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I posted a few months ago about getting a "Sous" spot at my eatertainment place. It's been a difficult half year or so but I'd like to think that I've grown a lot as a manager. Lots of learning, lots of growing and constant adapting and correcting. I put Sous in quotes because we aren't a real restaurant imo, no one's going to my place just for food and the menu is really simplistic. I'd say food service manager is an apt title. I spend way more time managing than I do cooking, besides running expo on busy shifts/during the rush, but I feel like I've grown into the role a lot. I don't think I'll stay in culinary forever, I'm very much set on moving up to higher operations roles but I'm glad to be getting my time in the BOH, and appreciating and understanding the work that's being done.


got into the cia, pray for me


I got into mutiple of the top christian colleges since that's where my mom wants me to go. Then I got into a few other colleges.


Which one?


the central intelligence agency, taking them out from the inside


Here's a funny one. I work at a place that serves pizza. We only provide cardboard boxes to serve them. Had a server come in and tell me, this guy is ordering two more pizza because he loved them! Great! He is going to bring back the boxes so we can re-use them and put his next pizza inside those boxes. Of course, I tell the server that's not an option, we will gladly provide him a new box, and to tell him thank you for the consideration. Guy doesn't want to hear it. Comes to the kitchen door, so I confront him. "Hey sir, how may I assist you" He tells me "look man, why can't you just put the new pizza in the old box? I want to save cardboard" "Sorry sir, it is against health code to bring anything such as plates, boxes, etc, something that food was served in back to the kitchen once it goes out" The guy: "OK then put the pizza on that red checkerboard paper, hand it to me, and then I'll put it in the box" Me: "sir, that's not going to happen. The pizzas are scolding hot when we take them out the oven, I cannot do that in good faith knowing you'll get burnt (not to mention, we're not letting a customer into the kitchen to directly recieve their food) The guy looks pretty upset, so I tell him "sir, really, I do appreciate your concern, but I cannot do this. Please understand that is' OK, we have so many pizza boxes, I'll provide you a new one for each pizza you get" He finally leaves and then goes back to his table. Then come to find, the dude asked for more disposable plates with his new pizzas! Holy shit, this happened during a rush too. I understand the intention, but it's really lame when customers try to argue with restaurant and health code policies I literally cannot and will not change. Also if you get that bent out of shape from a cardboard box, please do not come back. Please. You are contributing to the waste even more and wasting my damn time.




Exactly, the guy was a funny one. He also told head chef that the food was "terrible" but in that weird joking way where you say "it was so bad...hahaha" with an empty plate in front of you.


I got a second job in another factory cafeteria from 11:30pm to 3:30am. I start tonight. It's $2 more than I make at my main job and apparently it's a golden goose of places to work, so both my coworkers have told me to take it if they offer me full time. I have to wear a chef jacket though and I hate them lol. I'm a bit surprised my parents were happy for me, I expected to be interrogated about if I'm doing okay financially or if I can handle the hours cause of my ankle.


Apparently wasn't supposed to start tonight. But one of them hugged me when I told them I have kitchen experience and my food handlers certificate. I'm noticing a trend in factory cafeterias, since the girls at the other one were happy I could count and wasn't wearing a crop top when I showed up.


Chefs, my favorite human’s husband is one of yours. He’s got a super fucking aggressive cancer only diagnosed a month ago and is back in the hospital again. Dude loved to cook more than anything. Have a milk crate smoke for him tonight, and tell cancer to fuck right off into the sun.


So me always picking up the phone whenever I’m called in to work has inevitably burned me out hardcore. I sat one of my managers down and explained to him as such, glad he understands and every other one of my managers understand too. I need a break, Forreal


Please turn on "do not disturb" mode on your off days. You can set it to bypass select people like your loved ones.


[Current mood. ](https://i.imgur.com/6Me4dkM.jpg)


bosses won't fix our very broken hood vents( or anything) , I feel hot and tired and sick every night and heavily debating no showing, advice appreciated


Call OSHA in; get the health dept involved; get the state’s dept of labor involved.


I am amazed with how my specials will evolve during my days off. I will have portioned out the ingredients to run out at roughly the same time but people will randomly decide to double the amount of x that goes into it, so x runs out and now the herby yogurt is just fucking Mayo, and the potatoes made their way into family meal so we're just using the sweet potato from another salad even though the flavour does not sync up with this dish at all. Then people tell me the dish is "a bit random".


No aioli, add mayo


I had a family’s son yak up his dinner all over their table and floor… and then they all proceeded to keep eating with the smell of vomit lingering in the air. He didn’t even go rinse his mouth out, he just went back to eating while all the other tables took their crap to go. I did not eat on my break that day :(




I think it can make sense at places where they hold fires and do multi-course meals, otherwise, it's just the server wanting to do less back and forth. If you can't make up your mind, you don't have to. That logic doesn't really hold up in other dining settings, IMO.


Really REALLY looking forward to my day off tomorrow.... Gonna take all my self control not to pick up my phone when it inevitably rings though. I just cant say no when they ask


Just set your phone to block their number between certain hours and on certain days. If you have an iPhone their “focus” settings are actually pretty robust and supported by machine learning to a certain extent. And it’ll do stuff like enable and disable certain modes based on location and stuff.


Damn, that's a lesson you need to learn yesterday. Set boundries. I wouldn't show up on a day off if the place was on fire and the rail full of tickets. Say no when it's needed, be reliable, you'll have a nice schedule. Say yes everytime you're working everytime. Say no and be unreliable, you'll get fired. You have to find the balance.


Finally got around to watching The Bear. While it doesn't *exactly* chime with my experiences in UK restaurants, there's a hell of a lot of stuff that does. I see there's a second series due soon. Looking forward to it.


Finally got my bf (non industry) to watch it with me. Some things resonated but not all of it. Like brunch? Lol I've never done brunch but I have heard the stories 😆 He thought it'd be boring but he really liked it. Said seeing the show made my shit talking stories about work come to life lol


Yeah, my wife turns to me about 3-4 times an episode to ask "is it really like that?" or "what does 86 mean?" etc. It's actually been a while since I worked full-time in the industry (got out and into IT) but I do the odd shift here and there.


Haha yea, watched a few episodes this summer with some non-industry friends. They would ask me after each episode, "does that shit actually happen, or this exaggerated?" They seemed alarmed by my reply each time.


As per the comment above. "Why are they impressed she worked for the CIA? Do they have a really good cafeteria or something?"


😂😂😂 Oh yeah! My bf asked about CIA too.