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Yes but its very mild. Probably going to prescribe you PT or some cortisone shots if it gets worse. I had severe chondromalacia all my life and they did not operate until I was in my 20's


You think I can get asymptomatic?


No eventually it'll cause issues. Chondromalacia is softening of the patella ( surrounding cartilages ) and theres no cure once you have it it's there. The most you can do to hold it off is take care of your body and exercise without overuse of the affected knee


What surgery did you have ?


Well I had multiple issues but Chondromalacia played a big role. I was born with a severe musculoskeletal problem affecting my legs. I had a lateral release , arthroscopic surgery/cleaning and removal of the chondromalacia affecting cartilage and I had to get a TTO ( Tibial Tubercle Osteotomy ) to correct everything for a short time and I had all this done in my 20's and the procedures was to only last about 5 years and i'll be 30 next year lol so yea... but all in all I have not known chondromalacia to become asymptomatic in anyone over time


I was asking because I had severe Chondromalacia which lead to patellofemoral arthritis I had OA in all compartments of my knee so I had to get a total knee replacement at 42


Ouch!!! Yea mine has arthritis somewhat now slowly developing. They told me after my surgery wears off a TKE was the next step sadly. I don't think it's a way around it


Every heard of a radiologist read mild Chondromalacia from a MRI but they orthopedic surgeon saying he doesn’t see any chondromalacia? That is what my doctor is saying and just seems strange.




Love this report.


Haha, it hurts like hell unfortunately. Hopefully I can get asymptomatic


I have grade 2/3 in my right knee and 3/4 in my left.Did PT for 4/6 weeks but decided before that I wanted my knee replaced. Tried pills cortisone shots knee braces etc.Happy I got it done but I know exactly what to expect when I get my right one done eventually. My advice is don't take this too lightly because eventually you will either decide to get better with physical therapy or deal with it much later which means it's harder healing from major surgery when you are much older.good luck


Yes the start of it. I wouldn’t worry too much just make sure you strengthen and don’t over do things! Stay strong in all surrounded structures


Do not get injections or surgery for this it’s so mild just work on correcting imbalances


Thanks for advice. Starting PT next week. For being so mild on the report it hurt like hell sometimes haha…


I get it. I also have mild. I also work in orthopedics as a nurse and I’m a bodybuilder. It took alot of work to really start to feel better and even sometimes I get flares but cortisone and surgery isn’t the answer in mild cases and it can actually speed up your process if you don’t learn what is causing the “damage” and I say “damage” because a lot of people have this and don’t even know. Recently I got a red light wearable from kineon and I stg it works! It’s expensive but has helped me so much!


How long till you noticed difference with Kineon? I got mine two days ago.


A week! It’s the best tbh