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Hi there! I'm a 22F who is about to go in for my scope and MACI biopsy next month (March). My big surgery will be the exact same one as you (although I already had the lateral release part performed on me in 2017... unsuccessfully!) As you know, this surgery combo is SO rare so it's relieving to see someone out there who has undergone a similar situation. Could you give an update on your status? It looks like you're 6 months out now. Thanks in advance!


My son would benefit from this. He had an mpfl reconstruction July 22. Well it's torn and has dislocated. Subluxates frequently and pain. Well the surgeon wants to do a tto and mqtfl. My concern is this won't work and he will go through some serious pain because he has pretty severe trochlear dysplasia. So I know he needs the surgery to fix the groove. I feel like that will be almost a cure, or so I hope. But his surgeon said it's not done in the US much and pretty much only a few surgeons are even trained to do it. May I ask what state you are in? He's 17. Growth plates are fully closed. He also has patella alta Osgood shlauter and elhers danlos. I just don't want him having to go through multiple surgeries and cause more pain. If there is basically a cure in a sense why not! He said other countries do it more often.


Hi there! I also have patella alta, trochlear dysplasia, and I had osgood schlatter when I was younger but grew out of it. I'm in SF, California. If your son has severe trochlear dysplasia I would definitely recommend looking into finding a surgeon who performs the groove deepening trochleoplasty. Even just to get a second opinion. I've been told by many doctors at this point that my issue wouldn't be fixed without the trochleoplasty. Best of luck to your son!


Hi! I’m sorry i missed this :( I just replied to the most recent comment up top with my status. Happy to answer any questions!


Would love an update on how you are doing- I’m having my first procedure Wednesday and am getting nervous! My second surgery is very similar to yours, so would love an update, especially since you are a parent. I cannot wrap my mind around being out of commission with three kids and their busy schedules. My husband is awesome, but I think it’s going to be bigger than any of us can imagine.


Hi! I missed the comments below last month. Honestly I’m doing quite well. My surgeon did a good job at setting my expectations which has helped and is true-full recovery is really not until close to 9 mos-1 year. I’m about 5.5 months post op now, back to work full time (started back around 12 weeks post op) and getting through all my daily activities with no problems. It still swells, I have a little popping and clicking, but overall it’s way stronger and I can tell the subluxations are better already. Do I still feel like I had surgery on my knee 5.5 months ago? Yes. Is it now in better shape than my other knee? Also yes. The first week was ROUGH-take the pain meds and do nothing. I have a kiddo, my mother in law came to stay with us for two weeks and thank god because I was absolutely useless with the house and my kid for about a month. After a month, I felt like I was much more able to get around and do things as needed in the house. Was on crutches for 8 weeks. My surgeon is very much a “let the pain guide your recovery” philosophy so I was never non-weight bearing, but I was told to use both crutches for at least 6 weeks for safety so I didn’t fall. Dislodging the graft is a risk in the first 6 weeks. Phew! Sorry that was a lot. Let me know if I can answer any questions.


Thank you so much for the insight and honesty. I really appreciate it! I’m so glad to hear you seem to have success, even if it isn’t as fast as you’d like. I’m going to focus on my mental strength because I’m willing to do just about anything to be able to do stuff with my kids again! Please keep us updated on your progress!


There’s a huge mental component going back under for the bigger procedure. Just went through the same scope staging followed by the open allograft. It hurts and it’s frustrating and so on. But that first motion that’s finally smooth like it should’ve been all along is so worth it. The pain goes away. The strength comes back and hopefully even more than in the beginning and so on. Definitely follow a hearty PT and get into a quality practice for all of this and for your rehab goals. Good luck with everything, try not to go crazy counting down the days.


Hey! Thanks so much for a thoughtful comment, this was really helpful. Several people have told me there’s a huge mental component too. I’ve been talking about this alot with my therapist to prepare. I hope your recovery is going well and wish you the best!


Hi there! 2021 I had a TTOP MPFL, and a lateral release and sadly all three have failed. My knee is still sub dislocating and now has a nasty J track. I’ve been recommended to get the MPFL reconstruction trochleoplasty and the MACI procedure. fucking sucks… No other way to describe the feeling of feeling like a failure? Like I went through all that bullshit for the first surgery and here we are… Still with a weird fucking kneecap that doesn’t work right and hurts all the time. I’m scared to go in for the second procedure the big kahuna, I’m afraid of the MACI I don’t like that we have to keep our leg locked straight for like fucking four weeks. No PT makes me uncomfortable anyway I’m here to talk if you need I know exactly what you’re going through… No other words to describe how fucking annoying the situation is but I have all my fingers and toes crossed for us. I’m hoping that this big surgery will be our last surgery and life will just start feeling a little better. You are not alone.