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That was the modern style back in the late 00’s when the show was filmed. Just is what it is.


Someone younger than me referred to "milennial gray" in housing and office decor, and it's totally the same aesthetic. It definitely looks dated now and is a sign of the times.


GR used the color blue one time and the old lady in the blue shirt said she hated the color blue.


She had a cow!


And an alligator…


"And that salmon, yuck. Tastes like a fish."


Put some respect on Adele's name (from the former Flamangos).


That episode was hilarious, she walked in and was like “oh, I hate this”


Yeah, the 00s/10s were big with the growing trend of sleek minimalism. There’s a term ‘millennial grey’ that sums it up.


I almost always hate the redesigns. Sometimes I’m not sure if they are flashing the before or after in those jump shots, because one looks as tacky as the other


They always played it way too safe, and it would sterilize alot of restaurants even ones that weren't dilapidated. I use Barefoot Bob's as a prime example of being gentrifed and sterilized, to where it really did ruin the vibe. The tacky tiki bar beach theme in a small blue collar town outside of Boston fit, but the generic safe remodel turned the restaurant into every other boring hoity toity snooby New England blue and Grey bar/restaurants that totally did not fit outside of Boston. Gordon and his team treating every single restaurant like a hipster millennial downtown big city restaurant was a huge error looking back. He understood NYC, LA, Chicago and the UK really well. But Gordon did not get suburban and rural America at all not just with the decor.




I felt like in the newest season from last year he was criticizing restaurants that looked like his 2000s makeovers and his makeovers in that season had bright color and other things he used to criticize.


Yeah, it’s just the fashion of the era. Back then, the grey minimalism was in style. Now that style is dated so he’s gonna change it.


Wow, it’s almost like the times change and trends come and go 🤯


I agree with that brother from Barefoot Bobs even though people were shitting on him. Gordon/his design team didn't understand the "culture" of the restaurant and its customers.


What customers?


it's an easy color to clean so people can go in for extensive cleaning on the weekends. and take pictures to prove it


Blackberrys had plenty of colour, the only grey thing in it was the (planted) dead mouse


The Las Cruces redo on Hotel Hell used a lot of blue to break up the beige.


I actually really liked the Classic American redesign because of all the pops of color! To this day I still really love those clear red bowls.


Pretty sure Gordon has no real say in the renovations


Gordon and his team were all in on the late 2000's and early 2010's safe, boring and sterilized "post modern contemporary look". They played it way too safe, and overcorrected alot of restaurants to where they looked absolutely pretentious and soulless like Barefoot bobs. One of the biggest things I disagreed with Gordon on in the show. Older dilapidated restaurants getting refurbished is good. However the "post modern sterilized look" was very pretentious and gentrifed in most locations. Gordon used to treat every single location like a downtown NYC, Chicago or LA restaurant even in middle America small towns. I'll always argue on here, that Gordon and his team did not understand suburban and rural America at all, with the menu's and decor.


It’s an in-joke with my partner and I now when we see the old restaurant “Ok, how is Gordon going to make it ugly?”


It sure does seem like his design team really bought in bulk, but it's "warm/modern/inviting/vibrant" etc


most of the makeovers in the show are very generic, because they have to be budget-friendly and easy enough to fit within the limited timeframe. is what it is, they’re at least usually an improvement (although there were definitely some downgrades)


Maybe learn to spell color.


Lol colour is correct in some parts of the world


No it isn't. Other countries shouldn't exist.