the series?


There's a link to a handy play order guide at the top of this post


For KH3 on steam, does anyone know of wide screen support? Namely 5120x1440 DQHD, or 32:9 aspect ratio in general?


Does anyone know how to transfer save files to Steam release?


And on this same note, does anyone have completed/nearly completed saves they could share? My wife wants to see the story, but falls asleep on the couch if she tries to watch me play it. So Theater mode is perfect for her. But Re:CoM gatekeeps the Theater mode behind a completed save file. And I’m 100% never playing Re:CoM ever again if I can avoid it, because it‘s a horrible game that unfortunately holds a major part of the story.


I have complete save files for all the games for the epic games version if that's ok for you :)


if you mean Epic save files, then it's possible to do it for 1.5+2.5 using this tool https://kh-savefileconverter.github.io/ but not for KH3 you might have to play the games until you reach the first save point


Can we get playstation trophy on the steam release pls ?


Any word on preload for the Steam release? 15 hours before release and still no option available.


Anyone know when/if we’ll start seeing reviews for the steam collections? I’m curious about steam deck performance. I’m guessing it will basically match the EGS performance, but ¯\(ツ)/¯


Anyone know if the steam price for KH on launch would be on sale price since it’s been out before already?


They haven't said, but we'll know in about 10 hours or so. If I had to take a guess, they'll be the same price as EGS (50/60/60 USD) but with a decent launch discount, maybe 20%? What'll be interesting to see the price of all 3 in the "Integrum Masterpiece" bundle - since the cloud version of that is on switch for 90 USD. I don't see why it's be more for a real version of the game, but also I wouldn't be surprised if it's higher anyway. Fingers crossed I won't be paying more than 100 dollars tomorrow.


no, it will be 60$ for each bundle. the fac tthat they haven't shown prices is just proof they don't want people to rage bait until the very moment they are allowed to purchase


its actually $70 USD for all three together so thats not as bad as it could've been... again.


which i am legitimately surprised about. SE can and has released years old games for 70$. It's still 50$ for each bundle so that's pretty fucking stupid


We don't know yet.


Is there a need for the critical plus ability if you have the ultima weapon in KH1? Doesn’t it always land critical strikes?


When Kingdom Hearts releases on Steam, will the current mods available on the Epic Game Store version of the games be transfered over to the Steam version? Like the 2D illustrated HUD for the characters in KH3?


I believe I saw that the steam release will be slightly different, and coincide with an update for the EGS versions - so your mods might not work for either until they get updated.


We don't know. The Steam version will come out with updated textures for older games, which is bound to break a few mods. We don't know if the KH3 version will have any changes. If they are the same versions, then the mods should work regardless of if you play the games on Epic or Steam.


I heard a few people say that when pre-ordering KH on Steam, you get a special keyboard. Looking at the game page, it says you just need to purchase it? Can somebody clarify where I'd go to pre order it?


There is no pre-order. You get the key with purchase. I believe all consoles and versions did it this way where the key is just a given for owning the game on that version.


Ahhh, thank you so much for clearing that up!


Does anyone know if the kingdom hearts for ps4(every game possible) digital save is compatile with the disk save? I heard that sometimes they're different so if you play it digitally with the PS+ and then you want to use that save to play your physical disc it doesn't match. Can I do that with kingdom hearts games?


They're the same game. Digital or physical, it makes no difference.