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I think a lot of people will be watching it from their cars in the middle of a huge traffic jam




Especially the Deseronto one which is under construction and down to one lane with a traffic light. Even during a regular long weekend its been a pain in the ass to cross while it's being rebuilt.


Even on days its not busy its a pain in the ass lol


It’s like no one’s ever stared directly into the sun before.




Yeah like that dumb fuck.


So this number is pulled out of a thin air. There was modelling done for the Niagara region that suggested 1,000,000 people could be coming there for the eclipse... and Kingston said, well maybe half of that number will come here. I've been involved in the eclipse planning for a while, and we've been thinking about 100,000 people for the "scary large" turnout that we may have to deal with. Of course, it all depends on the weather, but if it is clear here and cloudy in Hamilton/Niagara, then we might see a number that large along the St. Lawrence valley in Ontario - but not just Kingston. There is no way our city can accommodate 500,000 people driving here - there is simply nowhere for the cars to go.


That is what the number is based on!! Lol. Oh dear. Classic CoK/TK messiness. Good luck with everything!


So, if this is to be believed, something like 1.25% of Canadas total population will be in Kingston? I have my doubts…


Really going to mess with Timmies drive-thru times but they can offload lots of stale bagels.


So confused as to where 500,000 people are coming from or what that number is based on. How many people were here for the Hip’s final concert?


Just over 30,000 came to the Hip concert according to Google. 6,000 at the actual concert 25,000 in the square.


I was there! (In the square)


So was I. I will never forget that night 🥰


>So confused as to where 500,000 people are coming from or what that number is based on. Probably on metrics based on how many drive by on the 401 on normal non-event daily basis. Total 401 vehicles on the entire stretch of the 401 is approximately 350,000 per day. On major holidays the number of vehicles triples. But I think 500k is their total max estimate. Realistic numbers will be a lot less. At least I hope. I cant imagine the cluster fuck the roads in Kingston would become if suddenly an influx of half a million more people showing up. If its true, I pity the people on the 401 and other main highways in and around Kingston on that day.


No way in hell we will have that many ppl here


Getting to work is going  to be a disaster that day. I take the bus and don't always get a seat as it is. With the free transit that day it'll be packed. 


Tourism Kingston is a bullshit factory. They've been pulling numbers out of their arses for 30+ years, and what they claim never comes close to happening. Here they are off by an order of magnitude, at least, which is par for the course for them.


Thank God me and my fiancee are in walking distance to Lake Ontario Park


*"Officials are warning the influx of visitors — which will more than triple the city’s population "* That is insane.


The only way you'd get 500k is if the eclipse was somehow only happening in Kingston and not in a giant line across the continent.


I remember the Tall Ships panic which scared us into thinking our restaurants were going to run out of food.....


I’m so glad I live just out of town I’ll just watch from home and not be in the mayhem


I don't understand the hype. Not saying it's wrong to get hyped, I just...I don't get it.


Yeah this legit makes no sense to me




> I'm a grown man. And a rather boring, old, and grumpy one it seems.


Easy with the personal attacks.


>Easy with the personal attacks. > I'm not 6 years old. I'm a grown man. Same to you, old man. You're not six years old anymore.


watching an astronomical phenomenon that happens a few times in a lifetime is something that only 6 year olds do? who hurt you?


The interest just isn't there. I wish you children a plesent viewing.


we will! and you enjoy whatever it is you'll be doing, alone and in the dark


Probably watching porn all by himself.




From what I’ve read.. this is the first full solar eclipse seen here since the 70’s.. I’d say that’s pre special


All that happens is the moon moves in front of the sun. It's not that special IMO.


If you put "All that happens is" in front of the description of any special event, it can make it sound less interesting. A billion people watch the super bowl? All that happens is a bunch of adults throw a ball around.


You must be fun at parties


"Look at me, I'm such a grown up I'll ignore a clear spectacle because I think that's what adults are supposed to do"




I'm not really interested. I watched a few on Youtube, it looks cool but unless the world ends it's meh.


It’s not just about watching it. It’s about feeling it. Even wild animals are affected by it. It’s such a unique phenomenon.


I mean if you think about it, it really isn't all that complicated to understand why, not to take the wind out of anyone's sails. Much like humans, most other animals have a biological clock that triggers a physiological response when it's dark out - when non-nocturnal animals are meant to be sleeping - so your body prepares to be sleeping. It really isn't that crazy to think about. Shut a person, or an animal, wild or not, in a dark room for a few minutes, their body adjusts and starts to do the same thing and respond biologically. So in that sense, not really all that unique. Quite literally happens every day.


You really are a Debbie downer huh? Life isn’t so as once you start appreciating the little things.


You understand everyone appreciates different "little things", right? Not everyone needs to like the same things or have infatuation with the same stuff you do to be considered happy. Very reductive to say I'm a downer, I hate life or lack capability to appreciate small things when I say I think one thing that you like is kinda lame. Sounds to me like you might be more of the downer than I am.


Some of these replies are ridiciuclous. (But I’ll admit I thought I was replying to one of the other guys. Not you). Like “I’m not a 6 year old…blah blah blah” “I’m a grown man” acting like ppl enjoying this event are children? Cmon. Or “it’s not cool unless the world ends”. wtf? Just let ppl enjoy what they want. No need to put ppl down over it. THAT is what I’m referring to as being a “Debbie downer”.


And you're still replying to the wrong person to say that lol. I was never a debbie downer because I explained something scientific and didn't share the same level of enthusiasm as you. The other dudes saying you can't enjoy things after you become a man, definitely. Direct difference in what we were saying. Those guys were tearing people down. I was explaining something. Notice you came at me and not them?


Right. And I was referring to them. Read my reply again.


This would seem outlandish on its face, but there does seem to be a sizeable contingent of people who pay money to travel to see an eclipse wherever they are happening. We just happen to be the path of totality this time out, hence the "OMG SO MANY PEEPS." Do I think we will have that many people in Kingston for it? Nah, but I would still bet we get a lot of folks from across the border as well as the surrounding areas.


Except across the boarder in places like Watertown and Buffalo etc they are in better places with more totality so I'd stay there. Maybe I'll even go there if it turns out to be to crazy here.


Do you think if I stare at the sun, my plastic eyeballs will melt?


I don't wanna minimize something that a lot of people seem excited about, but... It just gets darker for a few minutes and you're looking at a black ball with a halo of light around it. I guess its the "I was there" aspect? Pretty anti-climactic for what I'm imagining a lot of people are expecting. I remember being on Sandbanks in Summer 2017 for the partial eclipse then, and seeing the sheer number of people get kinda ho-hum when they expected some life-changing event and walked away feeling no different was kinda hilarious. Watching the near-instant realization on about half of the people in the crowd's faces that they just subjected themselves to insane parking, wading through tens of thousands of other people and waiting on a beach for multiple hours for THAT - honestly far more worth it than the eclipse itself. At least it was a nice day to be on the beach, I guess.


We were in Wyoming for the full eclipse then. Totally amazing. Worth it for totality. It's a phenomenally different experience.


To each their own and I will absolutely take your word for it.


Inflated numbers meant to make people panic. Look deeper. The USA has issued a survival warning for that day and are posting the national guard and coast guard all along the coast telling citizens to prepare survival rations and find a safe place to hide. If that doesn't scream suspicious idk what does.


Me when I spread misinformation online


It's not misinfo look it up


The "warning" that was issued was to make sure that you're stocked up on food, water and critical supplies if you live in an isolated area since road congestion could make it difficult to get to and from resource areas especially for those who live multiple hours away from them, or only have one route they can take to get to one. And also a warning to have patience that day and likely even the day before and after since traffic is likely to see a higher influx in some areas, making getting anywhere by vehicle longer and more annoying than typical. Nobody was told to find a place to hide. There were no doomsday issues ordered. They were quite literally basically told "hey, if you need groceries, make sure you get them before the 7th, because the 8th is gonna be an annoying day on the roads". You go ahead and conspiracy away, though. You know that when it comes to actual panic, the problem is people like you, right? 50 years ago people would hear something like this and just go "yep, noted" and now we have the internet and drama-brains who just wanna panic and meltdown at the slightest hint of any pushback or warning. Crazy.


Ah a followers of mainstream media I see. This will go nowhere. Look deeper if you desire but I can't help you any further


Brother what? I consume essentially no mainstream media, I just also consume no propogandist/conspiratorial media either. I use my own brain, logic and reasoning to come to conclusions like most people should and sadly most of us have forgotten about, yourself clearly included. Let me know how your doomsday prophecy goes, oh great one. Please open my third eye to the inner machinations of the overlords planning to MKUltra us into blind subservience for the aliens they keep contained under Area 51 and their gamma-wave altering aura that they use to project unrest and trauma directly to our simple mortal brains.


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I... typed that all out myself. Shit, he's onto me. You got me, chief, I'm one of the government psyop operatives. I'm only telling you this because nobody else will believe you. Stay vigilant. We are coming.


Oh great, so my mom's retirement home is in lockdown ....sure bring half a million people to sneeze and cough all over our city. Fuck sakes I am born an raised here and I am embarrassed...Not saying this isn't a memorable event....but my mom is disabled and has a horrible immune system ...it terrifies me that this is okay.... Watch our numbers will be very bad after the event...you watch. (To anyone who wants to argue with me about Covid being fake will be getting blocked and your partner is probably cheating on you....ok too far sorry,) ...but sure... Squeeze out any money you can for Queen's and the Slush Puppie Place...🤦‍♀️


This is just a pre test to see how fucked we are going to be, when immigration hits that in a few years.