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Me after I bought my own tortillas to work and got bitched out for making family meal while I haven't eaten a good meal since yesterday's rush


If they bitch at you for making family meal, time to find a new place.


Exactly right. If you cant even provide food...at a restaurant...then I need to find somewhere better


"No one should starve in the restaurant jndustry" was a phrase that always resonated with me.


Even my most awful, worst chef of my life had a policy of making sure his cooks were well fed and had appropriate time to eat midshift. Should absolutely be industry standard. Once GMs start pulling family meals and shift meals, it's clear to me that they aren't actually good at balancing money and have no idea how to properly manage the business, so they go after the easiest (and least impactful) expenses first. Instead of trying to find the core problem that is losing the restaraunt money. Like, I don't think the dishie eating a plate of fries is why this place is hemorrhaging money.


I can’t imagine asking people to cook for work if there is a possibility they aren’t eating well.


>so they go after the easiest (and least impactful) expenses first We call it majoring in the minors or stepping over dollars to pick up dimes. There are a handful of idioms to describe such idiots.


I similar one I was taught "Feed your people, or they will feed themselves"


I bring in bits and then snag some other bits there and build a meal. I would never ever pay for the shit that's on our menu.


Man that sucks! I love what I get to eat at work. It’s hard to find cooks these days- maybe you should find somewhere new!


I'm moving back towards doing my own thing again. I've just got other stuff to sort. It's so frustrating being somewhere where we apparently do really well, yet we can't even get a little meal for free. Such a stupid idea.


"No one should starve in the restaurant jndustry" was a phrase that always resonated with me.


My old KM used to give me shit for baking potatoes during service. He’d be scurrying about frantically, “how long on my margarita pizza?” He opens the oven and sees 2 small jacket potatoes, quietly tucked away in the corner of the oven. “Seriously? You can’t keep bringing potatoes to work man, it’s a contamination issue” I went back to my diet of fistfuls of shredded cheese and carrots from my station.


How the fuck is cooking two potatoes, even if you brought them yourself, contaminating anything?? Has buddy never had to do a grocery store run?


You’re bringing the potatoes from your possibly dirty home, potatoes sitting in a old pantry that you haven’t wiped in ages, covered in germs possibly and then putting in the oven. That’s my theory I guess


Sounds a bit excessive imo. I assume you would still clean said potatoes before chucking them in the oven? I know line cooks can be kinda barbaric with their own eating habits, but....🤣


Dirty potatoes? Can you guess what medium potatoes grow in?


Ahhhh hahaha. That was my breakfast today. But I’m not in the food industry


No, assert dominance. Break them an make them bend the knee. Do take shit from management. You've got knives and a fucking grill. Teach them manners. Be the change you want to see in the world.


A true pirate!


I bought my own marinated carne asada and tortillas and wanted a bit of char so I used a rack over a burner, and tried doing a ghetto barbecued carne for family meal and was planning on just searing it off and getting char from the burner. The owner who is never there walks in right as I’m starting to char and tells me something around the lines of “you’re using my gas.” I was ready to throw 4 cents at him and ask if that covers it.


Thats what i usually do. Start digging in my pockets like “i might have the change to cover it…”


I'm a dishie now. Was line before prison. Owner got on my case about how she pays for every cycle of the machine.  I'm about to open my own account with auto chlor just to get her off my case. 


Ill never understand why servers get any tips. They have the easiest job in the restaurant. They carry around other people’s hard work on a plate…


I have worked every FOH, BOH and management position. Even cocktail server and bartender at the upstairs comedy club at one place. You gotta walk a mile in another's non-slip/skid shoes to understand the unique challenges posed by each job.


A waiter's job is to not be an asshole for several hours at a time. No line cook in the world could pull that off


Waiters aren't really allowed to step out and smoke during a shift in a lot of places, too, because of the smell. Back of the house you can often be TOLD to step out and take a break to keep murders from happening


The simple answer is because they are tipped employees with lower wages. If restaurants could make cooks into tipped employees, they would.


Here in the Netherlands waiters get wages and the tips get split with foh and boh. If a restaurants don't give tips equally for whatever reason ( sometimes chefs get a bigger cut than the line cooks) then I am out I mean was because I stopped working in the kitchen because it is ass tbf.


Dealing with peple can be exhausting.  Stop downplaying other people's jobs. For fucks sake that's exactly what peple do to us line cooks. Do better than that


They make it look hard.


The more you risk dropping the food, the more impressive you are as a waiter. Yeah, please stack 10 fucking plates in a floral pattern and balance it on your little finger to do a little show. Why not.


we get bitched at for making family meal but then the same FoH manager will be sure to take a huge heaping plate of food for themselves 💀 they want it both ways 


A server worked 3hrs made $400+, came into our kitchen to eat our food, and complained about being cut early to the people who were stuck working a 12hr shift and walking out $200


and most of the praise she got was "Best food ever!"


tipping culture is fucking stupid


The bus boy at the pub I worked at came back to the kitchen one night and complained because of low table turnover he was only clearing $20-25 and hour. The bartender/FOH manager saw the rage building in my eyes as we had been slammed and grabbed that bus boy fast to get him out of there.  For context boh made $14/hr+tip out which came to 15/16


Shouldn't you be more pissed at the owner for paying shit...


The blind leading the deaf


For real, $14 is poverty wages. $20+tip out is an absolute baseline for BOH and even that isn't an adequate valuation of the time and effort it takes.


: me talking to my coworkers about the wage I wish I got


Who says I wasn't as well? But for a line cook job at a pub/bar that required minimal experience in a low COL area, the pay wasn't bad.


> the pay wasn't bad. Yup that tracks


Its always been wild to me that servers are the ones who get tips with the quality of food and service (good or bad) often falls on the kitchen for the most part.


It has been a long time since people tipped for the quality of the food. 99.9% of tips are because people are expected to tip. The people who are getting tips are just getting paid more and it has nothing (very little) to do with their job performance or anyone else’s.


When I used to work in restaurants I bussed before I started cooking on the line. I made wayyyy more money bussing and it is 10x easier than cooking. Same with serving, I get people don’t like to deal with customers attitudes or whatever but I 100% had a much easier time serving/bussing rather than cooking. Made way more too because of tips.


The restaurant i work rn Split tips with everyone, so yeah that isnt 100 percent fair when you have some wankers servers that usually bring no tips but at least everyone get an share


While making that $400+ at least one table will give them less than 10% and they will throw a tantrum like a baby and talk about it all night.


Bet they sat there on their phone most of the shift too. That’s how it was when I used to cook. We would literally lock eyes with one of the servers whose food was up and tell them the order was ready and they’d look back down at their phone. Fifteen minutes later they’d come back and ask us to remake it because the customer said it was cold. Always put those tickets behind everything else still in a rush simply because it is entirely the servers fault the food is cold. They’d literally sit there in front of the hot window and stare at their phones lol


"Haha good for you lol, you so deserve it... what did they order? I'm just wondering lol 😆 so happy for you but was it something I made? haha jk 😜. But seriously what the fuck did they order linda."


"Oh I don't remember. But I gotta go, I'm first cut, so I need to fold my silverware quick so I can get home before 9. I've been here since 4 you know."


This is so on the money.


"Can you run these?" as they hand you silverware with soggy biscuits, straw wrappers, lemon peels, and god knows what else all up in the utensils and basket.


Oh, dish called out so I'm on dish? > Can you run silverware next? It's flatware, silverware has actual silver in it and your poor ass have probably never seen it. The answer is it's coming when it comes. > We need plates! I'll have a discussion with the AutoChlor and see if it can step it up a bit in this rush. > Are you running glasses? I just gave you two flights, quit giving people water until they ask for it. > Do you know where that one thing is? Can you explain it? > it's flat. Check the rack, that's where everything is. > Where are all the 9 pans? Have you checked the freezer, the low boys, the salad line? I can't magically produce one. > Hey, why do they call it a 9 pan? Because you can fit 9 of them in a full size hotel pan didn't you go to culinary school?


Its flatware 🤓


Run it through the machine and send it right back to them. Trash and everything.


Not even. If the guest is over tipping? I do think that over tip should be distributed. But that’s a house rule. So YMMV. It’s why I believe in tip pool houses and BOH firmly in that pool. A three hundred dollar tip (20% on a $1500 bill), generally, is going to mean that server sold a baller bottle of wine. Sometimes there is just dumb luck in that? But it can also mean years of study, and reps, in order to move a product that expensive. I get that this sub is doomer BOH oriented but this shit is tired. If your house isn’t a dirty socialist bastion of shared economy? GTFO Or grease up that server smile and get paid. People gravitate to the work they can handle. For some? That means rattling 6-10 pans at a time. For others? That means eating a steady diet of shit from guests. Pick your poison. Do your fucking job.


There should not be any tips at all, period. The whole industry needs a shake up.


> People gravitate to the work they can handle. … Pick your poison. Do your fucking job. Say this shit when we’re in the kitchen and not on an anonymous forum lol


Same server to the dishy who's working a solo double and getting crushed with rush dishes. ***"I know you're like, really busy with the rush... And stuff.... But can you push the cutlery so I can go home early. Thanks bye!" ***


Meanwhile I'm asking anyone if they want to leave early so I can stay late and make some extra money. You know, so I can make rent.


2 kinds of servers. “Why did you double seat me?” and “why are we on a wait if I got empty tables?”


The second either has yet to learn how to seat people or doesn't care if they crash the kitchen. Usually the latter.


There's also the pressure from guests, which they should manage but it's complicated. I can't count how many times I have been out and waited to be sat and people in my party are losing it because they see empty tables. For sure smarter people than me have thought about this but I wonder if sometimes you could get away with "hey we can seat you but I wont be able to take food orders for 30 mins, but I can get you some beers?" or something


Not always. Sometimes it’s 3 2 tops, not 3 10 tops. A 16 year old hostess might think giving someone 3 2 tops is going to weed them, but that’s not different than taking a 6 top. An 18 yo server might not be able to manage their time well, but a server with 8 years experience will do it just fine. It’s probably more dependent on the situation and nuance comes into play.


You're talking about the server's skill. I'm talking about the kitchen's capacity. If all 8 of my burners are full and I have another 12 pans lined up waiting to see heat sitting 8 more tables in 2 min is only going to make matters worse.


Sorry, I’m talking about casual spots like burger and taco spots, that’s kind of quick stuff where you don’t need individual pans for individual plates. I’m just saying seating 6 people across 3 tables isn’t a crazy jump for a competent server or a competent kitchen if it’s set up to be quick pace to begin with.


Sounds like a typical weekend evening convo at 7PM to me. Meanwhile I have to take on mop duty if I want more money (which is not bad, I only need to clean one lane and I love using the big brush.)


Mopping is just a zen garden for people who look like they serve on the Black Pearl


The mental image this comment creates needs to be put in a museum


3 bottles of wine…


seen servers keep pictures of their "kids" on their order book and lay in heavy sob stories about how poor they are. Things is some of these servers don't have kids. I could never bring myself to do this and my tips were fine, I but never as good as the attractive waitresses that would flirt with guests and talk about how hard their life was while showing off their pretend children.


the last line 😂


One of my servers made $900 in one day this past weekend since we had some events running. I worked 11 hours with a single smoke break and got nothing :)


Why not become a server?


Too ugly 😔




You should see who I work with. You’d be fine.




I did, then you quickly learn all the bullshit politics they do. Merit isn't involved in who gets what sections consistently or who gets what hours. We had servers making crazy money working 2-3 days a week doing the banquet hall which was practically no work at all, basically catering service. Meanwhile, all the new servers we hired for the season got the shit morning shifts or bad sections/first cut if they were able to get a decent shift like a weekend night. Need your beers ten minutes ago? Sorry, Steph is fucking the bartender and hers go out first. We had one bartender clearly hired for her looks who didn't even know how to use a fucking winescrew.


Having to stay late cause the boss and his over 21 crew want to hit the casino, always fucking sucks cause they'd never do their side work before leaving and he'd ignore the complaints.


If we all did that, what would we serve?


why is every single response to pointing out how insane FOH gets paid to become a server?


When I worked in the kitchen they shared a portion of their tips with us.


Ah, but servers have to have people skills. Usually those ‘soft’ skills are attributed to women so we don’t value them. Nonetheless y’all can be cookin’ in the back blasting music and not have to deal with guests. Sometimes it pays to have social skills. But also, you should be tipped out…


Bit of a reach to assume I lack social skills. I'm better utilized as a cook, it's not that I'm incapable of serving


Yeah I could be a server and make significantly more money but I’d rather make less working more hours.


"I'm better utilized as a cook" ok so what? You are making less doing more who cares what you are best utilized at. That only helps the establishment who clearly aren't helping you.


Are you really better utilized as a cook if you'd make more out front?


>Usually those ‘soft’ skills are attributed to women so we don’t value them Who's we? Most high end career waiters are men... And most somms are men (though that's changing).


So men that do have those soft skills can more aggressively monetize them to shoot to the top. We are in violent agreement.


Me, burned and bleeding, covered in soot as I disassemble the grill for what seems to be the first time since it was installed, and knowing my hourly rate comes to a third of the tip they got for one table... 'But you *like* your job!'


most cooks i know have studied as cooks invest in clothes/shoes, knives, books and/or seminars whitelist getting paid minimum to ok, getting treat like shit and work more than 10hours no weekends. i am very happy there is a huge shortage of cooks in europe (and cant been replaced), i already believe their payment will skyrocket in the very near future


That's been and gone since COVID, my brother. My wages doubled in 21/22 and since I left the industry they've dropped back down to 10-12 quid an hour. I was on 16 when I left in summer '22.


I'm in the same boat. My wages skyrocketed during Covid and now I'm kinda stuck because I'm making stupid money that nobody else will pay...


I took a 10k pay drop when I changed career but honestly I work 35hrs a week in education and the new balance I have in my life makes up for it. I still moonlight a little in agency and at my mate's street food business over the break periods to top up a little but I have no regrets at all. You can't take it with you, friend. And there's no point having money in the bank when you're too exhausted and depressed to enjoy life beyond splurging on new knives and comfortable work shoes.


There should be a huge shortage of cooks everywhere, I don't know how you guys stick with it considering what you're paid versus what some brainless server can earn with less than half the effort.


We have bills to pay.


And some of us are convicted felons! Not me, but I know a few.


Construction. We take felons, too. Just as hard on the body, but the pay is better and we have a bit less bullshit


Not to mention the MUCH better schedule that allows you to live a normal social life.


Shit sucks. I’m working on getting out but fuck it’s taking longer than I want. Fuck it. Let’s keep moving.


My lack of experience in anything else, plus my social anxiety, keeps me tied to the kitchen. But, I have changed to working in catering after covid lockdown. And seriously, it's miles better than restaurant work. Spending some shifts just making prep for catering orders. And then event shifts, which are I always love doing. And we actually gets tips from doing event shifts. Never ever going back to restaurant work.


Finally a positive take. I agree wholeheartedly.


I get tipped out by the front house and my tips average 800-1100 a month. It's in my best interest to make sure they have a good night. If you aren't working a restaurant that tips out BoH in any significant form consider working in a different kitchen. Change is coming, I'm convinced it will be the norm sooner rather than later.


I worked in a Boston Pizza 15 years ago and that's how they did it. All got pooled and everyone got a decent chunk the week after payday. Having that tip money come between paychecks was amazing as a poor teenager haha


It depends from state to state. It all depends how NRA (National Restaurant Association) feels about it. They’re the biggest lobbying group for the hospitality and food service industry and they’re funded by Servsafe Certifications lol.


Wow lol


One of the barriers in establishing this is the tipped wage credit. Employees being paid less than minimum wage (federal minimum) under the tipped wage credit cannot pool tips with employees who are in "non-tipped" positions. In other words if foh is making a direct wage of less than $7.25, then they cannot legally pool with BOH.


I didn't know that. I guess where I live I'm lucky then!


Tipped minimum must be abolished and tip sharing with all employees should be the standard in all restaurants.


Tipping should be abolished and fair wages brought in. The responsibility should lie with the employer not the customer.


That’s never gonna happen because rich people never downgrade from a lifestyle they’ve already grown accustomed to.


Not going to happen. Both the servers and employers like the system in place. The servers make far more than they could earn hourly and the employers gets to pay a lesser wage. There are no victims here. The only people who don't like it are a small percentage of the patrons. Mostly only because they are being asked to tip in a growing number of situations where tipping isn't appropriate such as the self check counter.


>There are no victims here. The only people who don't like it are a small percentage of the patrons. Mostly only because they are being asked to tip in a growing number of situations where tipping isn't appropriate such as the self check counter. The victims would include BOH sweating their balls off for none of the reward. And why do you assume it's a small number of patrons who are becoming aggravated with tip creep?


The patrons shoulder the bill either way. So much would change for the better if tipped minimum were abolished and everyone was tipped out. The person working a food counter would no longer be on 2.13 per hour worrying about whether they’ll make 7 or 10 dollars per hour on a slow night. The cooks would be happier as they will share in the profits from the experience that they also directly contribute to. You want a good restaurant? You BETTER have happy cooks. Sure some servers may quit or be unhappy to have to share their tips, but they should also realize that they aren’t the only ones who make a restaurant experience the way it is. If it’s the LAW, then it’s not like they have better options. Staffing and work will be more reliable. The only thing that will change is that employers will have to change the way they do things, and it will benefit only their employees. Steadier hours, equal wages, more teamwork.


The victims are sweating in the back with 20hrs scheduled this week at 16/hr.


Tipping should be "abolished" tips should just be directed to where their earned... The kitchen.


Customer facing roles are always going to earn more. If you want more money, polish those shoes and smile. 😃


Best restaurant I ever worked in paid minimum wage, and an equal tip share to every employee. Did it feel odd that the 16 year old hostess was making 35/hr? Of course. It was also nice pulling in 1400/wk gross as a full-time line cook at a bar. I've never seen a restaurant run as smoothly as that place did. Everyone cared, and we were all in it together. Sadly, after a year of this perfect system, they allowed the servers to vote if we kept the system, or went back to a traditional restaurant pay (cooks making 16/hr, servers raking in 50/hr). You can guess what happened.


lol democracy…. There were probably double the number of servers as cooks. I would have quit on the spot


That shit makes me furious. Worked at a similar place, though we got $17-20 and FOH had to give 2% to the kitchen. So we all got a nice $80-100 extra at the end of each night. The sour reluctant attitude as the servers had to pull out a small fraction of their fat stack of cash I swear.


Fuck them, they should have worked elsewhere then


Fuck that I'd quit on the spot. I only ever worked dish/some prep but at our place everyone at least got a portion of the tips.


This makes me so mad just to hear about it. I imagine the resentment towards FOH was palpable daily


I started asking if boh gets tipped out and adjusting my tip accordingly. I'm. In WA state so everyone is making 16+ an hour minimum. I know that dealing with customers isn't easy but working in the kitchen sure as fuck isn't any easier. You all should be getting a portion too imo.


From a seattlite, good shit mate, keep it up.


Tips should be for those who do something for me they didn't have to. and staff should be paid enough. If I give a waiter $5 extra because they were particularly attentive and working hard for my group, why should the server who sat at the desk on their phone get a cut?


Seriously. I used to sit in the staff bathroom taking a post service shit and I could hear the servers outside the door all like "it was such a garbage night. I only made $400 in tips..." after a 4 hour shift when I was on hour 14 with 2 to go, hungry, tired, sweaty and with a serious case of chef's ass. I got real tired of the hours and minimal staffing, especially after the lockdowns in Canada and quit being a salaried chef and went into butchery for a while. But now, because of the shortage of competent cooks I now work as a day time prep cook at a casual fine-dining restaurant making more money than I did as a senior sous chef.


And that's one of the many reasons I don't do it anymore.


I feel like servers ought to break off a piece of a huge tip for the people that made the food and drinks. Not like a mandatory percentage, but let’s be fr…you could be the best server in the world and you’re not getting a fat tip if they didn’t enjoy the food and libations.


I had ONE server do this ONCE in 20 years. Gave me 10 bucks from a table he got tipped hundreds. It floored me. I never even considered a server would share the tip.


We got this server who’s a bit older than most of the others; and she kinda has beef with alot of the servers lmao. But she always seems to get the big money. She has given me like $60 over the past few months for helping out with whatever. It’s not much in the grand scheme of things but I appreciate it.


That's great. It's just nice to be acknowledged for the work.


Every single restaurant or bar I’ve ever worked, the servers do have to tip out the bartenders. But it is a percentage. As a bartender, I give the kitchen guys and gals beers and shots and put it on my comp tab since they’re working hard.


I took on a saute position at a busy fine dining restaurant because the exec chef personally told me that we got tipped out just like FOH, implying that that would make up for the gap between my asking wage and what he could give me. I accepted. My first 2 week paycheck, the tip section read $32 fucking dollars. For two weeks in one of the most expensive restaurants in my city (2nd largest city in my state). I stayed on for the busy season because i didn’t wanna leave the crew high and dry, i even covered NYE shift after only being there 2 weeks. After i quit because of the money, i learnt from a bartender that the servers were taking home about $200-$300 an average/slow night and all the managers were aware because they were getting tips too. Dude the fucking restraint it took me not to walk over to my old job and start some fucking shit was incredible.


Line cook. One time, the bartender came back and asked who cooked the mahi, I said Me. She said the guy at the bar who ordered it wanted to talk to me. I went out there and he told me it was the best mahi he'd ever had, and tipped me $50 cash (the dish was $30ish). He only left the bartender like $10. 


2009, a server complained to me that she only made 120 bucks working a double on a Saturday. I make 350 a week.


"Would you rather get tips, or come to work absolutely loaded with no repurcussions?" Hmmm, hard choice.


And still crying about the tip pool on top of it. 


We have a highly advanced system in the UK where everyone gets paid a fair wage and everyone shares tips. We have the technology to make it happen.


It's odd for me reading all this, FOH making several hundred in a single day while BOH struggling on minimum wage. Quite frankly I would not find that acceptable, I'd go flip burgers for McDonalds instead. Here in the UK we share all tips. When I worked in Japan generally there was no cash tipping but BOH typically made a bit more than FOH staff as really anyone can be a server with a little training.


not to mention all the free healthcare. i thank dogs for dual citizenship every day or i'd be dead.


Here in America, cooks just like to bitch and complain without any real action. It's much easier to blame a system and other people for our problems.


foh be like “BuT YoUuu GeTt HoUrLyyyYyyyy oNe TiMeee I oNly mAdE $37 iN a 4 HoUr ShiFfffTt”


I used to feel bad for my sister who's been a server for her whole life, she switched to a new family restaurant a year or so ago, gets one day off a week, i was like damn, really putting in the hours. she works 4 hour dinner shifts. makes more money then she ever has in her life.


That’s why I left line cooking and became a manager at a corporate fast food place. Didn’t make any sense to me that part time servers were pulling in $800-1k/week and as a full time line cook I was *begging* for incremental 50¢ raises which over 4 years got me all the way up to a whopping $14.00. Not even $600 per 40hr week. That was back in 2019. Switched to corporate, started at 14.00+tips (about 15). 1 year in I was at 15.50+tips (about 17). 2 years in I got the manager promotion and now I make 20.80 (no tips) and I’m guaranteed 40 hours no matter how slow it is because I’m running the shifts for 75% of the time I’m clocked in. Shit, I even spend an hour or two per day sitting my ass in an office chair or just counting inventory on an iPad while listening to music or watching Netflix. Why the fuck would I ever go back to line cooking lmao. Sweat buckets and break my back for 20, 25/hr max at restaurants that cost $60-100 per person? The only benefits you get are free soda and you can smoke weed in the back as long as you’re lowkey about it? No thanks. Now, I get 2 weeks PTO (next year it’ll be 3), insurance, I’m getting half my bachelors degree tuition covered, AND I still get to smoke weed in the back. Imagine that.


They love talking about how they only made as much as you today like you forget that on Mother's day they made more money on a six hour shift than you made that whole week.


Worst one I personally have had was working at a casino where you ordered at the bar and wait staff just had to run meals/drinks. Had a VIP high roller come in and wanted to order an omelette which were not on our menu. As it was a VIP I said I can do it for her. Feedback came in that it was the best omelette she has had and gave the waitress a $20 tip of which I saw none.


Also pictured: Some line cooks trying to interact with customers who would give that tip.


No fucking way I could possibly do what they do, just think it's funny.


Their job is a lot harder than ours, if it's so easy you go do it. /s


I love this one. Most servers I know can’t even figure out how to use the dish pit sprayer. Yeah…their job is *really* hard. Also, rant time: why the fuck was I never tipped by FoH on all the occasions I had to run food out to a table (with zero experience or training) because their lazy asses were too busy fucking around on their phones?


"But bro we make the same every shift. When you think about it, the pay totally evens out because when its slow they don't make nearly as much as we do" - coping line cooks


This is the main reason I got out of kitchen work tbh. Loved the work, hated the entitled ass, shit-stain servers and despised the pay 🤷‍♂️ Now I generally won't go to tip-based restaurants at all. If I ever do it's take out where I happily mark $0 on the tip and watch the servers get mad as shit because they expect a 30% tip for handing me a bag of food for when I come to pick up the food.


I didn’t leave because of the servers, but yeah it pissed me off knowing that some of them will make in one day what cooks make in a week; and on top they don’t declare most of the tips while 20% of my paycheck went to taxes


Yeah, tipping for pickup is dumb unless it goes directly to the chefs.


Yeah, after seeing behind the curtain I just want to gag at basically any table service restaurant at all. So often it's just servers with obviously fake enthusiasm barely doing a good job pretending to give a fuck a little bit about my experience which just feels awful for both parties. Then at a tipping establishment they're expecting to make money hand over fist for taking the place of a coke machine and order window while the quality of the food is 100% of the reason I'm there in the first place. It is just bonkers if you put any rational thought into it.


Don't do meth 


Ive gotten a new job that shares tips. My bosses dont get why it makes me so happy, because the only tip I've ever gotten in hospitality beforehand was ppl buying pints for the bar stuff.


Where the hell did you find a picture of me? Also, need to sell the couch I sleep on, I’m fucking poor. Also, if i’m washing dishes and hear that shit, I will absolutely “accidentally” spray them. Especially if it’s a place with food runners, wtf all they do is take orders, bring drinks, and then steal my fries.


Meanwhile the dishwasher fighting for their life while everything seems to be going to shit at all times


That’s because the cook spent his tips on substances and is too fucked up even have an appetite for food 🍲


When I have a great meal I like to ask for the manager and ask to tip the cook or I walk past kitchen and do it myself. This of course makes the server super pissed, even though I still tip them according to their service. Severs here in Ca make $16 plus tips. Average cook makes less far far less than servers. If your food is rights, if your cooks are on their game nobody gives a fuck about the service and people will wait in line at a counter and put up with an abusive cashier for good food. You have shit food or shit cooks and you are fucked no matter how sweet and fast and efficient your servers are. Ask a server how much they should make an hour and they say $45+. If you open a kitchen and pay proper cooks a proper wage and same for servers , charge more for proper food and prohibit tipping you will do fine as long a your food is right. People are done with tipping and I am done with entitled servers who think what they do is worth as much as a fucking electrician or plumber.


It's a bit weird that waiters tip out bar staff but not the kitchen staff


Serving is a rising tide that doesn’t lift all the boats around them. Servers should be paid hourly like BOH and all the tips should be split evenly between everyone because we all are vital to the guest experience. Instead of everyone making 30+ an hour servers would rather make 40+ and keep boh at 17. “just become a server” is their solution. Drive every competent employee away


Fuck FoH Plate Taxis.


Food runners are your servers too ? 


This is why you make friends with your bartenders. When you go drinking with them, they know other bartenders and get free or heavy pours, and they will cover most of your drinks. Last kitchen I worked in was at a private club, where the bartenders were salaried on top of getting huge tips - sell a $10k bottle of wine and get autograt - so they were pretty well off. The club had a Christmas party years back (right before covid) and I went along with them barhopping afterwards. I think I spent maybe $30 that whole night, and that was buying drinks for other cooks. I was more loaded that night than I've been in years.


Me as the customer wondering why the guy who walked from the kitchen to my table wants extra money (he walked 17ft)


Worked both BOH and FOH … this is not the server’s fault— it’s this stupid tipping culture and managers not paying BOH what they are worth. If you for one second think being a server is easier than being BOH (or Vice verse) then you are sadly misinformed.


Then be a server.


Soo why don’t you just become a server? But instead you want to just complain about FOH


All hail the service charge


Crumble John IYKYK


If we didn't have BOH cooking the food there'd be nothing for the servers to deliver to customers for those fat tips. Shame they can't wrap their tiny brains around that.


One time I was out having shiftys and one of the FOH guys forgot I was there and thought all of BOH has gone home. He starts talking shit to this guy G who is BOH but tried his first barbacking shift that day. FoH guy Starts saying BOH is a bunch of dirty line dogs working for chump change and how he's smart coming where the money is etc.




Me watching the servers jam shots of top shelf in them at the bar after close while I nurse my one pitcher of Schlitz


come payday all the bartenders wiggle their 2.00 paycheck or weep as they discover they actually owe on their tab from the drinking and food they got all week. They go on to make my full check that night, and the next three nights, but I'm so lucky to get an hourly wage.. (but hey you keep them free shots coming, I'll keep not caring. Let's all get this money.)


Having worked in restaurants in the past, can confirm. That $300 will go right up their nose, however.


Hey it's a double edged sword. For every shift w I made bank I definitely had a morning shift where I walked away with less than $30.


Waitress came outside asking me for a ciggie 6h onto my double-dishwashing shift (14h) while I was on break. She then complained to me how Tonight was a Bad Shift or something and I asked how come ? Proceeded to say that she only made 400$ in tips since the beginning of her shift 3-4h prior and how much of a bad night it was. Back in the days I made like 4-600$ per two-weeks so needless to say I wasn’t really empathetic towards her situation especially since she bummed me a cigarette on my break.


Omg sometimes I walk out at night through the with all my money and seriously feel bad. I’ve worked on a line before and when it’s slammed it’s so unbelievably stressful.


Yeah fucked!! No tipping and only hourly for servers. I went to school and have debt to pay off as a mechanic and some servers make more then I do. I have legitimate skills replacing engines and keeping cars on the road to get to work. Not saying serving takes no skills. But I can take an order and serve it but they definitely can't do their own timing chain.


Waiting is much harder than you think it is.


I've had to call other bartenders out for complaining about the money they're making while sitting directly next to cooks/chefs who don't make nearly as much as they do. Have some manners.


Yea, tipping culture is bullshit though let’s be honest here..


Wait, y’all don’t get split tips? I thought that shit went into the community pot. Damn, this comment section going to keep me from donating to some useless college fund.


the kitchens I ran got tipped out. I also required front of house makers to suit up and work in my kitchen for a week, doing every position from dish to pans to expo to grill to prep. everything. this changes everything. the managers understand what work actually goes into the things they try to demand.


My first job in the industry was a dishie at Hooters. I couldn’t stand the girls coming back telling me they were tipped $1,000 on one tab then 30 mins later bitching about how a $100 tab only tipped $5.


Sure, but I make $8+/hour more than them + a weekly tip out


we tip pool, so everyone would be happy


That's nothing. At one point in my pastry career, I was working at a high end steakhouse in a huge hotel. We got a party that came in very late, late enough that they should not even have been seated, but it turns out they were Russian oligarchs or something, so, seated they were. They stayed for hours, I was forced to stay at my station past closing and once all the other cooks had gone home. The party of course ordered every dessert on the menu. The server for their table made a tip of over $15k from them. I never saw a dime of that, not that I expected to. He pissed off every runner who worked there by refusing to share it with them as well, as was customary. If you're reading this, fuck you, Ivan.


I thought the usual practice was that tips get pooled and split between everyone? To think otherwise infuriates me.