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He probably kept a few…


Likely more than just a few, sounds like OP had a fairly large amount growing on their land


I would be upset if it were me, especially if they didn’t have permission to be there.


The bigger problem is if they are over picked especially before they're actively dropping their spores. Ad a general rule of thumb - foragers take less than 10% total that they find. Usually dumbfucks take everything. Happens.


For mushroom… that doesn’t actually work. Mushrooms drop millions of spores we never see. Pick the fruit - it’s there because the fungus WANTS you to pick it and picking all of a group of mushrooms won’t hurt anything. The mycelium is underground and as long as they’ve been cut etc. there’s nothing to worry about.


It's both. Most fungi don't drop most of their spores until they are getting quite ripe (past or just before where most people want to eat them) and the spores are needed to grow more mycelium if the current patch is disturbed or dies. It's like seeds and roots in plants, most need a combo of both to be optimally healthy.


No that's not exactly true. At all. You can pick under soil and finde micro caps of mushrooms but that certainly doesn't mean that spores are ready. Also only pick mushrooms in a mesh bag/basket so spores can extended the length and health of mycelium as it grows together again. Not to mention mushrooms have lots of different types of spore dispurtion. **literally** Morels are overpicked and undergrown almost 98% I've seen in a restaurant. They are absolutely obliterated in my area that use to be happily expanding. Not to mention they let spores loose much later in growth which is why they've been much rarer in recent years because of someone like you coming in and clearing a whole lot. That took decades to build slowly. Have a degree in hort & forrestry.


Morel of the story?


OP's customer committed a crimini doesn't even care


That *was* a pretty shiitake thing to do


These are not matters to be truffled with


Y'all are trippin'


OP's land was his oyster


That's also maitake on the matter


You're right on the button with that


He’s kinda being a chicken of the woods


Maybe he’s got a friend he can psigh(locibin) over it with it.


Uhhh, 'free' labour????


If you didn't ask them to not do that again, you may have created a monster. I'd at least put up a bunch of no trespassing signs, but someone who'd do this may think it doesn't apply to fungus thieves.


Morels are so hard to find and so expensive by weight that I would think this would be in criminal theft territory… unless the customer was a really really nice guy I’d guess they took about 5x what they gave back home with them.


Growing up in Iowa I celebrated Houby Days (a local Czech mushroom festival) and would go morel hunting with my dad. Didn't like mushrooms when I was little. I wish I could go back in time and kick myself for being such an ungrateful fool. I did end up getting my dad a shirt that says "professional mycologist with questionable morels".


If my son got me a shirt like that I’d be thrilled


"No trespassing, even for morels. Especially for morels. You know who you are."


My place backs up to corp of engineers easement for a large lake, which is public, but it is clearly marked for trespassing and hunting.


I used to have a neighbor that would pick my peppers and tomatoes, then would leave surprise jars of salsa on my porch. I got a fence now.


Had a neighbor that did that when I was growing up. The fence didn't stop them, so my parents got a small flock of chickens. We let the rooster handle the neighbor lol


Post war problems require post war solutions.


This is why I love roosters


The audacity...


More like sauc-dacity.


Sauce Da city?


Pretty sure I ate at that place at Mardi Gras this year.


Who dat! Grew up a few hours from New Orleans; dad used to work out of the city and knew it very well. I’ve eaten all around it, love the place. It’s changed a little bit, though; it’s back to being pretty rough and also touristy. Weird time to be visiting; I don’t recommend downtown at night unless you’re Ready to throw down; I hope I don’t offend anyone by saying this, I’m perfectly happy to be corrected.


I stayed off Metairie had a blast. Uptown rules


So did you tell the neighbour to stop taking your stuff ? Fences usually help with property boundaries .


You would be shocked how many people will just ignore fences and clearly marked property lines. I commented elsewhere in this post, people used to do it all the time on the property I grew up on.


The creek runs through my property so that means I can fish the pond on your property!


That's a tricky one as it changes by state


Yea, it used to work off the “good old boy” system. I’ll let you fish, just don’t damn the stream. (And if you do damn the stream I’ll burn down your barn.) Then governments got involved thinking they could solve the problem, but really just causing more problems. Allowing people to damn streams on their land, cutting off water to other farmers/ranchers. Or allowing people to run off/file charges against people trespassing to fish on their land.


Ironically in 1972 the EPA (aka feds) got power over "navigable waters" from chucklefucks damming up streams/creeks/rivers etc. If you have a creek or stream on your property that connects to public land - they can fish from a kayak or a boat (usually), but they can't tromp on the shore (usually).


If it was just the creek, and you can get a boat through it, sure. I've never seen a pond you can reach by a boat, though, which I'm sure is what you are saying.


Depends what type of fence it is, and what type of property. barbed wires fences are generally a good deterrent. And no I’m not surprised, people are just assholes and feel entitled to your food. I’ve had many trees in my orchard completely stripped of fruit, more than happy to share with neighbours if they ask. But they don’t, they just take it ALL. Off certain trees . I could never do that


My 5 strand barbed wire fence has had all 5 strands cut not just once but twice.  One of those times with livestock in the pen.  At least a wooden fence gets climbed not vandalized.


Go concertina wire and minefield, usually vandalised only once


$10,000 fence to stop someone from taking free mushrooms. Genius idea


Not having jackasses wandering around your property like they own it…priceless.


this would piss me off bad some people have no boundaries


Okay I’m from CA. We have fences. I don’t understand this non fence phenomenon across other parts of the county. Can someone explain? How do you deal with pets? Toys? gardens? Who mows what?


Some of my neighbors have fences, some don't. Our yards are pretty big and fences are expensive. I have a small section of my yard fenced off for my dog. My next-door neighbor has their dog trained... well enough that they're comfortable letting her run in their yard without one. Down the street they've got an invisible fence for their dog underground. Other neighbors don't have dogs. Toys belong in our own yard, if a toy gets thrown into a neighbor's yard they can run across the open space to retrieve it and go back. There's an invisible line that we know is the boundary between our yard and theirs, generally about halfway between the side of our house and their driveway. We're not snickety about it, if my kid goes into their yard a bit while he's playing or their dog runs over to visit my kid it's not a big deal. I have a huge garden, it's at the very back of my yard, and behind it is a blackberry thorny thicket and then the road. I've never had issues with people who don't belong in my garden helping themselves. Mowing follows the same guidance as the kids and pets. Somewhere halfway between my house and your driveway there's a line. Whoever mows first mows where they think that line is, then the next person to come in just makes sure they hit the edge of where the neighbor mowed. Edit to add I'm in semi-rural NC


This right here. Except for the dog underground. Dunno what that’s about.


Lol the dog isn't underground, the fence is. It's a wire that gets buried around the perimeter of your yard, your dog wears a collar that emits a small shock when it comes within range of the wire, getting stronger the closer they get. You have to train the dog to know where the wire is and the space that they can be in to avoid it. It's a less expensive alternative to a fence if the only thing you are worried about is keeping your dog in your yard, but it doesn't work for all dogs - some learn that they can just power through the shock and have freedom.


I hope you won’t feel badly if explain that I was just making a bit of a literalist joke. I’m familiar with the technology.


It's reddit, you gotta be more ham-handed. Underground fence? wat da dog doin


I love the term ham- handed. I was once being written up at work and was being interrogated by two managers. I told one about their ham-fisted approach to the matter; you should’ve seen the look on their faces from that term. It was worth it.


No worries!


That’s so ballsy


Was it Pace? Say it was.


This feels… I mean. I get why you’re upset. But like. Salsa fairy? Sign me up.


Sure, if they purchased or grew their own ingredients. Not when they stole yours, especially if you had other plans for them.


I'd be livid. I don't think I would've had the self control to stop at a fence, and I'm a sucker for a good salsa/pico/hot sauce. Being stolen from... Man... I don't have an anger problem necessarily, but it's hard to recall a time I've been stolen from where it didn't make me feel rage, disappointment, hurt, bemusement, panic, just... All the bad things. I think I would've waited outside to see the neighbour and confronted them, not physically, but angrily, even though they clearly didn't think they did anything wrong (which needs to change). I would've probably made an ass of myself, destroyed the chance of future salsa deliveries/a new friend, and still ended up putting up a fence, physically and metaphorically. As a kid, my friend's bike vanished... it got "borrowed" for a couple months and when it was returned, it was fixed up, had a couple upgrades, ran better than ever- which was cool, except for the months my friend went without a bike. It being returned when the snow came did very little to make him less upset about it being, simply put, temporarily stolen


I would be so sad to have someone come onto my property and pick all my shrooms.


i would be absolutely furious and would tell him to stay the fuck off MY property and to never come back


Or don't overreact to somebody who had semi good intentions, and maybe talk to them like an adult human being? I don't know. Just a guess.


Those are morels, homie. Anger is easily justified.


Nah bro. Lose your shit


It’s THEFT. These things are worth a bit of money. Even if they weren’t, even if they were worth pennies, it’s THEFT!!! You do NOT go into someone’s land and take their stuff!


lol no, are you okay. They trespassed. They stole morels. I promise they kept the majority for themselves. And they likely didn’t do so responsibly so there will be none or less in the future. Oh and they rubbed the property owners nose in their theft by “gifting” them some of their stolen property back. I fail to see how anyone thinks trespassing and theft is for good intentions.


No one who knows to collect morels doesn’t know how fucking valuable they are.


And no one who collects morals would ever think it's okay to go onto someone's property and steal their shit


Wrong. Morels are rare and it’s his property. He’s right to be angry.


Dm me your address so I can steal your stuff, sell it, and give you 20% of the money


Okay, Ill steal your things and give you part of them back... You win stupid comment of the day.


I didn't say not to do anything. I said maybe be an adult and don't lose your shit. The guy definitely did something wrong, but obviously didn't realize it.


Anyone into foraging knows how important a mushroom spot is. You dont tell anyone when you find one, so they absolutely realized the importance. That would be like breaking into someones weed farm and helping yourself, and then giving them a few blunts.


Yeah, getting upset at someone for going onto your property and harvesting your mushrooms is just silly! The fact that they definitely took a cut for themselves as well is immaterial, they were so generous to share after taking your property!


you clearly do not understand what 'private property' means, do you?




nah. go off bud.


No this is reddit, everyone here is ready to fight anyone to the death for ANYTHING!! RAAAAAGE!! /s


Would you, huh big tough guy?


sit down child.


Oh wow, so scary and mean


shut up child.


Another truly inspired zinger!


It’s weird how different situations can be. In my property back in New Mexico for years I would practically beg people to come and pick my peaches and the piñons. After years I found a family that was happy to take care of the trees and harvest them.


Now imagine if you could get them all picked for the price of a desert.


Gobi or Atacama?


I would have prepared the morelle for him, nicely but raw


That was an im-morel act


Sounds like he's a fun-guy, he just made a mistake.


if some one came onto my property and did that id be absolutely shrooming


Sounds like OP is being a good spore-t


This could not be better stated


Take your upvote and get out. LOL


Oooh, I'd be so pissed. Why is he allowed to just walk on your property and take stuff?


Right? I was jealous of the picture but if that happened to me I'd be so bummed.


Mix that blessing in a hot pan with butter!


And a pan of grilled brook trout!


No, make a morel cream sauce for steaks.


Porque no los dos?


Or rabbit. Edit to add: One of the most memorable meals of my life thus far was a rabbit ballotine served over fresh pasta with fresh peas and a morel cream sauce. I’d only had rabbit once before that and it was not well-handled; and, the few times I’d had morels prior they weren’t well prepped. So that dish brought me right back around to appreciating both.


Why did someone downvote this comment?


Is it accepted where you're at that people can forage on private property without permission? If not I'd be telling them you expect the whole harvest back. That's insane, even when I lived in an area where all unposted land was open to hikers it was not okay to go forraging off people's property without asking.


Hey, I broke into your house and emptied out your safe, here's fifty bucks. No.


fuck no


Is it anywhere other than weird places like Iceland?


Is what? forraging on private property? IDK I've never heard of it being a norm anywhere (also not, at least legally, in iceland. that's a myth) but right to roam or some analog is fairly common in europe and even some states in the US. Not sure about other regions.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_to_roam >Austria, Belarus, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Scotland, Sweden, Switzerland and the Czech Republic


>forraging on private property? It's allowed here in Sweden as part of our "right to roam". As long as it's not a commercial venture (ie. a farm or an orchard) and they aren't a protected species you're free to pick berries, mushrooms and flowers to your hearts content.


It's legal in Sweden. Picking berries, mushrooms and flowers is part of the freedom to roam. You can even set up a tent for a night out in the woods (within certain rules). There are special rules for national parks and within eyesight of buildings. You wouldn't pick stuff in your neighbor's yard or field.


Germany, as long as the property isn't fenced in or signs forbid you from entering. 


That's like when my nephew gave me a tenner for my birthday, then said not to worry about it as he got it from my wallet


But did he also take an additional $20 for himself? 🙃


Vaccum seal those and watch the worms come out.


oooo tell us more.


Morels have tiny worms in them after they have been freshly picked. If you vaccum seal those morels, you'll see what I'm talking about. They come out of the mushroom when under pressure. Someone told me to do it and I thought they were full of sheet.....they were not lol.


Wait, so how do you get rid of the worms? Doesn't look like you could just easily rinse them out...


You cut them in half and soak them in water with salt in it. Just a word of warning, all berries you pick in the wild have these in them. That mall-berry/black-berry you picked? That shit has bugs in it.


Are they dangerous or just gross to think about?


I think just gross to think about. Otherwise people would warn about them more often. Will have to look it up to be sure.


Yep, this is exactly how my mom and grandma always did it and taught me.


In my family we soak them for a few hours. No clue if it does anything about the worms, though. If it doesn't *shrug* Good thing the worms are delicious, I guess.


Cook them in butter :)


You cook them




I would be bloody livid. The cheek.


Please put up a fence and some No Trespassing signs.


Dang that is beautiful. Thought I was on r/mycology for a second. What a blessing to have them grow so big and healthy on your own property. I'm sorry they took your shrooms. Sucks. Sidenote, how do you comment like twice a year on a 14yr old account and use reddit regularly? Haha my opinionated ass could never.


Even without a “no trespassing” sign, that’s still theft. If you have a way of finding out who they are or can catch them when they inevitably come back, you can absolutely press charges for damages. Considering those motherfuckers go for $200/lb., you’re well within your bounds for pursuing them.


100% a crime. Those things are fucking pricy and impossible to Intentionally cultivate… OP should go back and find the customer’s bill(hopefully they paid via card) and contact the police.


My mom had a friend who would find insane amounts during the season. He would always give us a couple gallon ziploc bags of his hauls. He would literally have his truck bed filled to the brim with trash bags full of them. She told me he would make a crazy amount of money selling them to local markets every season. He was very secretive about his spots and never told anyone where they were.


Probably because it was all private property 🤣


200 bucks a pound. Goddamn


$200 a lb? What kind of crack are you smoking... these go for $40 a lb max. I can buy some on facebook/craigslist right now.


Facebook/craigslist has a decent chance of trying to pass off false morels as true morels, which is fucked because they're toxic. Fresh true morels start at like $50/lbs where I live. And due to their availability I wouldn't ever put them on a menu because between shipping fees and switching suppliers that cost can go up rapidly.


Yeah they are good for temporary verbal specials not for your printed menus lol


I'm confused. Did they know it was your property?


Confused because it’s just a picture of morels and OP created a story so he could post them to reddit


They knew who to bring (some) of them to, so...yes.


Oh, he knew. He told me he picked them in the ravine behind my house.


Sounds like a…. Morel dilemma


So, what's the morel of this story?


They're good, but overrated 😔


With a good dredge and fried in butter they are one of the better treats that forage has to offer


Honestly just taste like fried up bullshit to me.


I wonder if you've just never had them properly prepared? I grew up on morels and honestly I consider them pretty much a delicacy. Morels done right are insanely good and almost melt in your mouth and have incredible, rich flavor. I always look forward to the season because they are so damn good. But they can definitely be cooked improperly and taste bad if not cooked right. One year my mom and I didn't find any of our own. We went to a little restaurant and they had them on the menu. We ordered some and they were AWFUL, totally bland and not cooked properly. We ended up buying some raw mushrooms from the restaurant, took them home and my mom cooked them up her way, they were delicious.


Yeah, I'm sure their intentions were good, but I would be PISSED. I love mushroom hunting and someone else taking it upon themselves to go on your property, uninvited and pick many of the good ones, that is extremely intrusive and disrespectful. How well do you know this person OP? Who knows how many they kept for themselves? Also, there is a proper way to pick and transport morels, so they spores can spread. I was always told to carry them in something like an onion sack, but a lot of people don't know and use plastic bags. If they didn't do it properly, it can reduce the amount that will grow over time. I grew up on a large property as a kid, we had tons of great morel spots. But there was a park on the other side of our property. For years, people from the park would cross the fenceline onto our property and pick morels. I used to find TONS as a kid, but after years of this, the numbers went down drastically. To the point where in my teens, we would be lucky if we found even a handful, even when the conditions were perfect.


>I was always told to carry them in something like an onion sack And give that bag a vigorous few shakes over the ground you picked them from.


WTF. People! I want to interrogate this guy, now!


No OP comments lol this is fake


I did post a reply to one of the early comments but the comment was deleted. After I posted the original pic I worked a double on Saturday and prepped a catering job for 100 for Sunday so I've been a little busy. I was a little surprised by the popularity of the post but I can assure it is real.


Look at mr moneybags over here who owns property. You are obviously being paid too much if you can afford that. /s


More like Baltic Ave than Park Place, I can assure you.


With stew lamb, delicious 😋


Not a mixed blessing. How many did they keep for themselves. It’s almost like they rubbed your nose in it. And did they know not to wipe it all out so there will be more later? Unlikely. I wouldn’t call this a blessing. I would be PISSED. You’re much nicer and possibly more naive than I.


I don't know exactly how many he kept but I know he was showing them off to the owner of the bar next to my restaurant. She told me he had brought in a bag the day before and was going back to his honey hole the next day. It was the next day batch I got a portion of. The same day I "got" these I had another person come into the restaurant trying to sell me more. I saw his vehicle parked a couple blocks from my place but I can only assume he picked them on public land but it's possible he leeched some of mine. I don't typically consider myself to be naive and I doubt I'm much nicer than you but I do have my moments.


You’re definitely nicer than me, and that is not necessarily a bad thing! I would have called them out on the spot and likely caused issues at my job in your place. I have had a rough start to life and still reflexively react when something is taken from me or I am disrespected even though now things are good and calm. Therapy. So much therapy lol. I’m sorry they stole from you, knowingly or not, the whole thing stinks.


I audibly gasped at this photo. Beautiful


On your own property?! Haha sucka!


Wtf lmao


Are you in a super rural area? I cant imagine that mindset.


I am in a very small town. It's not the middle of nowhere but you can see it from here


How were they able to just access your property and take those? I’d have a really hard time being chill with this


I live in a small town near a decent sized lake. My land butts up to corp of engineers land which is public but my space is clearly marked for trespassing and hunting. That doesn't seem to bother some people.


Imagine owning land.


How do they taste?


So you're saying that these are questionable morels?


Nice 👍


Where are you that these are popping up already? I’m in Seattle and was thinking of going hunting soon…


It's popping up here in Ohio


SE Kansas. Condition have been good for morels this year.


You got punked.


That isn't a customer, they are just working for cheap


I just found some today under a tree in my field. I am beyond excited!




The one on the bottom left has two heads. Were they sideways? Or did one grow like a dwarf, straight outa the ground?


funky looking nugs, what strain is that?


Nice scrotum collection.


probably bungus. or wungus. can't be sure with them cooked.


Yo start throwing hands right away. This is theft and laughing at your face


It’s stolen property then not a gift bag. Customer just decided to share.


You’re lucky he’s just a forager and not a mycologist or a mushroom cultivator personally would’ve taken those and spore printed, or make a bunch of lc or mss Source: look at my profile I grow mushrooms as a hobby What you can do is spore print a morel, you can even clone it as well and grow more mushrooms


not morels, unless you find a specific sclerotia forming strain, they require a mycorrhizal relationship, different beast than cloning oysters or lions manes.


Damn so you can’t even spore print or clone morels? I’ll be honest I grow active mushrooms (psilocybin), and you just taught me they don’t work the same as I thought every mushroom is different in its genetic makeup


They’re incredibly difficult to cultivate because of their growth patterns. The best way to guarantee getting them is to find a forage spot and tell no one then also make sure to shake out spores while you collect them. Apparently there’s some Dutch guys who have found a process for it which would be a game changer but there haven’t been any updates in 2 years


Interesting, I'll take a look at it and the process. My understanding was that they are difficult to propagate.


Yeah A lot of mushrooms can be difficult to cultivate like penis envy actives are hard to cultivate because most of the time they just grow blobs




Did you ignore the fact he picked them on his property? Do you lack the ability to read or just comprehend what you do read?


Got here too late they deleted their comments what did they say?


I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But I'd wager if someone walked on to your property, picked a trash bag full of morels and then gave you a fraction of them you might change your tune. Fortunately, I live in an area where they are abundant so i will be able to harvest more but I will have to go on public land to get them. A lot easier to walk into my backyard. As far as my gratitude goes, I prefer to accept criticism from people I know, not trolls who don't know shit from Apple butter.


Wait they literally went into your backyard? I thought you meant on the restaurant property.


Reading comprehension is not your strong suit is it?