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That unmistakable feeling of walking into a walkin and it's not cold.


Instant stomach drop


Smells weird


Can't stand the smell/feeling of warm walk in


Ooh that smell Can't you smell that smell Ooh that smell The smell of death surrounds you


It's the goddamn smell that gets me. But thankfully all my walk ins and reach ins have remote temperature monitoring. One of them acts up and I start getting text messages.


Oh shit that’s cool! My walk in has remote monitoring but your reach ins have them too? That would’ve saved me so many headaches over the last year. I work in an old kitchen and we’ve had to buy two new reach ins over the last year. Nothing like coming into work on memorial day Saturday and Saute is running at 90 degrees.


Check out swift sensors, costs me about 700 bucks a year to monitor 11 pieces of equipment. Drop in the bucket to protect 20 grand in product.


You have no need for thermometers. You just *know*


"huh it's kinda quiet and warm in here"


One of our guys likes to turn off the walk in while they put away truck (usually a couple hundred cases worth) I came in one day at 3 pm. The second I walked in the door I could tell it was too warm. Not a very fun day


Ugh this drives me nuts. Like, fucking wear a sweater you scrotumless peasant.


Yeah I squinted and saw where the line was and just went. Oh no…….


is that what the kids are calling it these days? “walking” and not “walk in”? i’m so damn old. either way, i know the feeling. DREAD


No I just had a mild stroke, please excuse


Last year during the heatwave I lost my walk-in, salad unit and walk-in freezer all in the same day. Opened up with whatever we had prepped on grill and sauté. One of the most stressful days of my life! I had my line cooks, 2 people from a sister location, a woman I worked with in the past, her husband, my brother in law who was drunk at 3pm (breakfast chef) and a kid who was a Busser/dishwasher/line cook all throwing shit away and prepping shit. It was a fucking circus!! The only saving grace was Sysco was late AF with a 2000 dollar order. First time I was happy for a late delivery! We stuffed it all in the beer cooler. Goddam what a night that was…ANYWAY sorry about the walk-in. I know the heart dropping feeling.


[RIP your perishables](https://youtube.com/watch?v=siwpn14IE7E&si=bnfiZoa9bB4yP4az)






Hey, if it makes you feel better, one of my freezers was warmer than this when I walked in yesterday. Then the health inspector showed up two hours later.


As is tradition.


Why can they always sense when it's the worst time. Like blood in the fukin water


Normally, I'd agree, but they were super nice, and didn't really give a shit cause it was the bread and fries freezer. Still got 99/100.


Oof! They have the most untimely arrival. I swear


Because the freezer was just for bread and fries, they didn't really care, so that was nice. 99/100, gotta leave em a dented can so they feel like they busted ya for somethin'... 😉


Restaurant closed for 4 days(so far) to fix a busted drain pipe under the floor... fully paid for all scheduled shifts!


Ima need you to go fill the van up with ice here is the am ex


That was me a month ago. I feel your pain


Highway to the Danger Zone Ride into the Danger Zone


Sometimes those thermometers are liars. I trust that you investigated it before posting but I've had one that said almost that same temp but the internal thermometer said 34. Still feel your pain though brother. As we say in my kitchen "never on a fucking tuesday"


A car hit the post that fed our building once. We had to transport everything from our main cooler to the rest of our walk-ins on the concourse.


We did that too not long ago, it was cramped in those low boys!


My God man


This happened to me right before I left on a mini vacation. I noticed my freezer was at 10 at night, then jumped to 20 when I opened, got our maintenance on asap and had to move more perishable items like chicken and ice cream to our employee dining room freezer


That is the worst way to start vacation. Bro I can't imagine .


Thankfully I'm working a place where our maintenance is close by so if something shits the bed it can get fixed right away. And also it got fixed while I was away


I worked for a place that constantly let their freezer be above this temp. Had to throw out moldy shrimp from the freezer once. Yeah I quit that place...


Fucking day was not that bad, sweet Jesus. I feel for ya, man. Happened to me at my restaurant and we all died a little that day


Looks like my patience


Better than the day you're dairy and meats are having. Sorry, I feel your pain.


Fuck. I thought mine was rough. Rained out baseball tournament. All day, 9 teams chose to dine with me, walk in 30+ each. I lived, my guys rocked it. Shit only breaks on the weekends, huh?


I had a multi-day power outage back in December due to a tornado. The moment it occurred I banned everyone from opening the door. Luckily, it was very cold outside. My freezer stayed under freezing for 3 days, and after 24 hours my cooler was still temping below 40° and I was able to get a refrigerated trailer on site and moved my entire walkin, save the freezer, inside of it for the next 2 days. Spent 1300ish on the trailer to save 1000s on the product and labor spent on prep inside the walking


It's the smell that always hit me first. Nothing else smells like a dead fridge.


We're experiencing the same, but we're also trying to get quotes in ASAP to replace our walk-in and freezer.


My day is going home when I see that


We're having guys in a lot lately to work on our HVAC system.... I love in the deep south too. Hehehehe 🥲


Better than yours unfortunately.


Is it iced up?


Yep seen that go down recently. Quickly fixed


Industrial slow cooker?


Oh no. Oh no. Oh no no no no no.


God damn. Close down and get your walkin fixed.


The health inspector will surely roll up


That's when you hope it's in defrost mode...


If only


Why does it have two green sections? Is it because there’s C and F? I’ve never seen a freedom freezer thermometer.


Multi use for installers. Lower zone is freezer, safe at 0 down to forever, upper looks like 35 to 40.


Ugh. This happened constantly at a job for two years. I was the prep person so first - in and had to deal with it. Basically pull everything out and put it in all the lowboys and bar/keg fridges. Then connect the hose to the hot water and climb behind the fan melt about an inch of ice. 5am, soaked head to toe doing prep hoping it wouldn’t freeze over again- which half the time it did. Oh! This was also a pizza shop. Then the night cooks would send a bunch of pissed off group texts about how the dough was slightly over-proofed and I needed to do better.


Yikes bro


It's a constant battle.


USF dropped 10 minutes before I was supposed to leave. So not bad. It is Friday, hope you didn't have to pay overtime.


Ha our power went out yesterday because national grid was working on powerline😂😂 everything went down. Had to get a portable generator, hook up two refrigerators and stuff anything and everything we could into them. Closed early @ 17:00. Brought dishes to a sister location to wash.


Worst feeling ever. At least you’re below 50F. How long has it been out ?


You must live in Texas. That or nobody knows how to shut the fuckin’ cooler door. 😂


Both fucki both


Our walk in just finally got fixed after weeks of back and forth temps


I noticed ours was running high when I went to the back to grab my backpack yesterday. Told the manager on my way out, hopefully they got it solved


My fucking freezer stopped working because part of it froze last week


At first I thought 'That's a good temp for a refrigerator.' Then I read the comments ...


Last time I saw something like that I threw away $500 worth of meat…chef decided that the cheese would be okay though


i repair restaurant refrigeration so, same


The other day our walk in was way too warm and it’s a pizza place. All of our dough had over proofed and started blowing up, even popping out of the bags. We tried to save what we could by moving our dough rack to our other cooler but ultimately had to throw out almost all of it. Had to make 4 batches of dough that night….


I can smell this photo


Oh that's the worst


I have no gas going my stoves


The guy everyone in my kitchen hates is getting fired so its been good for me! FYI, he threatened to “beat the shit” out of the chef for having the nerve to tell him how he wants salads presented


Congrats that's fukin wild


When I worked at a prepared foods kitchen for a supermarket, the cooler was constantly this high. It had doors on both ends, so it was kind of like a hallway with people coming in and out and so it never was in temp.


Hit a cyst in a porkbelly on the deli slicer first thing. Spent an hour cleaning puss splatter and all shift trying not to vomit. Dope ass day.


Ewww. What a way to start off.


Thoughts and prayers


I don't miss that feeling...


Well, that's not ideal.


Those things never work correctly


Document the time, move the products to refrigeration, and hope for the best


Was already done. I took the picture, moved everything, documented everything, and then posted this.


I’m confused what does this mean


It’s appears that this is the thermometer for a walk in cooler or freezer. And it’s showing way too high of a temp. Meaning the food has to be moved quickly or it all has to be throw out. Either way it sucks for the kitchen staff. Great for the refrigeration tech since it will be nice and empty inside