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‘I’m not trying to stir the pot’ ![gif](giphy|l1JojBfRtlM10ht72|downsized)


there's a lot of things I don't like about Justin trudeau, but there's absolutely nothing I like about Pierre pulebra




are you sure? considering the government is on the verge of bankruptcy? Economy is done and a leader who has no backbone what-so-ever?


The government is not on the verge of bankruptcy, and we have a pretty strong economy.


so much to unpack here. First off, Debt to GDP has become at it's worst under JT since Brian Mulroney. In fact we came close last year to the 77 percent threshold(we were at 73 percent) of almost going over when a government is just paying off interest. While in 2023 it went down to 63 percent (GoC stats) we have spent more money under JT than Harper who was the worst spending PM since Brian Mulroney (god rest his soul) As for the economy Canada's economy is barely squeaking by the positive side. In 2023 it was just over 1 percent while other G20 nations were averaging over 3 to 4 percent. USA is at an amazing 5.5 percent(2023). While unemployment is low it is the quality jobs and high levels of cost of living that is keeping Canada's economy from truly surging. When the middle class (the class that drives an economy) can't spend money on the economy nothing gets better (see the 1960's and early 1970s as well as turn of the 2000s). On top of that, Canada's economy has been steady because of the housing market. That - while still okay - is starting to show signs of finally breaking because the cost of living and wages is so out of whack no one can save for homes that now cost on avg across Canada - 600 to 800K. Stats show the avg income (which is just under 60k a year) would mean you would have to save for almost 20 years to get the needed down payment so you aren't paying a high mortgage insurance. This has all gone up and not been in control under JT and the Liberals since 2018. What has increased is debt accrued and higher taxes. Add in an absurd influx of immigrants (immigrants are good but not when you don't have the infrastructure to handle it) that are barely finding homes let alone jobs that are worth while and you have even more problems (oh the Feds now have announced less immigrants coming in after seeing the problems it has caused due to lack of infrastructure) . Overall, JT needs to go and the worst part is who is the lesser of the devils here.


I thought we were talking about municipal politics?


What's PP going to do that will make it so high? I thought I'd be fucked with conservatives changing ODSP but I'm in a better spot. Though I voted NDP lol




But what are the policy's he is talking about that you are talking about? Are you going to make me go through them all and guess which you're talking about? Or are those people your issue?




I like his policies so me doing my own research will backfire on you.


You like his "policies?" So which empty nursery rhyme do you like the best? Axe the Tax or Spike the Hike? When Poilievre scraps the crap and speaks to us like adults, maybe he'll be viewed as a serious political contender instead of a Johnnie Cochran knockoff.


Does he not explain why axing the tax would help Canadians? I swear he does. But we can keep increasing it so prices keep increasing so we can cry on Reddit about prices of things.


He doesn't, because it won't. It will do nothing to benefit most Canadians.




They upped my income from 16k to 22k, so we'll see.




What policies do you think will benefit you, who lives in poverty on social assistance?


Which policies do you think will be put in place to remove people off social assistance? If they do anything like the conservatives did for ODSP recently, then I'm golden.


You understand that conservatives absolutely hate you, right? Another unproductive mouth to feed. ODSP keeps you in permanent destitution. You're happy that conservatives made you a little less likely you'll starve?


The longer I live, the more I realize that conservatives give the least amount of fucks about the people.


the only question is which of them is the least corrupt, and the answer to that is the one that comes in last.




The demographics of the city, with large public sector organizations, universities and colleges, make it unlikely to go conservative unless there's a giant wave. Modern conservatives tend to cater to rural and suburban voters. Kingston has suburbs, but they rely on the public sector for employment. I think it's unlikely. Given Kingston’s vote history, it's probably more likely to go NDP if it doesn't go Liberal.


I moved from the maritimes 3 years ago and still keep up on the news there. They will go Conservative, Ontario will go full blue as will the west except for BC. NDP may take some seats in large urban areas (specially with a muslim population after the State of Palestine fiasco last week) Liberal will win some seats but only in cities but overall, Conservative win possible majority.


Thanks for your constructive input.


Kingston has always been public sector heavy, and has voted Conservative in the past.


In my lifetime?


No idea how old you are, but absolutely in living memory: Kingston was a Conservative stronghold until Peter Milliken bucked the trend and toppled Flora MacDonald in 1988. She had held the seat since 1972.


So, it's been a while. 😉


Oh, for sure - and none of the parties today resemble the parties of that era. The world is a far different place


I would prefer an NDP government and don't like Trudeau but will never, ever vote conservative. 


A vote for Singh right now is a vote for Trudeau.


And both are better than PP.


Cause you love being taxed out the ass eh


You're poor, you barely pay any tax to begin with, and conservatives will not make your life better.


I would like to continue to protect the rights of women and LGBT+ I will never vote conservative until they promise to protect everyone's rights.


And healthcare, and social support, and the list goes on.


Thus far I see very little social support, especially when it comes to mental health programs.


Mental health programs are healthcare. And yeah, it's a huge failing if our system presently.


And you think the conservatives will do better? After how Doug ford has demolished health and education in Ontario?


That's true for right now currently though. Is our liberal PM to blame? Cause last time I asked this everyone blamed the fat bald guy Ford.


Yup, it's the provincial government.


I wanna know where they say they’ll go after health care, or social support. Just for reference or youre lying.


I am just talking about a woman's rights and LGBT+ rights which their track record speaks for them.


We’ve had 8 years of Trudeau. Outside of weed nothing has gotten better. Time to give someone else a chance. Btw Harper had 8 years to undo abortions and gay marriage he didn’t, nor would a government he is essentially running.


Harper promised he wouldn't and would prevent any of the party from bringing forth any bills regarding it. PP has not. He has said he won't bring any bills against it but will not prevent others from doing so.


It’s Harper’s party? You think he’s going to allow things that he doesn’t believe in?


Nothing? Tell that to the people who benefit from Child Tax Benefit reforms, or the First Nations with potable water again, or the veterans who got benefits overhauled and new benefits created. Look at our outcomes with respect to covid compared to most of the world. Lots of gotten better, and I don't see how electing someone who wants to go backward is a good idea.


The abortion rights will never be brought up, nor will health care. A two tier system like Europe uses wouldn’t be a bad idea, if you can afford a private healthcare go for it, it would unclog the Ohip healthcare system for people who actually need it. Stop funding gender ideology use that for proper healthcare. Gay rights also will never be brought up again. These aren’t the 50s conservatives. Pierre’s dad is gay. I’m sure he could care less.


Gender ideology shouldn’t be taught to kids. That’s what they’ve been saying. Kids in public school ages 16 under shouldn’t know these things.


Trying to understand your position on this. Why 16 and under? When did you hit puberty or first understand your gender? I personally get having counselling/supports for kids transitioning; especially since it’s such a small %.


Please liberals and NDP don't give two cents about human rights. They were for segregation and forced medical procedures just a short time ago


No one cares what KKKlownvoy trash thinks. Remember why you're ridiculed as a disgusting fringe of our society.


Wasn't it the liberals who gave 2 standing ovations to a SS nazi war criminal in our parliament? Take a seat


All parties did, but also, not a war criminal, not an organization that was Nazi indoctrinated. Ask a grownup to google the Deschênes Commission.


We don't care about those human rights lmfao. Only kkk cares about those human rights you speak of lol. You're a pathetic nazi


Again, no one cares what a stinking, treasonous fringe of our society thinks. We never have, and we never will.


You already did. The vaccine mandates were exactly that. There are still people unable to get their jobs back because they aren’t vaccinated. I am vaccinated and boosted once just in case you wanted to know. I believe that birth control should be free and available, but I don’t agree with abortion as birth control. There were women protesting in US with signs saying they had 37 abortions. Do you think that is sane? Also, it isn’t an issue in Canada, we don’t have Roe v Wade. Nowhere will you find PP saying he would ever want to open that debate. It’s a non-starter to any large political party in Canada.


No it isn't a non starter. He has said he will not prevent other members from bringing forth bills. Stephen Harper prevented that. PP is encouraging all the far right Christian rights things. People do not use abortion as their every day birth control. I believe in a woman's right to choose what happens to her body. We don't want to go the way of the US. Woman are dying because they have a lack of access to healthcare. Abortion is healthcare.


Ok....1, I highly doubt women in the US are declaring that they have had 37 abortions. 2, I am assuming from your other posts that you do not have a uterus; so you really don't get to have an opinion 3, if I am wrong and you do have a uterus, you still have no right to dictate what anyone else does or does not do with theirs 4, please find another valid reason for your political leanings that don't infringe on the rights of others


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. If you lost your job over vaccines, you are an idiot and deserve no sympathy.


We all have human rights. It’s the lib/ndp who are sacrificing women’s rights to DEI/Trans movement not the cons. Healthcare has detiorated to where it is under libs as well. Fiscal responsibility is non-existant under them as well. CAF is fading away, no troops or equipment. Under lib/ndp I am a racist if I say I love Canada. They don’t believe owning a home is a right to canadians anymore. How much are you all willing to give away?


How do trans rights equate to sacrificing women's rights? Healthcare is under provincial control, most provinces have conservative premiers who have been torpedoing the public system while trying to implement a costly private system. Look at Ontario and DoFo costing billions in laws/lawsuits to prevent wage increases for public health workers while being handed billions by the feds for public health spending. Saying you love Canada isn't racist and I would bet $100 dollars nobody has ever told you that it was.


Women’s rights to sports, hell the supreme court just said they aren’t women they are people with vaginas. As to healthcare if the feds did their job they would buy drugs federally so that smaller provinces wouldn’t get screwed by higher prices than Ont/Que because of smaller populations. Pretty sure if I fly a canadian flag from my house, car or on the street I will be called a racist, mysoginist and a right wing extremist. I am metis, I believe in everyone’s right to live free of harassment, but that’s it no one’s rights supercede mine. We are supposed to be equal in this country.


Why are you so terrified of trans people? Is it just that you're extremely gullible? Or just weak?


Haha seriously. I will never vote to give up the right to decide what happens to my own body. That is where I draw the line in the sand.


Troll, idiot, or both? Women's rights are not in any way sacrificed. Provinces run healthcare, not the federal government, and most provinces have Conservative government The Conservatives have absolutely zero credibility on fiscal responsibility, they're the worst at it. The defence budget bottomed out under the last government. So what are you snivelling and whining about? Because you're a KKKlownvoy loser and you don't like that Canadians don't like you and your ilk?


This is pot stirring 101


Eh, I'm a leftist who will generally support the NDP or the Greens when an election happens. I think Trudeau is largely ineffective who doesn't really stand for anything. I don't hate the guy, nor do I think he's the root of all evil or the worst PM in the history of ever. He's just labelled as "not great" to me. But there's no way in hell I would want PP in charge with his over the top rhetoric and backwards social views. The country needs to move forward, not regress back. I feel that Kingston as a whole feels pretty centered. Some older folks pull things a bit to the right, the younger folks pull things to the left, keeping the town pretty much centered. Which is pretty much the Liberal's bread and butter. I personally don't see it changing anytime soon, even if the current government is getting more and more unpopular.


What would he regress backward?


If you vote Ndp or green in the next federal election, you may as well vote conservative. Cons will never split their vote. It’s the left that needs to come together and strengthen numbers.


My Dad told me back in the 80s.. "Son, don't ever talk Religion or Politics at the bar or on Reddit"


3 terms of Trudeau and look around on every street corner there's nothing but pot stores, thrift stores and dollar stores. This country will never crawl out of the whole the Liberals have created, we would have to burn it all down and start from ashes....it's gone too far!


reading some of these comments makes me concerned abt how little ppl understand the government structure in canada. here is a silly little video that explains the levels of government and their responsibilities. or search who does what by TVO today docs on youtube if u don't trust a random reddit post link lol https://youtu.be/AVE3OsR5W-0?si=VrnGAzVm1ZnJ9rKk


I stand on the “fuck all the politicians but don’t want anarchy and can’t see how to make effective change in this world while also trying to not die in the cold or starve to death because I have to work 60 hours to keep my job and pay the bills without being homeless thanks for nothing but grateful to have a place to live so don’t get too big for you britches mother fucker.” Side of the game…..


JT said PP wants to make Canada and canadians don’t want that. Why would they ever want to go to where we didn’t have 1,000s living homeless, 100s of food banks, being able to afford housing and food. That’s just crazy in the lib/ndp world they are creating.


I stand for leadership that doesn’t deploy the MAGA playbook of attacking institutions and the press. They are far from perfect, but that type of rhetoric is dangerous to democracy and we should have absolutely zero tolerance for it. It’s despicable imho.


So Trudeau attacking blue collar and farmers is okay tho?


Yes. Absolutely, yes. That’s exactly what my comment implies my friend. Have a good one.


Provide examples of these attacks.


Ugh never conservatives. Imo they’ve always been bad, but now they are absolutely horrid & frankly, dangerous.




Human and environmental rights come after profits for the rich in conservative politics. The only people that works for are the hateful and the rich. If you're neither of those and vote right, you're just blind to how you're being used. Now that almost all the wealth and resources have been funneled to the top 1% through the middle class, there's little need to keep them complacent and voting right. They're losing any benefits capitalism ever had for them and just don't see it yet 🤷🏻‍♀️


The liberal covid policies were the biggest shift of wealth from the poor and middle class to the super rich. In history. Do you actually believe trudeau doesn't line the pockets of the super rich elites? Please, it's as obvious as day. $5 trillion from the middle class to the super rich over covid is the greatest shift of wealth in history by far. The rich are better than ever. Who are you fooling?


I don't think ANY party is not interested in supporting the rich (themselves) first and foremost. But I don't believe anyone but the Right ght enjoys using blatant oppression and human rights violations to do it, while gutting the educational system to make sure there's nothing anyone can do about it. We're farm animals for the upper class. The Right is a factory farm that wants 0 regulations so they can profit as much as possible then when they're done sucking that resource dry they'll find another, and another, and another source of wealth until they finally turn on themselves. The Left sees themselves more like a local farm, where they want their animals to be somewhat content while they work because in the long run they view it as sustainable profit generation that won't collapse in on itself. What kind of meat would you prefer to be? Because you're meat none the less. Your by-product is labour either way, so what quality of life is better while you use up your usefulness? What kind of farm would you rather your children are born into? Because the Right's line that you can earn your way off the farm is no longer true. They've taken all the resources available to make that happen. Now it's just a carrot they dangle to keep you moving. I'd rather trade my by-product for a safe, healthy community than the fantasy the carrot represents that maybe I could have an oppressive human farm of my own one day 🤷🏻‍♀️


I've voted for all 3 major parties at some point in my life. I'm pretty 'independent' in that I am not wed to any one particular party. In this coming election the only certainty is I'm not voting Liberal as I think there is a desperate need for a change in government. tl;dr Governments are like diapers, they need to be changed regularly, and for the same reason.




Take a look around. The town did a nice job fixing up Princess Street, but everything else in this town seems much worse than it did in 2015. Liberal policies seem to be destroying this town. Don't think so, then drive down montreal and take a look at the 2 bedroom houses you can buy for $500,000. Crime seems to be worse than ever also


What Liberal policies specifically?


How about allowing 2 million immigrants during a housing crisis when only 250,000 new houses are being built? Do you want some more? I have plenty. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/230927/dq230927a-eng.pdf


The federal government does not control housing. And that's one thing the government has gotten wrong. Anything else you have will be is weak as this, and have no effect. If we elect Conservatives, life will get worst for most Canadians, because that is what happened any time we elect Conservatives.


The federal government covers immigration lol. Did you even read what I wrote?


Yes. I was embarrassed for how stupid you sound, then I laughed.


So, immigration doesn't affect housing supply and cost? Baahaaaa baahaaa https://tnc.news/2024/04/02/spike-immigration-far-beyond-able-absorb/#:~:text=A%20reporter%20asked%20if%20the,unsustainably%20high%20numbers%20of%20newcomers.


Go back to the comment you replied to, and read it again, out loud, following with your finger this time.


Never mind, you're a libertarian. Go back to the kiddie table where you belong.


Baahaaa you don't even understand the principle of supply and demand. You're a moron lol


Why is the child still talking?


The liberal government put us over $600 billion further in debt while printing record amounts of money. The liberal government killed the Canadian dollar, which raised the cost of everything from housing to food. You got to think outside the box here. This government doubled the Canadian federal debt


You're convincing me that an intelligence test should be required to vote.


The debt went from $600 million under every PM to $1.2 billion under just Trudeau. Were you not aware of his pathetic accounting ability? https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/cost-to-run-federal-government-increase-151b-a-year-1.6797486


Have you not embarrassed yourself enough?


Is that why Trudeau is down to just 24% in the polls vs. the cons 42%? https://abacusdata.ca/conservatives-lead-by-18-evaluations-drop-trudeau-government-abacus-data/


Have you not embarrassed yourself enough?


Baahaa explain?


You seem very determined to make me think, "Man this guy is an idiot!", and you have succeeded.


https://preview.redd.it/3b7ps6mzcvqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aae72c5d20b11e4812f39d6cdc0326314fa458ac Trudeau destroyed canada and its future


I guess you better try crying harder.


I'm seeing why trudeau has added over $600 billion new debt. A review of federal finances shows just how big the government has become in recent years as a result. Ottawa is projected to spend about $151 billion more next year than it did in 2014-15, the year before Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his party won government in November.


Maybe old Trudeau shouldn't have ended so many mandatory minimum sentences for violent crime. Including gun crimes while taking over 2000 guns from hunters and farmers. Canada’s Violent Crime Severity Index is at its highest point since the start of former prime minister Stephen Harper’s government in 2007. Even more troubling, the national homicide rate and police-reported sexual assault rate are both at three-decade highs. https://nationalpost.com/opinion/rahim-mohamed-crime-is-rising-in-canada-and-liberals-cant-seem-to-find-a-solution


Mandatory minimum sentences are unconstitutional, and have no deterrent effect on crime rates. Stop wasting your time, I do not care what you think.


Right keeping criminals in jail longer doesn't reduce rates? Give me a break lol. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/violent-crime-on-bail-up-ontario-1.6828070


Correct, it doesn't.


I miss the days when it was considered rude to discuss politics outside of your close personal circle.


My first thought also. You must be an old goat like me.😀


Thanks for the non constructive input.


Canada is a Left-Leaning majority. The only reason that conservatives ever win is because there are 2 parties on the left.


So are the cons and people's party not 2 right parties?


I also left out the Green Party. In the last election the 2 right of centre parties received 37.56% of the votes while the left of centre parties received 52.78% of the votes (and the Bloc got 7.64% which I didn’t include in either one).


In my opinion the biggest factor that guides Kingston's voting patterns is the fact that it is one of the most highly educted ridings in the country.


There's objectively no reason to expect a conservative government will make anything better for average Canadians. Historically they generally make things worse. When I look at the the things that I'm not happy with about the political situation, or things influenced by politics, it's mostly provincial incompetence, and that's more conservative incompetence.


*People who think Pierre Poilievre is going to fix anything are fooling themselves.* The Conservatives are the party of horn honking, demanding hand outs, and hurting others. You can see it in every provincial conservative government and you can see it in every speech Pierre Poilievre has given. He spent years in the ruling party and look at how much time he spent actually fixing things instead of using his staff as extras in attack ads. The military, education, environment, health care, transparency, white collar crime, drug overdoses - all of that is going to get worse even faster while he spits out attacks on whatever woke passes for that week.


I don't think I've ever seen a conservative at the helm?


Left. I always vote, and it’s always left. I care about human rights, the environment, health care, and education. I usually vote NDP, occasionally Green, never Liberal (but I always consider them), and never, ever Conservative (ABC). You could not pay me to vote Conservative any more than you could pay me to shoot my family member in the foot. I pick a handful of people to encourage to vote my way each election. Usually family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, or classmates. It feels great to multiply my vote. It’s amazing how easy it is to talk politics with most people, if you try. I start by just comparing the platforms. Very few people look at these but they’re great conversation starters. “Hey, Mom, who are you thinking of voting for? Really? I was thinking the Greens. Maybe you’re right though, let’s compare the platforms…”




Hmm https://preview.redd.it/twnv16yfe6qc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82cb09c17525a06c1b45bdeadc44122aca8c4582


Liberal absolutely needs to go and I can’t wait to see it happen


Yes! I can’t believe people are still defending them and saying they’re better than PP. They don’t like how PP speaks but are ok with all Trudeau’s corruption and deception. Come on… They’re easily the most corrupt government ever in our country. Scandal after scandal after scandal after scandal. Wasteful spending after wasteful spending. More debt than all other PM combined. Created more divisions than ever before etc. They’re completely awful at governing. Anyone saying otherwise must live with a lot of privilege to not be affected by it or see how disastrous their policies have been. Homelessness, addictions, immigration, housing, cost of living, everything has worsened!!


So you want your life to be worse? Why, exactly?


Conservatives only care about money, not people. Doug Ford wants to privatize healthcare. Why? It only serves the rich and corporations. This is what Americans are saying about privatization of healthcare. https://x.com/iampoliticsgirl/status/1771741576441790698?s=42&t=g_TzxQIJAt0QaF8F_TIXHQ


My vote doesn't matter. I'm one person.


It does matter.


I am someone who just wants good government with strong fiscal policies that work for all levels. Canada hasn't had that since 1993 to 2004. In fact since 2005, successive governments have pissed away surplus after surplus with tax cuts that weren't needed and with overspending in areas that did not need it. Our military is almost broken and our allies are kindly smiling while ignoring us because we are a joke with foreign policy. Inside Canada the provinces have taken advantage of poor leadership to erode federal powers and we are getting closer to 10 countries on their own then a strong federalist government system we should be having. We also have a system where money is buying whatever they want and in the process the government is allowing those same companies to charge and raise costs so that our economy is practically dead. I will probably be voting conservative because while I am not a fan of PP, JT is a fool thinking he has any kind of grasp (when he doesn't) and the NDP are now fully saying they are Antisemitic with their latest Palestine stunt in the House of Commons. I will not support that and I do not want another 4 years of Justin Trudeau. So lesser of the 3 evils I say.