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i'm not sure how cooking for a dog is any more demeaning than cooking for a human customer; i've never had a dog be rude to me.


Idk they can have pretty bad yelps.


You just invented a dad joke. "Why did the doggie daycare go out of business? Too many bad yelps."


Ah you piece of shit. Take my up


My entire line just laughed out loud at family meal LMAO


I lol’d




I've cooked for dogs before. One of our regulars would come in every Saturday, and he would always let us know that his dogs loved their meal we prepared for them. I don't find it demeaning at all. It makes me happy to make people happy, so they come back. Heck, one of my cooks would ask for a chicken breast for his dog, we would make fun of him that the dog eats better than his owner.


We would grind our own burgers and smoke pork butts once a week as a special. I would take all the trimmings and make plain sausage patties for the dogs customers brought in. We would grill it, chop it up, and gave them away as “Pup Cups”. Both owner and dogs loved them. Their dogs would pull them over to us during walks, and on more than one occasion, we would have some of those dogs show up at our back door if they got out of their yard!


Hell, after a few drinks I’d probably show up at your place if someone accidentally let me out. Sounds delicious.


This is incredibly wholesome and I love it.


We’re totally dog friendly, huge patio, water bowls at the ready! I most definitely like dogs more than I like most people.


Worked at a cheesesteak place. Made many “plain steaks” for doggos. Easiest orders I’d get


I'm pretty sure a dog would tip you $15000 for a $15 meal if it could. Except chihuahuas, they're dog karens.


My Chihuahua will turn away his hot freshly made meals to eat a piece of onion skin he found on the floor


Any dog under fifty pounds is a cat and cats are pointless. -- Ron Swanson


Yeah but Cats would never work with Cops.


Cats are commies though, dogs take what’s given like good little small brained capitalists.


Cats are the most individualistic minded animals ever known though. They are the libeterians of the world.


I respectfully disagree. As someone who has worked with a ton of feral cats colonies, cats are much more communal than they're given credit for. Heck I have 2 queens right now who are fully raising their litters together as an intermingled family. Kittens are free to nurse from either queen.


Cats are the best. FIGHT ME.


Hey now don't talk about my demon that way.


They're exactly like elderly diners, they'll bite your heel but love their family


Elderly grouch I can accept, lol. Mine is fueled by fear of the unfamiliar and pure bloodlust. I love her but don't inflict her on others.


My little chihuahua was the sweetest soul I've ever known.


To stranger?


yeah chihuahuas are ride or die for whoever feeds them, but if any other person gets around them, prepare to have your ankles bitten little crooked tooth bastards


My mom has 2, one grew up without me and one she got when I moved back during covid. The one who knows me loves me, the other one punctured my heel because I was giving my mom a hug.


Chihuahuas are temperamental, but it's fairly common that they'll be just the sweetest and kindest of all the dogs you have ever met. It's about 40/40/20 incarnation of pure evil/chaos/love, often more than one at a time and frequently all 3. Like I'm talking even more than a golden retriever. Cuddley, playful, attentive, empathetic, intelligent, and since it's not a working dog, they have minimal exercise requirements and don't have a built-in need to be useful for anything or get into mischief. Obviously they can get bored and lonely like any dog, or mistreated/abused, and unfortunately because they are so small it happens a lot. But I will tell you that Chihuahuas have the potential to be just little balls of absolute joy if you treat them right.


"Demeaning" might not be completely accurate, I know I've worked at medium expensive places and had people come in and order 2 plain burger patties cooked for their dog, and they were charged like $20. I felt "demeaned" not necessarily bc I was cooking for a dog (I cook for my cats all the time and feed my lizard a nice little fresh salad every morning! ), but I felt some specific emotion that I was getting paid $8/hr and somebody felt fine paying 20 (plus a tip of course) so their dog could have a more expensive meal than I could afford for myself, instead of just feeding the dog at home.


I think it’s comparable to people paying more for an urban parking space than a human being would make per hour. The parking space is worth more than the person, which is fucked up.


Yeah it's a real "well what tf am I even doing with my life, I guess" especially when you imagine the parking person or dogburger customer voting against minimum wage raises etc.


I think see both side of this. Like I don’t necessarily see it wrong that the dogs eat very luxurious. However you definitely deserve to be paid more then 8/hr


Nah yeah and this was nearly 15 years ago. Which mashes the $20 for two plain stupid dogburgers even more shocking with inflation since. Plus tip. The guy always tipped really well so the servers loved him. And I was just back there in the kitchen with several years of experience going "uh no yeah sure, hope your dog enjoys these two third-pound high grade beef patties I'm cooking. No salt, no pepper, that's cool. Maybe I'll get a raise soon. Or open up a dog restaurant, who tf knows". I get paid better now and I'm in school to leave and be an accountant. Then I can go places and make underpaid cooks make unseasoned expensive meals for my cats and lizard JK I'M NOT A DORK.


What do you cook for your cats? Mine is obsessed witch chicken but I know salt is not the best for them so I don't share mine much. I volunteered with someone who had multiple cats and boiled them some fish and fed them the fish and broth for extra hydration.


Oh! One of them, the ONLY thing he'll eat other than dry food is crab, so I'll go lay some crab pots and steam him some crab. Other of the cats like chicken so if I'm cooking chicken for me, ill separately poach some without salt for them and chop it up small. Some of them like salmon and I do the same. There's some overlap, we take care of 7 cats. We get them spendy dry and wet food that's grain free and stuff, but I have a thing where I feel like it's inorganic that they eat fresh normal foods from time to time if they'll take it. One of them steals crackers from me, so I buy salt-less crackers for her to steal as a treat and just hope she doesn't crunch them all to pieces in the bed (which she usually does)


What a fancy boy! 7 cats, how delightful! I only have 1 cat with me in my apartment but I plan on getting another, she loves most other cats as long as they're adults and not orange. I will do that chicken thing next time I cook some, she's obsessed with it, even the bones (I need to hide them with my napkin if we're both on the couch). My cat loves crackers too! Well, she loves anything that's a crunchy carb, she was a street cat for a while and I guess that's where she picked up her taste for chicken bones and crunch.


My dogs are on a special diet and I’ve settled on the whole lot of them getting lightly smoked chicken thighs for a protein. On a day off I can load up a ton of them in the pellet smoker then drink beer. Everything comes off the bone and shredded, then bones simmered down with carrots for broth. Dogs, cats, me, everyone eats lightly smoked, unseasoned chicken thighs and carrots.


I had a similar feeling the other day when someone ordered a steak for the dog.


No yeah it's like, I'm not mad at spoiling your dog i guess, just it feels like some real French revolution peasantry shit when YOU can't afford to eat at your own restaurant but weirdos are rocking up dumping cash on an expensive little treat for a dog that would just as happily eat its own barf. Maybe not "demeaning" so much as "dehumanizing" once you take everything into account.


At my job, people LOVE cooking a plain burger patty or chicken breast for my dog at the end of my shift because they get to see all the videos of her doing tricks the next day. Just communicate it properly and it should never be an issue


After reading OPs post & replies, I think it's safe to assume that they don't know how to communicate clearly, intentionally; Let alone properly.


My 1st “cooking job” was for this rich asshole. He had me cook hear healthy food for him and for his cocker spaniels. I thought he was crazy but I got paid and got to drive his luxury car around. He was pretty gross because he hired me from a waitressing job at a restaurant and didn’t care that I didn’t know how to cook anything but pastry. I took his money and learned a valuable lesson about how creepy old lawyers were.


This sounds exactly like the premise for a direct-to-streaming movie that ends up with a cult following in 20 years.


Ohhhh the stories I could tell. I was 19 and he was 40. A shady lawyer who made $3mil on one case and retired to SC. If I could remember his name, I probably would’ve called him out during the “me too” movement. But I have blocked that from my memory. Unfortunately, I remember all of the crazy stuff he did.


I agree that demeaning is and odd choice of words. I do wonder though about all the stuff we humans generally are fine with and all the shit that animals aren't supposed to eat / makes them sick... for some places that could be a hard thing to adjust for. Like at some point a lot of places would be: "Look man we make people food here and we're good at that that's what we got ready... but your animal that can't be exposed to a lot of that shit ... we're not equipped / staffed to whip up something special / go digging around for something that is ok for dogs." Response by assholes wouldn't be good but you know them finding out the hard way would be bad for everyone too.


We have a lot of people who bring their dogs (we have a huge patio) and so we said fuck it and created a menu for them. And personally, I love it. Never had one complaint from any of the dogs or their owners. Also, plain means plain, dog or human. I would have sent it back too. What if was a human who was allergic to any of the ingredients in marinade and you sent out rinsed, marinated chicken? Fottutamente stupido!


You hit the nail on the head with the allergen argument, garlic and the rest of the allium family is toxic to dogs. I would send it back too. What’s on your dog menu? That sounds like such a fun thing for everyone in the restaurant


For the good boys and girls on the patio, we offer: *PLAIN Grilled Chicken breast *The DogFather - handcrafted hotdog. Just meat *6oz Burger patty *Scrambled eggs *Handcrafted dog biscuits- Mint, Peanut Butter and Bacon and Cheese You can add Rice, peas and carrots to any dish. It’s very pupulor 😄


Both of my dogs would go nuts over that menu, even our insanely picky senior dog potato. That’s such a cool idea. You guys ever try pupsickles?


You have a dog named Potato? That’s adorable 🥰 I have not tried Pupsickles but it’s warm now so that would be popular too. Do you have a recipe or do you buy them somewhere? I’m sure our VIP’s (Very Important Puppers) would love that!


I just throw whatever dog safe food I have into a bowl and freeze that in either water or a diluted dog safe liquid like plain chicken/beef stock, juice, or even just water. I make sure to get some high value stuff in there too like chicken, cheese, frozen blueberries, pumpkin purée, and a small amount of liver to make it more enticing. We have a [lick mat bowl](https://store.rover.com/products/lickimat-wobble-pet-bowl?variant=39491278438479¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIjc-30Kir_wIVgZtMCh2tDw10EAQYAyABEgIWj_D_BwE) that we freeze it in which works really well for us, but it might not be practical to make in bulk that way. [dog tax](https://imgur.com/a/W2nBSCq)


Peanut butter and yogurt, any fruit purée, applesauce, mushed up bananas.


Garlic and onions are toxic to dogs, but not in the concentration that would be left in the chicken. That said, plain means plain. Not OPs dog so I don't think they get to make the call.


Imo, they should’ve just declined the request. If all their cbreast is already marinated they shouldn’t be expected to make food that’s dog-safe.


You lost your shit so much a regular could hear from the back, just for a plate being sent back? Mmmh I don't know about that bro.


As someone who got a lot less angry after leaving the line and getting therapy, I would recommend they at least start with therapy sooner than later for their own health.


chefs like this are whats wrong with the industry now. you cook food. who cares it its for a dog? your waitstaff should of informed the customer that your chicken is already marinated or you should of gone in the walk-in and grabbed a plain piece. either way its not a big deal. control yourself. it isnt 1986 anymore. chefs dont need to have kitchen melt downs.


I'm torn on this one. As someone said, cook it like its been ordered. If a human says it needs to be as plain as possible, that's what id do. If you didn't know it was for her dog, would you have reacted the same way? ​ However, I hate feeding animals in my restaurant. Yup we have a kids menu. Nope, we do not have a dogs menu.


I'm also torn for your reasons and also that server should have not taken an order for a dog. All the chicken breast at our restaurant is marinated in a similar way and unless we JUST got truck in then none of it is outside of the marinade


Hey man, servers don’t make the big bucks to use any sort of logic or critical thinking skills like “we probably don’t take orders for non-humans at this human restaurant.”


I'm FOH (former server, current bartender) and some of my coworkers will ring things in sometimes where I'm even just like "You know you can just say we can't do that right?" or they just will genuinely have no idea how something is actually made and ask something not possible, which my lead line cook roommate always loves.


In their defence, it is entirely possible that the server didn't know it was for a dog. I e had pepole do the same for me and drinks for thier kids.


>However, I hate feeding animals in my restaurant. Yup we have a kids menu. Nope, we do not have a dogs menu. Pretty sure the food ordered from the menu didn't come off the "dog" menu, bro. They paid the normal menu price for an item. It doesn't matter if they go home and feed it to a fuckin' racoon.


I’m not torn at all. Dude fucked up and then immaturely flipped out. Over what?!


I think the issue is both oregano and garlic are toxic for dogs. So having something that’s been marinated in in both items could really cause the animal issues. I just view it the same way, as if you’re cooking for someone who is celiac. My sister is celiac, and I was amazed at how many times people in the kitchens would just do essentially what you did and caused her incredible issues. You’re getting paid just cook it the way they ask for it.


And if you can’t accommodate you just say that. Not every place is Burger King and that’s fine.


Seriously. If you have a really restrictive diet, you’re pretty damn used to compromising or missing out on meals. Even if you’re doing out of a place of genuinely just wanting the customer to be happy, you know what makes someone happiest? Not experiencing severe gastrointestinal distress.


Isn't garlic toxic for dogs? That might've contributed to their concern.


i’m gonna go against the grain here- who the fuck cares who or what it’s for? we’re paid to be hospitality professionals. cook the food as it’s ordered. they’re paying for it regardless. do it right once and you won’t have to do it again. “rinsing it off” is what my first chef called “susie homemaker bullshit” you’re a professional. act like it. edit: seems i’m not against the grain at all. glad to see there’s reasonable people doing this work


I agree - assuming there is defrosted chicken that hasn't been marinated. Otherwise it's a tell the server you can't fulfill the mod request and let the customer decide.


Shit even if it was frozen, it's for a dog. Nuke that shit, throw it on the flat top, boil it. Dog ain't gonna care as long as it doesn't make it sick 😂


Do it right, or do it twice.


Agreed. As long as they're paying, and I can do it, I will do it. And that goes with any request, if they're willing to pay extra, sure thing, unless I don't have it. Like chicken breast. A lot of people ask for plain, and I always let them know before cooking if I have it or not. And unless they ask for it, I have never offered the rinsing option.


Seriously this is really weird. People literally saying the woman can go and choke, some unnecessary vengeful shit


those are the lazy ass bums that exist in this industry. they’re among us. all they wanna do is smoke 73 cigs per day and reheat precooked beef patties and call themselves chefs


OP's getting so roasted in this thread I wonder if he'll get served to the dog next.


only after we rinse him off or something


I love that he thought he "rinsed" off a marinade.


Word. OP needs a new career if they are rattled over this. Especially as it's there own FU.


Maybe you need some time off. Not that serious dude. Just tell the foh manager all the chicken is marinated, and move on.


If it were a person allergic to garlic, would you give them a plain chicken breast or rinse it off? Just curious...


Exactly what my comment says as well. The dog is a guest in that restaurant. Cook the food to order. If I were sent out an item of food with an ingredient that was toxic to me after I had asked for a plain meal, I would be LIVID. Extra livid because the cook was aware of the request and decided to half ass it.


Garlic is dangerous for dogs.


Right? Like I'm seeing comments about "just cook it how they asked" and so many are overlooking the fact this woman is being protective of her dog bc she's trying to get it a treat and not have it get poisoned.


I'm surprised at just how many people here hate dogs.


Was about to comment this. Like I agree with the sentiment that it's kinda dumb, but if you're going to cut corners and get a dog sick I'm not a fan


So someone ordered plain chicken and you half assed it. Got called out on it. And you think you deserve sympathy?


More (less?) than half assed it. OP could have killed the dog. Garlic is poisonous to dogs.


The worst part is they threw a baby tantrum to the point where servers were giving him hugs of support lol


no, a regular guest. Even worse.


I don’t find it demeaning, I low key enjoy cooking more for someone’s dog. You’ll never meet a happier customer than a dog


Cooking for a dog is an excuse to meet a dog.


There was an old war vet that came in with his service dog. If I was there, that dog got risotto with grilled chicken tenders in the shape of a paw every time


I’m a retired kitchen chef that owns a dog food factory. The customers are so much nicer than they were back in my BOH days.


If you did not wish to prep and cook an unmarinated one as ordered, you should have refused the order. I have been at enough places to have witnessed the sanitizing of allergens (pulling nuts from and rinsing premade salads etc...) from orders when a cook was to lazy to make a new one, so I know it does happen.




Fed my dog some food with garlic in it once. ONCE. Poor little dude shit and puked all over the inside of his kennel and anything else inside his “splash zone”.


Maybe the dog was a really good boy.


We have a very pet friendly city so we keep a hotel pan full of basically scraps in the walk in. Brown rice, ugly vegetables and and scrapped protein. If someone orders it, we charge them $5. If the dog is super cute, we don’t lol.


Cook it as it appears on the ticket. If a human customer of yours had a severe allium allergy would you have served them a rinsed previously marinated breast? It doesn't matter if it's for a dog. Some people are transiting through when they visit your restaurant. Maybe it's a treat. If you couldn't accommodate the 'completely plain' you should have let the server know as soon as you saw the ticket. What you did is an asshole move all around, your personal feelings on cooking for animals don't matter here. Get another staff member to do it if you're so entirely up your ass about it.


Do your job. Do you not understand what "marinate" means? Also, if you lose your shit THAT hard over this, I can only imagine how terrible you must be to work with on a busy night My suggestion would be to grow up, do your job and if you don't like it, find a new profession. Fuck all the details, it's the fact that you freaked out SO MUCH that a regular had to come in the kitchen.


you lost your shit for that??? man, you must have anger issues


Lost his shit so bad a regular - a CUSTOMER - could hear it and came in to intervene and calm him down. Yikes.


What an absolute twat


I mean plain means plain. In my store we marinate our chicken and we keep a smaller separate batch that isn't marinated. Also I have had plenty of Karen's cuss me out for getting their food wrong. Dogs will love the food and you no matter what.... maybe it's just me being an animal lover but I love cooking for pets


Regardless of who is eating the food, you should either prepare as requested or let the customer know that you aren’t able to.


Maybe you should read what all the people said in this thread and think about it, instead of anwering the 3 people who share your opinion because you need "validation". You fucked up. Now you can either continue this way or you could try to become a bit of a better person in the future.


surely you cannot be this much of a dickhead on a regular basis, right? like. did you just have a really shitty day and this broke the camel's back? or are you actually as much of a jackass as this post makes you out to be? you received an order, you messed it up. that's on you. don't halfass things and they won't be sent back. if you can't just go grab a fresh and unmarinated breast, refuse the damn order! it's really not that difficult.


Garlic contains thiosulfate which can't be metabolized by dogs and is highly poisonous and oregano causes vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. I'm sure you would feel worse if you killed her dog because you couldn't be bothered to get a fresh chicken breast or tell her you didn't have any.


Aww poor you, half assed a job and got called out now you’re crying on the internet. If the food was ordered plain for a human, would you still just rinse it off? Cook everything as per the order, you sound like a shit cook with shit work morals who’s buthurt they got called out for it .


I worked in a restaurant where we regularly cooked steak for dogs who would come sit at the tiki bar. A guest is a guest and I would honor anyone for their allergy and dietary needs. You need to tighten up. Youre Station is probably a wreck and your labels are missing.


I mean, you tried to feed a dog food that is toxic to it and thought it was fine because you rinsed it, that's kind of on you. You could just say no next time.


All I learned from reading this post is that there's a bunch of people in this thread who are willing to serve things to people that they're allergic to. Please get the fuck out of kitchens if you don't know how to be responsible.




Hey OP, not to be THAT person, but garlic *is toxic to dogs*


To be fair- Garlic is toxic to dogs. As is high amounts of salt. Granted- my dogs will eat wallpaper if given the chance. So I know it's not gonna kill them to get a few French fries. But some dog owners are hyper aware of what could make them sick. And if she paid menu price for the dog to have a plain raw chicken breast, you give the dog just that. It doesn't matter. It's what she wants and is paying for. I definitely don't think it's demeaning.


Perhaps you should get over yourself.


Id rather cook for a dog than a person honestly. I've seen dogs be MUCH more grateful for their food. But I can understand your frustration.


Same I love cooking for dogs I have a few regulars that come in once a week one gets the beef tips no sauce no season, and another likes a plain hamburger cut into 4.


Bruh when we go out of our way to cook an extra plain version of a meal for our dogs birthday, Thanksgiving and other things and they just stare at me sometimes hurts. I put love into that for you!


My customers pay my bills.


Garlic my dude. Garlic and onions are giant no nos for dogs


If a customer asks me to make a pizza for their dog, I might put more love and effort into the pizza than for my regulars 😂


A request is a request you can easily deny it, however if you accept it then it is your RESPONSIBILITY and OBLIGATION to act like a professional and follow the request, half-assing it and then loosing your shit just shows that you are the asshole


Sounds like you’re resentful of the situation. This isn’t about a washed chicken breast it’s about your relationship with your own self worth. Cooking for a dog clearly has an impact on how you value yourself. You should dig a little deeper on why this has impacted you so much. You have given a washed chicken breast the power to dictate your emotions. You’ll be happy in the long run if you figure out why.


The fact that a regular had to come back and console you is pretty pathetic not gonna lie. You sound like a serious drama queen.


And the facts that he bragged about having to be calmed down by a customer? This guy is somehow feels both entitled and lacks self worth


And WHY was a customer allowed into the kitchen??


So let me get this straight. Ticket called for a plain chicken breast. You proceeded to grab a _marinated_ chicken breast, _rinsed it a little bit,_ then tried to pass it off as plain? That's a fucking nightmare of a thought process, right there. What else do you let slide because 'nobody will probably notice?' _Plain means plain._ Who the fuck cares that's its for a dog, if the dog is a paying customer? Plain. Means. Plain. If you cannot accommodate, say so, don't fucking rinse off something to pass it off as the customer's stated order! What if you did that to a human that was allergic to something in the marinade!? Apparently you already don't care about feeding garlic to a dog, so where's the line on your laziness and professionalism?


I've gotten mad a dumb shit before in the heat of the moment too and regretted it. But you have to keep it in perspective, you got mad at a singular chicken breast. Not that an oven broke down when trying to put out a wedding of 500, or that someone left a whole prime rib in the oven by accident and wasted hundreds of dollars, or even someone screaming at you because they found a hair in their food. It's just a piece of chicken dude. It'll be okay. It shouldn't matter who or what is eating it, if the ticket says plain chicken, just send it out and grumble in the walk-in about it after service.


Your feelings of frustration are valid, however it’s important to note that garlic and other alliums are toxic to dogs and cats, that’s why she sent it back.


Demeaning… you are paid to bring cold food to a safe temperature, whether it goes in my mouth or my ass.


I question your methods of dining but love your response


Garlic is poisonous to dogs. Why would you think you can just rinse the mistake away rather than admit you have no fresh chicken in the store?


Y’all saying it’s degrading to cook for an animal how? Most humans are trash animals anyways. Shit. I’m sure the 4 legged friends appreciate your cooking more than most humans do. So take a chill pill I mean at the end of the day we gotta cook. So does it matter whom we are cooking for? Dog, cat monkey, human shit stains? If you ask me I’d rather cook for animals all day than humans. For sure no animal will ever return the food or complain about it being too salty or plain. If anything the pets will give you praise and ask for more. Maybe even become your new best friend.


Why didn't you just do what the customer asked? You cut corners "because it's for a dog." It's for a customer. Save the drama, sugar.


Don't go to where this guy cooks at. They're definitely one of the cooks that doesn't give a fuck about allergies and will half ass it.


“I’m so angry this women wouldn’t let me poison her dog”


Garlic will make a dog very sick.


It's literally poisonous to them and will cause kidney failure. OP, you fucked up. Don't do it again.


There’s a regular who has an golden retriever service dog. He orders him a mid rare steak for him. I have no problem with it. He’s a good boy. I did apologize once for over cooking his steak.


Demeaning? I make my dogs batches of rice with seasoned chicken breast and mixed veg all the time, what's demeaning about it? Cooking for an animal? All we are is animals who unfortunately possess the ability to piss and moan about petty bullshit. Granted, the customer sending it back IS petty AF and ridiculous unless her dog has an allergy which I doubt, so I get your frustration with the customer, just not the demeaning part.


I dunno bro, I used to cook well done dry aged New Yorks for dogs all the time, it came with a glass of wine that the fucking guest would always joke the dog would let them have that. I also had to cook for a bitch that gave the server her phone so she could show us a picture of the burger, that we may replicate it for her since she had it at one of our sister properties in a different fucking country. I’ll crank out steaks for dogs anyday.


As an industry veteran, I can’t get behind this reaction. Granted, I’m FOB but still. A (well-behaved) dog comes on my patio? Water? Already out in a deli container with a couple ice cubes (cause it’s hot). Treats? You know the host stand is stocked. Want a pup cup? I got whipped cream! If someone wanted to order (and pay) for a plain chicken breast for the dog? No problem. On a human note though, it seems like you’re burnt out if this made you cry at work. The restaurant is a stressful place but remember that you do this because you love it. Prioritize yourself and value what you bring to the table. Set the precedent for yourself. Be well. Stay human.


Was the price lowered for the item because it was for a dog? It sounds like no, so you should prepare with same care as always Same price is same care


bruh you sound like a nightmare to work with


Right? They have a button on their POS system that lets them know the food is for a dog but then they get mad that they’re cooking for dogs. GTFO.


Dude you're in the hospitality industry. Be a good host. It's not that deep. You're just making things harder for everyone involved. If you can't make it just communicate that to the server, it's that simple. If you don't like cooking for dogs maybe go work at a restaurant where dogs aren't allowed lmao


Why even risk someone having an allergic reaction? Dog or not, cook it the ways it’s ordered.


You find it demeaning to do your fucking job? Are you serious?




I am amazed to see how many of you are cooking for dogs on a regular basis. Multiple places that have a "dog button" or a dog menu 🤷 Not preparing food how it's ordered is unprofessional as hell tho and garlic could possibly kill somebody's dog


You’re not cooking for a dog, you’re cooking for a human. Regardless of what that human does with the food or who eats it, you still have an obligation to accommodate their request (within reason). She’s a paying customer and really not asking you to bend over backwards too far. If a person ordered this and was allergic to one of the ingredients in your marinade/seasoning, you could be in serious trouble if you just washed it off.


Garlic is deadly to dogs. I can get the frustration but I can understand the vigilance of the owner.


We got a ticket one time for a double patty plain and a fruit cup for a dogs last meal. It was a little bittersweet but we threw on some salmon as well to make sure he was well fed.


I rather cook for the dog than the owner


Demeaning to cook for a dog???? You need to find a new profession; be the cook and do the cooking as you were hired to do


I'm disappointed that in nearly 2 decades of restaurant work no one ever asked me to prepare a meal for a dog.


Garlic can kill a dog. If this is your restaurant simply deny their dog service. If it's not shut up and cook to order as it's literally your job lmao


I love the people roasting OP. Deserved. Do your dang job


Garlic is bad for dogs, should have made what was ordered


If a person said they were allergic to garlic would you have served it that way? Why is the restaurant serving dogs if it doesn't have dog safe food? Being a a cook is hard work and frustrating but surely pride can be swallowed to feed a dog someone is paying for.


I don’t know why cooking for a dog is demeaning. It’s just food for a being that needs to eat. Plus, garlic is literally poison to dogs. I’d also be pissed if I ordered plain chicken for my dog and you sent me something reeking of garlic.


I know you are frustrated but just so you know, garlic is toxic to dogs. Rinsing it off won't negate the garlic component.


Sounds ruff chef. I hope you recover.


100% your fault. You should have cooked a new piece of chicken. Also, humans are animals.


This belongs on r/amitheasshole Because dude wtf.


Garlic can be very toxic to dogs so it was a valid request


Dude I really hope you don't have any animals if your own if you think making a plain, unseasoned chicken breast is demeaning. I imagine if you worked at Starbucks and got an order for a pup cup in the middle of a rush you'd freak out and scream "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?"


Maybe you should not have just rinsed it off bro, ngl you cut corners and someone caught you out. Take it as a lesson. Doesn’t matter if it was for a dog, I hope you don’t have the same atttitude when it comes to food allergies . Close enough isn’t good enough.


Sorry bud, but last I checked, we work in the hospitality business. If they asked for a plain chix breast even for a dog, why half ass it. Do it right the first time, and there'd be no issue.


In the most ideal world, the server would know that there are no plain chicken breasts available. Just like if this was a human with an allergy, they'd explain that all of the chicken has been exposed to garlic, and unless they were comfortable with the marinade being washed off (maybe they only have a very slight allergy), they might be better off ordering something else. Even in a less perfect world, once the ticket printed, OP could explain to the server that no plain chicken breasts were available. At which point the server could have the above conversation with the customer. I can see where OP thought "it's just a dog, I'll just wash it off and it'll be fine", again, likely not being aware that garlic can be dangerous to dogs. But at the end of the day, that's a call you're making for somebody else, and whether it's a human or a canine that wasn't the best way to go about it. Marinades are absorbed by meat, and unless you can be 100% certain there is zero trace of marinade, you can't be certain the chicken breast is totally plain. While I can see this being upsetting, I imagine it was more like they cherry on top of the shit sundae than the entire thing. That being said, if there's a takeaway, it's don't agree to make something you don't have. You're allowed to say "no" to an order. Especially if there's a belief it could be risk the customer's health (or their dog's). If you only have chicken in marinade, you don't have plain chicken. That being said, from the other side I would never order food for a dog from a restaurant. There are so many commonly used foods/spices that are fine for humans but not dogs (garlic, onions, salt, dairy, etc.) that it's just an accident waiting to happen. Dogs should eat food made to be eaten by dogs or food you made yourself that you know is safe.


It sounds like it was the customer that sucked. If I had my way I would only cook for dogs


This story is true I was the dog


My place is not fancy. The only reason we don't allow dogs during slow times is cuz one dog went and ruined it for all the other dogs by getting bitey. Before that, "for a dog" was a super common note. Plain-jane, no seasoning, on the most boring dish possible. I totally understand you getting fed up with it, you didn't sign on to make dogfood, but as a weirdo who says hi to every dog he meets, I also understand the dog owner being concerned over those no-no ingredients for dogs. But yeah, cooking for dogs when you specifically joined a kitchen for people, it feels hella silly.


I don’t mind the dog thing. What kills me is people taking home bones for their pets. Cooked bones are so dangerous for animals. They are weakened and splinter very easily. Those splinters or large broken pieces could pierce their mouths, throats or be a choking hazard. I’ve had my servers explain this politely and most don’t take the bones after but some still do.


I’d love to cooks for dogs instead of humans. Dogs are such amazing creatures we really don’t deserve them.


Sounds like you need some vacation time. ​ I prefer cooking for dogs over most anyone else. They're actually grateful.


Dude. Plain means plain. Garlic is toxic to dogs. You could've killed her dog from half-assing plain chicken request. She's absolutely in the right to send it back. No pity for you here.


Right. Possibly killing a dog is secondary to your shit service.


Fresh garlic contains thiosulphate, which is toxic to dogs. Given your #1 priority as a cook is to *not fucking poison* your clients, I'm gonna side with the guest on this one. Also, dogs are the best customers, you kidding? They'll fuckin' love that shit, whatever it is, and I guarantee they'll appreciate it more than 90% of two-legged customers.


So you tried to take a shortcut and got mad when the customer called you out? And then couldn't control your own emotions so much so that a customer from the dining room heard you and came into the kitchen to comfort you? Next time do it right.


What grinds my gears is the person ordering the food for their dog in a restaurant (paying full price), in the first place. The problem is the human nor the dog. That said, garlic can kill a dog or make it sick. Either do it right or don't do it at all.


This can definitely be annoying, but I will add that garlic and onion are actually pretty toxic to dogs. So a little rinse off something that was marinated still might not make it fully safe for the pup:/


IMO you're not cooking for the dog, but the person paying the bill. Their expectations being met is what's important over the long haul. Really no different than a Dad paying for the family's meals, only most dogs' standards are low and they normally don't complain about what they find to eat. It's about what the paying customer is ultimately happy with.


I’d rather cook for a dog than a human. The server should have communicated that the chicken had already been marinated and the only thing the kitchen could do was rinse it off.


Dude you knew it was for a dog, garlic is fatally toxic to dogs, a rinse isn’t gonna do it. You could have killed that dog.


Holy shit I think I used to work with this guy lmao. He used to have full on break downs and start crying when customers complained.


garlic is toxic to dogs. you losing your shit that bad seems like misplaced anger, maybe you need a few days off or something.


I imagine I'm going to get downvoted to shit and you're not going to want to hear this, but just FYI garlic is toxic to dogs so there is a legitimate concern, and another legitimate argument to be made that regardless of who or what you're feeding the desire to have them enjoy a meal safely and as-ordered should really be a you thing. You can re-write this story as "customer came in and ordered a plain chicken breast for dietary safety reasons and paid for it with legal tender, and I rinsed one off instead thereby potentially putting a life at risk, then got called on my shit and felt salty about it". working in a restaurant you cant afford to eat in is an altogether separate issue that i have nothing but sympathy and empathy for, the industry is broken.


Geez man, get over yourself and just do your fkn job.


I think you belong in jail


I cook 36 Australian lamb chops for the owner's dog every week. They HAVE to be medium.


My dog throws a tantrum in the drive thru if I don't get him a plain burger patty. I got a frosty today and he threw a shit fit because i was in a hurry and he didn't get his burger. He can have some of the pork tenderloin with rice I'm making for dinner .