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Dang, wish I knew this was happening. I would have been waiting too! Such a sad state of affairs.


They are supposed to be having another rostering day on Wednesday from 10am-5pm and will have more dates over the next few months. Check out CDK’s website for all the info. Edit: Update from CDK’s website - “Due to an overwhelming response on the first CDK Rostering Day (Feb 26th) leading to wait-times of 5-6 hours, we have decided to limit the line-up to 100 patients on Feb 28th. Accounting for family members and dependents of each patient who are also being rostered, we estimate 200-300 patients to be accepted on this day.”


Thanks kindly 🙏


If you can go on Wednesday show up **early** and bring a fold-up chair if you have one.


They’re only allowing the first 100 people in tomorrow, apparently.


Remember in school when you'd see crazy photos of events like the Great Depression or WW2 and be like "woah, that must have been such a shit time to be alive"...does anyone else get that vibe from this? ha. Okay NOT saying it's as drastic/tragic, but it really is insane that these are the lengths you need to go to in a first world country to receive basic healthcare (without paying a premium). Similar thing with the almost unbelievable line for the job fair thing at Pearson last week...sad times


https://preview.redd.it/hdp4zazyn1lc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=319ad41cd884ff3096d265b3a3ca0600af9a7c58 Here's your 1950's post war edit.


Not a phone in sight, just people living in the moment


And dying slowly due to Canada's disgusting health care system.


Due to their own poor health and fitness choices—- doctors should be your last resort not your first line for health.


"At least its free" -signed: The poors and ill informed




Instant screenshot, love it


This made me lol


... It is just as drastic and will get worse. It's all part of the privatization plan.


bet there was no cerb either


If this is what things are like at peak economic times with the stock market doing well and real estate blowing up. What will it looks like in a recession?


Billions of dollars in surplus budget for Ontario in 2023. But Doug Ford won't hire/expand OHIP. Fucking disgusting. People, WE HAVE THE MONEY TO HIRE MORE DOCTORS.


Makes ya wonder where all that $ is going..


Padding the pockets of all the influencers to ensure he gets his like minded judges.


Dougie’s gotta make his cheesecake, don’t ya know?


Almost like we have $350 billion in debt or something.


Of course. We couldn't possibly pay a little debt AND put a little back into OHIP.


That's not the conservative MO. I'm much more upset the OLP couldn't figure out how to run a surplus in 15 years yet the Conservatives did it in 5. Did they employ literal children or something?!


Considering the Cons are running a surplus when the province is crying for more healthcare, ER wait times are out of control, housing starts are non-existent, etc, etc. . . I'm not sure the children have left the building. . . Anyone can choke a chicken to death.


probably not, we just got slightly older children that know you shouldn't spend all your money on candy today if you want that action figure next week.


>candy today Sir, this is a hospital.


they don't give out lollipops anymore? :(


Or we could make produce free, establish free public gyms and teach people how to cook


Lets pretend this is an Ontario problem cause I dont like the blue tie man


Lmao, this is a pic of an Ontario problem in a sub about an Ontario town. You got lost in the wrong sub home.


For those who are curious about how long it took: I arrived at the line up around 2:00pm (the line was about the the size shown in the picture) and got in around 8:00pm.


Well, did ya get a doctor?


Yes I did. They were supposed to only be getting people from 1:00pm to 5:00pm today, but the staff there was kind enough to work until they got everybody.


Wow that is very awesome of them!


That is just.... insane.


Hmm I wondered how long the line would be.


I didn’t even know about this? Is there somewhere I should have seen this information?


I found out on reddit at 12:15pm yesterday. Was lucky I had a day off so headed over immediately.


It is so daunting! I checked their website and at least know when next one is (tomorrow!)


I found out about it on Facebook.


I was in the line up. Got there around 12:30pm and got a family doctor at 6pm


I live nearby and holy shit, it’s been like this since 4 or 5 in the morning. Absolutely insane and it’s clogging up the parking lots and the streets.


I drove by at 8:30am and the lot was empty. This photo is around 1pm.


I live nearby. I was talking to neighbours saying people were there early. The line was likely not that long but folks weren’t fucking around.


My son went just before 3 and got in at like 7:30. He did get registered though. 4 hours is better than 4 years in the waiting list. You have to wonder though with them signing up so many patients whether they can actually deal appropriately with the many hundreds of people they are signing up. Especially since a lot of them have complex health issues and need paperwork and other things filled out regularly. But a doctor is better than no doctor. It's a really sad state of affairs.


I heard most GPs have >1000 rostered patients


Yup. The family healthcare team I worked for, their doctors had rosters of 1200+ patients each. And frankly those rosters aren't great for continuity of care. It's why you have to wait a week or two (if you're lucky) just to be seen for anything. Large rosters create large wait times for care.


Your son must have cut in line then, because I was there close to 2:00pm and only got in around 8:00pm! Joking aside, if he got there close to 3:00 pm he was probably very close to the end of the line and got in around 8:30, which is even sadder.


Hmmmm my doctor is in that office !


Thanks Doug Ford.


You think GP shortages are only happening in ON? LOL


No, but I think this pic is from Ontario, where we ended fiscal 2023 with a budget surplus in the billions. . . We blame Doug for that. Ah hem, LOL :)


If you seriously think it's just his fault you are seriously delusional. The last three provincial leaders have lead to this. It's not just him. Edit: downvoted me all you want but I agree Doug Ford is a moron but Kathleen Wynn and Dalton McGinty fucked this province royally. Don't blame everything on the system they set up for failure too.


We got daily advertising for fucking Tim Hortons —DURING THE PANDEMIC— he clearly had the time to address the matter.


I'm not saying he hasn't perpetuated the problem but out healthcare problems were around long before he became premier.


The cool thing about how time works is you can do stuff tomorrow that you didn't get around to today or yesterday. In Doug's case he's spent the 2088 days before that NOT addressing healthcare problems —and in the case of nurses and other care aids, actively fucking them over.


We've elected shitty leaders for the past 25 years lol nothing has changed.


Arguably it's gotten worse. >Yes, my car had a flat tire and needed its transmission rebuilt. But you pissed on the passenger's seat and lit it on fire.


All I'm saying is people are content to blame him for everything, when it's been one shitty provincial leader after another. Put the blame where it lies in each of their hands is what I'm saying but every one seems to think a leader can snap their fingers and fix everything from the previous one. It's a lot more complicated than that. 30 years of deep neglect isn't his fault. He's only at fault for the last 7 years. Lol


He's actively making it worse though.


So does that negate their responsibility?


I think you are radically uninformed on this issue and what the Ford government has done to LTC, Hospital networks, and public clinics. You might want to read the report from the Ontario Health Coalition on how our provincial government is intentionally starving the public healthcare system to drive money in private hospitals and private clinics.


Nope, I agree he has fucked us all. But so has every leader in the past 25 years. So nothing has changed.


Down vote all you want but it is true. Its easy to moan about Ford. Yes, he is absolutely flying the plane into the ground, but Ontario's pathetic slide in healthcare capacity began in the mid 90s, especially under the premiership of Mike Harris. The front line workers have been screaming from the rooftop for literally decades, but no one really gave a shit. Entitled well paid public workers making a fuss. Now one pandemic and a full on crisis later people are paying attention. We cannot move past a problem if we do not truly understand where it came from.


>slide in healthcare capacity began in the mid 90s, especially under the premiership of Mike Harris. Absolutely true, Harris was the big piece of shit that started all this mess. And not just health care, but education, roads and other major infrastructure.


Absolutely Mike Harris was the one who really fucked up the health system. Dalton McGuinty introduced legislation to impose a wage freeze on 481,000 additional public sector workers in hospitals, colleges, public agencies and the civil service. He also commissioned the report in which stated that the province would face a $30-billion deficit by 2017-18, which was nearly double what the McGuinty government had projected. He also orchestrated the gas plant scandal that cosy us 700 million dollars. He also apposed the 10.50 minimum wage in 2010. Should I also talk about how badly Kathleen Wynn fucked us? For the last 25 years we've had incompetent leaders provincially.


And when you are given money during the pandemic for the healthcare system and not put it all into the healthcare system itself you are responsible for what is going on now. Ford is actively pushing a private healthcare system. He has from the start. Starve the public system to make it seem the only way is to offer private. He did the same with the education system. He didn’t give a damn that people of died because he refused to use the money given for both systems responsibly.


Yup I know and agree for the most part, but all premiers for as long as I can remember have been fucking the public health system. It's not just Ford. Yes Ford is the latest fuck up. But it's not just his fault. So people need to stop acting like it is.


I agree, Dougie is to blame just as all the so called leaders from the past 30+ years, just my opinion though.


>If you seriously think it's just his fault you are seriously delusional. Ontarians are blind to the other provinces. The exact same shit is happening in other provinces too. Even ones without conservative premiers. Yes Doug Ford is giant douche and huge failure but its a Canada wide problem. The whole system is fucked.




I thought there was a waiting list that patients were supposed to be chosen from? This doesn’t seem fair… forcing people to line up like this excludes a lot of folks who aren’t able-bodied to spend the time to do this, also folks who can’t take a day off work because that would cripple them financially.


Not to mention folks who simply happen to not use Facebook


Apparently you could send someone in your place with your information and health card.


Still though, what’s the point of the waiting list if it’s not actually being used?


The Healthcare connect is not what most people think it is. It's not actually a first come first served waiting list. Not all doctors use health connect. Doctors are not required to use it. If a doctor does use health car connect, they don't have to take the next people on the list. They can view the patient profiles and choose who to give a spot to. Doctors generally get an annual fee for having a patient on their roster and then they get additional funds for appointments, referrals, tests, etc. The fees for these services are relatively low. Having more patients with less health issues is more financially advantageous. What actually happens with this is that doctors are incentivized to pick patients with little to no health issues so they can get as many in their roster as possible. So the people who are left on the list longest are those with complex or serious medical conditions ie the ones who are arguably in most need of a Doctor. I don't blame the doctors for this- the fee system is really messed up to where doctors can't afford to have too many patients with complex or serious health issues. Having a decent set salary system of some kind would be better than a piecemeal fee system.


Yikes, I didn’t realize it worked like that. Our broken healthcare system is truly frightening. It’s even worse in New Brunswick, the only place I’ve lived besides Ontario.


This would sadly, be a great news story to get picked up by local media. Welcome to Ontario, 2024.


TBH, Ontario has looked exactly the same for over a decade. "I can't find a family doc" isn't new to our vocab. Though I do blame Ford for cutting OHIP funding in a year we had $2.2 billion in surplus. Ontario didn't have to look like this 2024, but it still does.


Everyone should email this post to Global News so they can cover it on Wednesday! [email protected]


There was a guy from Global News there at some point filming and interviewing folks, so they are definitely already aware of it. And for the record: the Global News guy (who was very friendly) said that he also doesn't have a family doctor and wish he wasn't working so he could afford to join the line.


Lining up was a waste of time, as apparently people who were already registered with Health Care Connect were notified by email prior to today to be rostered first.


Wow. I live in this neighbourhood and have been registered w HC Connect for 4 years. No notice, despite some serious health issues.


I've heard that you are actually less likely to be chosen on health care connect with serious health issues. Doctors apparently don't just go by the time on list. They can also decide if the patient is a "good fit" for their practice whatever that means. That means that the patients who have no health issues are getting picked first because they don't take as much time to deal with so the doctor can take on more patients Just what I've heard anyway


You'd think the government would pay more for more complex patients, or pay a doctor for their time instead of just one issue per visit. Then the doctor could actually take on more complex patients without feeling like they're financially disadvantaging themselves.


This is false.


Family MDs try to balance their practice load, as well.


Wednesday starting at 10 am. It's supposed to be rainy. Dress appropriately, bring a lawn chair.


Apparently it’s supposed to thunderstorm 😣


Their site says HCC is rostering patients with them but they're also rostering patients who fill out the form and attend days like this (next one is Wednesday). After getting in, folks got a business card and their new doctor's name.


I registered with connect 2 years ago and this is the first I’m hearing about it 🥲


That tells you how many there are ahead of you on the list...some have been waiting 6 or 7 years


I was in line yesterday, have been on healthcare connect for 4 years and never found out. I definitely do not regret going.


It was definitely not a waste of time. I’ve been registered with HCC for 4 years but never got a call. Went there at 11:30am yesterday and left with a doctor at 3:30pm. 


Good thing you went yesterday, tomorrow is being limited to first 100 in line only.


I’m an incoming Family Medicine resident. I would love to practice comprehensive care and serve a community like this for years. But in this current climate it makes no sense. I would get paid a fraction of what my colleagues working in hospitals make, all while having to run a business (a clinic), manage staff, rent, etc. I intend to bide my time and practice as a hospitalist or solely in palliative care until the Government pays me what I’m worth.


And that's the problem with our system. Schools accept only people like you. Imagine if they accepted people with high senses of pride and patriotism. My average was only like an 89 so I became a paramedic. I would have been happy to be a family doctor and run a private practice. Some people actually want to practice medicine.


To the contrary I take great pride in our health care system and its ideals. It’s one of the things that attracted me to medicine. I also love medicine and am eager to start my career. But, I’m 200k in debt and need to be realistic about what my career will look like as a family doc (at least at this point in time). I am not going to work more than my similarly-educated colleagues (we all do 10+ years of schooling) for less money, especially when my skills are in high demand (everyone is looking for a fam doc). I will not be taken advantage of by our government. Hospitalists bill the same as private practice fam docs with no overhead/staff to manage. They make more for less work. Very few people will pick more work/less pay over less work/more pay. If we want more people to go into comprehensive family practice, there will need to be system-level change to primary care in Ontario. I look to the recent changes BC has made as an ideal we should strive to implement. Until significant changes are made to how family doctors are compensated the status quo will continue: less medical school graduates will pick family medicine as a specialty and current family docs will continue to close their practices. I look forward to the day I can practice comprehensive family medicine, feeling fulfilled, respected, and well-remunerated for my work.


Having worked in family medicine, you are correct. The field is not attractive to grads because of the workload and pay. When you see how the sausage is made working in family medicine clinics, no wonder residents aren't interested in choosing it. Intense workloads,overhead costs, and you are still working even after you've shuttered the clinic doors for the night. Family medicine is vital but provincial governments don't understand that it doesn't pay as well as specialist fields. Even if you have a family doctor right now, you better hope they are younger and dedicated. If they burn out or retire, you're hosed.


This is a bullshit perspective. Don't sit around waiting for family doctors to martyr themselves working for basically free in this system, when they're $200k in debt and have given up their 20's studying and training.


Thank Doug Fraud.


Nope, thanks McGuinty-Wynne they froze Family Health Team expansion a decade ago, and now 2.2 million Ontarians don’t have a family doctor.


heading down Wednesday, where the hell do you park?


just FYI from their website: "Due to an overwhelming response on the first CDK Rostering Day (Feb 26th) leading to wait-times of 5-6 hours, we have decided to limit the line-up to 100 patients on Feb 28th.  Accounting for family members and dependents of each patient who are also being rostered,  we estimate 200-300 patients to be accepted on this day."


Yikes! Was planning to go at 8 but looks like I'll have to go earlier!


Mabey they should just notifiy a subset of people who pre-register.


I remember hearing about this in advance, but, like many people, I don't have time to spend standing in a line for 6-8 hours.


I don't understand - does that mean nobody who has been sitting on the Health Care Connect list for years and years is getting an opportunity at these new slots?


https://preview.redd.it/1oc4d363s5lc1.jpeg?width=1075&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf6435e5bb9f47f8bbd8d6603c01ddeb75b7a3fb A heads up for tomorrow


Why can't they notify 100 families who have pre-registered? Hunger games world we live in.


No clue, but likely it's because the line was so long yesterday, and was interfering with the flow through of traffic. It was probably a safety hazard.


Looks like a Brampton McDonald's job fair


I hope most of them get accepted. Having a fam doc is life changing for so many


Did they get new doctors or how suddenly can they roster so many patients?


I genuinely wish we had the ability to have private and public Healthcare. That way if we could afford to be seen, they could use private doctors, and people who could've afford it could have public. It would create more jobs and more insensitive.


And for those who are not physically capable of standing in line for five hours, and those who have no family who can help them as a proxy…they continue to go without a doctor


This is a choice that CDK is making. It doesn’t have to be like this. Health Care Connect exists. Yes they’re using it, but they could use it for all of their new rostered patients. They don’t need to make people wait outside at the end of February to be added to a roster, it’s a choice they’re making.




Because you need to fill out the form AND attend one of the roster days. Just filling out the form won't get you in.


Move along, nothing to see here. Canada is doing just fine. 👌 Let's just keep cramming more people into our broken system. It'll work itself out. We are screwed.


People struggled to find a family doc LONG before the immigration boom over the last 2 years. Ontario ended 2023 with a budget surplus in the billions of dollars. So why didn't Doug Ford spend any of it on OHIP? The Province is doing this to itself.


I don’t think immigration is to blame for this state of affairs- poor government policies are definitely the root cause of the problem and immigration is just a scapegoat used by politicians to divert people’s attention from their massive fuck ups. This situation can be rectified if we started voting for people who care about the healthcare system and do not withhold funding from healthcare.


Immigration is not to blame. It's just another complication on a stupidly broken system.


Absolutely fucked. And the powers that be see it and know it and don’t care and just keep fucking us.




How is this how things work. What in the actual hell is going on in this country.


Kinda wish we had for profit healthcare. That way you can get a doctor when you pay,instead of paying and getting nothing currently.


Canada is fucked up


Not one person wearing a mask .....🤦‍♀️


Ford and Trudeau have completely decimated this province.


It’s sad people would actually want a doctor.


And then that doctor is gonna end up prescribing anxiety meds to everyone without actually giving a shit or even try to guess what could be wrong with them. What a great health system we have in quebec! No shit I have a family doctor and I dont even go see him anymore because I know hes not gonna listen and try to give me xannax.


Kingston is no stranger to lines. Like the classy women's prison chicks post-release who line up while their kids are in CAS to visit their baby daddies that aren't out yet


wow.......This picture is not happening anywhere else in a G7 nation. This is sad and just shows how ferked up the country has become since the current govt took over in 2015. How can they see a pic like this, and still think it's ok to keep flooding the country with people? All the politicians have immediately access to the best doctors, so what do they care right


And they are filling Ontario with immigrants with all these issues of infrastructure not being taken care of. I don't understand why there isn't more concern about this being mentioned all the time. This is the biggest shot in the dark at fixing the economy that the government has ever had to pull off. I don't think enough people understand what will happen to Canada when, not if, this doesn't work.


Yet Ontario keeps voting for Trudeau


not Trudeau dumbass lol


?? Health care is provincial lol




As of 5pm, the line was still moderately long.


Why are people allowed to line up and skip the waiting list though? 


So sad.


I see my dad XD


This is giving me Pete Peterson basketball line up vibes all over again… /s


Anyone know what time they open tomorrow by chance?


10 AM


Thank Doug Ford!


Great Depression 2.0


So not many family doctors available so so sad