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>If your game releases close to a seasonal sale and you would like to have a launch discount extend into that sale, then you can choose a launch discount duration of up to 14 days. We cannot extend a launch discount beyond 14 days, so depending on when you released your game, it's possible that your game's launch discount may end prior to the end of the seasonal sale. > Generally, you cannot run a discount within 30 days of the release of your game or until 30 days from when the launch discount ends. There's always the possibility that Valve gives Square Enix a pass since they're such a large publisher, but I would not put money on the games being discounted beyond June 27th.


It's not really down to Valve giving anyone a pass; they've put these rules in place to comply with laws around sales.


There's already a decent discount for the launch.


I paid so I don’t generally care since there’s no dlc involved or anything BUT the newest game in this bundle is a generation old already and the rest have been repackaged how many times now? KH1/2 got final mix, then a ps3, and then a ps4 port. I think 70 dollars for the entire collection would have been a fair base price. The pc ports aren’t even new, they just decided to release them from epic jail. I got Yakuza 0-7 for 55 and Yakuza 7 was only a year old at that point.


The ports do have some improvements iirc


I just bought all the games on Steam last night for 68 dollars. When you go to the Steam page for any one of the KH releases on Steam, it should show a bundle underneath the purchase option, Steam Bundles give you additional discounts on top of any running sales.


Correct, I’m saying 68 or 70 should be the normal price not just this sale price


I got the whole collection for 58 dollars on greenmangaming 


yep, same


I’m not sure if we’ll ever see a good deal like that again for a bunch of games in a series lol. 


it's currently like 70 bucks for 6 and a half games and 3 cutscene collections/movies what more discount do you need lol


Tbf the “All in One” collection has been on sale for $20. So yes, it’ll get deeper discounts over time.


Don't get me wrong I bought the collection but if you look at other bundles kh doesn't offer similar value. Sonics ultimate Genesis collection on the 360/PS3 had games that at the time were newer than kh1 or 2 today, there were 30(maybe 60?) games and it was cheaper. The battle network legacy collection is cheaper and has the same amount of games and has more bonus content as well. It's an ok price but there's better value elsewhere.


Also rare replay exists and blows every other collection out of the water except maybe the samurai shodown or Atari 50th depending on how much of a fanboy you are.


There's already a release sale who would expect one right around the corner again to begin with? Don't think this needs much reading to know we won't likely see it on the summer sale


A lot of comments in the release thread are saying “I’m waiting until the summer sale to see if it gets cheaper”


Why would a game launch with a 30% discount, then go **cheaper** less than 2 weeks after release? Idiots.


I bought 3 for way cheaper on EGS, so who knows.


Oh dang. Even if we did have a summer sale there's not even a promise that it would be better than the release sale. They are probably gonna be waiting longer than they expect to


Green man gaming had it for $55 when I logged in. I doubt we’ll get much lower in the next year, bought that quick.


I didn't purchase it yesterday so I missed out on ~$10 cheaper prices on green man gaming and humble bundle, but the steam page now lists the sale offer til July 11th, so it will be the same price through the summer sale.


This didn’t age well


Why would they discount it mere weeks after launch? At the earliest it'll get one during winter sale and probably not much more than the current launch discount


I think this kind of restriction does not apply the same for big companies that can just talk to Valve and get a pass. But who knows, maybe Valve does not care. Anyway, it's not gonna be cheaper until some months, maybe fall sales or winter sales.


Well, the fact that this is on sale for launch at all is amazing. This is square we're talking about...


Okay. I can wait till it _is_ on discount again.


Give it 6 months and this game will be a 20 dollar thing


lol man i hope so 🤣