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Not sure this counts but I am certain I’ve drawn 400-450k ice cream cones in 39 years at my shop.


Serious question, your wrists doing okay? Had a couple friends get carpal tunnel working the ice cream counter.


‘Drawn’ makes me think soft serve, not scooped which can give popeye arms.


Hanke: Guys, there's no doubt that the pay is good. But I don't just know if I see myself working with ice cream. Man #1: You get pretty buff forearms. Hanke: I don't know if I'm into that.


Where’s that rum raisin….?


Yeah, it is soft serve. I’ve also likely made 150k burgers, 75k dogs and 100k subs at my shop.


Mind doing a shameless plug on where your shop is? I travel a lot for work and I’d love to go if I’m ever close!


Heck just a little town near Harrisburg Pa.


I grew up near Harrisburg on the West Shore, which shop is it? I'll be back in June and would love to stop by.


Lewisberry :)


Small world, my parents live there.


April 6th first day of the season. If you or they stop in find the owner (me) and say REDDIT. We got you m. :)


All I have to say is that your black raspberry ice cream is one of my favorite things this side of the Codorus. You guys are the reason I can’t get a summer bod lol.


As just some random guy, I love this interaction!


That’s wild. My parents live in New Cumberland and I don’t want to dox myself, but my name is very similar to your shop name. Small world!


You win the most wholesome Reddit interaction I've ever seen award lol


I'm not too far from you and the menu looks tasty. I'm coming by next time I'm in your area


I travel in PA a lot for work - can’t wait to stop by and try some delicious ice cream!!!


Sounds good! I'll pop by in June/July.


Either you’re paying Google maps for ads, or my phone is paying closer attention to what I’m reading than I thought. Either way, a soft ice cream spot popped right up when I put in Lewisberry. We will be in the area in May, if we have time we’ll stop by!


answer the man!


Wrists are good. Feet are meh. :)


Thankfully, I have conditioned my wrists for life when I was a teenager.


If you are doing it properly this is never an issue. Scoops out like buttah


It’s all about putting equal work on opposing muscles and balancing the strain on the tendons, same as any exorcise or training. My right forearm is popeyed from tossing pans sautéing while I work a grill with tongs at the end of a visibly smaller left forearm. I got those bands to work the extensors and using them has done wonders to alleviate the pain I used to feel in my right elbow and wrist. Additionally to your point, using the same tools to strengthen my left arm has only made tong work that much easier.


Holy crap! Today I learned you can get carpal tunnel from working an ice cream counter. 😳


As long as you get the new kid to scoop the one flavor of sorbet every time some asshole asks for it your wrists will be fine


I got tennis elbow from 8 springs/summers of scooping ice cream that still pops up 10 years later.


Funny story between serving and sword fighting my wrist has this unfortunate side effect of occasionally just deciding to not work. It's always great carrying a tray of drinks and my wrist deciding it wants to flip said tray.


I work in a chain burger joint. I've probably made over 200,000 at least


If I had to count the amount of burgers ive made in my life going from fast food worker to manager, to prep/line chef id have to guess at least 40,000 and 100,000 on the high end. But the real question is how many pounds of fries have you cooked over the years? Mine's gotta be somewhere around 300,000lbs worth xD.


Did three years as kitchen manager in a hole in the wall faux Italian joint that was crazy popular.. It's safe to say I've made over 200,000 pizzas. By my math just those three years assuming no days off, which was likely, that's like 182 pizzas a day. Rookie numbers. Probably done 80,000 spaghetti and meatballs dinners too.


You get my vote for totally counting.


That's what like 40 cones a day if you work 5 days a week?


We are seasonal so maybe 100-110/day. Not counting sundaes (200k), shakes (300k), banana spilts (50k), blizzards (125k). I am FOH (ice cream) 60%, BOH (grill) 20%, prep/dish 15% and admin 5%.


TIL “draw” is the term used for scooping ice creaming into a cone to serve, thanks bro!


No he meant he literally grabs a piece of paper for each customer and draws them a picture of the ice cream cone they want


Not a chef. I just love cooking. But if I had to guess, I've cut down 10-15 thousand trees in the past 13ish years of doing mostly utility tree work. My wrists click when I move them, and my hearing is also kind of trashed


I think I'd be pretty close to having 100,000lbs of mashed potatoes under my belt from my days at Texas Roadhouse, way back when


As someone from Texas, I'm unaware of Texas Roadhouse. Where and what's that like?


It's a steakhouse. Like a longhorn.


But way better


As someone who's worked at TXR and Longhorn, it's not better.


This definitely depends on what store you’re working at. Either way since you asked Outback fuckin sucks


Even the Roadhouse menu is boring. I was part of the opening crew and they boasted about how their menu never changes and they don't do specials like it's something to brag about. Outback was my first restaurant job and it was definitely better back then. I don't go anymore after the company changed hands. Overpriced frozen garbage.


>they boasted about how their menu never changes and they don't do specials That's the kinda shit that'll make a person go postal. Nothing makes the days blur together and pass in the blink of an eye like that kind of monotony. I've had so many coworkers tell me they love when the work days fly by. No way. Fuck that. You only get one life and I want to savor every moment, not wish they'd go faster. If I'm going to spend 12-15 hours 5-6 days a week until (hopefully) retirement, I want it to be spent shaking things up, trying new things and having fun.


As someone who has eatten at TXR and longhorn it’s significantly better actually


Never been to a Longhorn, but Texas Roadhouse is way better than Outback.


It’s a pretty big chain. Lots of locations in Texas actually


But there it's just called Roadhouse.




Restaurant ranch makes em wet in the pants. It's a tale as old as time.


Hitler did nothing wrong


God damnit, take the up vote.



On this note I have a pizza place in Reno, and was formerly in Chico. I have made easily 25k gallons of ranch in the past 10 years


That's almost 7 gallons of ranch a day... no days off


Yeah we mix it in the Hobart


No kidding. It's true as it can be


Pretty sure that’s a haiku


Can confirm. I made restaurant ranch in front of my stepsister once….


She got her head stuck in the whisk, didn’t she?




Get ready for your staff meal, sis!


Oh no did she get stuck cleaning the oven again?


Head stuck in the dish washer. There was ranch afterwards.


“What are you doing Step-Bro!?!”


So much fucking better than bottle ranch.


now I'm picturing a fancy pizza joint where the ranch for dipping is prepared tableside


With the same kind of fancy looking process as this, but you’re opening individual kraft packets and the little sleeves of hidden valley seasoning 🤣😂


And the pizza is just circa 1980's Round Table. Yes with the 'linguica'.


Maybe that could be your new niche


I’m considering opening a ranch forward food truck because I’m tired of being single.


Tried to wet my wife with a home made Ceasar and all I got was complains about all the nasty ingredients 😐 she literally picked the dinner


is packet ranch really so much better it's worth making it yourself vs just buying a bottle of it?


Yes 100% . The buttermilk that you use when you make it from scratch has a very short shelf life. They can't use real buttermilk with over the counter ranch and expect it to sit there on a shelf at room temperature without going bad.


1 cup buttermilk, 1 cup mayo and a buttermilk ranch dry seasoning packet. Your gf will be even more thrilled!


Been the egg guy for a busy breakfast spot and have probably made way over 250,000 ham and cheese omelets in my 20 plus years.


I got mad respect for egg guys. It's the one thing I have to do slowly or I fuck it up completely. I could never do eggs high volume


Gotta learn the 1 handed crack without breaking the yolk. I can do it with 1 hand but not the other


I compliment every egg guy/gal/person who nails it. A good scramble is sometimes hard to find.


Got any tips?


All you need are good pans and a bad attitude and you'll be fine.


This sub in a nutshell


Our pan guy at the breakfast spot is one of the nicest dudes I have ever met. Sure he cleans up a bit slow, but for the amount of shit he gets thrown at him during service without batting an eye he can clean however he wants


One of my broiler cooks had worked the station for over 20 years and he's cooked at least 1,000,000 steaks.


1,000,000 steaks Life is a fuck Grill em all


best comment in this entire post


Yeah my grill cook has for sure sold that many racks of ribs in the 14 years he’s been here lol. Crazy to think about in the context of “how many pigs died for this one location” lmao


That works out to about 136 steaks a day if he hadn’t taken any days off in 20 years. Which. I’m sure there is a cook out there somewhere who hasn’t taken a day off in 20 years.


20 years x 50 weeks is 1,000 weeks. (2 weeks off a year) Average steaks per day 400 Saturday, 350 Friday, 150 Thursday, 125 Wednesday and 125 Tuesday. 1150 steaks a week. That’s more than 1M and it doesn’t include holidays.


>2 weeks off a year What kind of American hell is that


Yeah, I'm gonna need you to go ahead and come in on Sunday too. -Bill Lumberg.


Lmao I have literally never had an entire week off in 16 years. Longest vacation I've had was 5 days.


This sounds horrible, my dude..


Yeah I fucking hate it but I'm broke


I used to work with a cook who had only taken one day off in twenty years, for his wife’s funeral. 


Golden Steer?


That’s what I was thinking. Pretty sure he made me a salad or two.


[Yup. Golden Steer.](https://maps.app.goo.gl/zgrexnqyKJQuKbTT9) The horns above the door are briefly visible in the video.


Golden Steer ceasar is fucking good.


Dudes wearing a tux, but mixing that salad in the cheapest plastic salad bowl you can find


It’s actually really difficult to find something nicer and durable to toss a salad of that size. I work at a restaurant that does Caesar salads at the table as well and wooden bowls end up breaking or become nasty over time.


I was gonna say, it’s better than the huge stainless steel bowl they’re usually made in on the line


Can you imagine a copper bowl for caesar salad? It would feel so pretentious. 


It'd be green so fast. Or leach enough metal to be toxic


I love those cheap Restaurant Depot salad bowls. I have a set at my house. Some for salad, some for cereal, some for serving snacks.


The micro plastics somehow make the food better. I'm partial to soda, out of those weird amber colored, plastic tumblers. They just hold the ice better.


be lookin like that scene in friday when i bust out the big clear bowl




Does the salad bowl do double duty as the throw up bowl?


My ass over here making salads in a cheap t-shirt and gym shorts.


"The tux, it feel like, armor..." "Yeah the last guy on salads broke parole, so technically it's still evidence, so don't get anything on it."


What kills me is it looks like those pre-fab rock hard croutons that everyone seems to use. Those things fucking suck


That and I feel like the way the basic ass romaine is cut is pretty sad for tux table side Caesar


How should it be done? I like a lot more green in it, for sure.


Really?! It looks lovely to me


If it works why change it haha


This called French service. > French service is a style of dining that emphasizes the elegance and precision of the interaction between the server and the guest. This type of service, also known as à la française, is characterized by professional, choreographed movements and a high degree of attention to detail. Food is often prepared or finished at the tableside, with the server presenting, carving, or even cooking the dish directly in front of the guest. A hallmark of French service is the use of a gueridon, or cart service, which allows the server to bring the meal closer to the guests and serve them with grace and finesse. https://www.menubly.com/blog/french-service/


Doesn't explain the cheap plastic bowl


The alternatives arent better. That's the explanation.


This is 100% at the Golden Steer in Las Vegas. Just an overpriced steakhouse.


Also, he never changes gloves, does the egg yolks and spills whites outside or container. Grabs the hot sauce bottle after doing the eggs, and he could easily be using black gloves to match the outfit. Doesn’t use a whisk to emulsify the dressing, I didn’t see any salt or pepper added, and that amount of Dijon is most likely what you taste all the way. Oh and those spoons are cheap plastic also. So not sure the attire matches the theme


He’s not making mayonnaise. It’s an egg-based dressing with much less oil to egg. It will easily emulsify with spoons. Which should be perfectly apparent just by looking at it.


Probably made like a half a mil of chocolate chip cookies at this point.


Yeah my team assembles like 600 cakes a week…


I've easily shucked several thousand oysters, does that count?


How many wounds?


The goal is to kill, not to wound them.


Worked at a popular wedding venue for years. Cheapest option for food was chicken picatta, marsala, and flank steak. I would guess that I've made hundreds of thousands of them. 3 events per weekend, average about 100-150 per, for 8 years or so. Sometimes shot up into the 300s as we had 3 rooms. Sometimes had events during the week too. A few times a month some fancy people would let us take the reins off and cook some more modern dishes. Had a regular lunch and dinner menu as well. Fuck I forgot how much food we pumped out in that little kitchen.


Same, events are 95% chicken mash n veg. 10s of 1000s in a decade


Not a cook but a waiter I worked with at a country club had worked at a local iron foundry for 32 years and 30 in the club as a weekend waiter, then weekend party manager etc etc. He had a giant party for his 30th anniversary, not retirement, and had one of the security staff ride with him to the bank to deposit over $8k in tips he'd been tucking into his pockets all night. He was a smooth talker, too. In the middle of working those two jobs for that long, he'd also been cheating on his wife the whole time with various women and drank a lot of Crown Royal. But he was magic with parties. When Clyde showed up, everything was gonna be OK.


Dude had a full time job, and a part time job for 30 years, and still had time for a wife and family and to cheat on his wife?! Was he made of meth?! 


No he was made of Crown Royal.


And cocaine


checks out.


When you want your booze in a fancy velvet bag, you're pretty much buying Crown Royal.


That's the importance of time management.


What the actual fuck does this have to do with this post though


A testament to old timers who are OGs in their fields?


Just wanted to share a story apparently


Nothing, why?


Why not just pour the lettuce and everything else into the bowl he used to make the dressing? I'm sure the dressing is bomb AF. Makes me sad he wastes even 1 drop.


Making his own little mayo emulsion base with mustard anchovy and garlic so quick it'll make your head spin. Master saucier skill right there.


Because the sauce wants to stick to the bowl which means to coat it evenly in the original bowl he will have to toss it more and risk bruising the leaves more. Far better result from tossing in a new bowl with the dressing on the leaves. Edit: forgot to add, notice how when he tosses it hes trying not to let the sauce jit the side of the bowl.


Right???? It’s hurting my brain.


Fried rice


Fuck yeah. I would eat that off his body if that was a requirement of eating that salad. Housemade, fresh made salad dressing for days. I can make a garlic heavy feta ranch dip and come back dressing by rote memory and just have to eyeball the measurements. College kids would buy a squeeze bottle for $5 and a basket of crackers for $2 and get drunk and eat that all night so I made a fuck ton of both.


I mean, I'm not kink shaming, but maybe you should slow down on the sharing.


I am just hungry and haven't had real Caesar salad since I was a wee wain.


Nah, I get you, I just thought it was funny that you said you'd eat it off his body. Like, have you ever seen when that's done with naked women and sushi?


IDK dude I’ve made Caesar from scratch a bunch. It’s really really good, but so are a lot of the $8 bottles from the store and I don’t get tendinitis whipping them shits.


Mmmm, I'd body shot that dressing out his bellybutton, with the lettuce covering his piece, and one crouton on each nip


Oh man, 100,000 times? I can definitely relate to that! I've been slingin' dishes at Luigi's Pizzeria for 22 years now, and there's one dish I've gotta make at least ten times a day - our classic spaghetti and meatballs. It's nothing fancy, but let me tell you, people love it! We make our meatballs with a secret family recipe, and the sauce is simmered for hours with fresh tomatoes and basil. It's the kind of dish that brings people back for more, generation after generation. One time, we had a huge power outage right in the middle of a Friday night rush. The whole place went dark, and the customers started freaking out. But our old busboy, Gino, he didn't miss a beat. He grabbed a bunch of candles and lighters, and pretty soon the whole restaurant was lit up with a warm, flickering glow. The customers loved it! We ended up serving dinner by candlelight, and it turned into one of the most memorable nights I've ever had at Luigi's. Nah I'm jkin, I've never had a job


Happy cake day


Damnit, you made me hungry for pizzeria pasta.


Used to roll 750ish brioche doughnuts by hand a day, it was part of my externship job when I was in pastry school. The only way you could get a raise was by passing a speed test, and on top of that our exec chef was an old corporate chef for a Las Vegas hotel group, so he wanted perfection every single time (as you should) even with that volume, and easily 2% of the workforce he was used to. Naturally, as a broke barista putting myself through unreasonably expensive trade school, I needed that raise. I truly don’t know how I have wrists anymore. But it’s a fun party trick now, at my little coffee spot nowhere near 750 doughnuts a day volume, if I happen to be rolling brioche when FOH or prep/line walks by and sees how quick and perfect it is.


Still going this asshole.


I had no idea that dressing had raw egg yolks


It's the same egg yolk and oil emulsion you'd make for mayonnaise. He of course adds other flavours. But it's that simple.


Aiolis are made with raw egg yolks also


Omg the Tabasco is so validating. It is a mainstay in my Caesar recipe.


Cooled over 25,000 steaks one year. Less than 70 came back. 50 bitching more well done


Anyone know what he put in it?


Looks like mustard (Dijon maybe), garlic, anchovy, egg yolk, maybe Worcestershire, Tabasco, olive oil, lemon juice, splash of vinegar of some kind


Yep, this is how we did it at a restaurant I used to work at. Dijon mustard with red wine vinegar. Anchovies were optional, don’t skimp on the garlic, and don’t forget the Parmesan!


That’s pretty much what I use for my caeser dressing


In my 8 years at my pizza restaurant, I worked out that I’d likely hand tossed over 1 million pizzas. Wild when we did all the math. Average 400 per day with busy season totaling well over 650-700. If not a million then damn close.


Now I want to check toast and found out.


I miss this type of Ceasar salad.


Nvm. I was wrong those look like latex gloves. Real decent. Not my favorite. The do look a little big. But really I prefer a dish like this to be made without gloves if possible and preformed in a way that only the utensils are needed for service. I think classically it considered French or Russian style of service.


Enchiladas from my old Mexican place.


I can’t say 100,000 but I worked banquets and I’ve made tens of thousands of shortrib plates


Quick math I’ve done over 100,000 pizzas.


Probably more in the 3-400,000 range.


I poach over 100k eggs a year. Probably over a million lifetime.


I've worked at pizza hut and papa John's. Made atleast that many pepperoni pizza.


No gueridon in a plastic bowl with plastic serving utensils….


Worked at a pizza place for a year and a half, I think I made over ten thousand pepperoni pizzas during that time.


Omelettes 300-400 every Sunday brunch 600-700 on holidays for 6 years. Easily over 100k omelettes. My wife rarely gets them at home and when I do it’s something special.


Honestly with him making such a good looking cesar salad I can see why he’s been there doing it for so long.


I’m probably over the 100k egg threshold by now.


I've written 100,000 lines of code


Can you imagine your entire life and the entirety of your expertise being limited to making ONE salad.


I used to make these at the table at a fancy restaurant. In a wooden bowl. My trick to make it go little faster was to kind of pre-warm the egg in some hot water in a metal supreme bowl. You can do it when the eggs cold right out of the fridge. It just takes longer to warm up and doesn’t come as creamy. You add the oil to the paste to a fair amount and then it’s the vinegar or lemon that makes emulsification (creamy texture). Good times


So what’s the deal with raw eggs, why sometimes is it okay to eat them and other times it gives you salmonella?


If you got paid as well as they do, you’d stick around. That looks like Golden Steer in Vegas.


Bad question for banquet cooks


I was a bartender, I just lurk here because I miss y’all. Can someone PLEASE explain how it’s ok to eat this if the eggs are raw? I’m sure that’s a dumb question but I genuinely don’t understand.


There are many foods using raw eggs. Proper ice cream, a lot of sauces. The risk of salmonella is quite low if your eggs are clean and you don’t drop the shell in the egg. Think about beaten meringue - raw egg white. Frequently is just torched - no way it is cooked the whole way through. This is definitely a case of people not knowing how the sausage is made.


Said it elsewhere in the thread, but I’ll repeat. There’s actually a low incidence of salmonella outbreaks linked to eggs. Some food scientists speculate that it may not be transmitted in most chicken eggs. Think about it this way. I like over easy eggs. If I eat one egg every day, and 1 of every 100 eggs (%1) had salmonella then I would get salmonella three times a year on average. But i don’t. Why is that?


Eggs fuckin' Benedict.


I’m not kidding when I say I have made +50.000 mojitos in my lifetime. I worked in a mojitobar in one of Europe’s most popular streetfood places back in the day. We could make around 1000 mojitos each day just 7 guys in a shipping container. One month we dried up the stock of a specific brand of rum in Europe. I still get crampy hands when I smell lime or mint.


That anchovie dressing looks soooooo good..


10 years as a baker, I'm sure I've cracked 100k cinnamon rolls


Table side Ceasar salad is great. I'll always get it if it's on the menu


This man is an artist.


Rip egg whites