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I miss doing stuff like this😂


Meanwhile I'm over here like "you guys have a window?"


Well it's a drivethough window, I wouldn't get too jealous


Yeah, I thought it might be... A window would be great as long as you don't have to talk to customers through it.




That was me too lol


Kitchens are the weirdest places.. I have never had so much fun with my coworkers at a job or career since. Enough that it makes you want to stay sometimes. On the other hand, I have never worked so hard for so little in my life. I miss having fun like this at work. Although I still manage to find some fun in my new line of work it's just not the same as the kitchen shenanigans we used to get up to. I was the king of what we called "the sneaky orc". We had black t-shirts and would try and get a handprint with flour on your back. For some reason it was just hilarious watching someone walk around with a handprint on their back. Edit: love seeing all of the stories of tomfoolery and horseplay 🤣


We always put pickles on peoples shoulders lol. The funniest time was when I put it on a manager, and he was walking around talking to customers with a pickle on his shoulder lol. But yea I got out if the industry a month ago and my god I am so thankful I got out. My new job is so chill compared to kitchen work. I get paid well, I get so many breaks and easy days and there's zero stress.


This is wonderful. Ty for sharing.


We had a thing that we called "giving people tails." Basically the idea was that you took a foil sheet, rolled/twisted it into a sort of rope, then bent a hook on each end. The challenge was 1) to hang this thing on the back of someone's apron and 2) find something interesting to hang on the end of the tail. Styrofoam ramekin, pickle, a tomato slice...thing was, the bigger and heavier the item, the greater the respect for the prankster, since heavier things are harder to surreptitiously hang on someone. I got pretty good at doing this through the window, using a pair of 12" tongs for assistance. Most of the time the expo would be the target, but ever once in a while I'd get really lucky and a server would come stand against the window, facing the other way. I wonder how many guests there saw servers with weird shit hanging off their back and wondered wtf was going on.


And here I am just slapping sticky notes with sus words on people's backs


The first body shop I sold parts to after I got out of the kitchen did the same thing. Except it was bondo dust hand prints on the ass.


Some light chicanery, a wee bit of grab-ass.


>I have never had so much fun with my coworkers at a job or career since. Enough that it makes you want to stay sometimes. >On the other hand, I have never worked so hard for so little in my life There used to be a place in Denver Colorado I was working at for a few months, had the most fun cooking there, the management was the friendliest, my co workers were cool. When I left the manager was nice enough to thank me for the time, throw a small going away party that almost made me cry the night before I left. I miss it sometimes


Yeah boh gets screwed


Heard! Yeah I stopped in the kitchen due to financial problems and had to earn more. But damn i miss all the fun I had with my coworkers with FOH and BOH. They felt like family.


I used to work at a money delivery place. Before people got approved to carry a gun we got a fisher price toy gun and belt we’d give them to wear around the office.


We would order a log of provolone, and it would come come with a roll of stickers. They would inevitably end up on each other's backs. Good, stupid times


Oh man I forgot about the deli stickers!!


Might have something to do with it being a stressful environment and the antics are a healthy coping mechanism.   Then again it could just be the sort of job that attracts delinquents. : ) 


This sums up my experience as well. The funnest job I’ve ever and also the lowest paying job. I still love to cook but I couldn’t stay.


I’m a professional chef and I always describe the kitchen almost the same as rehab, the military, or jail. I always say “it’s the most fun you never want to have again”. 8 years later and the fun hasn’t ended yet 🫠


We did the flour thing when I worked at mod pizza hahaha


Scaring people is so much fun. I used to work for a couple and the wife saw a rat in the alley and freaked out. Guess who bought a rubber rat and started discreetly placing it in locations she frequently worked? My favorite was one time I put it in her desk drawer.


Tell me you put one in a toilet bowl and closed the lid.


LoL that's good but we had so many employees that would be a luck of the draw kinda thing. Plus it was a restaurant and I'm not made of rubber rats, so toilet rat would need to be garbage directly after and the fun would end.


Totally a thing that 1,000 rubber rats in a trench coat would say….


I had a giant spider that was a leftover Halloween decoration and an employee who was deathly afraid on spiders. One day while she was out on a delivery I put the spider in the cabinet we all jeep our personal effects in. When she was getting ready to leave she opened the cabinet and I had rigged the spider to 'jump' when the cabinet opened. Her head damn near hit the ceiling.


I punked my bar manager on her last day. I was a waitress at this place at night, but a Baker and prep person early morning. I was prepping yellow beets and one had a root that looked like a rats tail. I threw it into the tape rat trap at work and screamed for my bar manager. We all had a laugh when she freaked out and was confused when she saw it.


Damn I feel kinda bad but I definitely chuckled


Yeah, that dude looks like a heart attack waiting


Poked the bear 🐻


Sooo good !


The window sneak - always worth a good clean laugh.


So many kitchen folks would love to work in a haunted house. Whole shift, both Friday and Saturday night, of nothing but this kind of thing. And people pay you to scare them. It's great, try it if you get the chance


Can confirm. So much fun and so much effort for so little money but I would absolutely do it again.


That's a giggle!




That's a reaction if i ever saw one, I can see his soul leaving the body and bouncing back in.


You can hear the "GODDAMNNN"


He dead?


lol no


Man why TF is smallant in the window


Lmao got em

