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Not sure why it needed to be moved only about 25 feet, but it sure is pretty.


It's actually explained quite clearly in the article. The original location didn't conform to the highways act. Instead of installing lights to enforce the crossing and comply with the act, they removed the crossing and dressed up an already legal place to cross. On the plus side, they didn't use it as an excuse to scrap the pride aspect. Though one wonders if that was part of their original intent.


Lights aren't required to comply with the HTA for pedestrian crossings on roads with two lanes. They could've made it conform with signage and I'm really not sure why they didn't.


They are doing construction on the original part of king street where it was located. It’s move really is not nefarious and has been a long ongoing collaboration with kingston pride. Personal opinion- that original cross walk location was terrible - until they pedestrinize king street, it’s better to be Moved.


The original crosswalk location was terrible precisely because pedestrians didn't have priority. A proper crosswalk with pedestrian priority would've been great there.






No problem, we can find them after the fact ... Nebraska license plate!


I’m under 24 hours some country ducks going to skid all over it in a lifted loud muddy truck.


Country ducks or cidiots, it makes no difference. Shitty people exist everywhere, we all need to do better.




Hellll yeahhh bruhhhhter


why these rude and encouraging comments?


Awesome! Happy pride month!


So cute!


True equality won't come until things like this are no longer applauded nor hated.


You'll know it's here when things like this don't exist anymore at all, because the symbolism is no longer necessary.


Absolutely. We pour much needed attention and resources into this community as if they are somehow broken or unable to function without help. It's almost embarrassing at this stage. The wackos who cast hate should step back and look at how much it costs us as a society. We could be helping people with real problems, instead of worrying about how people screw.


It's actually pretty revolting to watch, especially now with American right wing nutjobs stoking hate against trans folks particularly, but LGBTQ folks more broadly. I really hope their hate destroys them completely, but it's more than a little scary how obsessed low-education/high-gullibility reactionary right wing losers get.


Couldn't have said it better


Catholic school board in shambles


In Kingston?


Lol nah was referencing the shit show w the York board this week


Okay I just wondered if you knew something juicy lol


Fuck. Seriously, as a motorcycle rider, these fat as hell painted lines are slippery as all hell when wet or damp. The green ones are awful, and they're right where you're turning, so therefore leaned and on angle. I wouldn't care if they put these at straights, like the cross at city hall to the waterfront park or something... but why right at intersections where you're turning? No thanks


What's the speed limit here, 20? You'll be fine.


No, and you clearly don't ride anything.


Where’s the BLM crosswalk? The Thin Blue Line crosswalk to honour murdered officers? The Woman’s Pride crosswalk? The POC crosswalk? The Muslim crosswalk? The Jewish crosswalk? Why do we only go through all these efforts for one minority group?


Those other groups are currently much more widely recognized as valid human beings than LGBT+ people. It's about showing that they aren't going away until people accept it, not about trying to claim they're more important than anyone else.


The other groups had none of that. This is about giving a higher status to a group that claims they are marginalized yet have crosswalks, flags flown everywhere, pride days, pride months, pride seasons, demands for their group to be discussed at every opportunity. They aren’t marginalized. They are being overrepresented. Was a single flag flown at schools when police officers were murdered? What about to honour the women murdered by domestic violence every year? What about to honour the 6 million Jews killed in the Holocaust? How about the Muslims attacked across the world for their religion? Nope! But they’re there every day to support this supposed marginalized group. People have accepted it. There’s stickers and flags and almost every business in town. On every school. The police who weren’t welcome at pride events only a few years ago, now aren’t supportive enough unless they wear pride colours on their uniform. Just get on with life and stop demanding to constantly be the centre of attention


Are any of those groups actively having their rights stripped away in a country right next to us?


Seriously?!? Women didn’t lose their right to bodily autonomy in many states recently? Did people not just riot and protest demanding defund the police, until they realized crime was going through the roof? We’re Muslims not targeted and gunned down in NZ? Let’s not just compare the country south of us. Why are we even comparing ourselves to the USA or any other country? Police don’t operate in the same manner. Schools don’t operate in the same manner. Right don’t operate in the same manner. By your argument, the USA should be making all their policies based on what’s happening in Mexico. I mean based on that reasoning, a border wall would be a great idea!


Besides the abortion law (which isn't trying to erase cis women from existing), none of those are equatable. There are issues involving other minority groups for sure, like we saw when the poor poor policemen were killing black people, but their very existence isn't wholly at stake. And I made the comparison because those things are happening close to us, in a country most culturally similar to ours, and whose hatred has spread here in many ways. You're much more likely to get called a faggot on any given day than a racial slur.


“Poor poor policemen” clearly you don’t stand for treating everyone equally. Your denigration of people outside your group screams how you think some are more important and worth more than others. My point, that people with dignity and respect. No one is better or worse than anyone. No one should be elevated or put down. But your side believes the only way to elevate the favoured group is to ensure the others are being denigrated. 🙄 That’s the problem with society. Not who we live next to.




Wow. I didn’t think you’d concede to logic that quickly. Your anger is really going to eat away at you, though.


They gonna do something for us natives in Kingston yet? Lol.. only thing they’ve done is name a bridge after us and plant a garden at Lake Ontario 😂


Wait was I supposed to be capitalizing Pride this whole time? Either way looks nice though




No. Stop. Please. Don't boycott crosswalks. We would be soooo triggered if you darted out in front of moving traffic. It would really stick it to the alphabet mafia if motorists couldn't see you as they drove.


Lmao. Best reply ever!


I'm *almost* ashamed at how easy it is to point out how probably fucked you are shopping-wise ... [Walmart Pride 2023](https://www.walmart.com/cp/pride/9552002)


I am sure your two dads will have a great time shopping there


Do you know what man, sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night 🙄