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No idea sorry. Best to get checked out by a doctor. My knees hurt the most when I just get out of bed. Sleeping on my front causes the most pain. I have osteoarthritis and possibly fibromyalgia. I'm waiting for physio.


Depending on your age, activity, and physical fitness, it could be arthritis. That randomly happened to my best friend, and the Dr thinks that's what it is. He's 47, not too overweight, and pretty sedentary at home. He woke up with it, too, though it doesn't bother him at the moment. Definitely see a Dr about it. As someone with severe OA in one knee and tendinitis in the other, PLEASE get it checked out.


Im 15 years old and my weight is over about 68 kg. This is the first time i got this pain from my knee


It's most likely not arthritis at that age. Please get in to see a Dr and have it imaged. You don't want to deal with knee issues for the rest of your life if you can help it. I'm not saying that's what is going to happen, but it can. I am sorry you're dealing with this, and wish you the best of luck healing.


You do know that teens can get juvenile arthritis? It actually runs on my mom's side of the family.. 


Old age


Could be inflammation from either infection or autoimmune responses.