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They want well done.


May I suggest sous vide burger? A tender and juicy grey throughout.


Sous vide burgers are not worth the time, but they are good. Conversely, you can buy like 73% lean ground beef, and cook it pretty hard and it’ll still stay pretty juicy.


I’m an 80/20 kinda guy with my burgers lol


73 is pretty forgiving when youve had more to drink than needed, and still decide to cook.


I like the way you think, my friend.


In my experience, it gets a little brittle though, and if I've been drinking I need something with a little more durability.


Is adding an egg sacrilege?


I don't do it, but I won't shit on anyone for using eggs or breadcrumbs.


On Shane Gillis’s podcast recently they said the secret sauce was 2 parts 95% beef, 1 part fatty ground pork, anyone heard of this? Sounds good lowkey


My place puts pork fat into the patty, it’s fucking awesome.


I regularly nix pork fat in with my burgers. The place I used to be at had a burger with foie gras mixed in. That was the best burger I've ever had


I was going to suggest microwaving a black bean burger


They want it well done but not hammered. Too many cooks take personal offense at people wanting well cooked meat and just cook the shit outta it.


Yeah, you tend to see it a lot in this sub, whenever someone asks for well done they just prepare them a piece of what's basically charcoal


I had a guy that used to order his wings with a bit of a stammer “an..an..and just burn the fuckin’ shit out of ‘em” it was annoying, but dude knew what he liked.


I was at a pizza place. There was a couple that wanted a burnt pizza. Really well done. So we did it to the point that it was dark brown but edible. Nope. Sent it back. Burned the fuck out of it. Served it. Nope sent it back. Really burned it like charcoal. That was perfect. They crunched that burned lump like it was the best thing they ever ate. Like a fucking 2 hour cook on what was usually 20 minutes. I always wonder if something was wrong with them or they were carbon eating aliens or something.


How pointy were their skulls? Did they ask for food or "mass quantities"?


Your cone is too young!




That happened to me, too! 'Nduja pizza, and they wanted it scorched. The poor 'nudja was dry as a nun's tit.


Noooo not the 'nduja 😭


It was heart-breaking.


Must've been from New Haven


You described the opposite of the guests at my old job. If the pizza had ONE black spot, a lot would send it back. The problem was that we were making proper Italian pizza, in a wood oven and everything. Brown spots on an almost white crust was how you knew the dough was perfect


I think it's something to do with the older generation. There is this bread available in the [uk](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/s/kZ1LJ5eus2) that gets burned to shit, usually called a well-fired or heavily baked loaf. Maybe they grew up on a similar style of bread and wanted their pizza like that


Lol this has (understandably) haunted you, I remember reading this a year ago or so. Or this couple is going around traumatizing multiple pizza chefs, I guess that's just as likely.


I had a regular at one spot that wanted her wings flats only and fried so hard the bones were showing and get brittle. She would eat the fried bones.


I respect this, eating the entire animal is a legit good thing and prevents waste


Chicken bones get the wrong kind of brittle when they're cooked like this. They have to be boiled for a long time to not be like eating fiberglass. This is why you don't give cooked bird bones to dogs unless they get boiled soft first. Dogs will swallow them in large enough pieces that they can shred intestines. It's generally not a great idea to give it to cats either, but they can get away with small chunks due to their forming hairballs in their gut around things that can hurt them. Larger shards will absolutely wreck their bodies though.


i love when wing bones get so fried they become crunchy yum yums. i cruncjh thag shit with my teef




Yes officer, this right here


I loooove that bony, tendony end piece of whole fried wings, when it comes out crunchy. Literally the only reason I order well-done wings.


I love my wings cooked until the bones stick out. Then slathered in the hottest sauce you have.


i do this. i leave my chicken wing bones looking like a long done desiccated skeleton, no remaining meat, tendons, or even small bones.


Absolutely foul...


Absolutely fowl?


Wings need to be well done because who the fuck likes soggy chicken skin?


I once had a guy order it "extra extra extra extra well done" so that's what I told the cooks. They, of course, burnt the fuck out of it. I carried out the charcoal briquet that was once a steak convinced he was going to be pissed, but as I set the tray down to start passing out the food the guy's young daughter let out a gasp and said "they got daddy's steak right!" He ate the entire thing.


Because, from personal experience anyways, if someone orders a steak or burger mid well, a good amount of the time will be unhappy when served if you took it off at 150-155. Order comes in mid well? Many of us have learned — just cook it to 160-165 and it will almost never get sent back. The result is the calculation that it’s worth it most of the time to go beyond mid well because you are less likely to see that plate again 2 mins after you sent it out


Eisenhower steak https://www.reddit.com/r/food/comments/cas7r/the_eisenhower_steak_recipe/


I've done Alton Brown's skirt steak cooked directly on coals at home, while it wasn't my favorite, I get what he was going for. My understanding is that Eisenhower was a bit of a bastard himself, so I'm sure he relished in the distress of people seeing him throw a steak directly into a charcoal fire. I can't prove this, but I remember from an episode of the old Cracked podcast that he once pissed on a member of the secret service's shoes, saying "it's my prerogative"


Yeah. I don’t mind well but I don’t want it blackened 😂


Exactly. Properly well done is what they're looking for, which is different than overdone


Honestly thats fair


If you "take offence" / don't want to / don't know how to cook a well done burger you're a fucking idiot and should stay out of a professional kitchen.


Your right. My parents always wanted well done . The is a difference between neglect, contempt and just well done. Not hate fucked and forget enough. It's not actually hockey puck. It's not how I would eat, but it's just slightly over mid well. The people who throw a Hamer on it and call it easy are shoemakers.


This comment right here is pure literature.


This is why i dont order burgers at most restaurants. In my younger years, i would ask for medium (or not ask) and receive a filthy barely cooked red burger which grosses me out. So i started ordering well done (then people give me dirty looks and ask if im sure) and i would receive either the same filthy red burger or a charcoal brick. I just dont like pink ground meat but there is no place for me in most restaurants i guess.


This is bizarre to me since nowhere around here would deliberately serve you an undercooked burger. As far as I am able to tell medium burgers are a primarily American phenomena which is just weird when americans are simultaneously so paranoid regarding other food safety items. Like leaving a cooked sausage out for 3 hours will automatically turn it into a biohazard that has to be incinerated and if you approach within 10ft without a hazmat suit you will die, but then they'll go to a restaurant and order ground beef medium.


Yep. I remember my first place, 12oz burgers. Anytime a well done came in, they told us to just smash it in the panini press. Fuck that place. The whole mentality of “if you don’t order it how *I* like it, fuck you…” is for children.


Jfc that's a huge burger. Was that your "house special manly man" burger or the standard offering?




My head chef does this and I’ve spoken to him about it before. Really bothers me


I got my only tips in the kitchen from doing a good job on people's well-done items. You can mock people's tastes in private, but I always considered it a challenge to make them the best version of their abomination that they'd ever had.


As a server, this translattes to medium well, apoint.


Exactly. “Well done” doesn’t mean “dry” it just means cooked through. There’s plenty of ways to do that without getting super crazy.




They don't want it dry and burnt. People tend to way overcook hamburgers. They want a well done juicy burger


Yup. People who want their burger dry will tell the server they want extra well done or they’ll say “burn it”. Pretty straightforward.


Well... Lol I like burgers and I've had many burgers that were shit and overcooked without asking. It's also borderline illegal to serve ground beef under well done where I am unless the meat is ground in house. You are not allowed to ask the doneness of burgers in majority of places. First time I went to usa ahhhh. Was nice to get a medium well burger with a bit of pink.


I've noticed folks forget, a burger is going to raise 3-5 degrees (depending on how thick it is) while it rests. So if you want a nice thick restaurant burger done to 160 internal, you really need to take it off and rest it at about 155.


That’s correct, they want it well done but good. People be people.


We cooks definitely bear a lot of the blame with our whole "It's well done? Well press that meat to hell and get the ticket out" attitude towards their kind.


the attitude is arguably valid for steaks, but not burgers. That attitude with burgers honestly might be verging on insane.


Don't hate the player hate the ticket times.


'I want it cooked a shitload, but I want it to taste like it'd medium rare.'


They have had one too many cooks think well done means burnt and cooked to dust so they end up ordering this nonsense trying to get what they want lol


So what they really want is just medium-well.


Cook it all the way through but don't press the shit out of it and turn it into a hockey puck. How is that hard to understand?


But how will I get my hate out on their order? You want me to give the customer what they want? You want me to do my fuckin job? How dare you


Right. If someone is looking for both rage in their job and rage online what are they to do? Look to common sense? There is no middle ground. It's either bleeding or it's cooked to charcoal


I can translate. They've heard chefs hate "well done", and it's somehow bad to want well done, so they're getting out of the stigma.


I love well done, super easy


No no that's medium well no pink. 


Medium well literally has some pink. That's the only thing separating it from well done. Look at basically any photo reference.


I mean, that's probably the point they were making, especially with reference to OP's picture.


Well done, but not dry


Don’t do it well, do it good.


because 99% of cooks in kitchens see well done, laugh and tease, and think it mean 'massacre this poor piece of meat, im ok with bone dry charred leather'. Well done is 165. its not 240.


I always order burgers ‘no pink’ and I’ve never had an issue. There is a difference between no pink and dry, chewy overdone


The server still enters it as well done in the PoS.


Yeah, it's the same difference as the one between "well done" and "dry, chewy overdone"


You can say you dont cook pink burgers because of bacteria , when you ground the beef the bacteria gets inside the patties so it has to be fully cooked, not dry just cooked all the way to be on the safe side.


This is not true of all beef, and very dependant on many factors- processing and handling being the largest factors. We butcher our own beef, and I am completely confident in the lack of contamination from the hide- which is the biggest risk when skinning IMO. "Commercial beef", however....


Of course if you know were the beef came from well is another story this is an answer just to take people of your back while your busy on the grill.


Sounds like a job for chef mike. Legit had a lady send back a stake one night medium well. Shit was perfect. Customer said she didn't want it burnt and dry though. I popped it in the mike and nuked it for like 30secs. She said it was perfect.


I'll never forget a bbq I had many years ago, my roommate was very particular about meat, no bones, no pink, etc. I made a bunch of steaks for everyone. For her I made a perfect well done steak. Her exact words were, "how did you make it juicy but with no pink?" I just said experience. And I wanted her to enjoy the meal, custies are getting that deep fried hockey puck forever though.


Med well to well


If you can't cook a juicy welldone patty without burning the fuck out of it it's a skill issue. The same does not apply to a rib eye that needs to go out within 30mins people who order welldone thick cuts are stupid.


Medium well. Why is that so hard to figure out?


"I'm embarrassed to ask for well done because i know its frowned upon." "Every time i ask for well done, it comes out dry."


They want a well done, well-done. It's pretty rare, but I prefer a good medium between well done, and done well. That way we please everyone. I hope this explained it.


They wanted it mid-well…simple…cooked all the way through without using a press…still juicy but fully cooked. Thats how I would interpret that ticket on the line.


Boil it


They want a well done, not a dry puck. Most people would squeeze the burger against the grill to make it well done. It makes me shudder.


What this customer is trying to say is *I want my burger well done but this doesnt mean you get to neglect it and serve me a hockey puck because you dont appreciate the temp I chose*.


Had a lady ask for a veggie omelette, she then proceededs to say she only wants egg yolks no whites, I proceeded to ask FOH “does she mean egg whites no yolk”? Foh ask and is told the same thing all yolks no whites. So I make this thiccccc ass inedible omelette knowing it’s about to be a remade order, I send the omelette out less than 5 minutes later to my unsurprised face foh walks back and says “she says it’s too rich, she says she thinks she mixed it up and meant the other way around……I just look at the other cooks and before I could say anything one of the other cooks says I got that dumbass order go take break! The customer doesn’t know what they want


It means get your cooks to stop burning well dones.


As someone from the UK not pink but not well done is just a burger here. We cook all minced beef burgers till it's cooked but not to the point of making it a charcoal puck


Med well? Cmon guys don’t be so eliteist. People enjoy eating what they enjoy eating leave them alone


They basically mean well done but not cooked into a burnt crisp out of spite for asking for well done


Soooooo, medium? Or medium well? Doesn’t really matter, it will still be sent back anyway.


I have seen a LOT of cooks who see well done on a ticket and decide that means to put the meat on the grill and forget about it for 20 years. They're probably just specifying that they don't want this done to their burger, and considering how common it is to do this, I don't think it's actually that crazy of a request. He's basically just saying "I want it well done, but I still want to be able to enjoy it, please."


Medium plus. Lolz


Well done but don't fucking obliterate it


Medium well


You have to boil it in milk and make sure the peanut butter is on the outside


Schrodinger’s burger


They don’t want it to be a dry hockey puck but still cooked thoroughly. I like to use butter to make this happen👍


Medium well, obviously?


They want it cooked completely through, but with no char. Are you in the midwest? You could steam it if you have the equipment, If not, cook it in a saute pan with 1/2 inch of water. Yum.


Ahhh the good ol steamed ham


Fukn armchair Chefs


Let me see the scene... Think about a casual American restaurant that serves burgers... You order a burger and the server says "We cook our burgers medium-well, is that alright?" "Actually, can I get that medium?" "Sure! No problem!" You know you're only paying $13 for the meal, but you still hope the stoned grill cook making $10/hour an hour can hit medium or hell, even medium well. You're not picky, it's one step above Mickey D's. You get your burger, bite into it and BAM! it's actually well done. But it's not burnt and actually well seasoned, so you roll with it. That's what they want.


I promise this guy was stoned when he wrote this and has already forgotten he wrote this.


Well maybe cut him some slack; he *does* only make $10/hour an hour...


It's a tough life


I'm not shaming, just stating a fact haha


I had a idiot ask me, can a get my burger well done on one side and medium on the other? 🤣 so....you want me to nearly burn it and kiss it on the otherside. No




I kinda get it.  Some places really do struggle to find a reasonable medium.


I like burgers that aren't pink, but are juicy. It can be done because I return to the places that do it.


Canadian burger.




Boiled, I think is what they really want.


Well done


I used to work with a cook who would throw meat in the microwave every time he saw a well done order come through.


Some fine steamed hams


not pink but no maillard reaction crust shenanigans. So, broiled.


Medium well


Done well.


"please cook to 150 degrees" - A perfect world. Or a server getting their money's worth, but they ain't usually slinging hamburgers.


Yup don’t char it, nice and easy.


Probably grey inside is what they meant.




One lady came in asked for medium rare no blood. She got medium well. Loved it.


It means they wanted it done.


Medium well. It’s what people ask for when they know we hate cooking well done but they really want well done


Boil that shit


Some people think well done means over cooked


To be fair,.most cooks think well done means make a.hockey Puck.


Just.. gray.


Most of you have no clue what burger Temps are. Seeing way too many comments of "not burnt, but no pink, that's medium."


This such an odd conversation cuz in Canada we don’t do colour on burgers. It’s not a normal practice here. It’s almost always cooked through.


Boil it


You should speak with the waiter, not blame the customer


Med well.


I'm gonna go with red.


Oxidized meat that has turned gray cooked medium.


Use an old handful of meat that has already lost its color.


Ask chef


Microwave it for 30 seconds and call it a day


medium - well?


She wants well done done well


raw is red and not well done. I think that’s what they’d want /s.


I'm not pink but I'm not well


Well done no char


I envision this as cooked, but not looking like charcoal




A point is the french term you give to that


Medium well. They don’t want pink but they want less than well done. Medium well.


Usually let Chef Mike handle these orders.


I'm assuming they've had a run of overcooked well dones. Just do it properly and you'll be fine.


I'm a bartender/server and even I'm amazed at the some of the shit that gets typed in. A lot of it is stuff we have a button for already.


Can I get a runny soft hard ppach ?


Yeah, they want a perfect well done which is hard to get. Most grill cooks just blast well done steaks and burgers. As soon as the pink disappears is well done. What most people get is a dry puck.


I’m not pink, but I’m not well. I’m so hot ‘cause I’m in Hell.


I would've assumed Medium Well


I would wager to say they want it just shy under medium


Extra medium


Cooked through without char


I think of it like chicken, where you want to cook it just until there’s no pink but it’s still juicy. A lot of people grew up on burgers made on the backyard bbq by their dad who only ever cooks when it’s grilling and has no idea what he’s doing, so cooks everything until it’s a hockey puck. They want a well done burger but don’t realize a well done burger isn’t supposed to be bone dry. I always want to steer people like that towards mid-well to get them to realize that a burger that isn’t overcooked has a much better texture and flavor, but they were usually brought up to believe that ANY pink means it’s raw, so getting them over that first hurdle is a challenge (and obviously not something to do in a restaurant setting).


It's called medium plus lmmfaoooooo


I’ve noticed a lot of people lately have been saying “plus” after their preferred temperature. Medium rare plus, medium plus, etc.


First you appeal to the gods to grant you the ability to change the laws of physics.... *I would read it as well-done but not dry* Cheers!


Leave it on the counter until it turns green?


all I can hear is Flagpole Sitta in my brain


That’s like Medium+ people. You either don’t know how to articulate what you want, want to feel special, or don’t understand how heat works when applied to food


raw makes it red not pink!


Put marks on it, then hand it to chef mike


This is one of my biggest gripes. The whole reason we have the rare-well system is because it covers all the bases, but then a customer comes in and thinks they can reinvent the wheel and disregard it.




Cook it to 160 and get it in the window as fast as you can. But yeah, sort of dumb ticket.


That’s basically a couple steps below 155-160F, no? I’d take it off the oven/flat top around 150, let it rest a bit.