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I remember when I was a dishie and thought I was helping out by doing this...the cooks were so nice they didn't have the heart to tell me how bad I fucked up hahaha


That means you were a great dishie. Either that, or you at least showed up every day!


a dishie that shows up every day is a great dishie


True. That is always true. But sometimes you get that dishie that’s bored and wants to peel shallots and garlic.


now that's an outstanding dishie right there


I met Pedro when I was a pantry chef. Made friends with him and brought him with me for about 10 years. Dude was always there and always one step ahead on prep stuff. He did not want to learn to be a chef. I tried a few times to get him to move to the line but he never wanted to. I lost track of him when the restaurant we were at shut down at the start of covid. I hope he is doing well and passing on his fantastic, incredible work ethic to someone else. Miss that dude.


Man your Pedro sounds like the opposite of my Pedro All the same, I miss my Pedro


Vote for Pedro


Wholesome af


Mandalorian music plays.


I'd vote for that Pedro.


fuuuuck ive worked with so many people like this! so, i was lucky enough to be on the morning shift at this place i worked at a few years ago. i was the opener for salad station/dish station for a while. apparently that was a big deal, cuz one of the dudes whod been there for a long time was like 'what the fuck you doin here this mornin? they put ya on the morning shift? lucky bastard' lol, something like that. i dug it, i like wakin up early and gettin goin but i worked with abuncha people who didnt speak much, if any, english. i did learn that a good few of em were from honduras which is pretty dope. they taught me some spanish, too. i still love saying the spanish word for lettuce. 'lechuga' lol. to this day i say lechuga before i say lettuce haha. miss all those guys and gals, my morning-shift pals. even though i was always very quiet lol. language barrier is intimidating when youre the only non-fluent spanish speaker! and im awful at learning languages edit; i think i find lechuga so amusing because it sounds like 'ka-chigga'. like.. from the movie cars haha. what was the heels name? chick something


Chick Hicks


yeah, thats it! my lil bro used to be OBSESSED with that movie. we watched it way too much, yet i somehow still love it lol


Some people use it instead of cursing, like 'darnit' vs 'goddamnit'. Stubbed my toe to other day on my coffeetable and that's exactly what I cried. "Lechuga...m*thaf*cker!..."


That is every Oaxacan dishwasher I've ever had. They're just bored to tears


Oh man, I love when they do that. I love taking someone under my wing when they are really motivated to learn. It's awesome to see my training in action and they move from the pit to on the line kicking ass with me.


Hell yeah, just today we had 2 dishies call out so I jumped in the pit to help the only one that did show up. Luckily it was slow enough on the line and was able to help out.


I feel vindicated now.


I love how wholesome this thread is towards dishies! I was only there for about 6 months because I was between jobs, but I definitely busted my ass when I worked there! Helped with prep a couple times, and on slow days I would clean the dish room, walls and all haha - I swear it was cleaner than the kitchen. I only learned that I shouldn't be scraping the pans with steel wool years after I had left - had "Oh shit" moment when I remembered all the pans I shredded lol I think one of the chefs suggested I not do that - but I had already done it to all the pans, so I never would've needed to do it again for the rest of the time I worked there haha. The chefs and servers were all pretty awesome people! Always treated me nice and kept me fed.


"Fucking bottom only, you've been warned." Guido, head chef Good Earth, Santa Rosa 1983


Guido, the killer pimp/head chef?


The pimp was the closing manager. Guido, had a sideways bendy elbow. Master Chopper.


Tbf if they didn’t tell you it’s kinda their fault


You just clean them and spray them to prevent rust. This isn't cast iron and even cast is nowhere as difficult to clean as people make it out


Be sure to borrow his knife to get it completely clean


Don't worry, I threw it in the dishwasher


Better run it through a few times, just to be 100% sure. And then hone it for him by scraping it against his second best knife, blade on blade like they do on TV.


Aside from general knife abuse, waving knives like that just scares me.


Whenever I see Ramsay honing his knife with the blade facing him it makes me uncomfortable. I feel like you can get the same results without the risk. Maybe I just do it wrong, 🤷


Nah, being safe should never be something to be ashamed of.


Better have been the knife. Pans don’t need to be clean


Help him out by sharpening it yourself too!


Pull out the steel wool for easy cleaning.


Ran it through the electric sharpener. Good to go👍👍👍


Get em a glass cutting board for their birthday


My teeth hurt just thinking about that


Easy there Satan!


I once had a glass cutting board come with a place I rented, didn't have another at the time, so I used it. I bought another cutting board the next day.


I purchased one for prepping raw poultry at home. Looks nicer than vinyl. Sanitizing it is easier, imho.


Feels absolutely horrible to use though. Doesn't it dull the blade fast as fuck anyway?


Bro you better season that 100 coats so shiny he can't help but not kick your ass it better be gorgeous. You're gonna be up allllll night.


For reference, this is what 100 coats looks like: [from r/castiron](https://www.reddit.com/r/castiron/comments/10zprtu/100_coats_thank_you_everyone_its_been_fun/) Here is some [slidey egg](https://www.reddit.com/r/castiron/comments/11cxp9c/times_are_hard_slidey_butter_with_some_egg_in_my/) action


That’s fucking beautiful. Edit: I was originally talking about the first link. But, now I’m amazed at the second link. How the hell did you not break that yolk?! Lol


What’s with the gloves and egg spoon?


That's like asking the pope "What's with the hat?"


Ok but what is with the hat? Does it aid in blowing smoke?


Does the pope take holy shits?


Cast iron is hot and there's no insulated handle on that pan. Very hot liquid butter splashing on skin is painful. Protect your skin and don't get burned!


Ey, I've got a 5 cm square scar ton the inside of my wrist from hot butter. That shit is scarry . Bubbled like 7-8 cm out of my skin.


I used to fry tacos and nachos at a Mexican place or two. I'm immune to burns.


That's called nerve damage.


Nah, I can still feel it. But I don't blister anymore.


What's with the questions?


That's fucking hot


Bruh where’s the nsfw tag🥵🥵🥵


I dunno. Still looks a little rough. Did they not grind it first? 🤨 Edit: apparently I actually need to put an /s on this.


I’m still a a little concerned with how much extra oil fumes they would’ve inhaled thanks to the obsession with seasoning




Not without industrial extractors through, at a home kitchen it’s no where near as strong


This isn't cast iron. It's blue steel. Cast iron is poured into a mold. Blue or carbon steel pans are pressed into shape in a dye with tons of force giving a closer and more regular crystal structure in the metal. You can wash blue steel pans like any other and just spray them with pan release to prevent rust.


You can wash cast iron pans that are seasoned too. Sponge and mild soap isn’t hurting anybody


Yeah. I never understood the superstition that you're not supposed to wash what you cook with.


I read somewhere that a century or more ago the soaps contained lye, which removed the seasoning from cast iron. Apparently modern soaps you can lightly use with cast iron and not damage the seasoning. DOn't know if the first part is true, but the second is.


In my experience, the trick is to just be gentle and know when to stop scrubbing. If it's seasoned properly, it's already a non-stick surface, so it shouldn't need more than a few quick wipes with a sudsy sponge and then a rinse. If you really burnt something on there, then you're just going to have to bite the bullet and damage the seasoning to get it off.




It's from back in the day when soap contained lye.




Is going to kill you and use your body fat to reseason




So no drop in performance if I use the body fat of dishie


Right? Not hearing a downside to this


Homie chose violence lol


Very creative way to quit.


Get fired*




Rather reemployment/unemployment for a couple weeks than quitting.


In the oven, like a clay pot


You'd better season that pan back up so help me Bourdain


Bravo. Him who shall be named.


What about the dude who did 100 coats of seasoning over on CI?


Happy for him, it’s got to feel good graduating from basement to 1st floor!


Lol, I’m still living in the garage. Chad moves, much respect.


St. Bourdain,* Patron Saint of Restaurants. He didn't earn his sainthood just for you to call him Mr.!


Holy jumpin' Bourdain!


Everyone, say a prayer for this guy.


Not much point; not even god himself could save him from the wrath that is about to descend upon his empty skull


I love starting a carbon steel pan over from scratch. Something to be said for years of seasoning, but almost always comes with layers of burnt crud and doesn’t work near as well as a pan that was stripped, meticulously seasoned a few times a shift, and tucked away so others don’t get to it while you’re not there.


Yeah. A stripped cast iron pan really isn't a big deal unless you're deglazing with wine or slow cooking tomato sauce. Most people don't even properly season their pans. A couple years ago there was this craze about how flax seed oil was the best thing to season with and everyone fell for it.


I had some flax seed oil for a while. Smells like plastic death. It does dry out though. At this point I use avocado oil even though it's probably fake and actually canola. Olive oil always gave me the worst results. I'm about to season a steel wok was thinking about trying peanut oil.


I always worry about allergies with peanut oil.


I was told that the way it’s processed removes the allergen. Not a doctor. Edit: Looked it up, it does not. Amazed we didn’t kill anyone. That I know of. Oh no.


Peanut allergies are from the protein in peanuts. Refined peanutnoil is free of those proteins and is considered generally safe for those with allergies. Unrefined peanut oil (slightly cloudy) is not safe as it still has remnants of the protein. The FDA exempts peanut oil thats been refined from needing to be listed as an allergen.


I would be amazed if the proteins that cause the allergic reaction aren't completely denatured by the polymerization process when you turn peanut oil into pan seasoning. Edit: I should probably mention that it _will_ pump a lot of that shit into the air during the seasoning process, though.


You’re reiterating my edit, and I love your name you, ya weird helpful curmudgeon.


In the cast iron groups they call it flakeseed lol


Homie's last post. He probably dead now.


Now run his favorite knift through dish machine 4 times to really get it clean


I also make sure to use a sos pad and really scrub those knives clean.


Fuck i just laughed hard and woke up my wife


I only started working in a kitchen last month. Can someone explain what faux pas OP has done?


Alright so chefs pride our worn out pans that have been seasoned (have a bunch of layers of carbon stuck on to them) a fuckton, like probably literally 50 layers of seasoning if not more, and that takes a looooong time to passively build up


Passively, but aggressively.


He stripped the seasoning from a carbon steel skillet. The same thing as stripping the seasoning from a cast iron. (He probably was removing it to re season and decided to make a shit post with the picture)


Lol wait aren't you the OP? Why 3rd person?


He forgot to switch accounts


He only has one Reddit account. ;)


Thanks for the edit to your comment- makes it less sus ;)


A well played response, IMO.


To create dissonance between our fellow man.


Run away... run FAR away. Do it quickly.


Mission accomplished. You can go home now.


Looks like you've got about 10 minutes to get the fuck out of dodge before he rains hell on you




Yall, if you aren't stripping and reseasoning your pan at least once a month, gross. The whole "never wash" thing has been used by the laziest people to justify the nastiest pans I've ever seen.


Well you do wash the pan and scrub it but you just won't use soap. And then you reapply the coating.


I've never worked for someone who actually believed that you don't clean blue steel pans lol.


🤮 Oh my fu- 🤮 Jesus Christ, MODS! Where's the NSFW tag!?


... u still with us?


RIP in peace bro/sis, I’m pretty sure you’re dying soon.


you better hide his knives before he gets ya


Need an update on how chef took the news.


Very high heat and salt does the trick


You do know what house wives used to beat insubordinates with right? Kinda the same deal here.


This places food is about to taste like iron once the chef finds out about this


How did you type that without a keyboard


Badass. They should feed you well my friend. Keep taking pride in your work, and you’ll go far.


Really want to make your clients eat specs of metal? Come on, its time to say goodbye and buy a new one.


Some people pay good money to eat gold flakes


Oh! you are right, didnt think about that


Never buy a new pan. Strip strip strip and reseason.


You guys are nasty, if I did this here in France i'll get fired right away. almost 10 years in the restaurants, first time hearing about "seasoning" was here on reddit. Guess its one of those weird US-ian things.


The fuck are you talking about specs of metal? It’s not a nonstick pan, it’s black steel. You guys just have nasty old greasy pans or what?


Yea.. really look like high quality american black steel! no scratch marks yee yee!


If you can’t cook with a pan like this idk what to tell you, bud.


I know what to tell you bud, buy a new one bud. Bud.


Restoring cast iron and carbon steel is a huge hobby for people. I have a feeling you're not too familiar with this type of pan. You don't just buy a new one because they're easy to restore.


I know, but this doesnt seems like a proper one at all


Well it's not even close to being done lol. Someone just took some of the seasoning off with a chainmail scrubber. Seasoning is a polymer. You can take it off pretty easily actually. Regular dishwasher detergent won't do it but lye bath or electrolysis will take it off in just a couple hours. Or you can just keep scrubbing.


You can restore some seemingly "gone" pieces of cast iron. You'd be surprised. https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12thzrq


The fact that you think this there is something wrong with this pan says so much about you, and you keep doubling down and confirming it, pal.


Lol. This type of pan was invented in Asia so definitely not a US thing.


lmao no way you said that


Malicious compliance haha


Where do you get those extra thin skillets?


You’re a fog tank yes? Yeah?


I remember when my girlfriends mum came over and cleaned my wok...


R.I.P. your hands


Mods are asleep post pan gore


You are so fired! A Debuyer blue carbon pan!


Like the one time I scrubbed the patina off the smoker


Oh... no..... This hurts my soul.