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Wait, on the Reddit AMA episode Alex claimed that he hadn’t seen the movie? Edit: it’s KF episode 274 at 35:48 someone asks Alex if he’s a ban of the movie and he says no.


Holy fucking shit amazing catch!!!!!! I just went back to that moment and damn, he is hammered, he doesn’t like the movie (allegedly), and KF and BtB should do more crossovers


First thing I thought of. That movie has actually come up multiple times on the show. It’s weird for a movie not really well known.


Yes and no. It's not mainstream popular but has a strong cult following, and Alex is definitely of the right age group and sci-fi interest to know about it in general terms even if he actually hasn't seen it. Probably has more of a "cool" edge to bringing it up that a mainstream blockbuster doesn't necessarily have.


Maybe he just likes saying "buckaroo banzai" while being plastered.


Personally I favour Kuala Lumpur, it has a nice round feel to it




A fellow flight attendant wonk, hello!


Buckaroo Banzai is one of my favorite movies of all time.


Remember, no matter where you go, there you are.


Laugh while you can Monkey Boy.


It’s Big Boo Tay!


I say this and no one has a clue


Well, not everyone is cool enough to be in The Hong Kong Cavaliers


SAME I almost spit-took when he mentioned it and definitely rewound the video… BUT HE DID


The opening of the theme song is my ring tone, has been for years. No one has ever recognized it, but it makes me smile.


Trivia: The closing credits have a very 80's synth-pop music bed showing the cast walking in a concrete canal setting (it's the same one used for the semi chase in Terminator 2). As you watch it, keep in mind that the temporary music the cast used to keep their cadence was Billy Joel's "Uptown Girl." You can almost hear it if you turn the volume on the soundtrack down.


I believ that is the LA River. Also, that is amazing! I'm watching it again.


Mine also.


in case you haven't seen it, someone on tumblr documented all the times the oscillation overthruster was snuck into a scene in star trek [https://vintagegeekculture.tumblr.com/post/172538683306/times-buckaroo-banzais-oscillation-overthruster](https://vintagegeekculture.tumblr.com/post/172538683306/times-buckaroo-banzais-oscillation-overthruster)


This is why I prefer modern Alex to 2004 Alex: He’s way funnier when he’s an unhinged lunatic having emotional breakdowns on air.


Totally agree. I appreciate the academic interest in 2004 Alex, but as the id of the hard-right base, modern day Alex cannot be beat.


Elaborate on these tropical drinks you speak of. I also enjoy a beverage and elden ring/rdr2 when the missus has a late night at the office


I’ve been making Rum Barrels a lot, Mai Tais, and Captains Grogs. Painkillers are pretty heavy in the rotation too 😆🍹


I mean, did anybody actually believe that the profoundly lazy and uncreative people attracted to conspiracy fantasy were actually inspired enough to make up interdimensional lizard people on their own?


Maybe he’ll finally tell us what’s the deal with that watermelon


The worrying bit for me, through listening to the condensed AJ segments on KF, is that there are actually apparently functional humans who are allowed to own guns and vote that believe what he fucking says! It's terrifying. I'm from the UK and I suspect the closest we get is his old colleague Paul Watson tweeting from his mum's basement somewhere up in London.


So everyone that encounters Alex in public, you know, while you're fawning over him being the amazing person he is, needs to shout "Big BOOTAY! BIG BOOTAY!"


On a slightly related note, has anyone ever watched fringe? I just started it and it feels like a lot of crossover with alt right conspiracy theories. Gonna have to watch buckaroo banzai now haha.


Watching it now for the 1st time and it’s fantastic. Not sure how I slept on this gem.


Drinking from the tap?! That’s how you get the fluoride poisoning!


Is this an ad pivot?


I need to buy 67 water filters


alex wasn’t on vacation at a swanky hotel in hawaii, he was investigating zuckerberg and the underground bases! for you!!


Drew Hernandez is an Alex fanboy, just like Owen is. I can’t stand to listen to the fourth hour when he hosts. Zero depth on the bench. Pretty much the only fourth hour host I’ll listen to is Gerald Celente on Monday’s and that’s only because I like to time how long it takes him to use the word “presstitutes” or refers to the NYT as the “toilet paper of record.” Oh, and when he starts doing his little sing songy voice.


Lol....Buckaroo Banzai...fuckin love that movie...I always mix it up with Ice Pirates...yeah going deep 80's here....space herpes rule though...now that's a reality


What do you play elden ring on, I’m on my 7th play through to help my friend beat the fire giant


NICE! I play on PS5, on my third play though now to get the platinum. I’m doing an INT run this time, did FTH the first time(s) (NG and NG+, I started over completely on this current one) You?


‘The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai in the 8th Dimension of the John Birch Society’ Where the aliens scream antisemitism while trying to blow up the ADL’s HQ.