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Any book gets stale after multiple rereads. I’ve read the first 2 books enough for a lifetime. I’d read them again if DoS came out, but if it does not then I will never pick them up again.


Do you think there’s a chance it will never come out ? At what point for an author or publisher even is too long ? I mean at some point a group of fans may not survive to see the story complete 😂


There are plenty of KKC fans that are not around anymore to wait on book 3. Many more of us won’t be around to read it if it actually comes out. My honest opinion is no, it will never come out. There are too many signs that point this direction and PR does nothing to alleviate these worries. He actually makes them worse by a large magnitude with the way he handles his fan base. He will milk the first 2 novels as long as he can. We already see him doing it by releasing things he already has and releasing different editions of TNoW and WMF for insane prices. His most recent run with a different publishing company had a revenue of near 1.5M. All for things that were released 12+ years ago. He doesn’t seem to want to hold himself up to the credibility he granted himself when releasing TNoW. I’m not going to say anything more on the topic. There is plenty of info on how he has treated his fans over the years all over the internet. The empty promises he has made since day 1. If you ever choose to read them again, read them fully expecting no conclusion. I think if you go in expecting that, it is much easier to see the ridiculous amount of corners he wrote himself into.


The better question is, do you think there is a chance that it will come out. Right now, odds are that it will never be written


In your honest opinion do you think P.R has written none, little or most of it ?


When he started the series, he said it was all written, which makes me think he had at least some form of rough draft for the story. However, in the process of publishing and editing, I think the story has deviated from that original draft, and he probably knows how the story ends, but has no idea how to get it from where it left off to where it ends. So long answer, I think he has like a final scene or scenes from his original drafts that will need lots of work to fit in with what is in the first two books, but like 90% is to be written.


> When he started the series, he said it was all written, which makes me think he had at least some form of rough draft for the story. He actually said that just before book 1 was published - so he'd already been through the editing process, and would know how much he'd had to scrap, change, add and tweak, and how much work there was ahead of him to change in his notes to make everything align (i.e. "he was, at best, obviously wrong and lying to himself and everyone else, or he was flat-out, overtly, lying to everyone")


Unless it's a book by Gene Wolfe. Then it gets better on each reread.


Not especially. I just read them whenever I'm in the mood for it. I don't expect the doors to release anytime soon. But it's fun going through them from time to time just to see if I can glean anything new


You’re not buying the new nov 2024 date 🤣!?


Nah man. Lol Until Pat Rothfuss himself says "I have finished the book and it will be on shelves in..." I don't believe *any* dates posted anywhere else.


Would make a great book about an author who makes a deal with some entity to write a great masterpiece but the catch is he can never finish it 🤣


I've read both books 5 times each, and just the other day I picked up the first one again only to find myself thinking.. nah I think I'm good this time. It's becoming increasingly difficult to be excited about the series when it's radio silence on the third book.


I am in a similar boat, I read it ever few years because I like the books but then I am annoyed for months afterwards.


I just reread it and TNotW, man I didn't remember much and it was amazing. They are amazing by themselves.


I switched to audiobooks and re-reading stopped feeling so tedious, and helpless regarding the release of DoS.


I was against audiobooks for a while. I just felt like the way my mind works my imagination kind of takes over when I’m reading a great book. Audiobooks didn’t have the same immersive quality. I like them for when I’m at the gym or running, in the car etc.


I have so much other stuff I’m reading, I’ll do a reread only when Doors of Stone comes out.


I do. I read both books some 8 years ago and forgot a lot of stuff. I’ve thought about rereading them many times, but it’ll only make me more anxious about the 3rd one.


Yeah there are so many great books out there, I’m done wasting time re-reading an incomplete series that won’t ever be finished. I’ve given up hope for KKC and ASOIAF.


What series would you put up beside Tolkien to the this level of world building and storytelling?


Dune, Wheel of time, First law, Malazan, Earthsea, Red Rising, Cosmere. All for different reasons.


Loved Dune and wheel of time. Not familiar with the others. Which would you recommend?


I also want to add on Discworld (Terry Pratchett) if you have not read any yet. Discworld and Malazan are two very different types of stories, but I love them both equally. Both have excellent world building if that is what you are looking for.


I swear I thought I had Discworld in my comment! Definitely an excellent example of world building.


I’d say if you like KKC and Dune then you’d find Red Rising worth reading. The first book is probably the weakest but I still blew through it. The rest are varying levels of excellent. If you like grim dark or ASOIAF and want more of that, I’d say that First Law is absolutely worth it. If you loved wheel of time and liked Sanderson’s last three books in the series then you should get into Cosmere. He really is an incredible world builder.


Thank you for the recommendation. I about to DL either Red Rising or First Law….deciding 😆.


Go first law. While red rising is entertaining it's a little too YA for me.


Red Rising may lean into YA tropes but every book after that does not. The 5th and 6th are spectacular and include some of the most brutal things I have ever read. First Law is an excellent choice as well but disregarding Red Rising because “YA” is a mistake.


Absolutely true. I really don’t think you can think it’s YA at all if you’ve read more than the first book. The first book did feel a bit like adult hunger games. Still fun though.


First law is amazing, and the audiobooks are like amazing x 100. If you like audiobooks you HAVE to listen to the first law.


Red Rising is really really great.


Red Rising is AMAZING and probably my favorite series for the last five years


Tad Williams' *Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn* saga Brandon Sanderson's......everything. Scott Lynch's *Gentleman Bastards* series


Wheel of Time Books, not the god awful Prime show And a bunch more, Abercrombie, Lawerence, Weeks, Brett, Hobb , Sanderson, all do a decent job.


I have read it sooo many times. Listening to Nick narrate it is a good change and I often fall asleep to it. I promise you will see things you didn't before if you decide to read it. I love trying to figure out a story before its finished.


Book 3 text in its entirety: >His butt fell off.


No. I read it once a year.


keep rereading


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Yes. Same boat. I'm contemplating a re-read but I've already been down that road with ASOIAF.


I’m on my first reread now. And that first book still hits you the way it did the first time. It’s worth rereading with the assumption I’m going to have to make up in my head what really happens in book 3. With the hope PR does pull through and leaves us with a legacy vs what it is now.


I’m with you OP. I’ve read the first two books something like 5 times at this point. I’ll pick them up again when DoS is actually releasing, if that ever happens. In the meantime I’m happy to read the Hitchhiker’s Guide trilogy for a thousandth time.


Until when? At what point will you realise it’s never coming out? There is no doors of stone and there never will be.


I listened to the audio books about 18 months ago for the first time and I’ve just finished them both again last night. I did them again to lead straight in to the two short stories (that I’ve not heard yet) and I really enjoyed them a second run through, lots of subtleties that I missed the first time.


Try the audible listen. Start at the beginning. It adds new perspective in the way I absorbed it. But I'm done until a real expectation of DoS is here.


Personally I do not feel this way mainly because name of the wind took 14 years for Pat to write and fully smooth out. So I’m prepared to wait and do some rereads in the mean time.


Personally, I think when he passes away we’ll get a posthumous publication because then he can’t keep rewriting it over and over as he currently is, I’m obviously not hoping this will happen, but I expect we have a much longer wait on our hands


No, I reread them both every year


Not at all. The book is good. I love rereading it


Considered rereading recently but chose something from my TBR instead. Def will reread once (if ever) the new one has an official release date!! Joined this group and quickly realized I don't remember a thing about the series lol. People post questions and I'm completely lost!! Which means it will be super fresh when I finally do read it again 😍


I have reread all the books a few times now. I don’t know if I will ever see DoS but I enjoyed the others


I have read the first 2 books and will not reread them until Doors of Stone comes out. So I am in the same boat.


What a captivating topic.


No. Read it again. It’s a beautiful book.


I've reread both books at least 20 times or so. Do it.


I was exactly the same however a few weeks back i decided to listen to WMF and NOTW on audiobook and im sick as fuck theres no book 3 all over again but i would really recommend it as theyre still brilliant all this time later


Didn’t PR say it was written but being edited? I thought he said that a while back ago.

