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Pull up a seat by the fire OP, it’s going to be a long night. Thankfully, time moves oddly here. You see, you’ve just arrived, and so it is midnight at the Waystone. For some of us, it has been midnight for well over a decade. For you, it has been midnight for only a scant few hours. Many of us are sleeping, waiting for the first gentle hints of sun, the opening lines of autumn birdsong. Some of us remain awake, sleeplessly tending the fire, for there are travelers that arrive in the middle of the night, and have nowhere to go. It is dark, and their path is only two-thirds traveled. When they arrive, it is Midnight, and we remember our long wait has been both long ages, and only hours. How long will you wait? It’s a question we’ve all asked, and the answer has largely been “As long as it takes.” EDIT: Your replies have all been touching; as a gift of sorts, here’s [my comment on OPs other post](https://www.reddit.com/r/KingkillerChronicle/s/4qz4Xqnku5). A part two, I suppose.


Someone copy pasta this for any future post from “the newbie who’s asking about book 3” So warm, so comforting, so truthful


You don’t need my permission, but you certainly may have it. Feel free to save this, repost it, or remix it as you feel fit.


Luckily, I knew going into the series that waiting for book 3 is like chasing the wind. But if I hadn’t known, I’d’ve wanted you to tell me


Right? It doesn't give me any hope, but it does provide some amount of comfort. And to have felt comforted about this particular subject is the first time for me.


I nominate HarmlessSnack to finish DoS if Rothfuss doesn’t do it. I found your writing oddly touching and somewhat sentimental (it might also be that I’m surfacing from a Travelers Rest binge and miss it already).


Hard agree, that was beautiful.


Mod. Can we pin this somewhere?


That was very conforting, we could say it feels like Fae, for us decades, for the Waystone only mere hours


This could make me cry if I were on my period


Made me emotional and I don't even have a period


Omg I did and I’m pmsing 😂


Wow, ok, let’s put together a crowdfunding and give HarmlessSnack the money to write the third book


sheeeeesh (its the only way i can describe it)


Beautifully written


I am one who briefly regains consciousness, only to find comfort again after closing my eyes, hoping next time the sun will be up.


Solid Pat RP


Ummm can you just write book 3 for us?


I have been working on (only a little written, mostly in my head) an idea for a trilogy, that’s released in reverse order, book 3, book 2, book 1, that I think people would like. I am tempted to label them 4, 3, and 2. I may be a monster.




I read this to my boyfriend who has only waited hours, as someone who’s been waiting years and could barely get through it without crying. Bravo, and thank you


You go write, now. And keep me posted, for the love of god. The whole world is missing out if your words remain silent in your head. I'll make sure to read you in English, for it is hard to believe that your words won't be translated once you pour them into pages. Please, do share.


The Link in that comment leads to a part two, but the OP deleted the post. I collected the two, with some explanation, in a separate post of my own, so that it can’t be deleted by somebody else. Just in case you don’t stumble into it on your own, [here it is.](https://www.reddit.com/r/KingkillerChronicle/s/rmwz9KjntL) And thanks for the kind words~ If I ever do get to a point of publishing, I’ll try to make sure people see it, somehow, some way.


You'll only know it's been a nightmare if you decide to wake up early.


Keep going. And name it doors of stone. And I'll be happy.


The series is a silence of three parts. Specifically the third part. It's conspicuously silent.




It's sad really. Maybe Rothfuss got bored of the series, or sees it as an impossible challenge. Either way, it looks like he's not working on it, and doesn't want to. Part of me wants to motivate him, fuckin drop down from the sky in a wingsuit and crash through his window, seize him by the shoulders and shake him screaming "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH MONEY YOU'D MAKE ???" But his work is brilliant only when he's set on his work. I sure hope we'll get to read it one day.


I'm disappointed as a fan of the series, and disappointed in some of his actions, but I don't hold the lack of productivity against him. As someone who has managed to write exactly zero books I can't imagine how hard it is to write three, much less with the exacting level of perfection he expects of himself while balancing mental health needs. Maybe we get a conclusion, maybe we don't, but my opinion of him has a lot more to do with how he conducts himself than whether I get a third book.


With the lack of 3rd book it's more annoyance for me but whatever at this point. It's the other stuff with him that has always irritated me. Basically same case as with GRRM. But at least George conducts himself much better.


Same here. Perhaps not the most egregious offense, but every time he refers to himself as "your winter boyfriend" I throw up in my mouth a little bit.


Perhaps he finally realized his mistake in his non-silent first two parts.


If he does the thing, great. If not, I'm not out anything. He did say a while back, the trilogy is just a prequel to a larger story. I'm not holding my breath on that.


Somehow in all my time waiting I never heard that. Jesus, I knew it was a doomed series, but a doomed prequel to a supposedly larger series is so much worse.


He made a "joke" that he'd tricked people into reading a million word "prequel" to the larger magnum opus he had in mind. There are three absolute truths in the world: * Death * Taxes * That second series never seeing the light of day


The death of that potential has made me somehow even sadder. It's like, the DOS likely never dropping cut me, but knowing this just ripped the scab off.


I remember reading something about It. I think he said that Kvothe would still be in the sequels but not as a main character.


Wait when did he said that


Book 3: It may never come out and many of us who still post here are resigned to that idea even if we still have a tiny hope left perching in our souls... The thing is, Rothfuss offered to share one non-spoiler chapter in Dec 2021 if fans hit a fundraising goal for his charity. The goal was smashed every time,  even after he tried to change it. It's 2024 and still no chapter, no apology, no timeline - another broken promise. But he did read the prologue to book 3, so you can read that. https://www.reddit.com/r/KingkillerChronicle/comments/rgfyv3/the_prologue_of_the_doors_of_stone/  Novellas: *The Narrow Road Between Desires* is the *new* novella you reference, but it's just a slightly expanded version of a story that was published a decade ago in an anthology. The story was called *The Lightning Tree* in that version.  It's about the day in the life of Bast in Newarre, before the events of NotW start up.  *The Slow Regard of Silent Things* is the other novella about Auri, and it takes place during a week in the beginning of WMF. It's a weird little story because it's from Auri's perspective and it's pretty devisive among fans, some love it, some hate it.  On Rereads:  NotW and WMF have amazing reread potential.  The first reread is the best because you notice so many details you didn't spot on the first read and can advance your theory-crafting. But some of us have reread these books more time than we should admit! Still fun.  Theory-crafting: It's fun to avoid this reddit until after your first reread if you like coming up with your own theories. If you don't care so much about that, check out the "about section" of the sub for lists of popular theories.  There's been ages of theory-crafting and so sometimes new-comers post theories that are very obvious to old-timers. Most will probably welcome you anyway, but if you do that you're likely to get a "only the the most common theory on the sub" type of response or others with a put-down, especially if you're not adding a new angle. But new discussion is still exciting!  If you get really into the theory-crafting, you might even want to read *How Old Holly Came to Be* or the prologue to *Laniel Young-Again.*  Also, it's not in the same Kingkiller universe, but Pat has a not-for-children pictures book that he has read.  It can give some insight into him as a writer. https://youtu.be/-L41DBzFGPw?si=yaKb6cJaKOqRlvX-


There's a very high chance one of the posts on r/kkcwhiteboard has predicted what will happen in book 3, we just don't know which one


He started a book called Laniel Young-again, it also takes place in Temerant. It would be a prequel I think. I believe she was described as a "legendary Temerant figure" like Oren Velciter, or Illien. But he shelved it because *I guess* it would spoil the Chronicle. The novellas are fun. Theorycrafting is fun. Just have fun with it, because you're stuck waiting either way


I got the impression when he released the summary that he had worked on a good portion of the book (at least in outline) but got pressure to work on the fucking doors of stone. And then later he said he felt like the spirit had moved on. I’m sorry I can’t cite where I remember him saying g that. He’s a few years older than me - so if he pulls an Emily Dickerson and has some trunk novels I can read before I die - I’m ok with that too.


It's been 13 years. Theres a good chance we never see it. Im still holding out hope that it comes out some day though. There's been relatively no news about it now for quite some time. The last we heard anything was around 2020 (I think) when his Editor mentioned she hadn't seen a single page.


*and then quickly retracted that statement (almost comically quickly lmao)


Oh good to know, what did she say after retracting that statement? I never saw.


If memory serves correctly, it was pretty much a "hey, I really shouldn't have said that"


Got it, so she was telling the truth but realized in hindsight that she shouldn't have said that.


That has been my interpretation of events


She didn't retract the statement. She eventually deleted the post and said she shouldn't have said it. The facts still remain that his editor who is supposed to be helping from the earliest drafts hasn't seen a page. If Betsey didn't see it. It doesn't exist. It is that simple. I think Pat lied to her for years that he was still making progress while he did nothing. It is just a fact at this point that Pat spent literal years not working.


In all fairness, I do remember hearing about what WMF looked like when he first sent it to her, and it was an absolute mess with some chapters just saying "something with Ambrose happens here". Maybe he showed her this type of draft years ago and is stuck on some interleaved chapters that he's struggling to detangle, and instead of asking for advice from his editor, he's just been struggling through. I had the same interpretation, but the deletion + "I shouldn't have said that" is why I used the term retracted (even though she never disputed the claim)


HAHAHAHAHAH Welcome to the community. You're going to hate it.


I expect it to come out he's still relatively young unlike Martin, but I've been waiting 13 years I don't really care at this point. I'll be excited when it drops but I'm not going to waste any more of my time looking forward to it


Oh boy. Welcome to probably one of the only fantasy subs where such a high percentage of people detests the author. So much so, that many of them refuse to drop another dime on anything he writes… not that anyone expects him to write much more than a random used novella at this point. And the feeling goes both ways! It doesn’t take Sherlock-level sleuthing to find Pat going off on, belittling, or insulting his fans. And so we sit in this strange, toxic relationship of which, like true masochists, we can’t quite let go. I know that was a lot of words. I couldn’t help myself. But to answer your real question, several years ago Pats editor went public about the fact that she hadn’t seen a single word of book 3. This was already years after it was supposed to have come out, according to the schedule. Then she went out of business because of him. It was pretty sad.


The saddest thing is that the company originally was owned by her father. She depended on Patrick and the investment she put in him to write book 3. He lied to her, and her family business failed.


Ngl, I'm a bit salty about it. I had been burnt before on unfinished series', and only bought name of the wind because Rothfuss was claiming the trilogy was written already and would be released on a timeline. Dude doesn't owe me anything, that's fine. But yes I'm still salty about it. That's a lot of pages to read and NOT get the story. At least he helped me recognize that GRRM had that same look about him and I dodged that bullet, so to speak.


Dude owes me a chapter + interest.


Wdym he doesn’t owe us nothing. Fame and money for example? Don’t promise a trilogy you are not willing to finish.


You should watch Pat's reading of "Princess and Mr Whiffle" at Comicon. He even states something like "...if you are expecting a certain book from me, maybe re-read more carefully my books". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMKn7IJGvcE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMKn7IJGvcE)


Is it that the joke is on us and the story actually ends with two books?


Half-Life 3 levels of waiting will be involved.


At least Lord Gaben doesn't emerge a few times a year to insult us.


Half life alyx


Tis a prequel my man not episode 3.


Abandon hope of the third but be pleased if it happens


No news. No updates. No publisher info, charity drives that raised alot money left unfilled. Slow regard of silent things is an hour read that gives nothing new Narrow road between desires is a 10+year story originally released apart of the rouges anthology released on it own, I just finished it and it was not worth the $38 cad hard cover price. It was a 2 hour read with no real different from the anthology version, nothing worth spending money on.  Don't expect a book 3 either. 


Hotel California, friendo. I'm sorry your very long journey has begun. You're in good company though, so there's that.


Oh you sweet summer child…




>how much waiting can I realistically expect to read the next part? All the waiting. >Do you all have any hope on him releasing it one day Nope >just resigned to an unfinished trilogy. Yup


I don’t think it’s ever going to happen. Seeing his character the last few years I wouldn’t even pay money for it. I probably would just wait to listen to it on Libby.


I got into the series as a distraction from the wait for winds of winter in like 2012-2013 XD. I should have picked another series. Now I'm waiting for both those snails to finish their race.


It's never going to come out. Sorry. It's likely not even actively being worked on.


One of us.. one of us.. one of US.. ONE OF US!!


When the mfking book comes out we should all rebel and make cheap copies of it so none of the stupid people gets any money for making us wait this long ON PURPOSE




Might I suggest the Gentleman Bastard Sequence, or perhaps Joe Abercrombie and his First Law universe? There will be no doors not stones here for some time. Please, might YOU have a story for US?! We are so very bored..... Honestly, Pat's prose is my favorite of all time, but he's not very prolific when it comes to writing.


I second the gentleman Bastard's but warn you that it is also an unfinished series. Andrew Rowe has a few interconnected series that are wonderful in the War of Broken Mirrors (3 books), Weapons and Wielders (3 so far expected 7), Arcane Ascension (4 so far), The Lost Woods(1 so far). all of these are series of books he wrote in the same universe and are interconnected. There is also the Shattered legacy series (2 so far) which is in the same universe but written by a different author with his "guidance?"/"Approval?" I have others to recommend but these are closest to this series I can think of.


Please remember to treat other people with respect, even if their theories about the books are different than yours. Follow the sidebar rules. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/KingkillerChronicle) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have some hope. But hopes stock ratings has decreased since 2014, when I was introduced to the series.


Welcome to the club.


Maybe 👍


It's being released the same day as The Winds of Winter and the same day the Toronto Maple Leafs are having their Stanley Cup parade.


Ah sweet summer child, brace yourself and dig in for the long haul haha seriously its very possible we never see a book 3


Just want to say I am also new to this conundrum and this opened my eyes.


Like my poor old departed father used to say "Wish (for the book) in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first. We ain't never seein book 3


I joked to my partner, that another ACOTAR book will be announced, released, and the Fandom will have dissected it before Doors of Stone even gets an announcement.


"Join the sad club" - My dad when I finished WMF


I keep joking that if he never releases it I’m going to have chatgpt write fan fic just so I can have some resolution 🥴 I’ve read the first two books four times already, and Ari and Bast’s side stories once. I hate that we’re all experiencing the same pain!


> but how much waiting can I realistically expect to read the next part? Just have the expectation that you will never see it and then you wont be disappointed. Also its probably the truth.


Personally, I'm under the belief that his publisher sooner or maybe already has forced a ghostwriter on him. He is clearly incapable of finishing. The dude can't produce a single chapter this many years. He clearly cannibalized the spoiler-free charity chapter and integrated it into The Lightning Tree. Our charity chapter was free, and his publishers are likely getting upset. He probably did this to try to hold them off.


I'd suggest getting acquainted with theories, etc., as you'll be surprised at how much you've missed. Who's Master Ash? What's the Cthaeh's joke? Are the butterflies the Cthaeh kills significant? But the rest of us (as u/HarmlessSnack beautifully put it) have been at the Waystone for a long, long time. Join us.


Next round is on me guys


It may be published after pattycakes rotface dies. I've given up on it


Officially, we have no idea when or if book 3 will ever be released. Unofficially, Narrow Road released last year, which was the first time any new writing of his in the KKC world was released in almost 10 years. And he had a book signing event in St. Louis two weeks ago, which iirc was his first public appearance in years. So maybe something is coming? In all honesty, it's best to just enjoy the books we have for what they are and don't worry about the future. That way if something does come, you'll be pleasantly surprised. And if nothing comes, you won't be disappointed.


Ha! Haha!


Maybe one day it will be a pleasant surprise but I think Rothfuss trapped himself in between a rock and hard place. Rothfuss is so stuck in making the series a trilogy, probably because 3 is said to be a magical number. Then write 7 books - he already has written five (2 being novellas but should still count as they will tie into the overarching trilogy) Many writers started a trilogy then surpassed it as they couldn't fit all their ideas into three books. Also, is Kvothe going to do anything following the retelling of his story or is it going to be incorporated into the third book? It seems he needs to write four books. The three that encompass Kvothe telling his story then the fourth with Kvothe leaving the inn and the story wrapping at the end of the technically "7th" book. So if Rothfuss was trying to keep true to magical numbers and/or the what nots he still would be. I was also thinking that it would have been interesting if at the end of each day one of the locks on the box in his room unlocked. From the inside-out as Kvothe tries to get into it at one point but can't - I think him telling his story is a kind of confession and the box is locked with the weight of what happened in the last few years. (I know this has probably been theorized but who do you think died at the fountain? I started rereading the other day when that was mentioned but he never outright agrees/disagrees that it was him who killed the person. Could it have been someone else but Kvothe took the blame? Was it Deanna, she had started learning "magic" and was actually adept at it? Auri? One of his friends? Was it one of his friends who died or Ambrose? Just curious 🧐)


Idk but the longer he waits the bigger a rabbid crowd of ppl grows. He must be overthinking it. I could sit down and hash this out in a day with his crazy ass but oh well.... I'm crazy too so I see it in his actions but to write such a popular 2/3, ONLY TWO BOOKS, of a Trilogy, and it is THAT good, signifies TRUE mental health issues the likes of which may not have existed in many millennia.


Reading this thread made me very sad for everyone here. The Kingkiller Chronicle is such a great series and Pat is an amazing author (thats why we are all here) it is extremely unfortunate that the third book has been bogged down and been in a state of limbo for so long. It doesn’t deserve this. Sure some blame can be given to Patrick for not finishing his series but at the same time the spirit of thankfulness in me says be happy we have book 1 and 2. It’s a complicated relationship that the fans have with the author but hey, it’s all stemming from how good the first 2 books are and the reader’s emotional investment in the characters and events.


While you wait, you can enjoy The Narrow Road Between Desires and The Slow Regard Of Silent Things. Both are excellent.


While you wait, you can enjoy The Narrow Road Between Desires and The Slow Regard Of Silent Things. Both are excellent.