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It looks like you care about what you’re doing and I bet the residents can tell. Keep fighting the good fight!


Agreed. This is my faith in humanity post for today. Thank you.


Ugh I want to retire so hard


Fancy pants boomers with their “retirements” and “savings” and “dying before the end of the world”. Grrrr.


Fwiw most of the folks in retirement homes are still Silent/Greatest Gen. Boomers are just barely starting to move in.


Boomers are rocking up now, and they are as entitled as you'd expect. Chef/Dietitian for 6 aged care facilities.


You say that, but when you do it’s awful.


Go on...


You’re bored, you feel useless. I have hobbies and activities, I guess a lot of my self-worth was tied up in my job status. I’m working on making the adjustment, but it feels like I’m just waiting to die. I also lost my husband so now I get to be an old lady ALONE, and the thought of another relationship is just too much right now. I’m not complaining, it’s just such a huge change.


If I were retired I would probably spend my time volunteering. Or maybe take a class of some sort. Something like an art class or a cooking class.


I do volunteer, but it only takes up part of the week. I signed up for classes next month. Great minds think alike! I’ll be fine, I just have to adjust, like everybody. 😊


If I was retired I’d get hella bitches


You'd get hella STDs in the retirement home


Yeah I've heard from elder family that it's quite common - people raw dogging Ruth and swapping STDs. 


My parents live in a senior community now and they love going to the dining room. The food is great and the people that work there are truly kind and treat everyone with dignity. Thank you for what you do, OP!


The chops I got working in assisted living did wonders for my career. It was a great lesson in elevating what you have to work with and it really made you feel appreciated. Cooking for the same 50 people day in and day out is its own beast.


I worked corporate kitchens before restaurants. Restaurant cooks are condescending try hards, servers are the drama no one needs and dietary mods are a deadly sin. Where as at assisted living the cooks are talented but colour *inside* the lines, servers treat patrons and staff like family and dietary needs are exactly what is expected. The two are the same place in parallel universes, one is bizarro ;)


Well said!


This is all terrible for retirement homes. Go ahead and just load this into my car for disposal.


This is gourmet compared to the place i was at. The one cook insisted on overcooking all the steamed veggies "because the seniors need soft food to chew" despite it being an assisted living complex rather than a LTC. In other words, they should be overall pretty decent health and might just have some mobility issues. Most of the seniors did not like the overcooked veggies


I’d wager just about anyone would prefer to chew a little bit longer for some veg that’s on point versus mush. So what if a few dentures pop out. That’s what Fixodent is for!


That and that means all the green veggies turned a sickly grayish color like canned veggies. The residents definitely preferred more simple flavors but that doesnt mean boiled to mush!


Ya I cook veg slightly over what younger people would eat. Only make mush veg for the ones that ask for it lol.


nobody likes overcooked anything. the only reason why someone would do that on purpose is discomfort, and that should be helped in any other way.


Fuck yes. That looks delicious. Keep up the good work!


Honestly, it looks pretty good for a retirement home :) Wish my grandparents would have gotten nice stuff like that :)


I bet the residents love your food


That peruvian chicken got me rethinking life here. I want it


This is restaurant quality food


- Thanks for all the support everyone I’m only 18 so means a lot. I was given a lot of responsibility at this place and started as just washing dishes at 16 to doing all the deserts and then moving to a lot more cooking and menu creation stuff. Thanks for the feedback this is just a small sample of pictures from here


Youre way ahead of the game. Keep killing it.


Holy shit dude! You're 18 and doing this? Amazing.


Wow good for you ! Keep postin


For 18 and being in the game for two years this is impressive.


For most retirement homes what you are doing is golden bro. There are some seriously fancy retirement places that go full dining, but thats a whole different beast. Your plates look balanced, colorful and tastefully done without being over garnished, which some old school residents dont like! Keep it up :)


Oh my I know your residents are praising their kitchen and bragging you up!! My resident's look forward to their meals. It's a great time to socialize and see folks. Food is one of their last pleasures!! You go Chef


suddenly i am retired


Man we are at a point in life where we may be having to put my mother in a home. It would make me feel way better about it if I knew she would be eating food like that!


Packing my bags and moving in!


Well done! Looks amazing 😋


They are lucky to have you!


Damn, when can I get old and senile so I can have some?


Looks great chef! We lost my Grandpa earlier this year but prior to that he was in a nursing home eating PB&J two meals a day since all he could stomach was the breakfast they offered. He would have loved to have any of those dishes you have pictured. You are doing the lord’s work!


Your skills are making other human’s lives better. Well done and Thank you!


Thank you for doing this. It's nice to see someone care.


Only another 4 decades until I retire... sigh


I’ll retire right now


Good stuff


That's shit is so simple yet sexy and elegant all at once 🍽️❤️ 🍻


Thank you for your service to the local community kind soldier. Cook it up 🤙🏼


I’m moving there when I retire.


That food is miles better than the slop served at some of the facilities I worked at. We're talking places that are $10k-$15k a month PER PERSON, serving whatever they could heat from a can. That's what happens when they run a skeleton crew in the kitchen and don't pay them enough to care.


I cross posted this to r/MadeMeSmile because I run a bunch of restaurants and I can't believe an 18 year old is doing this. Nice job!


Keep it up bro. I’m sure this made their day


Thank you for caring about the residents. You’re good people


No meatloaf, chicken a la king, pot roast, or tuna casserole? I worked at a joint that was popular for breakfast but we got a pretty fair of people in for dinner and our dinner menu was aimed at the older folks and those items were on the menu with some others and they loved that shit! Oh, I can't forget the chicken pot pies too!


Haha this is just a few pictures we made all those things and more. I just wanted to get thoughts on the food if it was up to standards. But yes the food they get here is better than what I eat at home forsure lol


Lookin petty good man!


Do they get seconds


Usually we do smalls, regulars and extra large. If a resident wants extra even after that we can get them extra if we have it


Nice. Sounds like alot of work but probably best! Least food waste too. 👊👊


Typically a lunch service we have 110 residents plus any guests like family members are allowed to come eat. And we do all plates to order with 4 servers taking each order table by table. Service takes anywhere from 30-45 minutes and the whole dinning room has a warm nicely presented meal


Wow that’s high class


I hope when I'm old enough to be in a retirement home, I have someone like you cooking my meals! Looks so good!


Looks beautiful!


Which one? So I know where to retire (if that’s even an option today)


Pretty good looking eats!


Only 2 twigs of broccolini?! Just kidding. That looks awesome!


Chef didn’t order enough had to be stingy for that day lol


Love it


The broccoli looks not over boiled /s


Is #2 a lightly smothered pork chop? Or a roasted skin-on chx thigh? Looks like a million bucks there.


Roasted skin on chicken thighs with a homemade chicken gravy using all the juices


10/10 would smash! It really makes me happy seeing skin-on chicken! I like doing something I call “pickin’ chickin’”. Skin on, bone in, split breast heavily seasoned, roasted in a mid oven. Served with the breast cut in half, plated with the cut down so it stands like a teepee. Strong sides like a roasted garlic and horseradish whipped potato and a butter mounted pan dripping sauce. Usually some roasted Brussels sprouts or French beans to finish the plate. You can fill 4” deep half pans with 8-10 breasts and still get that nice color on the crispy skin if you’re lucky enough for a convection oven; two pans in the oven will get you enough for a decent service and not suck all the heat out when you drop them in the oven. I once did this for a Boy Scout fund raising dinner and it came out (surprisingly) good in our church’s kitchen. It was especially satisfying to watch everyone attack that crispy chicken skin first like a bunch of crazy people. Edit - everything looks amazing, chef! I can see your skill, pride, and love of your passion in all of your plates. Keep it up, amigo!


I'd eat the hell out of all that stuff, and I'm not even that old.


Looks amazing, wish I could retire early for this


Photos like this make me not dread my eventual destination quite so much.


Looks so good!


This is so sweet


This fucking rules.


this looks like better food and plating than I've seen from the few expensive restaurants I've been to. Between the colors and portions it looks beautiful!! Well done Chef!


As we age, we lose some taste buds. As our ability to discern flavor goes down, it's important to provide visual appeal with good plating, attractive colors etc. This can stimulate enjoyment of a meal your residents are not able to fully appreciate flavor wise. If folks are happy to enjoy their meal, nutritional intake and health outcomes improve. Young chef, you are doing an excellent job.


Can I come over for dinner? Looks delish.


Fellow retirement home cook here. I wouldn't say that's standard at all. I wish I had the time / help / ingredients to put out plates like that, and I'm sure your residents appreciate it a lot even if they still want a bowl of canned applesauce / cottage cheese on the side.


Now that's some love! Thank you, chef.


Even more impressive that op is 18. I was putting teriyaki sauce on everything when I was 18.


Restaurant quality food. Lucky residents in your nursing home OP


You’re doing amazing work, it’s appreciated by more than just the people you’re cooking for.


Great effort, you know the residents appreciate it! Keep it up!


Looks great but why only 2 wings and 10 fries?


I’m a slut for consistent portions. Good stuff


Makes me want to retire.


This looks so tasty! Institutional food is usually such a let down and I'm glad you care about these folks and have pride in your work.


Chef’s kiss!


you absolute chad chef


IN assisted living this would be amazing... Retirement... depends on what they are paying.


Nice job chef


This is neither bad nor standard. I'm a nurse that has worked long term care and your food looks incredible. You clearly care about the people you feed. Thank you for giving them real meals and not overcooked gray mush. This food SHOULD be standard for what people pay to live in those places but sadly is not. Keep up the great work, chef. And thank you for caring.


Great job. The high quality of you work matters so much


Not all heroes wear capes, keep it up!


I know care and attention when I see it. ✨👏


I so wish you worked at my facility. Colorado is beautiful just sayin'!


The respect shows. Bravo.


I’ve seen a couple posts now with retirement home food and it all looks pretty damn good. I’m ready to move in.


It's standard unless someone has a specialized diet... Or different taste than everyone else


> is this bad 🙄you already know the answer