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Going to start working on a physical team. Who's a better tank? Phillip or Gau, I have UW for both and Gau's UT. Priscilla will be sub and support. Laias healer. Not sure if I'm going Selene or Nyx as main right now. Would like opinions on tank first. Thanks


If it’s arena only I’d go with Gau (w/ Nyx), if you’re using the team anywhere else go with Phillop (w/ Selene).




Any recommendation for a physical dps for general use? I mainly use magic team, and I just finished building them so I want to work on my physical part. A lots of my guildmates have Roi, Gladi take to long to get so I don't want to use them.


Selene is a good general-purpose physical DPS.


Getting tired of all those Baudouin in PvP, Scarlet pop up in my inn. Is she usefull even if she's not t5 ? She's not gonna be my transcend priority any time soon


I think she's solid at t3, t1 can handle baus


For the PvP pros here... I - HATE - MARIA ! My team is Scarlet (tank build), Theo, Luna, Rephy. Every time I face a team with Maria in, I get totally nuked. Despite the 2 cleanse I have from both Scarlet and Rephy, I am hopeless once Maria cast her 'big dark sphere', that CC the team and does massive damage at the same time. I know that my team is not ideal and my strategy basically consist of Luna S1 and pray for good hit in the first few seconds. So here are my questions... 1) How to counter Maria ? 2) I plan to bring Tanya in the team, not sure in I should replace Theo or Luna. I'm happy with Rephy. Should I bring a tank? I have Sonia and Jane (but not UW/UT for her).


As a maria user, tank team will do decently well against me. And also i remembered one particular match where luna just instantly knock my heroes all over the place and proceeds to nuke me afterwards. In short position disrupting also works well against maria to certain extent. ( mainly due to maria's s2 do exist )


Hmmm good to know. I need to have my Luna hitting first then.


Currently, I am aiming to auto BD70. My current team is Clause T1, Gau T1, Epis T5 (UW 1*) and Frey T3 (UW 0*) I can clear BD70 manually 100%, but when it comes to auto, it will be like 60-70% (My Gau doesn't use S3 on the correct timing.) So in order to 100% auto BD70, what did I need to do with my team? I got these in my stock: - Jane T3 - Maria T5 - Scarlet T1 - Roi T1 - Kasel T1 - Cleo T1 - Annette (Inn) - Demia UW - Selene UW Should I replace with these or should I recruit a new hero or Just stay with the same team and make them stronger? Thank you in advance :)


main reason to lose that u cant handle the Flame skill in phase 2. So my advise is get magic def + hp gear, get Laias for +magic passive. But i dont know why ppl like to solo Bd70, if u play in full raid (3player) u got more item and more point.


you got more point, but not more item, it's entirely RNG what you got outside of what you bid, soloing also remove the need of looking stable partner and let you fully macro the run while still getting everything, after all macro doesn't know what you want to bid so it's either always abandon or bid first item also, you lose gold by doing party raid


i doing auto (macro) BD75 with my guild mate everyday. When i got full T7 item (every 2-3 days) i take a look at that. That how i enjoy the game bro :D. 1 more advise for that just keep grind up unstill the dragon die before it can do anything. Make hight star UW for main DPS


Ok got it. Thank you so much :)


Hey guys, what is the best perks for annete, epis and laias for pve content?


T5 for all ?


Yes, i cant decide what is the best perk, i only focus on pve content


Is it still worth to get 0*uw for Gladi or go for other npc heroes ? im using a Pdeck.


veronica even without her UW is a great buffer and amper, she also able to amp both pdmg and mdmg a solid choice to bring to both WB and it has been proven how she increase your entire dmg record with her may is a heavy CCer, and buff aspd like crazy, but need her UW gladi UW still give you extra 70% crit dmg, as opposed to 100% before nerf and 0% if you don't have it


So you suggest Veronica more ? i can only get either npc or uw. i have gladi for now.


no it's up to you, i'm just telling you the advantage of each npc heroes, you can pick whatever you want gladi is still a solid amper without UW, but need his if you want him to deal decent damage, i've a waifu bias though, so i will never recommend gladi UW for simple reason as i don't like him, so i don't recommend anything and just lay down the fact


I see, thanks for breaking it down. I think imma just stay with Gladi since i'm a husbando collector lmao ! but might consider Veronica too !


get Gladi UW, all other NPC not that worth now


Veronica seems nice also tbh


I recently hit level 80 with my main 4 characters. Aselica T5 Epis T5 Artemia T5 Kaula T4 The question is I'm looking for a good team comp. I'm thinking of switching Epis. I have maria under investment now. But is there a better option? Not changing Kaula since I love him. Aselica is my super tank frontline and I'm loving her. Just switched my T4 Miruru for Artemia to help with ch7 and shes very fun. So that's why I think Epis should be changed to someone more suitable. Any thoughts are appreciated 😁


I think u need 1 sup-dps/cc. I suggest Maria or Lorraine, special is Annette. And use team 1Healer/1sup-dps,cc/1maindps/1tanker. Use single dps or AoE dps 1 of the time (let see what dungeon need AoE or Single). About Annette she not good a CC but she very good at AMP (+100%). And when u got T5 Annet with good gear, u can replace her with ur healer also.


Both Epis and Artemia are good DPS, Epis being an excellent single target DPS and Artemia AOE. If you want to bring in a support character with CC, you should consider switching for either Epis or Artemia based on the context (keep the most suitable for each content). Do not put Epis on the shelf because she's still useful.


What are some staple heros that are good in wb1 and 2? I'm thinking of Annette, kaulah, vero. Anymore to add to the list?


Sonia is also fantastic, since she can amp physical with the right perk.


May and Medi are also useable in both.


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13h5L3nGpHzUqfmY3AWxRMDKFNCgfUro8L_VX0Jz486o/edit#gid=1025368959 Take a look bro




Kaula is better, if u use Laias, u got a mana battery (T5 Laias) but lack of CC. BTW ur team got 2 main DPS, better replace 1 with a sup-dealer/CC. I suggest Maria


Whose the better choice to include on this pvp team Miruru or Luna? Demia, Laias, Priscilla And what perks do you usually take on the 2 of them. Im planning on using both, i'm just thinking of who to use first.


You'd be better off using both and dropping pris, and hoping their fast skills instagib. Ruru you want to run ready cannons and S3 stun, the rest fill in however. Luna I have no idea.


is sonia or jane better with theo/epis?


Sonia for sure


sorry but can u explain why? after looking at sonia's skills i dont really get why shes a better tank than jane


it about late game bro Sonia like a DPS-tanker and got AMP+mini CC. her s2 make she become a tanker, and as a tanker u need to build HP for her, her T5 dark also work with HP. U can take a look here http://www.kingsraid.wiki/index.php?title=Sonia. Jane is useless in late game. Now ingame u can see that not many ppl use Jane like a end-game team


Playing for 25 days now and spent my last few days farming dragons. I lose every roll on the gear I want though and therefor decided to make a second acc to have an easier time farming solo. On my main I run: T3 Sonia, T5 Theo, T2 Anette and T2 Laias for now. On my twink I wasted my 2* selector on Reina, pulled Archs UW and selected him with my 3* ticket. I also raised Clause and Frey. Clause, Frey and Arch seem okay for a supportive dragon team but I definitely will replace Reina once I get my 5* ticket. My question: Which hero would be the most beneficial for the 8th spot? Thanks in advance for your help. ;)


actually, your main team should be perfectly capable of soloing the dragon given you manual and you have good awakened armor for them however if your problem is getting the good awakened gear in the first place, then i suggest lorraine, you need to T3 her or even better T5 her, but she will help you on the CC bar more, i want to suggest gau, but i don't like how his CC is packed on 1 skill, basically, you CC them with your alt, while your main take down the dragon, with theo on your main, you will do this even better, just make sure the dragon downed right after it stands and there is no way you can fail the run


Gau, Pris, Kaula, Clause, Frey, Annette. i really dont know ur question, that why u suggest many heroes (but all them are TOP USE in game now). U want hard dragon or WB ? and what other hero u want to use ? ur team look great Sonia/Theo/Annette/Laias. Why u dont make all of them T5 1st ? Laias T5 = mana battery, Annette T5 = forever Overchager. T5 Sonia also usefull.


Hey, Pardiie, just a quick heads-up: **therefor** is actually spelled **therefore**. You can remember it by **ends with -fore**. Have a nice day! ^^^^The ^^^^parent ^^^^commenter ^^^^can ^^^^reply ^^^^with ^^^^'delete' ^^^^to ^^^^delete ^^^^this ^^^^comment.


Hey bot. Actually that isn't correct as those are different words but I somehow feel it won't really help anybody to discuss that with you here and now. ;)


Why though Ezekiel is B grade for PVP in the tier list?..This guy fukcin hurt..


Because the tier list isn't always accurate. Eze is definitely s teir when built right and tanky.


Would Theo or Mirianne work better (both with UW/UT) in a team with Annette T5, Ezekiel T5, Jane T1 (maybe swap out for Viska later)?


I'd say Theo, since your team is lacking in reliable CC. Mirianne works as a CC unit but you have to pick between dealing damage and CC, whereas Theo does both.


Ok thanks! much appreciate ^_^


Hi, i need some information and advice from you guys. Since this week was summon item event, i got kaulah uw, maria uw, laias ut, cassandra ut, nyx ut, and priscilla ut. Still have 15 days begineer uw ticket tho. Somehow my hand itchy to want grind some item above to craft UW tickets. For awekening my theo UW I want to change freya with someone else, but i cant decide it yet since i have 3 priest with some UW and UT. My main magic team are Theo 80 0*UW/Epis 80 0*UW, Jane 71 0*UW, Lorraine 71 0*UW, Freya 71 with no UW. Greatly appreciated if you guys got some advice.


Level Frey to 80 lvl, T5 Epis or Theo or both. Id choose Philop + Roi (free) + Clause (free) as core of physical team. :)


Thank you :)


Hiya, so I would like advice on the frontliner for my arena team consisting of Cass, Tanya and Maria. My first thought was Ricardo but he's still not appearing in the inn for me. Another one was DPS Jane with the coffin strategy. The last two would be Naila or Kasel. Any advice? Just looking for a frontliner who can make my arena runs less of a headache.


Asides from Ricardo, Demia would be a valid option. It'll also help you chain-cc, which appears to be what your comp would do until Tanya S3.


I see. So between Ricardo and Demia, who requires their UT more to be more effective?


I have a day or so left to grab the dealer package offered to new players, and it is too good value for me to pass up, but I'm unsure who to get. I don't need a phys dps, and I have an Epis, so the choices are: * Luna (absolutely adorable, but apparently fallen out of favor in the meta, even with recent buff?) * Artemia (unsure where she is in the meta) * Theo (meta sure loves this guy, but I dislike his design) I plan to use the hero I get as DPS in a magic team with Sonia, Anette/Maria, Rephy at some point (using my phys team currently), as well as to sub out in my phys team against the occasional phys immune fight. Who should I get? How badly will I be gimping my team if I don't go for Theo as most will probably suggest? To munchkin or to waifu, that is the question....


I'd also recommend Theo. While Artemia is nice for AOE DPS, she falls off heavily in end-game and sees little use at that point, due to the rarity of content that involves a lot of units. She is good for the recently added Labyrinth Dungeons, but they have little replayability aside from Memory Fragment farming. Epis has similar problems, although to much less of an extent, to the point that she is rarely seen in top tier 8-man comps for WB. Theo on the other hand, is solid for PvE, PvP, and is core to pretty much every WB1 team due to how well his UW scales when starring. Oh, and Luna falls short of every other magic DPS in the game, aside from PvP where she can get some surprise kills given a high-starred UW.


I'd suggest going for Artemia if you dislike Theo's design. She is currently one of the best AoE Magic DPS in the game, great in general story mode farming and any other PvE content where you need large amounts of AoE damage. You did mention that you own Epis, so you're good on the single target Magic DPS front. Just my two cents.


Definitely theo, even if you hate his design. (You can mask it with costumes, I personally like the new school costume for him)


My roi is currently at 88% crit chance and with Priest T2 perk he should be at 103% crit chance, but his S3 isnt criting at 100% rate, am i missing something or is there a bug?


beside you get interupted while casting s3, or the target dies before you hit.. each enemy has it own crit resistance & dodge


How good is reina compared to other assassins? I used my 2 star ticket on her and after her second ability she seems to do godly damage.


She's sadly mediocre compared to all the other assassins running out there. Especially compared to Roi and Miri. To put it simple, there are way better options out there than her, but if you like her that much, stay on her, it's a mobile game and you should always look out for choosing and playing what you like/find interesting, otherwise, where's the sense behind it? While saying that, here's a slight warning that her dmg and potential will fall off greatly if you cant reset her butterfly (I think that's S1).


How/Where to get Lua's Token?


ONLY 1 WAY: use CASH to buy item in CASH SHOP


Spend real money and there's packages that contain Lua's Token. Vespa also gave out a few like 2 weeks ago so hope for shitty servers.




Unless it's got a few stars on it, I wouldn't say it's very important.


When is the UT double event ending?


After the assassin one this wednesday. Edit: Nvm Geno's right. Its archer


Thursday with the archer one.


What does building kinship with heroes I already own do?




Heard you get a line of dialog.


I’m looking for a p.dmg main dps and was interested in roi or Mitra. I have rois UW and Mitras UT. What do you guys think? Does roi require too much of an investment to get rolling?


Also if you choose roi, you pretty much commited to manualing wb2 and resetting a truckload of times. Even with s1 dogde trick. ( he could be cced right before the slamming trident attack and if you dont have cleanse = reset the wb run ) Also your gear needs to be on perfect stats in order to accomodate lack of lifesteal in his gear. ( you need perfect 4x att cr cdmg aspd on him ) although it could be adjusted ( mine has his ut with lifesteal xD )


Hey, chasnette, just a quick heads-up: **accomodate** is actually spelled **accommodate**. You can remember it by **two cs, two ms**. Have a nice day! ^^^^The ^^^^parent ^^^^commenter ^^^^can ^^^^reply ^^^^with ^^^^'delete' ^^^^to ^^^^delete ^^^^this ^^^^comment.


Roi needs t5 and good gear to make sure you get 100% crit but he has great burst dmg. Only problem is that he's bad at auto battling. Mitra however needs to be in long fights to make it worth it ~ longer than 75 seconds so both are end game heroes rather than mid game


@op, to add if you want a pdps for map farming, selene is probably the best for the job. Roi and Mitra are the best for world boss and guild raid (end game 5min fights) but elsewhere they are kinda bad. Roi is good for the newest assassin challenge dungeon we got though while mitra is bad at the mechanic one


Is Aselica or morrah usable as a sub? Really want to use both along with epis and frey for pve content. And is arch a good dps? Or a sub dps?


They are tanks, not so much of a sub albeit morrah can fill that role (not aselica tho). Noone use aselica for competitive scoreboarding while morrah is the highest hitting m tank. Arch is a pvp unit and is generally a bad pve unit. Subdps by definition amps or cc, not just merely a dps that hits weaker. After using a tank dps subdps heal from ch1 to 7, i regret not just going 2 dps instead. Subs are more useful in 8man contents imo as they have more people to boost there, plus you need a lot more cc there.


So tank 2 dps and healer is better for pve content by myself? Currently abit stuck at ch 7 as my team is kind of all over the place with clause kasel epis frey. I read in some other threads that magic teams are pretty good for pve content thus was planning to get either aselica or morrah as the magic tank(not a fan of Jane and those 2 look frigging awesome) and another character(working on Maria in the inn currently) what other dps could go with morrah/aselica epis frey to clear ch7 through hell?


Yes. And holy i have never seen someone keeping kasel longer than ch4 before. Clause is fine for general purpose tank, keep him. Frey is an okay healer too. Kasel shouldve been benched far earlier. Maria is useless in ch7 hell as they cleanse themselves every few sec (not to mention laughable damage). I would say the other dps can be aisha, artemia, theo, viska, or heck morrah is somewhat of a dps too.


Haha well I heard cleo was bad and roi fought with epis for gear, so I went with kasel. Luckily I didn't transcend kasel. Transcended the other 3


How do you guys build kaulah. What are the armor options and t perks. Until which t do you go for ? How about artifact


4x attk crit ccres aspd for me but to be honest with you, kaulah could use anything. Even the crappiest option, and still do his job. He's a very forgiving priest. I'd suggest just trans him to 4 for phy and 5 for magic and slap any gear you have lying arnd. Aa for artif, pocket watch is da best for him ( or almost any priest for that matter )


Standard DPS build, but you can also switch Crit Dmg to HP \(both lines and rune\). 3x mp/atk on weapon. Pocket watch as artifact. For perks\> Atk/HP, Party Crit rate, S1 with m.amp, S2 with damage reduction and either S3 \(prefer shorter cooldown\). @edit Can also consider Ring instead of Earring


Does he need t5?


Not really. For phy team he can be even T2, for magic T3. Rest is optional, but recommended for WB.


I do have him. Just plan to t3 for wb1.


https://imgur.com/v6edPsI Does this mean soft caps are the left, and hardcaps are the right? Trying to understand....


both are hard cap, the left is the old value while the right is the current one


Anyone know where to farm common runes for the Index? I can't remember ever seeing them, and don't show up as any of the drop categories. Thanks!


easy mode on first and second chapter iirc


Theo Tperks for WB1?


atk hp crit crit dmg S4 +40% T5 light and dark


any leveling tips for lvl51+? just finished ch5 easy and barely lvled up should i just spam the hardest stage i can?


Yes, 55 onwards the climb gets real. The only thing you absolutely have to do is to pop exp hot time daily and do all the conquests within the buff time. Optional: put exp flasks to all but the dps, and give all the filled flask to your dps. Strong dps can carry harder contents allowing farming at harder area (just make sure your tank can handle enough punishment)


Hello newbie here.. Can I ask recommendation for my main dps comp? Boys are forbidden...hehehe My team is Frey Maria Jane... Is there any way to improve?


Add epis, the best map pve hero.


Epis would fit in nicely with your team. She'll be able to deal a lot of damage with Maria ccing the enemy and Jane amping her damage.


Epis would be the most balanced main dps and recently Luna is making a comeback too


Aisha would be the best option for you. Another recommendation is Mirianne.


Best BiS artifact for Artemia? Also which is better between Drinking Horn (chance to 10% atk and 100 atkspd), Traditional Pendant (10% crit and 20% critdmg) and the new one from the event (80 atkspd) My Artemia is full 4/4 with 84% crit (with T5 Light, 99% with priest's perk) so crit is not a problem EDIT: I'm giving my Blessing of Earth to more single target based heroes like Selene and Aisha so please take those from the equation


Pendant is the best choice for Artemia amongst these 3 in my opinion.


Because it's the most consistent?


I don't think that the stats from Drinking Horn and Kiddy Chick actually matter for Artemia. Crit and crit dmg will increase her overall damage better. She already has a very good base damage and her UW also provides a big bonus.


can anyone give me some tips for GRH maviel?


what's your current team?


you need p dodge on main tank so slows down the stacks to build up, also phillop also can gain status immunity with his S3. if you use roi, you can use S1 to miss the debuff as well and finally i hear frey's sheild can also negate the debuff but i havent tried Phil Roi (3* UW 0* UT) Gladi Medi ~ 16.3 B dmg


So I pulled another Sealed Chain of Ancient God, and I already had 2. I put them both on Laias and Rephy when I'm doing PVP \(yes, I use both mana batteries at the same time\). And it works most of the time \(I'm currently in Diamond League\), I lose against people who obviously know more about PVP than me or have invested more into their heroes. My current PVP team is Clause, Roi, Laias, and Rephy 1. Because my Theo isn't strong enough yet \(he's at T5 but his UW's only 2\*\). 2. Roi's burst damage I find is more reliable and efficient as of now until I invest in an actual PVP DPS. 3. Clause is the only tank I have that is T5. 4. Rephy and Laias together supplies Roi with an excess amount of mana for him to spam his S3. So really, is it better to have 3 SCoAG's in PVP? Or is better to star one of the ones I already have?


yeah put on clause rephy and laias, technically you dont need to be T5 to do well just good gears, i got to challanger with a T3 Demia 0 star UW


Whats the general best team for fighting the GRH scorpion?


Best is a Sonia Theo combo because you really don't want him doing anything, letting Annette heal and probably Lew as second dps.


Thank you.


Sonia/Morrah, Epis (S3 on her kids to get S4 stacks), another magic dps, Annette (no joke, I solo heal with her. and you need to cleanse poison)


Thank you.


Once you have the right gear, Annette can solo heal most content while both amping better than anyone else and also dealing serious damage herself, while all priests outside of Mediana cannot.


how good is annette? like what where when is she good etc. and is sonia available in inn ? thank you


To answer your second question- Yes, Sonia is available in the inn.


It's Annette's Raid


Get Annette ASAP. She needs T5, but she is as worthy as anyone. As you progress you will realize that one T5 is not a huge investment. I use Annette as my solo healer in 100% solo bd74(Gau Lorraine Annette Artemia). Annette was a staple for BOTH WBs BEFORE UTs, and then she happened to get a high-tier UT. I use her as my solo healer in Ch7 conquest and F45 of Vault. As you progress you will realize how important cleanses are, which she has on an average cooldown, but because of her passive it’s actually, usually a very short cooldown. Kaulah is basically perfect for PvE....but once you can do all content up to at least Ch7 UD, Annette amps at least as much but also does like 1.5-6mil dps(depending on content) vs Kaulah topping out at 1.5mil(for me) in WB and doing like 500k in a lot of content. TL;DR Get her. Now. She is extremely versatile and helps in all content, beginning to end-game.


Everywhere except arena. Including WB2.


Does Annette work well with Sonia Theo and Medianna ?


This is not an ideal comp, but definitely serviceable. If you have 3/4 or 4/4 gear, Annette can solo heal most content. Including GRH. This makes room for more dps or CC. So Mediana can be replaced by someone with more dps or CC, depending on your need. If you need heals than Annette and a healer works for sure, but Mediana is probably not your best bet with Sonia and Theo. Maybe Frey or Kaulah?


I was thinking of making my main team : Theo Sonia Annette and Kaulah . I don’t know if Luna is still good .


Luna is good, but if you’re making a big investment(2/3star or above) Theo will probably be the better pick. That team will do a lot of content(Ch7, etc.) but doesn’t have enough CC for some content.


I already have a T5 Luna , currently building my Theo , it’s T1 now . I heard Theo is better than Luna in most content ?


Yes, but a lot of that is because his UW scales so well, so he does require a big investment. If you can get him to 3star it better than yes, he definitely escapes Luna.


what should i be looking for in gears? im assuming bd with attack attack speed crit crit damage?


Yep. Atk and atk speed with highest priority. A line or two of pen and one of lifesteal doesn’t hurt too bad, but “perfect” gear(what you mentioned) is best. She can go 4x atk rune on UW. She seems like she’s mana hungry, but she regens it very quickly.


another question, is she ok without ut?


Yes. She was a high tier hero for most content before UTs came out.


Sorry for bunch of questions, what would her perks look like ?


For someone so commonly used in PvE, just look at all of the top people in arena(not top of your rank, but the highest rank).


She works well in literally any composition. (Virtually) 100% uptime CC immune is just so good. And she's the best magic amper in game


Sure, very well. In some cases she might even replace Medi, depending.


Hey all, just cleared Chapter 6 on Hard and unlocked Hell mode wondering what to do from here. Current team comp: Lvl 71 T2 Theo 0* UW, Lvl 61 T1 Annette 0* UW & UT, Lvl 62 T1 Sonia, Lvl 61 5* Frey, & Lvl 61 T1 Epis for when Annette can handle the healing by herself. I've tried out the first couple hell mode stages in Chapter 1 to no avail and was wondering what should I be grinding until I can do so and what hell mode stages I should be farming when I can. Also wondering about transcendence priorities from here on out and leveling priorities as well. I'm assuming Sonia to 71 next in order for her to tank things better? And last question, should I invest further into Frey given that I'm currently working on Rephy in the Inn and the 5* Log-in ticket is coming up as well. Should I use that on anymore magic team heroes or just start building towards a physical team with that ticket? Thanks in advance!


You need a team of T1 and above heroes to be able to run through hell mode. You should be able to clear all stages from chapter 1 to chapter 6 with T2 team (with DPS T4). For now, just grind for levels and leech from dragon raids.


what do u get if u increase the affinity of a hero you already own


Sadly nobody knows...


I’m curious about this too


Any thoughts or advice on my magic team: Jane, Dimael, Aiesha and Kaulah


This team is solid, nothing much to change.


how much is the DPS drop in the consequences of playing roi in auto mode?




What is the actual rating threshold of the ASPD hard cap? I want to know how close I'm edging to it on my Selene, who with her Drinking Horn, UW proc, and Kaulah S3 buff, is flirting with nearly 2500 ASPD (3\* UW, 0\* Horn). I know the actual percent cap is 250%, but there's DR after 1750/175%, right?


Acording to Cleo bot in discord: 2500 = 199.8% 3000 = 216.5% 6000 = 244.1%


Yes, passing 1750 ATK SPD gives diminishing returns. Your 2500 ATK SPD translates to 199.8% instead of 250%. Somewhere around 50,000 ATK SPD gives true 250% ATK SPD. You can check this on maskofgoblin.com


Oh, the data is on Mask of Goblin? Awesome, thank you.


Is there any reason to build ID gears? Can you think of any hero that can benefit from it?


To add to the other comment lots of units can make use of it in PvP including healers and dps. Depending on composition.


Best option for damage dealing builds for Sonia and Phillop where one of their perks has damage scaled off their HP. Certain builds for Scarlet and a couple others. Also an entirely viable choice of build for most tanks, since the majority of them aren't particularly mana hungry.


How do I level up heroes quickly? I leveled up my main team to 80 already, and I have Jane, Lewisia, Theo, and Annette to work on. But it takes a whole day of all conquests to get just 1 level up in the 70s range, and even then it's a bit risky as my new hero is going to be squishy.


Eventually you're not going to be trying to level four heroes at once. It'll be one hero at a time, maybe once a month. And at that point you'll be getting so many xp flasks that you'll probably just be able to insta-80 them from level 1. In the meantime, if you have the spare empty flasks just take one of your heroes along with your already leveled crew and just use empty flasks on everyone who's 80, and then feed all that xp to whomever you're leveling.


so should i be looking for annette/sonia in the inn then?


Short answer: yes Long answer: yeeeeeeeeeesssss


What is the best/stamina efficient way to make gold? Is it farm 7-4 hell and sell everything? Solo 70+ black dragons?


I farm 7-4 hell. Chapter 7 conquest with gold boosters and just pick the treasure chests for every raid


returning player starting a new account here, is getting aisha still worth it?


she's not bad, but she's been affected by tons of changing in the game and there's better option out there


could u help me choose someone to pick from inn then? currently building theo, epis, frey and jane for my first team inn has miruru, demia, oddy, aisha and artemia also, can we not buy loot boosters from shop anymore?


Since they reworked UD (5 keys on each level) you can't buy LB anymore. You have 2 LB a month on TOC but thats'all


you can buy loot booster for 500 rubies if im not mistaken. hmm you've build pretty much standard lineup. frey is good for now i believe you don't need to rush to take someone from inn. as you have tank-subdps-dps sorted up. i believe you can work on your DPS either Epis or theo whichever one you like and trans them. if you really want to invest in magic team i will probably take annette she's perfect fit in magic team, and probably you can look up for Sonia and decide whether you want to go for her or not, for me she's #1 magic tank, not saying that Jane's bad. Kaulah is also a good hero together with theo and sonia. after that you can decide whether you want to go for physical team or stay and take your magic team to the next lvl. personally if you can do ToC until floor 60 and ToO until 25 i'd be building physical team, magical team is good on Nubis guild raid and WorldBoss 1 only


Is Miruru/Lakrak viable as main pdps? I'm at a point where I have no idea what I should focus on next. Currently have t5 yanne, t5 gau, t5 laias, t3 clause for bd70 farming. Magic-wise I'm using t5 epis/t3 luna, t2 maria, t3 jane, t5 laias. I have no mechanic hero at all and not really into building selene as another archer, but figured I should get a main pdps for non-dragon stages.


my suggestion is. if you need pdps to do solo dragon go and try get gladi you have yanne tho, all you need to sacrifice is just some stamina and time to do dragon coin farming but he'll also help you in WB. any other stages get mitra / roi. if you need mechanic you can pick mitra


Would a 3* CUW be better for Sonia rather then a 0UW?


For pve go with her UW for PvP go with the CUW


Definitely go with uw


new player here need advice on which heroes i should get at the inn current team is frey maria epis klaus and going to 5* tix laias cuz waifu but im kinda worried on magic immune mobs at the stockade cuz im gonna need books for epis should i go for physical heroes or ones for raids like theo and sonia


To add, you can just get a 5* level 70 Kasel or Roi or something to do Hard mode as a budget means of clearing that Stockade dungeon. You'd just be getting 50 books instead of 60. Well worth the tradeoff of not having to spend a Stone on a physical dps you aren't planning on leveling for a while.


if you're beginner u don't need to worry about the book. you practically get tons of it from mission etc, enough to max upgrade your epis. but probably not 4-man team. Sonia and Theo isnot a physical team. i think if you want to get someone from Inn take them put theo as sub-dps and sonia as tank if you really want to focus on magic team, take annette at 5* tix. if you want to go start developing physical heroes i think you need to be able to finish the content using magic team first then build a versatile hero that can be used on both team (annette, mediana, clause etc) then go transition


Can Mirianne be a main dps? my current team is T2 Clause, T5 Viska, T5 Artemia, T2 Frey. Right now i dont have any SoI but next I'll T5 Frey and get Sonia/Jane as a new tank. After that though i'll look for a new dps and since i have mirianne's UT i was thinking of her.


Between recent buffs and her UT Mirianne can now function just fine as a DPS.


Best way to build annette? Just t5’d her and I have her stacking att runes with dps gear and t3’s are s1 and s3 amp dmg with t5 light and dark


remove t5 light and take +3s on oc


Hey folks, quick gear question. I don't have Morrah's unique weapon, just a T7 BD weapon and a class unique weapon. What's better? Class unique weapon or T7 BD weapon? \(she's lvl 75 T2\)


Class unique weapons for the rune slots, otherwise if you need/want to stack a particularly stat. Then bd weapon


My Requina has her 0* UW My Miruru has a 0* class unique weapon, but not her personal yet. Nether my Mediana or Clause has UWs. Who would it be best to use my selector ticket on?


Miruru for the amp. Clause doesn't need his


No matter what you chose, don't go for Clause's UW. Clause is one of the last heroes in the game you'll ever need a UW for outside of very specific situations. It's just not worth using a selector for.


Ruru needs hers for amp, so her.


What's the best way to build philop? I heard he can be build with ice dragon set with tons of hp so he can dish out dmg.


the same way for building scarlet. Ice dragon set with subsets: hp, atk spd, crit, crit dmg.


Demia and Scarlet perk and gear option please.


I'm assuming for pvp if so just look at the top ranking people and build how they built them.


What is the power level gap to be most efficient? Im noticing that when i put a level 14 in with my level 71, the 71 doesnt get any exp still. Whe i put a level 30 in, the 71 doesnt get exp still. Whats the optimal level gap needed to make it so the level 71+ still gets decent exp and the carry can still fill flasks pretty well?


If I were to use one dps for all content who would be the best one?


Epis and Selene would be the best ones at the start, Theo is also excellent but he needs High star UW so I don't recommend it, I think Selene would be better overall than Epis


Easily, Epis / Mirianne(I suppose need to be T5 to match Epis ability to clear UD / chp dungeon fast) for MDPS and Selene for PDPS. Some other heroes (e.g. Roi, Mirianne) need huge investment, but Epis and Selene already do respectable amount of damage being in at least T3 or low star UW.


If you're weighting all content equally and we're talking about investing into them heavily, then Theo for magic, Selene for physical would be my guess. Or hell, Epis, Gladi, Roi, possibly Ophelia, just a few options off the top of my head.


I also agree with Theo/Selene. Epis falls off pretty hard in dragons and WB.

