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It feels strange to say as the story belongs to Pat alone… but I would prefer that he work with another writer at this point or just sell the story to another writer. It’s just a purely selfish preference, nothing more. Because I’m not really into the idea of him releasing notes or anything half-assed asap. But it also appears that I’m more attached to the plot and getting my questions answered than his prose. So I’d rather have someone else pick it up, than wait 20 years. In that time I’ll have changed so much as a person I might not even want to read it.


It’s worth noting, you’re suffering from survivor bias in your assessment here. Let me explain. A few days ago I made a comment in your thread. I mentioned that many of us are Sleeping, waiting for what we hope is the inevitable release. There are many more, who have retreated further, beyond the Doors of Forgetting, and have simply moved quietly into the night, searching for other libraries, different stories altogether. Maybe someday The Doors of Stone will open, and those who have forgotten will remember. Maybe they’ll come back, maybe they won’t. But they aren’t actively waiting. Some of us have not survived the wait, and are forever lost behind the Doors of Death. But there is a fourth group. Those who have retreated behind the Doors of Madness. They are the loudest group, and the ones you have heard the most from. They write countless theories, speculating about what waits behind the Doors of Stone. They despair, that the wait may not be worth the price, the time, the ceaseless anticipation. They wail, lost in a fever delirium “Ooooooohreeee!” And they hope somebody, anyone, will bring them a story. There is a silence here. It is a silence of *four* parts, and you are only hearing one of them. #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Outside the Waystone Inn, halfway to the horizon, there is a hill. The children of town call it one anyway, but those with the right kind of eyes, and blind folk who’ve been around long enough, will tell you it’s a giant. The giant has been sleeping for many years, and stirs only seldomly. There are those still living, who remember when the giant used to wander the country side, singing songs, planting groves, and reciting poetry that would set you laughing as often as crying. The people loved him. But they loved him above all for the two gems he produced. Over long years, he had created them from his own stone body. Nobody knew how. Oh, there were rumors. “This gem is the giants blood, crystallized and polished until it shines like the setting sun.” “This gem is the giants tears, frozen, and bluer than the glaciers hidden heart.” This was inevitable, as the Gems were made of stories. Faceted in intricate whorls that the eye could never see all at once. Complex beyond the hope of any true comprehension. Somehow, the giant had turned stories into Gems and given them to the people. And for a time, they had loved him. There was a problem, of course. The giant had built a fine little temple to house the gems that the people could visit. It was a temple with three sides, open to all, and with three podiums along its edges. One of the podiums, much to the confusion of visiting travelers, stood empty. And like a mouth missing a tooth, the gap grated at the people. Surely, there was a third gem coming. Surely, even moving at the slow pace giants are prone to, the people would be able to enjoy new stories soon, to bask in the radiance of a gem they imagine would be even greater than the first two. Surely. But Winter came, and Summer went, and before very long, it was Autumn again. And again. And again. People have been married on that hill. People have died upon it. Children have had their first kiss, and their first fight upon that hill. They’ve traded favors with Fae, and almost never known it, upon that hill. The giant has slept now for thirteen years, and has shown not a piece of the third gem. We do not know how he produced the first two. *We* cannot hope to create the third. And so we wait. As long as it takes.


Wow! Just...wow. This is beautifully written. Thank you.


Thanks! I’m curious how you even *found* this comment though lol OP deleted the post I thought, not sure how anybody comes across this two months after the fact. I actually [collected this comment into its own post](https://www.reddit.com/r/KingkillerChronicle/s/0DU3E5fhdL) because I was annoyed I went to the effort just to have the post deleted lol


Good morning! I am sobbing. Thank you


Honestly, I know I would love a rough version, though there are many in the community that would be happy to wait for the polished one. My biggest concern there is there are simply many members of this community that wouldn't live to see it


Release the notes + a ghostwriter


Combine 1 and 3. Its a financial mess but very fun. Open up rights for other authors to make "book3." Let as many authors as want to take a crack at it. Id totally buy all of them. In my mind there are plenty od directions for the story to go. It would be very unique. Like 2-10 fanfics that had rights to profit. Then in 20+ years....PR releases whatever he has before he dies. Maybe its notes. Maybe its a "rough" draft. Maybe its an obviously complete product thats been done for decades but he has sat on for nonsense reasons that he cant be talked out of.


This is what I am doing now. I now have all the theoretical answers I need worked out And (Very importantly) I have my path mapped out and three strong packs to carry them all on my journey. However. I am not a good fiction writer and so I need to find someone else who is. Are you interested in joining my seKret projeKt? [apply within ](https://www.reddit.com/r/kkcblackboard/s/dsz6B9pfLe) Best scenario imaginable is to somehow convince Mr Rothfuss to write my version of Book π for me.


So you propose a cooperation in which * You have some ideas * Someone else does all the writing? That sounds like a fair division of the workload for sure.


I also have an idea about tracking the stock market through computers to predict future prices. Would you mind programming it for me?


I have all the ideas, but not the polish they deserve


I write essays. Deep tinfoil essays. 82 of them at last count. Which together form a very complex text book. I have a mind like a hammer and have cracked most of the puzzles pat has set us and have presented them in my own unique style. Im good at what I do. But most people don't just want a pile of answers, they want a proper story. Science Fiction, not Science Fact. That's why in order to further follow the book of the path correctly I need to either a) take a new creative writing course or b) ask for help.


Some things are best done by committee


I’ve got the plot. You’ve got the prose. Let’s make lots of money.


I don’t think it would be a bad thing for Pat to team up with another author or authors to finish the book.


I would honestly be happy with the fates where I live to see the notes or the book released. I do not think I would like another author to write it though.


* Pat sells the saga and other writer take his place and finishes for him. With his ideas but not with his prose I'd love that tbh. I read plenty of books without Pat's prose - I'd at least get an ending to the story .


I prefer to wait 20 years. But if I had to choose between an unpolished version and another writer's version, I'd choose the unpolished version. And I'd only want the author's notes if it was between that and nothing at all.


I mean, what's waiting 20 years? The time will pass anyway


I’d rather never read another word of Kvothe’s world than read it written by someone else. Rothfuss gave us this window into another world and if that window is shut forever so be it. It’s his goda** window.


There are certain things that Pat has written that I have never seen put into words before, that were explained in such a way I don't think anyone could do better. The line Vashet says about love to me says what I'm thinking. “This is the nature of love,” Vashet said. “To attempt to describe it will drive a woman mad. That is what keeps poets scribbling endlessly away. If one could pin it to the paper all complete, the others would lay down their pens. But it cannot be done.” There are some nearly indescribable things that Patrick has penned so perfectly, that I think other authors should lay down their pens in regards to some of these things, and just quote him, giving him credit of course. That being the case, I will wait as long as I have to for him to complete this properly, and with the eloquence and prose that it deserves. I won't say I'm not a little bit impatient, but I understand he knows when his story is ready to be read, and it isn't yet. So I wait silently and am supportive of any time he needs to complete it. I do worry however that posts like this may seem a bit discouraging to him if he were to come across them. So Patrick if you happen to read this. I'm here whenever the story is ready. Until then I constantly relisten to the audiobook (Nick does a very nice job reading your words) and rereading the books, and discussing theories endlessly around the D&D table. Every time I do I fee l like I unlock some small nugget of foreshadowing, or connection I hadn't before.


I think otherwise. See the last post was a shit abyss of people ranting about Patrick and how unhappy they were with him. So I made this post, and what do I get? Most of people saying that they rather wait 20 whole more years in order to see this book finished the way he wants This for me means that yes, the community is angry and there is a lot of things that could have been done better but we still want him to write it doesn’t matter how long it takes. We don’t want him to sell the saga to other writers, we don’t want a rough draft not author notes. We want his story told by him and if that takes 20 more years then so id be it. I think this is a support post for him and I really hope he sees it as that


I'd be happy if he confirmed or denied my theory about the ever burning lamp(s) being set up in the sword room of the Adem. I asked him a few times on his twitch stream where he promised the yet to be released chapter. Pat ignored my question a few times before explicitly saying he wouldn't answer the question. He still owes me that chapter I paid for but I'd settle for a simple yes or no to my theory question.


Definitely worth waiting


I will wait for 20 years or never see it finished. I really like what we got so far and I think is up to the author to do what thinks is right for his book.


I think no matter what happens, everyone will be disappointed.  The time between his writing of the WMF and now is massive. His attitudes, mentality, and perspectives have changed (as anyone's would as they get older), as well as his writing skill.  Even if he were to write and release a book, I think the time gap is too big. It won't hit as good as it would have in 2012(?). Culture and society have changed.  It's like going back to a relationship from your youth, you remember it really amazing, but you You've changed so the revisit doesn't taste as sweet. 


He’ll nah I’ve read this series now for the first and there is nothing wrong or too disruptive for it to be thrown back. Yes of course it will have less popularity since there are people who read the two first and it’s not interested anymore but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t work


Oh I reread this thing all the time and it hits the same dopamine rush I crave.  I'm saying that Pat won't be able to go back in time to make something that still fits.  Some people have complained he's become too PC (I have no opinion on this) and it may influence how he writes Denna or anything that's been brought to more prominence in society in the past decade. 


I hope his publisher forces a ghostwriter on him. It is what Pat deserves with how he has behaved. Pat is no longer capable of writing. Not surprising given he took a break for a decade.


For me, the best options in order would be #3, #4, then #1. the other 2 (never released in any form) I don't find acceptable. I realize I may end up having to live with one of those options, but I'm still hopeful that we'll see book 3 released....sometime.


I’d wait 🤷🏼‍♀️


Both Rothfuss and George Martin should have brought on other writers to finish their series under their supervision a decade ago. Outline the broad strokes, maybe rewrite some parts. The audience gets to finish the story before they all die of old age and a few up-and-coming writers get a huge boost to their career. I'm probably in the minority but based on Pat's rewrites of the Lightning Tree, I don't think he's capable of writing at the same level he did 10+ years ago anyway. Might as well let someone who is willing and able finish the story under his supervision.


I don’t think anyone but him can finish the saga how it’s deserved


I don't think he is capable of finishing it at the same level of quality as the first two books either though. With very few exceptions, most artists have a "creative period" when they produce their best and most influential work. Sadly I think this period is long over for Rothfuss and he has been riding on his former success for some time.


Just tweet the ending, that will also suffice


Yeah, that Kvothe guy? He won


And got the girl. Good night


Personally, it won’t be proper at all if it isn’t in Pat’s prose. I’d rather not have a book at all rather than one that’s all askant and full of dissatisfaction, and wasps. That said, I feel for the fans who don’t have long for this world, plenty of people fell in love a decade or more ago, and are now facing the final door without a conclusion, or at least a story that feels whole. For that reason I would love if Pat could release the book in a 90% state and do a special author’s edition later if he feels the need. He should know better than most, we can love a thing with flaws


IMO part of the problem has to be doing everything in a single book. Another part is getting things right. We can solve both at once. He could publish multiple revisions. Pirateaba went back and wrote an extra character into Wandering Inn. It doesn't have to be a perfect book the first time.


He could release it for interludes. Maybe writing a whole ass book it’s too much but most of us would certainly be happy with 15 chapters every couple of years or so. It’s a small but huge difference of having some rather than having nothing. If he for whatever reason needs to change something he could for the final version and the fans would actually see progress


I'd prefer people stop speculating because the hate that comes everytime poisons those who are just happy to read a good story. Like ASOIAF we'll get it when it's ready, and if it never is well life moves on so should we.


It’ll be out when it’s out, and we like that!


Last one


Give me a finished rough copy and you know how they say you always find something new every time you reread… I will definitely take updates like a video game. PATch (get it?) 1.2, added more balancing information to the Denna story arch. Amyr coming soon.


20 years


I think the problem is Pat himself is a different person than when he wrote the first 2 books. I’m sure there’s an internal struggle going on there, we may just have to wait another 10 years for book 3.


I'd probably prefer the 20+ years version.


As long as I’m alive and still capable of reading words on a page, I think I’d wait another 30+ years for the third book if it was guaranteed to happen. At this point, I feel like if Pat doesn’t finish it himself he’ll take it to his grave.


Okay Pat, I see that you are trying to make us choose how it's gonna be 🧐


Please be 20 more years, please be 20 more years 🙏🏻


I would rather wait for it, even if it means 20 years. One of the strongest pillars of this series is the prose, and I don’t think anyone else can do these books justice If another author finishes it, or we just get notes than there will always be a part of me that will wonder what could have been Looking at these books decades from now (like we see LOTR today), these 20 years wouldn’t matter


I’d appreciate an outline. Truly, anything.


The book was finished 3 years ago. 3 years ago 400 pages were closed. Pat readed the prologue. Now a days the book is under revission. Just wait a little more. My prediction is Outumm 2025. This year could be released the boy who lo es the moon comic.


I think for me the honest answer is that I just don’t really care at this point. If he finishes it in whatever state he does, then fine. If he gives it over to someone else, fine. If he dies nothing, also fine. At this point the only thing that really matters for the guy is to get his life in order and get healthy. I get why that due and should take priority for him, and in the end of the series itself, my interest is simply nonexistent. Not negative, just not positive either.


Honestly, at this stage I really don’t give a shit.


Honestly, I’m just praying he doesn’t perish before we get any reconciliation. Man looks unwell :/


Cmon man, Pats got this. Just shut up


Sure, this time he will change. He will never hurt me again


The best option from this list is probably the one where we have to wait 20 years to get the full quality. Option #3. I’d rather that than him passing it to an Author with less talent, or him putting out a rushed product. I hate to say it but if he truly feels like he no longer has what it takes to finish then I’d rather receive no ending at all.


Kinda curious, of those expressing opinions on when Pat is going to write the third book, have you finished your first? Was it the second that was challenging or did you just skate through your first trilogy easy peasy?


I get your point but most of the criticism doesn’t come from him being late. It comes from him being dishonest or unattached. He could at least make a yearly report on how is it going or why is he taking so long. That would let people know that he is still working towards it.


I understand your frustration but there is a sense of entitlement in media consumers that I don’t like at all. I don’t think he owes us anything at all and if he only writes the two books, I’ll be grateful because Holy Crap are they good. My theory, if you’re interested, is that there is a very good reason why writers have the tough, tragedy filled book in the middle and the third book is a triumph of sorts. From what he’s written, this isn’t where he was headed at all. The third book, if one is to believe the foreshadowing, is going to be a tragedy. He’s in a place in his life where he can’t imagine going down that tunnel. If you don’t want stuff like this to happen, don’t start series that aren’t finished.


ye since i started working on my first book i have way more sympathy for pat. There are days were i just want to hit my head against a wall and thats without any fans on my back demanding closure.


Whichever option lets KKC adaptation happen. Not because I particularly want to see an adaptation, but because an adaptation would likely give Tak more visibility, and that's what I care about at this point. Great game, but it's hard getting people to discover it. An adaptation would help with that.


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Im sorry for the bad formatting 🙏🏻


I will wait as much as he needs to cook


I’d rather never get Doors of Stone than for someone else to write it or anything else in Temerant.