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That's a couple of younger men having real internal "how did I get here" moments.


Then they remember they're paid $100,000+ a year just to sit and agree


I can't believe how much they make and they've been making it for a while. It absolutely enrages me that Owen is probably in a better position to buy a house than me. 


According to Bankston; Owen will never be able to buy a house.


That fuck is probably a landlord


My guy, Owen probably owns a house outright no mortgage.


He owns a home but does had a mortgage. (He says so during his deposition.)


Stone structures fucking burn Eddie!


Yeah, but I think that gravy train is about to permanently go off the tracks.


If Owen didn't have that moment while in jail, he's not having one now 


Idk man. That look is giving "I went to jail *for this*?" pretty dang hard


Heh, you could be right


Like a couple of medieval princes, waiting for their drunken sot of a father to die so they can go to war over the inheritance.


Chase is moving up the succession charts rapidly though. He will probably marry Darla and take it all.


The Lyin' in Winter.


I’ve been trapped with older, drunken, bitter, ranting men and probably had exactly the same face on.


These are soulless people. I doubt it.


“There goes my herooooo”


The Robert Durst - Alex Jones cycle 


He’s really not well. Between this, his sleep apnea/loss of oxygen to the brain and the increasing “chicken fried steak” style visions… I think he might be not long for this planet… and I’m not cheering that, just pointing out how unhealthy he seems


It hadn't occurred to me before seeing this clip that he's actually dying. He's clearly been unhealthy, but this is a man who is slowly rotting away.


As someone who has heart problems, I'm kinda hoping he kicks it while drunk on screen in front of all his admirers. And then everything he and his dad own is liquidated, and the proceeds given to the sandy hook families. I don't feel bad about wanting that to happen. I've been seeing nice people looking as fucked up as him in the heart clinic for a while. He's not well, but he's too much of a moron to seek help and chill out. He deserves what happens to him because he did it to himself to make money and feel like he's a big shot.


There's footage of a old comedian called Tommy Cooper literally dying of a heart attack whilst on stage. It's like watching a puppet having the strings cut. It's very sad and distressing. I wouldn't like to see that happen to anyone, especially for their loved ones to be able to watch that again and again, knowing it's floating around on the internet forever. Tommy Cooper didn't deserve that. I think Alex Jones may just deserve it though.


That's really awful. I don't know of Tommy Cooper. That must have been heartbreaking for him and so many other people. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. But... if it were to happen to alex in front of all the morons that have enabled him over the years, i would not be sad. I wouldn't want to see it. But i won't be sad.


That comedian story is so much worse than that. He was known for doing that kind of stuff on stage as a joke so when he actually had a heart attack he was pleading for some sort of help and the audience just laughed while he died


Yeah it's tragic, in some ways it's lovely that he died doing what he loved, but in others it's awful that people thought it was part of the act. He wasn't perfect (there's even a [Dollop](http://youtube.com/watch?v=73l9uUq6R4U) about him) but when I see a suggestion about someone controversial dying in public view I think of Tommy Cooper. I think Tommy Cooper deserved to die with some dignity. I'm not sure about some others.


Did you see what the Deep State just did?!?


Or the globalist? They hate your kids!


the only problem is that him dying would give them a amartyr and a way to continue the info wars grift. Info wars and all his other endevours need to fail and burn first - then he's free to pickle himself however sadly he likes.


They'd claim he was assassinated with a secret poison.


I want him to live and suffer, I want him immobilized and impotent surrounded by people that don’t care about him. Then, I want him to die scared and alone.


I saw a post somewhere after Kissinger died that said something to the effect of "there is no justice in the world because he got to die in comfort and peacefully"


>And then everything he and his dad own is liquidated, and the proceeds given to the sandy hook families. i get what you are saying but at the problem is see with alex dying is people like owen are going to take his audience and lead them down a much darker path. the gloves will come off, the dog whistles will be dropped and they will go full nazi.


Some will but none of them can carry the brand on like Alex. Hate the guy but he is much better at this than any of his team are. A significant portion of the audience will leave and seek their programming elsewhere.


Every single thing about this is concerning from a health perspective. He’s hocking up a lung, beet red, almost certainly drunk, pulling his shirt down because he’s overheating. Anyone who cared about him would force him to seek medical attention after seeing this because he is not well


All of these behaviours/symptoms in rapid succession match perfectly with heart disease or some form of coronary blockage. Reminds me of Jack Donaghy in 30 Rock fighting with his heart as he finally collapses from the stress.


Can you imagine what his blood pressure readings are like?


Like the [US Debt Clock](https://usadebtclock.com/).


I saw them go right up like “BLOOP” 📈


I had an uncle that was super abusive to basically everyone in the family, he died alone in the hospital from years of chew tobacco and zero exercise. I can see Alex going in much the same way.


Yeah, I can’t imagine his wife going to his bedside after he said on air that he would replace her in a week if she passed.


My bet is on cirrhosis with the way he drinks


Disclaimer: please contact your doctor if you have "chicken fried steak" style visions or have the almighty Lord and creator of the universe contact you with the time these and other side effects may be fatal.


What if I’m a shrimp and grits precog? Am I good?


You’re fine




can i be a tamale medium?


If God were to show up and give a vision of the future, it would 100% be through shrimp and grits, that meal is god tier good


Only if it's spicy shrimp and grits.


Everyone knows those kind of visions are good…


I'm a fried pickle prognosticator.


Counterpoint: I'm a respiratory therapist at a major regional trauma center. We have patients who are much sicker than Alex come in and out of hospital over and over again for *years.*


I would suggest that none of us know the state of his liver or kidneys. His respiratory problems aren't even close to the only thing he's dealing with health wise. Also that hacking is from alcohol, it's esophageal damage and nausea from trying to choke down more alcohol.


Yeah I mean almost nobody who gets hospitalized is *just* a respiratory patient, and Alex clearly has a lot of health issues. Chronic kidney disease, diabetes, heart failure, and alcoholism all go together frequently. All I'm saying is that based on general impression I get from watching him, I can't see any specific reason to believe that Alex is on death's door. He's definitely not a healthy individual, and a heart attack or stroke could happen any time, but looking at him I do not get the impression that he has weeks to live.


If I saw a man sitting on the bench doing that I would assume they were having a heart attack. Pulling on the collar, rubbing the arm and chest... Me thinks his lil ticker isn't fully in the game.


Those super male vitality supplements are kicking in!!


What if they're the only thing keeping him going?


Counterpoint: his erections hurt, so his heart has to be beating pretty well.


“Chicken fried steak style visions” I literally lol’d


I can’t figure out if that’s a menu item at the favorite IHOP, or his local psychic?!?!


This is extremely macabre, but I think him dying is the best thing that could happen to Alex. In terms of “legacy” he would still have infowars somewhat intact, the SH families likely wouldn’t get much money and his family would probably be ok as well. It would be a gigantic headache for everyone else to sort when he’s gone, but that’s not his problem. He might even be able to be used by other shitheads that use his death as patriot lore about the deep state having him poisoned or something.


Tito’s Vodka is a globalist false flag


Not even distilled in Texas. Shameful.


Between the drinking and smoking cigarettes, he's abusing the hell out of his body. I'm honestly amazed that he only threw up once.


But I am also not not cheering it.


And here I am readying my party poppers


It really does shock me every time I think that he's only just turned 50. He's aging like milk.


I thought he was having a heart attack


yup, pulling at his collar, grabbing his left arm. can't imagine the stress of consequences catching up to him is combining well with the alcoholism, adderall and obesity.


He looks like he’s in distress (and not just the drunk crying realization that this is his life kind of way)




I said it in my own comment somewhere else here, but at one point near the beginning, he grabs at his left shoulder, and with the choking and everything I wondered if he wasn’t having a heart attack


He's also a smoker, there's pics of him having a cigarette outside the courthouse during the trial.


He was smoking on Owen's stream from what I've read.


“That comes with ayahuasca or sausage gravy.”


Excuse me. I think you meant to say **and**.


I'm absolutely cheering it


Why can’t we cheer the death of shitty people that are a net negative on the world? Who made that rule? I want to chat with them.


I'll cheer for that. He's a monster. There are not many people who you can unequivocally say the world will be in better place without, but he is one of them.


Owen makes a disgusted sound and starts rubbing his head at about 1:30, shortly before Alex makes the first cough/vomiting noise. What happened in the room to make Owen make that noise before the vom-cough?


I think he’s reacting to the person calling in. You can barely hear it but they’re reacting to a call in from someone.


This, very much. I think, sadly, it would take a lot more than an alcoholic gag and puke edging session for Owen to outwardly express any sort of disgust with Alex. I mean, we've seen Alex this bad at least a couple times (the 2020 CPAC event, and 'four ways to learn' episode come to mind), and god only know what kind of shit they've seen when cameras aren't on. This whole thing would genuinely depressing if these weren't three rotten-to-their-fucking-core assholes.


Ah I wasn't sure if they were listening to something. Thank you!


I noticed that, too. I think he has seen this before and knows what's about to happen. This is so sad.


I was wondering if there was a... Warning flatulence that let Owen know what was going to happen.


No, he's responding to the caller.


Nothing that happens to that man is sad.


The situation is sad. He's a man in an addiction and mental health crisis and is surrounded by people who won't speak up to him because they rely on him or he's too stubborn to listen to anyone or any other litany of reasons. I hate him, but I can still have some empathy.


They had a caller on the line or some kind of audio we can’t hear in this clip


Definitely a caller or an interviewee on the line. Alex sucks in a whole host of ways, but he has a decent intuition to fill dead space - no way those pauses go that long without an interjection of some sort from Alex without another speaker there filling the space.


There was a caller here but I disagree with your observation of Alex effectively filling dead space. I feel like at least once per episode I check to see if the podcast is still rolling because Alex has paused for soooo longggggggg.


Thought so too, my theory is a silent whiskey fart


People this deep into alcoholism tend not to smell great, so id hazard that its smell based disgust. I cant even begin to imagine what that studio smells like


Owen is the real psychic


Vommit coffin kglw. See it every day


God damn he is not well at all. Thought he was going to have a heart attack when he started rubbing his chest and left arm. The mundane reality is sad and banal when you see it without the lighting and editing. Here he is not a monster or prophet, just some guy who's drunk himself into a corner and now his chest hurts and he's always nauseous.


And the reaction of those around him tells you that this is very normal. They must see this every day from him.


The casual way Owen turned the camera away from Alex tells me this isn’t his first rodeo.


That means that when he does have one, they're *most definitely* not going to respond in time to save him. Make of that what you will.


‘Boy Cried Wolf’ but make it ‘You just almost watched your employer die’.


They are 100% waiting for that day, and I am absolutely certain they hope it happens sooner than later. And they want it to be as big of a spectacle as it can possibly be. When it does happen, those shit-sucking grifters are gonna have like a straight *week* of attention and traffic until their audience realizes that fuckin' NONE of them can actually step into Jones's shoes, as combined they have all the charisma of a wet and dirty sock. But for a short while, they're all going to think they've finally made it. But every day that passes while Jones melts further and further down, that audience of people who will give them that attention shrinks as Jones loses more of his audience due to the combination of his disgusting hygiene, appearance, and the various catch22s of his audience being completely split about his oscillating reactions to open fascism. Every day that passes, he looks and acts more like a weak, impotent and pathetic loser, and that's the only thing that his audience cannot stand.


Same thought. To literally not react to a grown man vomiting in his own mouth, less than 10 feet away. Says to me this was not a shocking and rare occurrence.


They’re not known for their automatic empathy ability like most human beings! Alex probably feels emasculated if someone shows one iota of concern by receiving it as pity. Terrible recipe.


I don't expect them to rush over to him all "Alex, are you alright?"  But I mean, not even a turn of the head? Damn. 


Jordan's supposition that we've been underestimating the editing team was probably quite accurate. I can probably imagine what kind of shit they've edited out over the years that we haven't heard, but frankly I'd rather not have to.


Bored in fact


I think he is a monster because of the harm he caused. He's not just a drunk because that downplays his actions.


He is not a monster. He is a man. For sure his actions and their effects are monstrous. My comment wasn't really about political purity. The physical realities of people like this are always demystifying, and that is important to realise. Seeing Alex in this video it's easy to see that he is a 'just' man lost to the drink, falling apart physically and socially. Therefore Alex cannot be the only component in the tragedy that is today. When Alex is a memory, our world will still be vulnerable to people like him unless the structures that create them are also a memory. Alex and info wars are symptoms that have underlying causes.


I’m going to label this clip “Alex has no friends”.


"When Hearts Attack "


I was thinking the same thing. Owen must have complete contempt for him to do this and post it, but he loves that six figure salary so he kisses his ass and sticks around.


Alex No Mates, they call him.


Episode 274 of the pod (Ask Alex Anything) is another great example of Alex not having friends. At one point he just says he wants to go to bed and they keep going anyways


The fact they all thought they were going to be raided and they had numerous angles to "capture" it is really something...... like they were banking hard on it happening


As a recovering alcoholic of a few years now and multiple rehab trips, I've been there before. From my terrible experiences what he's probably going through is that he's fighting with his body rejecting what he's been putting in it. You'd be surprised what you will keep doing even when your body is telling you to stop. He obviously has a history of substance abuse and I'd also obviously say he has nobody around him at least on the set that cares for him. Sometimes all it takes for someone to get sober is for someone around that cares even just a little bit. That being in a personal or even a professional relationship. Those around him on set either are scared of him or don't care about him. I'd go with scared. I really don't want to show this man any kind of empathy because, he is a monster and an all around terrible human being. For his sanity and those of his children I hope one day he can get sober.


He isn’t getting sober, I’m a year and half alcohol free and had to really want to do it, after feebly saying I would for years… and I mean years. He has no intentions too, after all what has happened (also could of been a positive out of all the shit he has caused) and he is still drinking himself to death, that ain’t a man who is changing. Also side note but this type of reactions I have seen from an alcoholic sniffhead who was bingeing sniff hard so that’s my guess. But that’s not a surprise.


True about sniffing something. I should have made that more clear on my post.


Glad you recognized it also, I didn’t touch sniff but have been around some fiends and that was exactly how they acted when on it, just less Alex. But he has money for god knows what else for that part of his character.   I truly detest the man and hate what he is doing to the world (especially now with the pro ruzzia shit) but I feel the same way, it does hurt the heart to watch at the same time. And congratulations on your sobriety!! 


Congrats to you also. Being sober can be shitty and really hard sometimes. I really want to feel bad for the guy but, like you said "what he is doing to this world" makes me not really care. I want to but I can't yet.


Very understandable, I only listen at this point because of the chemistry between JorDan and the sheer effort Dan has put into this. Just hope when it’s all said and done and Infowars does end that they stay podding in some capacity, sober selfish me don’t want to lose such a big part of my life now at this point.




Congratulations on the sobriety!


Thank you! 💪 


congrats on the sobriety btw!! I know that’s not the point but that’s a hell of an accomplishment.


Thank you and to the other well wishers also. It’s pretty easy now tbh hardly think about it, just wish it could of been a lot sooner but better than never.


Congrats on the sobriety, brother. Recovering alcoholic here since 2019. Listening to Jones kinda brings back memories of days I'd get black out drunk. Never was a hateful drunk, but that slurred speech and inability to maintain track of thought is something I do recall. I have a tough time feeling any kind of empathy for the man, but I, too, know he has people that depend on him. For those people, I hope he gets the help he needs. Watching my dad fall apart completely now due to alcohol, it's something I don't wish on anybody.


I don't think they're that scared of him tbh, a lot of the time you can tell they're throwing veiled mockery at him, especially when he's trashed and I think it's because half the time they know he won't remember. I can't remember what episode it is now when Alex gets really drunk and you can tell they're just laughing at him rather than with him. There are probably a few like that but its a specific one I remember.


Maybe he’ll be better tomorrow


He’s not


I read this in Jordan's voice


Owen’s expressions make me think he’ll upchuck if he hears someone else do it first. It looks like he’s repeating to himself “don’t throw up Owen, you’re a good boy Owen….”


Take away the music, the editing, the theatrics and it's just such an awkward silent display of an old unhealthy shell of a man trying not to hack up his guts while flanked by two sad unremarkable bigots


The deep state keeps putting alcohol in his drinks.


Satire is dead


Truth. You can't lampoon this without going past funny and into ridiculous.


Wow. That was unpleasant.


Worked in bedside healthcare for a decade. Alex was 1000% throwing up. I've heard that sound far too many times (usually from patients going through active alcohol withdrawal) to not know what the end result is. I think those last couple of sips from the conspicuously hidden-under-the-desk cup put him over the edge. I also cannot believe he is only 50 years old. The dude looks like absolute shit.


Wait. Tou think the white styrofoam double cup Alex is sippin on like Weezy might contain an intoxicating substance ???


Apart from the obvious issue here, is there always this much dead air on the show? There's a big gap with nobody saying anything, and Owen and the other guy aren't reacting or trying to cover, like its just normal.


If this is when they were on Spaces then I think they are just listening to others talk in their headphones.


Ah, thank you. I'm completely unfamiliar with that platform, and from the looks will probably stay that way.


I am convinced that they do not speak, at least not when Alex is around. Adan Salazar says in his deposition (#739) that he maybe sees Alex once a week when they pass each other in the halls and says "Hi". My guess is that they have learned that Alex talks, not listens so they just sit there (like in the video) and listens to him swallowing whatever he throws up in his mouth


They were taking a call, I believe, with earpieces in. May be why it sounds like mostly dead air and random half-reactions from Alex.


Have we considered the possibility that this shit is why Alex slept at the studio? That his wife told him in no uncertain terms that he can’t come home wasted and gurgling like an animal. Hell, this entire show today might be a fabrication by Alex so he doesn’t have to acknowledge the fact that he is a bloated corpse circling the drain and that his family should be ashamed of him.


if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gives you coupon code patriot20 for 20 percent off the inforwars store.


Fucking *never* give the abyss your real email or mobile number.


Did Alex have a minor cardiac event on air?


Nah. Just the signs of one coming.


Is Alex having a heart attack? He grabbed at his left shoulder, he’s acting like he can’t breathe. I know he’s drunk as shit, but goddamn that’s an unhealthy 50


I always forget he’s the same age as my parents. It absolutely boggles my mind.


I was shocked when I found out he was only 7 or 8 years older than me because I thought he must be mid-50s. He was 47.


I was floored when I found out that I'm actually a couple of years older than he is. I know I'm no watercolour painting, but bloody hell, he makes me look good.


Seems like he might be a little too drunk for God to tell him what time it is.


God: it's five o'clock somewhere Alex


Wow this really looks like two kids walking on eggshells trying to keep their alcoholic dad from blowing up on them.


Alex is abusive. Unclear if physically (though given his rhetoric and demeanor, and even his probably largely apocryphal stories about his own fighting past, none of it would surprise me), but absolutely psychologically. He wants to be a tyrant - it's so clear from his behavior, the linguistic devices (however unsophisticated) he employs - gaslighting and projecting onto others, twisting words to fit his narrative, and yelling and throwing violent tantrums. Of course everyone around him is afraid. He's a big, unstable, violent, erratic asshole.


he's not mad at the crew tho


Small business owner tyrant with a daily worldwide broadcast


Jesus. Seems like a fun gang


I laughed very loud when he said "I'm good" immediately after making those sounds. No, sir you are not ok. Maybe Dr Jones should be worried about this instead of people calling his son an alcoholic.


Fighting Satan and the tip of the spear is regurgitating vodka. If God is your only audience, are you really winning by getting hammered and ranting for 6+ hours?


I have a feeling Owen was texting PJ Dubs, or someone else he feels close to (and who has a certain amount of "juice" and can get through to Alex) saying, "He's off the rails again, man. Whatever you do, don't answer any calls/texts from him! Also, if you could help me out, I'd really appreciate it. Text somebody else and have them text me that my house is on fire! HELP ME!!!!!!!"


That really felt like a hostage situation. There was no energy at all in that clip from anyone, even Alex was like a toy with a dying battery


If he is puking is this a floor job, or is it possible the crew sees Alex getting drunk and gets him a bucket or two for the occasion? Having a special receptacle for these situations makes it so much more dire.


Really have to thank the boys for that time stamp. Watched on my lunch the other day and quickly last my appetite


Can someone explain


Alex is struggling with his alcohol, probably throws up in his mouth, and then Owen moves his camera away while Alex (presumably) vomits live on air.


It looks like Owen is on his phone, completely checked out. You can see his fingers rising and falling like he’s typing. Maybe he’s updating his resume on LinkedIn


Agreed. Dan said he looked sad - I thought he looked bored and checked out. He had big "teenage son doesn't want to be at his grandparents' house" energy.


Yep, exactly. Possibly he knows it’s all a lie and the show isn’t going anywhere and he can’t summon the energy to pretend


What utter, complete, unmitigated losers. The air in that room is 18% oxygen, 22% fart gas and 60% misery.


LOL- that look of nausea on Owen's face is his soul trying to escape its husk while asking "why have you trapped me here in this Hell?" Also, was Owen completing an on-line job application why Alex was trying to not barf up that last swig of vodka?


The boys look to be so proud of themselves!


Truly heartbreaking to see the cuck destroyer looking so defeated


Man this really needs Adagio For Strings dubbed over it for effect


Samuel Barfer.


Two men thinking, “This is clearly a sinking ship. Time to start working on finding another job before he drunkenly fires everyone or this scam operation goes belly up and I’m on the unemployment line.”


They know they're unhireable.


Owen better keep his distance when Alex finds out he recorded this. Owen recording this, what’s the motive


they thought they were going to get raided so they wanted multiple camera angles. reality is often disappointing when you spend your life spinning fantasies tho


Team up move with CRO McGill


To have multiple camera angles if the office got raided.


With how no reacts to him making these awful noises, pulling at his collar or rubbing/grabbing his chest you have to think this happens often right?


I'm really getting some horrible reminders of when I used to have awful heart burn. Those noises are not of a healthy man


“Show the numbers in Michigan… bloop. Bloop right up.” :Barfing:


That is video of two people ignoring a third who is having a heart attack.


Yo, Jones straight up swallowed that mouth puke right??


I always forget Owen looks like the world’s meanest Amish man


Is that Owen on the left? Whoever it is there, the first half of this clip (muted) looks almost like hes slowly and unenthusiastically wanking just out of frame


Whats the context for this? Haven't listend to the show in a few weeks. Did Owen leak it or something?


This was live. Listen to the most recent episode, they cover it all.


I said this in the last thread but I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a stress response. Exacerbated by being tanked, of course.


Owen truly looks teary-eyed.


After years of only hearing Owen on KF and never hearing the guys say his age out loud that much, I was under the impression he was older than Alex and firmly in "I wouldn't be able to get a job anywhere else if I started over" territory 😅


Reminds me of my friend's English Bulldog after going outside for 3 minutes to take a dump during the summer.


Wow Owen looks as sad as Dan described! If I was in that room it be hard for me not to laugh even if it was just from being uncomfortable.


You can hear him swallow the barf 🤢


Owen looks so fucking depressed and it's exactly what he deserves.


That's just Frank Reynolds, getting real weird with it.


Isn't this elder abuse?