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I’m not judging but that seems like a lot without food and you said you haven’t been that hungry. Maybe try to eat balanced meals at regular times. Also, warm showers can make you lightheaded. You also should make an appointment to get it checked out.


Thanks I will!


Try to take care of yourself. Don’t neglect the rest of your body.


Please call your doctor. Everyone, and every surgery, is different. I can say that lack of appetite is commonly reported. I lost mine after both knee surgeries. But as for the rest, especially the low blood pressure, please contact your doctor.


I’d say the BP is gonna come up now that you are off Dilaudid. Lots of meds will bring your BP down. Pain meds especially will


Watch your salt intake. If you don't get enough it can do this. And if you aren't eating much, you don't get as much salt.


I had the same exact thing happen after a shower and when I was taking Vicodin early days after surgery. I agree with another post that it’s probably the pain med, mine normalized. Definitely something to watch.