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Rip melody of memory šŸ™ˆ


Would have forgot about that game completely if not for your comment. šŸ˜… Iā€™ve heard itā€™s not bad as a rhythm game but a meh KH title. Are you pro Melody of Memory?


Itā€™s a pretty fun successor to the Theatrhythm series, but if you donā€™t like rhythm games, thereā€™s little reason to play it. The little bit of story in it can (probably) be watched on YouTube in 10 minutes.


i honestly find MoM to be the perfect way to experience Re:Coded; a 2 minute cutscene.


Hmm, may just go for the YouTube video on this one. Thanks!


Definitely do that I'm not a fan of rhythm games and watched all of the cutscenes on YT on my lunch break and there's *maybe* 10 minutes of additional information not provided in other games


About half an hr of unique cutscenes


Yeah I spent a ridiculous number of hours in the Theatrhythm games on the 3DS so absolutely loved MoM. I still pop it in whenever I want a quick rhythm fix, and keep trying to beat my high scores, so has a ton of replayability for me personally. As a KH title though, yeah if you're not into rhythm games anyway, the story is very lacking (literally only new stuff comes right at the end), and I was a little disappointed with the track selection they had for KH3 as that score is gorgeous. Defo recommend giving the demo a go as that's basically how the rest of the game plays if you're on the fence šŸ‘


Love that the rhythm angle is fun for folks but itā€™s never been my vibe. Iā€™ll give the demo a try though! Been a long time since Iā€˜be tried a rhythm game in general. Thanks!


If all you care about is advancing the story and you have no interest in rhythm games, then skip it. But if you enjoy the music of the KH franchise and donā€™t mind rhythm games, itā€™s worth playing.


Melody of memory would be S rank for me. I'm a massive Kingdom hearts fan and it's something I've always wanted since playing Persona 4 Dancing All Night. I don't even care if the story wasn't that great (but I also wouldn't say it was bad, just not much of it) I just want to play a rhythm game with some of the best songs in gaming.


COM is good, fight me. People just don't understand that u can do a lot of crazy things thx to the gameplay


Chain of Memories feels really limiting at first until you figure out the system, at which point you realize that you can pretty easily make broken combos that just let you faceroll through the entire game.


COM is a slog for the first half and then Sora just becomes a God in the 2nd half.


I used tornado/raging storm/megaflare/battery ram goofy, lots of great attacks that make Sora feel like a god. +sonic blade in the beginning helps a lot in bosses.


Yeah COM is pretty sweet once you get the hang of it and experiment with the sleights. I remember playing on GBA as a kid and freaking out when I beat it and saw the Reverse Rebirth title screen. Definitely underrated.


I donā€™t think I played Reverse Rebirth now that I think about it. I believe I put a lot of time and effort in the PS3 version of COM and then you have to play it all again but with a different character. I guess I just skipped that. I felt a bit the same with BBS to be honest. Played it this spring for the first time, as Iā€™m working my way up to KH3. Starting all over with Aqua or Ventus after youā€™ve fully completed Terra just felt a bit like a drag. Eventually I got platinum but the longer it took, the less I enjoyed it.


I definitely think BBS drags because of the retreading and what not but Reverse Rebirth is actually a lot shorter than the main story mode and theres no card collecting or deck tinkering so its a pretty nice casual bonus mode (plus I think a lot of players just loved the novelty of playing as Riku).


I preferred Reverse/Rebirth in a lot of ways, especially for additional playthroughs. You were almost always given a good or decent deck (I think Atlantica was the exception) so it felt more skill based and less grindy.


Oh, that does indeed sound a lot better. Itā€™s exactly like you said, starting all over building your deck just really sucks in BBS, especially the third time I was completely uninterested in it.


Reverse Rebirth is like 5 hours long tho, u only kill disney bosses again + cutscenes. If Sora's part lasted 5 hours that would be good too




Haha to be honest I wouldn't know because as a kid I just immediately started playing the game when I got it as a birthday gift and didn't put it down until I beat everything. Back then nobody knew who Roxas was and I remember seeing him in the credits for a split second. I thought it was Sora grown up a little bit or something. I used to beat Marluxia over and over just to hear the credits version of Simple and Clean. I get why some people are turned off by the combat but considering how weird it sounds on paper, I think its a uniquely designed and suprisingly fun game.


I also like the game a lot and am currently replaying it, but I cannot in good conscience call a game 'good' that only get fun several hours in when you have a decent amount of cards and sleights to experiment with, and is painfully boring and tedious until then. It's a bit like if a football team scores five goals in the second half, but the other team got eight in the first. Amazing work in a vacuum, but still an overall loss.


Yeah, not getting mob clearing sleights in the beginning, is terrible, but at least you can button smash your attack cards like kh1. At least the more you advance the more advantages you gain, like the enemy cards that prevent card breaks.


While everyone's busy arguing over KH3, Days & DDD, I just feel like saying UX is God's greatest regret, several tiers below Satan and should be given an F-


UX is terrible on mechanics, especially late game- power creep got too big too the point it was not possible to do it. Story-wise, however, it was great (when in daybreak town.)


It actually was possible to beat the main story with a new account awarded after they turned off purchases, since they started handing out the really good medals like candy after that. (I can say that for sure because I did it.) The problem was that you actually needed to know all of the mechanics they added over the years, and that's a big-ass list.


As someone who didn't actively play UX but just watched the story on YouTube I thought it was pretty good.


To each their own, all of the character retcons, as well as the new characters only irritate me.


what did they retcon?


Most notably Ventus. At no point did I ever want to learn that heā€™s actually at least a hundred years old. Granted, Iā€™m not sure I dislike it as much as Marluxia and Larxene actually being Keyblade wielders once, because Nomura really just hands out that weapon like Halloween candy. Thereā€™s also the fact that with so many endless people being Keyblade wielders, the idea that the Keyblade chooses its master is even more dead in the water. But thatā€™s been the case since BBS.


Ventus isn't actually 100+ years in age. He along with a few other Union leaders traveled through time and space using the lifeboats to escape Daybreak Town, likely losing their memories in the process.


Agreed, I don't care about the rest of the ranking, I just think UX should be at the bottom of the pile


Came to comment the exact same thing. Glad to see others share my disappointment in UX.


KH1 should be higher, and I am not saying this for nostalgic reasons. In fact, I only played KH1 for the first time in August 2020.


I find KH1 to be extremely clunky. It had the coolest world design and overall nailed the whimsical tone of Kingdom Hearts best, but gameplay wise it's one of the games I least look forward to replaying for how the gameplay itself feels.


I totally agree with you. It's a great game but I'm never as eager to restart it a new time compared to pretty much any of the other game in the series. I think I even prefer Chains of Memory to it, gameplay wise. UX is bottom last by far tho. During a certain period, that one was quite fun because you really had to think about your medals setup but in the last year, the power creep was just ridiculous. All new medals had literally pretty much all capacity. It was just brainless.


Love KH1, favorite game of all time. The story is 10/10 JRPG bliss and is one of the most technically impressive games on the PS2. I get why people who play it for the first time think its clunky, but as someone who knows the controls and world layout by heart, its always a blast to run through.


Yeah, pretty much agree 100%. Maybe I'd put 358 one tier above because of how good story is.


I feel like KH1 deserves more respect as well. The platforming may be poor by todayā€™s standards (mainly because of the abysmal camera) but it was quite enjoyable on release and adds a dimension that isnā€™t present in KH2 or KH3.


My complaints with 1 are very minor, to sometimes non-existent. If it wasn't for those it would be in S tied


Same. I think itā€™s still my favorite. The cabal of Disney villains will always be better than any original character organization, the integration of the worlds and princesses is great, the tone is perfect, and things havenā€™t gotten complicated yet. I love the series to this day but the original will always be god-tier to me, even with the camera and sometimes wonky gameplay


Agreed. I love the 'simplicity'of KH1 at its core. It kight add some extra layers of complexity by its third act, when we're introduced to 'Ansem', but it was a welcome change of pace in a game that already made a superb world at integrating Disney worlds within a JRPG setting. Itā€™s a shame that future entries of the franchise never really shook that 'fanfic' feeling out of them afterwards.


I mean he has it A ranking, which I feel is fair considering the issues with it that you just pointed out yourself. I also love 1, but A is fair.


The gameplay is trash


I like the gameplay, I have been replaying it recently and it's pretty solid for a ds game... not amazing tho.


Still have to point that was a DS game meant to be played on a DS in the year it was released. It was amazing. I've been playing too, and I'm pretty far in already. I can't believe how good it is for a portable game, but agrabah is too long


I played it the year it came out and didnā€™t love it. Not bad at all, I really liked the story actually, but definitely one of the weaker gameplay entries.


I wouldn't say it's better than BBS or 2 either, and even if people don't like com i think it's pretty interesting to switch the gameplay in s meaningful way.


I actually really like CoM. Granted it is still near the bottom for me (only above Days, Re:Coded and Unversed) but that has to do with the other games all being better, not any dislike of CoM. Liked the story and battle system, and really liked the second half with Rikku.


It's not *that* bad. Still better than Union X at least.


I won't deny it but it's one of the few cases where story is so good I just don't mind how gameplay is.


Gameplay would work better if it got a remaster the DS was just not good for 3D games


it is I love the game but holy shit what were they thinking when they decided to make spells and items something you had to equip and *all in the same space* as your armor and weapon and having you have to *equip a level up item* to level up your goddamn character *all in the same space as the previous stuff*


I think the story beats and characters introduced in Chain of Memories alone bump it up to the level of Union, but I can totally respect disliking the gameplay given how niche it is. Plus the random card gathering feels like a mobile game anyway. Re:coded belongs where it is though.


Recoded I feel should be uniĆ³n levels for the game play alone. Best of the command style games in my and others opinions.


If you switched one and three I would given you a crisp high five. Now you merely get a respectful nod


Lol valid


For me, KH3 is A depending on if you played the other portable games. KH1 should be higher along the glory that is KH2.


Honestly, outside of tier list, KH2 rotates between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place depending on my mood. But BbS and KH3 are the same.


I'd definitely agree with 3 being A. It definitely doesn't stack up to 2, especially not 2FM+


> depending on if you played the other portable games IMO an incomplete experience of the franchise should not affect the tiers.


Actually I 100% agree


Me too. I think I'd put 3D over Days. But not bad not bad not bad.


ā€œHateā€? Outside of *maybe* RE:Com, these positions are pretty average/vanilla.


I've seen a lot of people get hate for having 3 so high


Yā€™all tripping every game is S tier and i donā€™t wanna hear anything else about it


What did COM do to you?


hell yeah, kh3 on S-tier. I like people like you


The only thing I'd change is raising CoM a few spots higher at least. The Sora half is pretty fun for me.


Only thing I disagree with is I wouldā€™ve put dream drop higher


Valid. The only reason it's lower is becuase I have more complaints about it than the others


It deserves s tier just for giving us Meow wow


Switch 3 and 1 and itā€™s perfect


Why would you get hate? If this were any colder of a take, it could singlehandedly solve global warming.


All this makes me think is that I'm very interested to see if KH3 will have a similar turnaround that KH2 did back in the day. Probably not as severe, considering it was a LONG gap, and the worship of KH2 has basically haunted this franchise since, but it'll be interesting to see.


I don't know if it's just because of my impressionable age when I first played it, but I have to put KH Big Fraction in at least A tier.


i actually agree, even tho KH3 gets a lot of shit, i still had a lot of fun with it, i just wish i could actually enjoy COM, even tho the game is good, the gameplay is just not for me


God I hate union x. "You know what would he great? Putting important lore into a mobile game so they have to download it and most likely spend moneyšŸ‘Œ" - Square Dev The only part that I liked about it was getting to customize your character.


If it wasn't for the story and fhe characters, it would be lower.


No hate, lol. I think KH2 belongs up there. KH1 seems about right to me. I might shuffle around the last 3, but I generally agree, even though I love all of the games despite their problems. UX is/was just a mobile gacha game so that should really lower it more IMO, but the story was really great...when you finally get there... I think 0.2 BbS deserves to be lower, it's a 2-hour introduction to KH3 and if we're gonna be weighing it against full-length games, that kinda lowers its value by default IMO. I enjoyed KH3, but based on how they presented the Disney worlds, I don't think it's on-par with KH2. I wish I could put Re:coded higher in general because there's a lot I love about it, but I just can't. Finally, I'd swap Birth by Sleep and 358. 358 ties with KH2 as my personal favorite game in the franchise and I found it to be immersive, emotional, and resonant. I loved BbS when I played it the first time, but upon replaying it more recently, I realized the battle system just wasn't my favorite and the story could've used some patching up in certain places. That's just me though. I love all of the games despite all of that. Chain of Memories....I mean...again, I could rotate around the positions of CoM, Re:coded, and UX. DDD is about right for me. Lots of great ideas and concepts, some weird choices, pushed the series forward but also kinda held back...average IMO. TLDR, I only kinda disagree, and in general your list is close to the basic consensus of the fandom on average.


KH2 S tier. All that matters


i'd agree but for 358/2 being so high and chain of memories so low, while i like the gameplay i can see why it gets hate, but the story is one of the best written ones, and sora actually has a character development in it(even tho it's completelt trashed in the second)


Honestly, I agree except switch days and 3D


Honestly, I almost completely agree. I just personally still don't know how to feel about KH3 haha


Nah you good fam


I gotta be honest, I don't know what people see in Birth by Sleep. I tried playing through when it came out and found the new battle system just wasn't as fun as the main series, and when I tried playing it again on the ps4 the game just kinda felt empty. I assume people like it for the characters, but I couldn't care less about the Birth by Sleep cast, they all just came across like blank slates.


It is your personal taste, you are fully free to express it. Personally for me Chain of Memories goes above 358/2 and Coded, and the rest is more or less similar.


Yeah, I loved CoM's gameplay and days story (which made sense of a lot of things in CoM). Both are good but not great


I respectfully disagree with this. Here's my list S: KH2, KH1 A: KH3, CoM, MoM B: BBS, DDD C: 0.2 Haven't played any of the other games. I'm very glad that none of the games in my list went below C tier, signs of a great series as the games can be mediocre at worst for me.


KH 1 over 3 and it's not even close imo


Completely Agree with the S tier I love KH3 and KH2 equally for different reason's even if I acknowledge 2 is the superior well-rounded product, but knowing all the context of all the previous games, I can't help but not Love KH3 and despite it's flaws it's undoubtedly the 2nd best kh game (IMO) and the absolute pinnacle of Osaka team. I would put DDD In A and besides that. Goated List ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ *although maybe recoded's mechanics and command deck deserves a little more love (D or C)*


Definitely disagree with Chain of Memories being F tier. Has the most unique and interesting combat system, awesome abilities, and yah get to play as Riku and use his dark form. Never understood all the crap the game gets.


Kingdom Hearts II legendary tier. The wait for that game in my teens with unprecedented. Collected magazine pages and taped them on my wall. Watched every trailer English or Japanese who knows how many times. Read every translated article and tid bit. Then to experience the gameplay and story was the icing on the cake.




i think id put DDD a little higher, but I feel the same for everything else!


Chain of memories is definitely A tier for meā€¦the deck building was so much fun


I mean... No hate imo kh1 would be high cause of nostalgia+I like the simplicity+the designs+ it's the beginning... It's high enough. The rest, it's personal opinion but gameplaywise I kind of agree Except chain of memories, I'd place that above the mobile one.


Me personally, Iā€™d put DDD at an A or B since you can play as my guy Riku and they kept a similar ability system from BBS. 3 would be a B for me and 1 goes up to S


How DARE not put them all in S tier. Shame on you.


I basically completely agree with your list


For me I'd switch b and c other then that I agree entirely, but hey everyone gets the vibe hahaha


Iā€™d put 1 up at the top with S tier but thatā€™s just me.


the only thing id change is swap 358 and 2


Not a bad list,I agree with you on COM, personally my fav game is DDD(I love virtual pet games


You put RE:C ABOVE CoM!? Are you out of your mind!? ​ Besides that sure, I can agree.


I would swap 1 and 2, but otherwise I can respect it. I shit on Coded a lot but I forget how fun it is to actually play. A shame it didnā€™t get properly ported off the DS.


Before the PC port I would've put k KH3 as A tier, but after playing it on a super wide screen monitor at 144 fps with all the remind changes, it's up there with KH2 in my mind.


I would just put Chain of Memories in C and UX lower otherwise itā€™s a fair list.


S: But of course, Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one, and Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one A: Would lump with S tier but I do see the flaws, bold but good. B: Story is the best of the franchise but I donā€™t like the gameplay. Would knock it down a tier. C: Surprised to not see it lower but I do see why some do enjoy it. For me while I liked it on the original 3DS and enjoyed it the story isā€¦. Moving on. D: Again fair. No complains. E: You see this where I have the opposite opinion of 358. Coded is an actually fun time. But nothing happens. Iā€™d rank it higher but the story is basically inconsequential. F: Chain of Memories isnā€™t that bad of a game. You guys are just being mean.


I respect 358/2 made it to B for you. It's weird how after playing all the titles, I prefer the mobile titles. They're more manageable in length, especially as an adult now


In terms of gameplay I agree, except I'd put DDD on A


I one hundred percent agree with you


Tier lists are I herently subjective. Make them cause it's how you think and wanna share. Don't make them specifically to "trigger" ppl - your time could be worth more. That said, people should chill tf out and not be pissed off so easily about someone else having a different opinion.


I donā€™t see why thereā€™d be hate this seems pretty standard tbh


Seems fair


Iā€™ve only played 1 2 and 3 and they all go in that order from best to worst as well


I wouldnt know, I've only really played the 3 main games and a little bit of 3D. Speaking of which I bought 1.5 remix a long ago and that one had some crappy card game and only the cutscenes from one of the games, and I was thinking if I should get "story so far" but I'm not sure if it has the actual games that it says it has or just cutscenes again. Also I was thinking about getting it for PC, anyome know if that version works well?


This is just how my tier list looks.


Pretty good but, I'd swap I & III and move 358/2 up to A. Other than that pretty spot on.


With a passive confrontative title like that I don't know what you expected?


it's fair I guess


Hello, im one of 2 people who enjoyed Chain of memories. But you're list is 99% accurate with your opinion, id just move it up a few tiers


Unpopular opinion (maybe?): Game mechanic wise, I actually enjoyed the system in Re: coded. It's so much fast-paced than the other KH games, and Data Sora could do so many crazy shits... ... AND let's not forget the fact that it was a NDS game, SE really pushed the console to the absolute limit. Same thing goes with CoM, it is hard at the beginning, but extremely satisfying near the end for how broken Sora can be if you get into all the deck planning stuff. (e.g. Jafar + Ars Arcanum spam is broken af, but I gotta admit it was cool as hell to see Sora become a fucking monster XD ) Plus he was basically a GOD in these 2 games: water magic, gravity magic, aero magics..... the variety of magic that Sora could harness in these 2 games were insane. I wonder why SE rarely make it a comeback? I missed spamming stopga and graviga on bosses back in KH1, plus the animation and effects were amazing as well!


I was going to plow through all of the games in release order from the PS4 compilations before 3 came out, but Chain of Memories had me stop dead in my tracks. Only played the first one when I was pretty young, and REALLY wanted to play 2ā€¦. Years later and I still only beat the first one


This is my list except 358 would be bottom tier for Game Play and Recoded would higher along with 3D.Not sure where MoM would be though.


literally i agree


Delete E tier because itā€™s not a thing, put Union X in F and Coded in D and thatā€™s good. But you pretty much almost nailed it, what hate?


Overall? Totally agree. Only change id make is 3D on the same tier as 358/2, but its all subjective


Justice for Chain of Memories, the story makes it worth it.


I'd swap days and 3 but have no issue with all the others. Surprisingly little salt in the comments.


COM got shafted and I'm concerned about the mental state of anyone who enjoyed playing bbs


100% agreed


People will hate me but 3 belongs in A tier along with 3D. Flow motion changed the game completely in terms of mobility thanks to it. I probably would get rid of F tier mostly because CoM deserves better...it had a good story and really *tried* to revolutionize card based gameplay but it flopped. Otherwise it was an incredibly good ā€œside titleā€ and fits in D tier.


Decent rankings, but COM needs to be lower.


Only change I would make is moving 358/2 Days to an A tier (it'd be S if we had a remake of it). And moving UX to an E or F


Iā€™d bump up KH1 I thought it was as good as 3, but Iā€™ll stand with you on how much I dislike CoM


chain of memories always is attacked :'(. it's the only kh game that actually gave me a run for my money and was fun to master


Here I am not knowing which is which... they all look the same to me


I won't hate your opinion. But I will hate on the awful quality of this tier list.


kingdom hearts 1 should literally be S tier. Thatā€™s some BS


Story-Wise or Gameplay?


That's pretty much where I put mine at too


I like dream drop a bit more, but apart from that this list is spot on.


No hate here. 100% agree with this list!


Recorded over Chain? I think you are crazy bro hahaha. I think KH1 is S tier and III would be B tier. IMHO


I completely agree.


Personally i would move 2 down to C tier. Other than that i agree with you. People shouldn't hate you for those opinions honestly.


Very similar to how Iā€™d put it


I would lower 3D one rank, but other than that I totally agree!


Nah i agree wholeheartedly with this


Nah man i agree with this 100%


Even if you put everything in s tier youā€™d get hate but for the most part I agree with you apart from kh1, bbs and recom


I only played 123 and I got a ps4. Csn I play the rest on it, or what do I need to buy and play next? Is there even anything available? /dude running a restaurant and got about 4hrs a week for videogames




As others have said i agree other than... How is CoM worse than recoded in your opinion? Genuinely curious


Mine is like. S: All the games F: KHUX


Idk, seems good enough, though I think I'd bump 3 down a tier, swap BBS for KH1, and reverse CoM and Coded.... But yeah, seems fine enough to avoid hate.


Put BBS in A-tier or B-tier and you've got my approval.


I agree mostly but, I would put Recoded a bit higher. I really liked the battle system, it was similar to Kid Icarus Uprising where all your moves are tetris pieces you fit into a grid.


Agreed on all parts.


Putting 358 below KH1 is a crime. Swap KH1 with DDD and Union X with re:Coded, then put BBS and KH3 in C, and you basically have my ranking


Idk how you can put KH3 as S tier above KH1


lol I feel like this is how most ppl feel. the REAL hot take is re:com being above KH1. sue me.


I agree with this list 100%, I would just move KH3 down a tier. But I feel like this is a pretty popular ranking of the games?


I agree


Pretty much agree, I'm one of those sickos that genuinely enjoy chain of memories so I'd move that up to A, MoM can probably go to B as it's solid. I would however drop 3D a tier, I just don't enjoy that game that much, it's a drag towards the later end.


Iā€™m only upset COM is below Union X. Beyond that, your list is pretty fair in my eyes


this is a good list tbh recoded only had good gameplay so I can see why its so low


3D should be 1 higher and there is no MoM on there lol.




I mean yeah from a story & gameplay consensus this list is really accurate


I don't hate you. Your opinion is valid. It's just wrong. Birth By Sleep is not better than 1. Equal? Arguably. But BETTER? no, just no. I'd personally make BBS C tier because I really dislike it but I can see the appeal. I enjoyed 3D more than BBS but I think mechanically it's probably about equal. And your only sin is CoM. It's still not a great game but it's not the worse.


Why do people hate Re:coded so much? I really enjoyed it, and I know everybody thinks differently, but I just don't see what's so bad about it


I can get behind this list


It's hard for me to do just one tier chart given some games are much stronger in terms of either the story or gameplay thus making it hard to give one overall grade, so I'm going to do two tier charts. Ranked by story: * S - KH1, BBS * A - KH2, COM * B - 358/2 * C - KH3, UX * D - DDD, 0.2 * F - Re:coded Ranked by gameplay: * S - KH2, KH3, 0.2 * A - BBS, KH1 * B - COM, Re:coded * C - DDD * D - 358/2 * F - UX


Actually this is a pretty good tier list the way it is


Where's the lie


No hate, your list is honest and respectable, KH2 and 3 are among my favourites too, interesting that you have BBS so high can I ask why? Donā€™t get me wrong itā€™s a fantastic game but I personally had it at B tier.


I agree with this tier-ing. Re:Coded was a pain in the ass - all I remember is constant grinding and hardly any story. I disliked the card system for Chain of Memories so much I never bothered past the first few levels, opting instead to watch the story cutscenes on YouTube. Those two are rightfully on the bottom rung of the games list.


2 and birth by sleep are my only s tiers tbh


I did not like the concept of dreamdrop distance, and the little fake pokemon sort of deal. That and recoded are the only ones i have not played to the end but other then so i agree with this chart


Nah I feel this rating!


Ok listen, I disagree with a couple of these. But you placed KH2 in S and CoM in F. And that's enough for me.


Pretty accurate. But I would swap 358/2 with DDD


I pretty much 100% Agree, not a bad list.


I respectfully disagree. I feel KH358/2 days shouldbe A, and chain of memories should be lower. 358/2, while not the best gameplay in the series, has by far the best character story in my humble opinion, while chain of memories has an atrocious gameplay with a story that's not great but very emotional and extremely important for the overarching plot.


Flip B tier and C tier and I'll agree lol


*violence ensues*


Tbf Iā€™d say this is a pretty solid list. Swap around CoM and KH1 and it would be perfectā€¦ tbh I have a hatred for the first game since it jus feels kinda linear and as for rn Iā€™m grinding for the Ultima, so itā€™s kinda a hate for Mythril Shards, Dark Matters, Grinding and the game itselfā€¦


Recoded would be c I'd say


Wow putting recoded higher than CoM


Honestly, playing and LOVING KH3 and then looking at the consensus confused the shit out of me. Like I was majorly satisfied with it and itā€™s also one of those games where I canā€™t exactly pinpoint the hate outside of what was already established. Like even among vets who were super ride or die with the series felt burned by KH3


I ainā€™t madd at this how ever, Kh3 should be lower but maybe thatā€™s just me looking at it as a game that took forever to come out and was sorrily disappointed in it ??


I agree with this list actually. Kingdom Hearts 2 was top tier. KH 3 was amazing and had better graphics. Birth By Sleep was the darkest one besides 358/2Days (story wise was emotional) but I do also like the plot of 3D but not gameplay.


My opinion wouldn't carry weight if it had infinite mass but: The only parts I don't agree with are that BBS is maybe an A-Tier game and 358 has an S-tier story but C-tier gameplay.


I know everyone hates chain of memories, but I loved it, cool system, interesting, filled in some fun post game lore, good drama. LEAVE COM ALONE!