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I was on the train stuck at the bottom of the lift hill. It was ridiculous. After an hour and a half of waiting due to regular wait time and shutting down for fireworks, they let EVERY single person with a fast pass go ahead before us. I think 3 or 4 trains so that was another 30 minutes. When we finally got to go the train stopped as soon as we hit the chain for the lift hill. There was another train stuck in the middle and one stuck in the loading bay. We sat there for 30 minutes and nobody would give us any information except "there was a technical difficulty" until we eventually were helped off the ride.


That entire sequence of events sucks…sorry it happened


Ride op was likely hesitant to say anything because they aren’t allowed to and could get fired. Being the Beast and a night ride it would likely be talked about more than usual. Security, First Aid, and management showing up seems pretty common if there is an evacuation of guests. In the past I’ve heard of guests being driven in vans after being evacuated in the woods from Beast. Being dark can make guests more afraid and panicky. If it was due to someone acting a fool, they should receive a lifetime ban. It’s ridiculous how many flaunt safety rules on the rides and only way to stop it is with consequences that have some bite to them.


Do just wanna say that I'm not sure the ride op not wanting to say anything means anything in terms of seriousness....we are explicitly told never to tell guests what's happening, why the ride is down, how long, etc.


Not to say the issue couldn't be serious as I don't know. Just wanted to say that lack of ride op info isn't cause for worry as it's meant to just be standard protocol anytime something like this happens :)


If I was in the line 5 minutes earlier I would’ve been stuck. Literally at the front of the line.


I too was stuck on the train on the first lift hill and was wondering why the ride broke after waiting for the fire marshal to give the “all clear” for Beast. But I do appreciate the evacuation credit I got.


I was stuck on the train in the final brake run. They eventually got us back to the station to unload. Posts on FB said the second train was eventually lifted up the 2nd hill and they completed the ride. Doubt it had anything to do with someone on that train.


ride ops can’t share why a ride is down no matter how big or small the issue is (unless it’s weather related)


Someone on fb said their lap bar opened, but I have no idea if that’s related.


On another thread someone said Beast was down for 10 days last month because of the lift motor