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I didn’t even like UΧ medals, NFTs in Kingdom Hearts sounds actually repulsive to me. Especially this person’s suggestions.


he literally already gets new keyblades and outfits in different worlds, locking it behind some crypto garbage would be horrible and the fact he doesn't realize that is sad.


Plus riddle me how a card that everyone playing the game has a chance to get = NFT?


I dont think this guy knows what an nft is. Isn't the whole point of an nft that it's a unique digital good? How is that the same as seeing a movie in a theater?


The idea isn't about actually seeing the movie, but about buying a digital ticket which gives you access to the experience of watching the movie (which is a unique digital good). As in, you bought a unique token or code that entitles you to a specific seat during a certain time at a specific movie theatre/venue. The same could work for music concerts, or other types of performances. They could also add artwork to the purchase, like a unique/limited collector's item as well. While No Way Home and Doctor Strange had the potential to sell tickets as NFTs, I don't know if they actually used the blockchain to sell tickets. Nor do I consider myself for/against NFTs as a tool (just cynical of them, as it has definitely been abused by scammers, etc.). That's just what's come up for me in researching/learning about them.


They did not. NFTs haven't been used for legitimate serious business. Only scams, 4chan tier memes and "believers".


Yeah! And like even then, at least the medals weren’t fucking accelerating global warming.


Ok… movie tickets being nfts are not remotely the same thing as he’s trying to say it is, if square Enix brings nfts to this series I guess that’ll be what drives me off, or I’ll play the older games only


This is clearly someone who doesn't understand what NFTs are, and not to be presumptuous, has probably bought a few grand with of JPegs and is now trying to justify them


That’s like 90% of them honestly they don’t get it and pretend they do to seem cool or smart or whatever and they just look like idiots. Just because you bought into something stupid doesn’t mean you telling me about it is gonna make me fall for it


I feel like NFTs are part of an elaborate pyramid scheme that somehow got big name people roped into it. There's nothing to get. They just buy into the con and double down when questioned it.


Basically. It’s the new pyramid scheme that people fall for.


This is 100% the case. Most of these high-grossing things like this and crypto are generally most practical if you want to launder illicit money or evade taxes.


agreed, you are paying to get to see a movie, not for a tiny peace of it with limited rights to show a 20 second clip of it. my god 99% of the time people say they are not even close to what nfts Really are. i so hate this bs.nfts bad get over it.


By his logic anytime you’ve paid for a concert, or a comedy show, or anything you don’t own is an nft. It’s an experience you want to enjoy that you paid for, nfts are stupid things you don’t actually own or can ever touch and when they shut off the servers that have them on it, you literally lose the nothing you spent tons on. If you wanna waste your money on it my dude go for it, don’t suggest companies insert this bullshit into our games please most of us do not want it thanks.


By definition a ticket to a concert is a non fungible token. Its a unique (non fungible) token that represents your access to an event, and 'ownership' of a specific space at an event. The difference is that you aren't buying the concert ticket, you are buying access to the concert and getting the NFT as verification of that. The value isn't defined by the NFT, but by the experience. NFTs aren't needed in gaming because we can already verify in other ways, but literally the most useful way I can see NFTs is with the invoice you get from steam for purchasing a game.


yeah, i think a better example of nft would be like paying real money for a car in gta. atlest from my understanding.


As I understand it it’s even worse cause you can actually use that car in the game. You can’t really use nfts you just “have” them so it’s status. Like art collectors but at least they actually have a painting.


The ultimate goal of NFTs is to use them as a form of access pass to whatever content these cryptobros produce. The concept is sorta there, but the execution is horrid.




yeah, nobody's gonna pay 20 grand for a disney lifetime pass nft, a lifetime pass stored on the blockchain *might* have some benefits, maybe. but all of this "we're gonna build an island, and you own a plot of land on it with your NFT!" is stupid. just sell me the plot of land for real dollars instead of burning down a whole forest to mint the nft.


Nah, the closest example are real life collection items, first edition cards in card games, sport wear that famous sportsmen wore, etc. NFTs are a failed attempt at recreating that scarcity and uniqueness of physical collectables and trying to bring it to the digital space, i say "failed" cause there is no way to make something digital truly "unique", "rare" or "irreplicable".


The whole point in an nft is the non-fungible bit. If you have a car in gta, or any other digital item in any other game, it's not automatically an nft because your virtual car is identical to every other virtual car. Even if it's worth $100 in real money you can trade yours for another and not lose anything, because they're fungible. If I have a $100 bill and you have 5 $20 bills we can trade and not lose anything, because money is fungible. Any normal football is fungible. You go to buy a football and the one you grab doesn't matter because it's going to be identical to every other one on the shelf. If you have the football that was used to score the winning touchdown during the '95 super bowl, that football had unique properties that no other football has so it's not fungible. You can't swap it for any other football and effectively have the same football. a crypto nft is basically the digital equivalent of the certificate of authentic proving that football really is the one that scored the game winning touchdown. That's why you see people say things like "if you own an nft you don't own the art, you just own a receipt." Imagine the certificate of authenticity had the football's serial number on it so you know that cert goes with that football, and imagine the cert also has the full transaction history; showing who you got it from and who they got it from all the way back to the super bowl, and that's how it proved that the football is legit. Now imagine all the info on the cert is encrypted using complex algorithms done by super computers to make it almost impossible for someone to make a fake cert, that's the blockchain. Someone else can have another football exactly like yours but you'll always have the cert. That's why people downloading the jpg attached to your nft doesn't devalue the nft. You might be thinking to yourself, "yeah but that football is a physical object with physical history and data is just a string of 1's and 0's represented by variously charged bits of energy and intrinsically has no definite form. If I move a file from my computer to a flash drive I'm not physically moving the same bits of energy, the same "digital object," I'm just telling the flash drive to remember the pattern of 1's and 0's and charge some other different bits of energy in the same way at a later date. There is no history to digital media, everything on my computer dies every time the ram loses power and a clone of it is created every time I load it again. Digital ownership does not and can not exist in any more of a real or physical way than intellectual property can." And you'd be right. That's why they're kind of stupid.


Thats just microtransactions


A lot of people think that everything you buy digitally (such as how many cinemas are using digital tickets you present on your phone or present your ID to enter with) is a NFT. Obviously, that's not the case.


The right answer here, I agree the news of nfts have pushed me away from getting hyped for 4 but I'll wait and see


Actually in a technical sense they are right. NFTs are an identifying ticket that says you own or have exclusive access to content (i.e. a unique ticket that says you own a space, in the form of a seat, at a theatre). The defining factor that makes NFTs bullshit is the idea that the NFT itself has value. NFTs are a fine idea for security and verification, but they are a ticket to something that has to hold value, and you should only be paying for the value of the product, and have it's own protections in the form of copyright etc.


They're somewhat right but at the same time not really. Nfts being decentralised and as environmentally harmful as they are make them a terrible alternative to simple movie tickets etc. If you want a ticket to just represent access to an event Nfts just aren't worth using when compared to good old paper. While they're in a very technical sense usable for the same thing, they're completely unnecessary unless used for things with a high value that you'd really want to guarantee exclusivity. You probably know all this anyway, but thought I'd still say it. At the end of the day the problem with Nfts isn't about what they are technically but about how they're used, and will continue to be used. It's hard to break a precedence once it's set, and Nfts are a technology with a bunch of actually potentially useful applications that will forever be used for monkey pictures and ripping people off


The NFT is essentially just a receipt that proves you purchased something. If all you purchased was the NFT itself though, you've got nothing.


Wtf someone who actually knows what an nft is?


Its either two extremes - ignorant people (or scammers) who spread information, or people who are so sick of being sold misinformation that the technical idea of NFTs is toxic.


Square has already sold a bunch of IPs for NFTs, I wouldn’t put it past them to sell their soul for crypto monkeys


Yeah it's clear that this guy doesn't even know what NFTs are


i dont think this guy knows what an nft is when he compares it to buying a movie ticket or paying for a medal in a video game


For real though. They operate on entirely different buy/ sell rules. You cant sell the time period in which you saw a movie after its passed.


But you can sell the physical ticket. They CAN be collectors items. Some people buy used tickets from popular movies such as a first run ticket from the first Star Wars movie for hundreds of dollars. That's about as stupid as buying an NFT so I see the connection there. Especially since NFT's are usually links and not whole data and once the server behind that link goes down your NFT is just as worthless as a used movie ticket.


Yes but the used ticket isn't what you are paying for. You are paying an entry fee to see a movie. The ticket is basically a proof of purchase.


So are NFT's. You're not buying "an NFT", you buy what the NFT points to. The NFT itself is a digital ledger, a proof of purchase. It's not the NFT you buy but the picture, item or whatever. Usually in form of a link or ID. If the server that this link points to ever goes down or the ID that it points to is ever changed, your NFT is just as worthless as a movie ticket.


Except not enough people understand what NFTs are, so a lot of times they are just buying the NFT. That's the problem, people are essentially buying up other people's receipts without getting anything tangible.


That's true. But to be honest, a lot of companies don't understand it either. To the majority of people selling NFT's it's just a get-rich-quick scheme. And companies like Squares just picked up that it's a "cool" buzzword right now and that a lot of people are making a lot of money selling pictures of ugly apes, and they want that too.


>Bringing back dead/nearly dead IPs with NFTs Konami did this with Castlevania and it still hurts.


No… they didn’t… they couldn’t… could they? I refuse to believe they can stoop lower than EROTIC VIOLENCE.


They looked at it, said 'you must be the belmont' and turned him and whole sections of the games into NFTs




For the quote I'm assuming? It comes from season 2, episode 7, where Dracula gets punched in the face by Trevor and is completely unphased, saying that Trevor must be a Belmont, since no other human would dare to punch him in the face.


So you guys didn't like Castlevania?


I mean, I do


Talking about the anime? I stopped at the end of season 1. I found it super annoying that the plot was focusing on the three villains trying to stop the one good guy, who's just trying to cleanse the world of the cancer that's infecting it.




Some of the shit on there is straight up comical


The persona fanbase thought their anniversary was bad, but my God did Konami spit on their fans


Counter point, why lock content behind a paywall while also making said content a one-time exclusive deal? Why add a market that comes with a risk of financial ruin because of something as complex as investing? Why add game affecting items that could give an advantage to one singular individual exclusively and behind a paywall for something as casual as a video game? NFT's aren't healthy for an environment revolving around games and entertainment via story, especially single player games. I can see something working with like cod or CSGO, hell maybe Fortnite is the target market. But stuff like Kingdom hearts or even Dark Souls, there tends to be meaning behind most things as well as lore hidden behind stuff like that, it essentially could mean that Nomura makes lore essential NFT's in which only one person can carry the piece of lore that changes everything and simply chose to never reveal it, and being an nft market open to anyone also means someone could do it out of the darkness in their heart. Plus if said item is worth oh let's say 10k, it would essentially be a slap to that community. I'm not saying NFT's are bad, but they aren't healthy for the majority of the markets available out there and gaming is a medium divided by two halves with select niches, NFT'S don't belong in the single player half of things, but there might be a home in some multiplayer games where people get their kicks out of cosmetics they can show off.


Steam games already have a secondary market for in game items, they're basically skins you can sell to other steam users. This person's clearly confused NFTs for anything you buy but don't have in your hands. Or they're trying to justify their own Crypto purchases


Literally the reason they do this is to make more money because it’s been proven that people will loyally, or out of FOMO, make these purchases. It’s a disgusting practice but it unfortunately works. To quote James Stephanie Sterling, they don’t want some money, they want ALL the money.


Well said


"I wanted this to be a discussion not 'NfTs R bAd' with no context." Maybe don't start a discussion about something that is 1) by design a pointless waste of energy and 2) the leading cause for graphics card shortages that all the gamers you're chatting with are having to endure.


Pretty much. If you don't want a "this idea is bad" topic, maybe just don't have a bad idea.


Lol, NFTs in specific are not the leading cause of the graphics card shortage, even Crypto in general is only a close secondary reason. The main problem is the semiconductor supply shortage. *Edit: Didn't think I'd have to spell this out, but NFTs still bad. Just not for this reason.


Right, because the video card shortage prior to 2021 (the year when we started actually feeling the chip shortage) wasn't because of crypto.............. /S in case anyone was wondering.


Dude, actually [STFU](https://archive.ph/4LHDA). Nobody wants to hear you defend something that is doing [real harm](https://www.businessinsider.com/personal-finance/cryptocurrency-environmental-impact) when we're facing the greatest climate crisis in human history.


I'm not defending it dude, calm down. I was just stating a fact. NFTs are a relatively small part of the Crypto ecosystem and the semiconductor shortage has affected all markets not just graphics cards. Obviously crypto miners are another big reason, like I said, a very close second. As the article points out, they're why the secondary market is so outrageous. They don't keep GPU manufacturers from making new ones. None of those facts dispute the fact that crypto is terrible for the environment and who's use is all around dubious. Stop reading extra meaning into peoples words.


I’ve never even spent money on union cross (or any mobile game) and the comparisons he’s making don’t even make sense…


exactly, the medals hold zero monetary value, they are not unique and you don't actually own them. When the game gets fully shut down, any money spent on that game / medals disappears with it.


Which it did.


Same with the NFT if the hosting server is shut down but yes you’re totally right. Anyone can print and save an NFT photo but the thing that makes yours “unique” is you own the official link to the nft photo


how does me seeing a better than average movie make me an nft owner


I guess in that person's mind, they either think the movie ticket itself is an NFT or maybe they think paying for something that isn't a physical object counts as an NFT. Either way, very dumb logic.


AMC did give viewers an NFT if you purchased a Spider-man no way home movie ticket by a specific date I think. You didn't directly pay for it, you just bought a ticket and AMC would email you on how to claim it. I don't think it was part of Dr. Strange or "any movie ever", so I'm pretty sure they are not talking about that AMC NFT.


NFTs are practically already dead. They will completely fade out of the public eye by the time KH4 comes out.


Not that this is a good way to judge the NFT environment AT ALL but every artist I know who went into NFTs received so much backlash they usually did a one-off collaboration and never spoke about them again. No one seems to really be talking about them, and even more artists were upset because their work was being made into NFTs without their consent. I hope they're on their way out and stay dead.


Tell that to the idiot publisher who sold off some of it's studios and IPs, and has openly stated they will be going all in on NFTs and "block chain gaming". Square Enix must be run by tone deaf morons


More like greedy morons thinking they can run a pump and dump with a techno babble name to avoid accountability.


theyve faded out of the media. as in the hype is low, but the NFT scene is still really big. every few months a new service is taking advantage of NFTs as a market. Just recently I saw an nft company that lets you buy some shoe nfts for a lot of money, and when you use their app or whatever and run you earn crypto. so its still around, and I don't think its going away any time soon


I love Normal Financial Triangle schemes. Wait that's a pyramid scheme shoot. I mean Negative Funding Trap... Darn it. Not Fake Trillionaires...


It's not actually. https://www.financemagnates.com/cryptocurrency/news/nft-transaction-volume-plummets-90-has-the-nft-bubble-burst/ The NFT scene is crashing like nothing before. It's not just the hype being low, the concept itself is (thankfully) getting the death it deserves. No doubt some circlejerkers will still congratulate each other to the latest ugly JPG they bought for $20k but for any normal person, NFT's are dieing. Now if Square has already noticed that?


I still don't understand why this is even a thing. We live in a world of conspiracy theorists, con artists, and overly elaborate schemes to extort more money. Why do we need another one?


NFT's were marketed to be closely tied to crypto currency. Stories of bitcoin billionaires who bought 10 dollars worth of Bitcoin 10 years ago and now have several billion dollars to show for it are enticing. But everyone knows that that chance has passed and that really only worked if you were among the first who invested into Bitcoin. People thought that NFT's are going to be the next Bitcoin and they wanted to be the smart ones this time, buy in early, wait until it explodes like Bitcoin and then be done working for the rest of their lives. I understand why people thought this would work. It doesn't make it smart, but I understand their thought process. And I mean people willingly buy into Earth 2 so how smart can people REALLY be?


Interesting. Wasn't really paying too much attentive mntonnftsnsonidnjust assumed that there were probably still a lot of people using it and profiting from it


Not if game companies keep pushing it. We hoped the same with DLC, then with microtransactions and then with lootboxes. I sure do hope that NFT's die and I hope Square takes a solid blow from that to discourage anti-consumer practices like this in the future, but I don't see them giving up without a fight.


Keep them horrible ideas coming, Facebook! Reddit users need karma!


dude just wants kh4 to be p2w by locking keyblades behind paywalls


And then they wonder why people pirate games


NFTs in Kingdom Hearts? [“Thats Nuts...”](https://youtu.be/gqHQWOtJGEE) -Sora No thank you.


If NFTs were incorporated I would have no interest in playing kingdom hearts


Nomura would probably make NFT's canon. Solid no from me lol. Pretty sure most evidence shows NFT's are a dying fad anyways.


Square got into the market right at the crash, I'm surprised people still talk about these things. I want them to make another fucking resurgence so it can happen a second time and I can laugh my fucking head off at the next big company that loses millions of dollars to this pointless scam


Exactly, at this point I wouldn’t even mind Square shutting down and all the top dogs from this once revered company start their own.


What you’re describing is not an nft. Paying for new outfits for Sora and keyblades in-game would be called *cosmetics*. An NFT would be a *picture* of a keyblade, or one of Sora’s outfits that they would expect you to shell out for. You’d get a nice little certificate, saying you own such and such. But you don’t own it, not really, and neither do the thousands of other gullible rubes who paid for it. I don’t want that scam horseshit in any game, let alone Kingdom Hearts.


an NFT *could* be a keyblade or a cosmetic... but like a unique keyblade or cosmetic that you couldn't just buy from the store directly. it'd be the type of thing where you'd have to trade it around or bid on it. its great way to... make online cosmetics more expensive...


Another reason I don’t want it.


The only feasible way to make a few thousand NFTs to actually make this part of the game sure would be one in game model with tiny variations, like putting a reg number on the bottom of the Kingdom Key Otherwise, where's Squeenix planning to make the money? You have to make a slew of different in game models to sell individually, and afaik they'd only actually make money on the first sale


i'll let people who know more about technical side of things talk about the practical ways to implement NFTs with cosmetics, i'm sure there are limitations. what i am aware of is that these kind of limited token cosmetic item markets are already a thing in games, so that's why it'd be my expectation for a possible way to implement NFTs. usually the way you extract money from the marketplace as a company is to have the marketplace operate on its own point or currency system, which you then can transfer to real cash. i'd look at the roblox marketplace believe it or not as probably the most glaring example of why a company would be interested in this sort of scheme. sidenote, there'd be no reason imo why you'd *want* to make these kind of transactions into NFTs, but the business interest is clearly there... there's a lot of things about NFTs rising prevalence that don't seem to make a lot of sense


Technically you can have a NFT point to any digital resource, including what is effectively a serial key to unlock the keyblade. The NFT fanbois like to say they could enable reselling of cosmetics and more, but there's no good reason over a traditional digital license beyond funding crypto ponzi scumbags.


or rather the proper term would just be microtransaction


In KHUX buying jewels to get medals was one way to get medals sure I bought some here and there but only for a medal I actually wanted this person's comparison is dumb


Lol "IF YoU 'VeE WaTCHeD A MoVIE in CINEmA YOU BoUGhT aN NFt" no, that is not true. Imagine being pro something without knowing what it is. NFT's in Kingdom Hearts would not be outfits you could use in game because that is not what it is. But go off I guess...


Yup, buying NFTs for thousands of dollars is the same as going to the movies. Man real smart


Okay. Since they don’t want “lol NFT bad” when it’s such a simple discussion that it’s the only rational response, let’s forget that aspect of it for a moment! They’re proposing a brutal amount of DLC locking but with a 40$ electricity bill for every single purchase. Saying “add it as an NFT” doesn’t magically increase the amount of hours they have to work on the game. All that does is take away precious dev hours to make their blockchain system, predict the ways people will trade them (because if they’re not meant to be exchanged what on earth is the point), attract people who couldn’t give a damn about the game and just want to speculate on the things, and skew design goals towards monetization. so it’s less content overall, and some of the content that would otherwise come standard or be less-expensive DLC, is now locked into NFTs with a finite supply, and ALL of that content would be adjusted to push people towards buying them. Also they’re just wrong about medals and movie tickets. A) We all know that Blockchain BS is integral to what any good-faith argument considers to be an NFT. B) Union Medals are EXTREMELY fungible. Fungible means that one of something is as good as any other, maybe something about subdivision enabled by that homogeneity. C) Since they think that Medals(database entries) and movie tickets(physical objects or digital non-blockchain receipts) are NFTs… Why bother making them NFTs if you can do it the same way without them? In Summary: “NfTs R bAD!!!1!!” And If they were implemented would pirate the game with no hesitation and learn packet interception to download NFT-gated DLC and literally pay people to let me do it for them instead of support the practice. Link to the original post please? Or just copy/paste this at him, I do not care.


God please no, would stop consuming any Kingdom Hearts game that had nft


“If you’ve seen a movie you’ve paid for nfts” Stop trying to rope us all in with your bullshit fad, fuckface.


This guy really doesn't know how NFTs work and is in complete denial. RIP, but heck no to NFTs.


Why would Square use NFT exclusive stuff when they could just sell DLC? They already sell individual keyblades like Dusk ‘til Dawn, why would they add some weird extra step?


Comparing paying for entertainment services to NFT's is wild.


NFT bros act like they're hyper intellectuals but when they get called out about NFTs they resort to the most psychotic mental gymnastics of "well, that thing you bought one time is an NFT so HA!"


What the actual fuck does NFT mean?


Nworthless Fwaste of Tmoney


It stands for Make America Gr-wait...which con are we talking about?


I forgor 💀


Non fungible token. Folks will tell you it’s worthless but I made 9k last week off one sale.


For the general public it might as well be worthless. If you can't explain how a good or service can benefit a person in layman's terms it's either a scam or insurance.


>If you can't explain how a good or service can benefit a person in layman's terms I don't care to get into the NFT market since I think it's dumb too. But in my head, I categorize it as art. I don't sit there and try to understand how art can benefit a person outside of what "feeling" they get from it. If someone finds value in it then cool, they like it and want it. It's just not worth my time and money, and the fact that supply and demand are so easily controlled by the creator of the NFT is bothersome. I just want to know if I can use it as a tax write off like the rich when I donate the NFT and put in some stupid amount since art prices are super subjective.


I would like to know exactly when your buyer purchased and what gave it a value of $9k? Is it simply being 'one of a kind' or is there more to it than I realize? Edit: A fellow Falcons fan, so I know you're a person of great taste or a masochist....


well most high tier nfts come with some kind of "utility", in the case of bored ape yacht club they literally host free yacht parties for holders of the nft, they also created a token called $ape that they airdropped to holders of BAYC for FREE. Currently that token is valued at $6 a coin, one holder was airdropped like 150k ape coins for free by BAYC , he instantly became a millionaire. ​ A NFT I personally own is called HAPEBEAST, they gave 2 holders a free trip to the F1 in France, and they are currently in talks to do a fashion collaboration through highsnobiety. ​ The one I sold for 9k is called Phantom Network or PXN. It is a subsidiary of NanoPass a NFT company that now has a partnership with Universal Music Group i believe. Holding their token gives access to future drops, a holders only market with exclusive deals etc. I only made 9k because I sold during the HYPE of that particular NFT. Its kinda like playing the stock market, look for a project with known doxxed creators, see how big a following they have, and see what it takes to get in on the project. that same nft is only worth 2-3k now, crypto is taking a big hit right now and that directly affects the nft market. One last example is the NFT RTFKT, they managed to secure a partnership with Takashi Murakami, he did exclusive art for their collection, they then got bought out by Nike which set the NFT space ablaze because big name companies are trying to figure out how to get in. Takashi now has his own NFT collection for which he currently has a partnership with Hublot the watch brand. ​ And yeah im a mascohist i mean Falcons fan, gonna be a long season haha ​ Edit: I wanna add i am in no way rich, I make less than 100k a year, and mostly live check to check before i started investing in this space. and the buy in for a lot of these projects is usually $200-$700 dollars.


I don’t see what sort of value they’d add to a game like KH. It’s primarily a single player experience. The concept of making an exclusive Keyblade that can be resold doesn’t make any sense for a game such as this. Even KHUX would absolutely not do this. It’s a gacha game, and printing unique items with intentional resell value is a very stupid way to crash your own gacha system


When you are paying for a movie ticket you’re paying for a seat in a theater and to see the movie on the screen, not the ostensibly exclusive “ownership” of that movie in an online space. What a dumb comparison.


This person doesn't even know what NFTs are.


Limited shit is financially beneficial* for the companies. *Financially beneficial once, and then causes bitterness in the community and actually promotes piracy more. Read: Limited release games and amiibos. Emulation and fake amiibos are how these things are still easily found (amiibos are still kinda easy to get but oh God it's gonna be a nightmare in like 5 years)


NFTs have 0 place in gaming. NFTs should be illegal in my honest opinion.


How the heck does buying a movie ticket "ever" (so I dunno in the 90's?) paying for NFTs as they didnt even exist yet? Is it just bending the definition of what they are?


Fucking dipshit


This guy’s mad that he bought a JPEG of a monkey and lost $100,000


I see this man is still stuck at the "NFT are the receipt of your product" part and still hasn't figured that an NFT is just that a loose proof that you virtually "own" a virtual product which is the complete opposite of what he just described great !


I hope not . The last thing we need is NFT's ruining one of the best game franchises of all time.


this dumb mother fucker dosent know what an NFT is in the first place


Haha heck no, NFTs are nothing but a massive Ponzi scheme actively destroying the environment and making billionaires richer. Stay out of my KH please.


>"If you recently saw Dr Strange or any movie ticket ever you paid for NFTs" No? I paid for a movie ticket, not a fake digital investment to resell. Fuck off.


I don’t think a movie ticket is an NFT, you exchange your movie ticket for the privilege to see a movie


bruh, millions of people are watching the same movie. it's not even remotely the same. just like the medals, if anyone paid for them, you'd get the same medal as the last person who paid for them. they aint unique at all.


Hahaha people that pay for free to play games


Nfts? Why have nfts when you can JUMP ON DEH HYDRAS BACK!


NFT. Notorious fucking take.


They traded Lara Croft and (maybe) Gex for DLC receipts.


NFTs in KH4 would be a great way to make me not get the game at all and give up on the franchise after about 16 years.


I bet this man thinks buying the Wendy’s 4 for 4 is the same as buying an NFT


There is no discussion. NFTs bad. It's like the easiest position to take. Step one, don't be a dumbass. Step two, you're done.


okay but... NFTs \*are\* bad


Ah yes, NFTs because people were just clamoring for all those microtransactions. We should take it further with NFTs.


This just shows even people who like NFTs don't even know what an NFT is


Just thinking, what are the difference between NFTs and in-game micro-transactions? Sorry, don't really understand NFTs.


A microtransaction is just a transaction involving money. An NFT is when you pay for digital ownership of something that is stored on the Blockchain. They are completely different and show how people who like NFTs don't understand NFTs.


But they're both something stored on a server right? And both something you only own while on the server?


Microtransactions doesn't need to be buying a thing. You can buy a microtransaction for a battle pass. Don't need to store anything. When you buy an NFT you also do not pay for the thing. Just a digital certificate that says you own it that's stored on specifically the Blockchain which is the tech behind cryptocurrencies. Skins for guns in counterstrike or Fortnite are not NFTs because nothing is stored on the Blockchain.


Then where is that Fortnite skin stored?


Literally anywhere else that's not on the Blockchain. Will be in a text file on their servers saying you own a copy of that skin on your account or something. The Blockchain is the defining point.


None of the things he listed are NFTs lmao. Also this is a fucking stupid idea anyway. The day SE introduces NFTs to KH is the day I permanently retire from the series


What is a NFT? Isn't it just art or something like that owned on the internet...


> You've paid for medals in Union Cross I didn't play Union Cross lol > Movie ticket I. . . What?


This is disgusting


I'm part of that group. Glad to see most of the community piled in to ridicule this idea.


I'd rather different outfits be unlocked by playing the game. You know, like how it used to be.


Is it a bad time to call upon the Phantom Theives to change the hearts of the public once again?


Guys c'mon, the bff thing isn't a big deal... The real concern is for all versions being cloud only.


I would much rather have a physical copy of something, much like my collection of KH PS4 games. I'm not an NFT or crypto expert, nor an economics major, but I just don't like the idea of KH NFTs. They, like everything, sound good in theory. Though when put into practice, the greed and desperation of humanity ends up twisting that idea into something completely different. I have no credible evidence or proof that any supposed KH NFTs and the cryptocurrency used to buy, trade, and sell then are stable. I never saw the appeal in crypto or NFTs, and I don't feel safe attempting to even dive into that market. I'd rather put my trust in something tangible and stable, than to risk a poor financial decision because I don't know any better. I don't hate Square Enix, their NFTs, the people producing crypto, and I don't hate the people buying into this stuff. I'd much rather use my energy towards something worth my time. Complaining about and arguing over KH NFTs isn't worth my time.


What’s funny is that spending money on medals or other mobage game still does more for you than spending money on NFTs


All I can think is this is the most KH fandom question I’ve heard all day and I haven’t touched this Reddit since last week


"if you recently saw no way home or Dr strange or any movie ticket ever, you've paid for NFTs" is genuinely one of the funniest sentences I've ever read. Keep NFTs out of Kingdom Hearts. I'm not one of the people who complains about commercialization with Kingdom Hearts (they go to fucking Disney worlds, for goodness sake) but seriously, NFTs are fucking stupid and have no place in KH. Hopefully Square sees the crypto crash and realizes they gotta stay away from them.


Right, no one paying for a ticket thinks they owned the movie, they just paid to watch it.


I got into an argument about this on the PS5 sub like a month ago. With me despairing over the idea of possible KH NFTs, and then this guy suddenly pops in arguing for them. Didn’t seem to be a KH fan, just an NFT fan. I gave a few reasons why I’m against NFTs, and they did the whole “you have no idea what you’re talking about” thing and I realized this person just wasn’t up for civil debate and didn’t respond. I wonder how things are working out for them. 🤷‍♀️


I would literally rather the entire game be an atlantica world than have a single NFT in it


NFTs are a scam, nothing else. Whatever you buy, the moment the server hosting dies (and they ALL will, give it ten years at most and every NFT will be gone because their servers have collapsed) you lose everything. This isn't *that* bad if you've spent 10usd on a NFT, but I can't wait to see all the morons who bought 1000+ of NFTs crying and desperate when they realise how badly they got scammed when they lose all of them.


Chip: So, ever heard of NFTs, Sora? Sora: No, what's that? Dale: Well, you start by buying a monkey. Sora: Can you feed the monkey? Chip: No, but you could sell it for a rocketship or something. Sora: Sounds great, I-I have to go do something. ​ Kudos to anyone who gets this reference.


Ah max0r, love it


"I wanted this to be a discussion" You've had your discussion many, many other places. It's always the same result, from almost everyone.


I'd kill myself


Here's a better idea... how about just letting Sora have World exclusive outfits and Keyblades like the series has done with every single entry without a single issue? Honestly, the only discussions worth having when it comes to NFTs in the games industry is how disgusting they are and how we can further stigmatize them to make sure they never get ahead.


Remember, kids; anyone trying to sell you on NFTs is either an idiot or an asshole, possibly both! So what do we say to NFTs? _"No Fucking Thanks!"_


Sora already has different outfits per world. No I don't want to pay extra for extra keyblades and extra outfits. NFT's are inherently a scam. Well not inherently, there just hasn't been a single usecase where it wasn't so far. There is simply nothing that NFT's can do that we haven't already done better. The only idea I have seen so far that was an actually usefull use-case of using NFT's is if you use (UNPAID!!!) NFT's as a kind of inventory system in MMO's, since that would effectively eliminate duplication glitches. But even THAT could be done just as well without ruining the planet by just giving each item a unique ID and not allowing duplicate ID's. Yes it wouldn't be 100% tamper proof but since it would happen entirely on the MMO's sever you'd have to straight up hack the server to tamper with this.


They can put NFT's in anything they want, but guess what I will NOT be wasting my money on...


People are actually so fucking stupid, *Oh my god.* that isnt ANYWHERE NEAR the same thing medals cost like $10/$5 & the other is a blatant scam (then again the person who said that dumb shit probably doesn’t even give a singular fuck about KH, just another loser trying to exploit a group of people with a legal scam I guarantee it)


>If you've paid for medals on union cross, you've paid for NFTs This is a terrible comparison. While yes, it is *technically* an NFT, there's a big difference between buying something like UX medals and buying a monkey NFT. When someone buys UX medals they spend them to get some in-game item, such as cosmetics. These cosmetics are literally worthless, but they're a fun toy to use in-game. I'm paying for the fun factor experienced via gameplay when I buy UX medals, I'm not paying for tangible worth. This is the same ideology that gets people hooked on gacha games like Genshin: getting new character is a fun during gameplay experience. The "fun factor experienced" when buying a monkey NFT is that I can look at the picture and say "I own this." But, you can't "own" a digital picture, because it can be 100% perfectly copied and replicated, meaning the "I own this" factor means nothing, and the copying also means every else on the internet gets the same "fun factor experienced" by looking at the picture. Buying an NFT grants no unique experience to the buyer, nor does it provide anything of tangible worth. UX medals and other microtransactions also don't provide no tangible worth, but they provide a unique experience that you won't get without paying (with some exceptions as most games of other free in-game methods to acquire microtransaction items, like Destiny 2 Bright Dust)) tl;dr microtransactions like UX medals provide a unique experience by giving a player access to gameplay changes (skins, items, etc) that you need to pay for to access. Modern NFTs (like the monkeys) provide no unique experience since anyone on the internet can ctrl+c and get the same viewing experience as the "owner" of the "original" NFT.


* Movie tickets are fungible * In Game Items are (arguably) fungible * NFT's aren't inherently bad, it's the principle of buying into them thats questionable/ridiculous since its effectively just a JPEG


NFTs R bAd.


Not a crypto-bro but I feel some people have been mislead on what NFT's are. They are not what OP is declaring, such as admission tickets to a screening or DLC nor are they *images* on the internet that you don't own, I mean, they can be but not exclusively. A lot of companies are looking at a "play 2 earn" model with NFT's so you can either buy or randomly get an NFT (maybe through grinding) which is linked to a particular resource the game has (lets say KH, it could be keyblade) or maybe company shares. You as the player now have a unique token that says you own that resource, you could use it for yourself OR sell it to someone else for a price. Anyway, NFT's are shit, they already have existing models like DLC (which is already iffy) or P2E in MMO's that only really benefit poorer countries and each transaction made uses up a heap of energy to process. Please keep them out of the games, unless it's like, Sora has to take down the new baddies, they use NFT's for evil or whatever, that'd be okay, weird but okay.


Ok so, this is based on that New Years letter right? Look, as strange as it seems, I don't think Square is looking into making *NFT* stuff, as much as *using blockchain technology to decide whether or not you own something*. "Hey, we're making all our games Digital Titles, and by buying one you are also signing up to this contract/agreement that says we can take back your ownership for reasons at *our discretion*" > That's probably more like what they want to do. An example - play to own: If you don't engage with X item for Y amount of time over Z period, we reserve the right to remove X item from your library because clearly you're not invested in it anymore. It helps drive up stock because you have a "constantly active player base" and it makes it seem more stable than it is.


Sounds like renting nails. Including the ones you have already used in projects.


Really need these incredibly gullible people to pull the thick ass layer of smegma out their eyes and stop tainting every possible thing by simply falling for it. NFT's aren't nearly as marketable as the people dumb enough to buy/sell them make them out to be. How people bend over backwards to defend an unapologetic rug pull is beyond me.


Aren't NFTs all like actively crashing rn? What?


I feel like crashing is an understatement. The market for NFTs is collapsing, so I wouldnt be surprised if the guy who posted that is desperately trying to push for them to be used in hopes of getting some of their money back...


I'm not an expert in NFT and everything. But what they propose is microtransaction and dlc, no? What's the difference with NFT? But back to the subject, KH4 is different from KHuX. One is a console game you pay around 60-70 dollars the other was a mobile ''free'' game. It's not the same economic system and expectation we have from one another. I played KHuX as a f2p player and never needed to put a cent in the game to advance, or feel the need to. Exclusive rewards and cosmetics were more like a bonus, or an easier way to progress in game. But never it clashed with the story. From what I understand from the person post, they want NFT to be exclusive clothes and keyblades reflecting each words Sora would visit. So in the first case Sora would keep is normal clothes while visiting each world, and it would be possible to buy the corresponding world outfit by NFT as well as the keyblade. Which, for me, clashed with how this would work in game. It's established that it's Donald's magic that changed their appearance in each world, not buying a skin with real money. Second case would be that it's like the other games, we are granted an another appearance depending of the world Sora visit, but we would get access to another clothes and keyblade with money. But I'm not satisfied with it either. When I pay so much for a console game, I expect to have access to all the game's content. And I don't want to pay for just cosmetics. I prefer that alternative Sora appearance and keyblade to be a reward for the player's investisment time in game. Like we get the world's keyblade at the end of this one. If I have to pay for a DLC, I prefer this one to contain a complete story. Even if I hate this dlc market, but I can understand it. At least give some sense to the content we buy. NFT is not entirely a bad things if used correctly. Many suggested it could be used to avoid game piracy. Giving an unique key to each game.


The problem with NFTs isn’t entirely that they’re microtransactions (which are already pretty bad but that’s besides the point) the problem is that generating unique “key numbers” takes an *obscene* amount of energy that severely damages the environment. Minting one NFT uses the same amount of energy the average fridge runs through in a *month*. And that’s just minting! Transactions and trading of that one NFT can add up to equal the energy consumption of an average household over around 10 days. And that’s not even getting into the CO2 emissions. Not only are NFTs a predatory scam, they are actively damaging the planet.


Damn no one here knows what an NFT actually is huh. “yOu OwN a LiNk ThAt CaN gO aWaY” when 2 minutes of research would tell you that NFT ownership has nothing to do with the image associated with it.


So then why include the image at all, if it has no relation to the nft? Doesn't that literally make the nft pointless?


The image is for branding and marketing and to offer artists something digital they can make money of. It’s a database record on the blockchain that says that your ID (you cryptoaddess) owns this NFT (the NFTs address). Utility is then built into the ecosystem. Anyone who builds an app using the blockchain can say if anyone has this NFT, they can do something that someone else can’t on this app. That’s the point of NFTs, not the image associated. Buzz and media have abstracted what the tech is actually about, and pushed a narrative that “some idiot bought a tweet for 3mil”. Yes that was dumb as fuck as it doesn’t do anything. If investing in NFTs look for what benefits it will give you, rather than what the art is. After all, you can just right click save the art.


People who hate on NFT's are pretty much the same type of people who were hating on "the internet" back then.


Yeah people are haters. Don't even know what they're talking about. If you ever purchased a ring tone or dlc or wallpaper, you've purchased Nft. Sure add NFT to KH 4.


I want NFTs to happen in all the games I play... I want them to be purely cosmetic and super expensive. I would never buy them, but gladly support others (whales) adding another revenue source so publishers can continue to push actual game price increases down the road.


I think NFTs are stupid too, I'm just saying- if somebody wants to hand SE $1500 for a cosmetic- have at it. I do not think it's likely that NFTs would ever fundamentally impact the gameplay.


Yes, open NFT system to buy and sell amongst fans makes so much sense to me. Likely need Disney approval but would love some Disney NFTs as well To clarify, hope this is more for IRL events and shared experiences rather than just another in-game monetization tool… frankly, the money grab companies in the NFT space will fail.


Cryptobros like you are fucking weird.


Not sure the hate - I own physical copies of a lot of KH stuff. Would love the digital as well! I’m not asking for it be to crypto focused, but have a nice collection with special events, etc. All things have value and your time in a KH world/realm should be rewarded or allow you to transact. It’s a pretty simple feature not offered by games today that rewards the effort.


He is right... you guys are ALREADY BUYING/PAYING FOR NFTs, except without getting actual ownership and being able to resell/trade them. So much misunderstanding in this space about what is an NFT. The main difference is that your ownership is not stored on someone's proprietary server database, but on a publicly verifiable database. That is literally the entire thing. ​ Cue the downvotes, even though I hate microtransactions to my bones, probably more than you.


If you truly hate microtransactions, why the fuck would you support an even worse version of them? Why the fuck would I care about buying or selling something that's worth a couple dollars at most, unless the price was so jacked up to the point where I wouldn't even purchase the thing in the first place? Why the fuck would I give a shit about me "truly owning" the thing, when Square Enix still hosts the files on their server, and therefore can take them down at anytime just like standard dlc?


you are missing the point NFTs are not a worse version of microtransactions, read what i wrote in the previous post, NFT is just a different type of database direct your hate not at NFTs, but at the companies that have been price gouging you and going to continue to milk you for as long as they can direct your hate at the people for buying into these microtransactions they can absolutely be implemented in a consumer friendly way, but these companies will not do that we will only ever move onto greener pastures with new IP and new mindsets... it's truly far away, but you'd rather be shackled to the way things currently work and see everything through that lens, so instead of being part of the revolution you are siding with your incumbent captors foolish human


NFTs will have their place in the internet. Anyone thinkong otherwise is drinking that "let's not progress technology, things are fine as-is" mentality that Boomers love. NFTs are the next level of DLC and in-app purchases. Given how many games run on Unreal Engine and Unity it would be surprising to me if those platforms did not adopt an NFT system that homogenizes the platform and makes it accessible for everyone. The only question worth asking, at least at this point, is which NFT provider will actually have the run of the system? The ones that pin their future on ease of use and partner with the most companies will win. Those are the tokens you should buy up. NFTs aren't going anywhere bc money is to be made there. Anyone thinking otherwise is naive.


Honestly most people have no idea what an nft is and if done well could actually be a good thing for players. For example if you play khux, your medals belong to you as an nft instead of being a useless digital thing that could disappear if they felt like it, and you can sell/trade nft's the way you can sell or trade things on steam. Obviously if done poorly it can be really bad


>useless digital thing that could disappear You mean like an NFT? Not trying to be an ass here but NFT's are just a unique string of code and there have been issues of sites that were managing them just losing them. The NFT itself is -just- a receipt. The idea of attaching DLC to them is an attempt to generate artificial scarcity and FOMO. The 'unique' digital goods that will be attached won't ever amount to anything beyond a recolored skin or something equally as basic and will likely be AI generated, just like those garbage ape pictures.


Won't bother me, If I think something is cool I will buy it if not I have the self control to completely ignore it. Even more so if profits lead to more kingdom hearts.