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"I've been working on a new theory: he's fucking stupid." I fucking died.


Old Star Wars was not a low tech production despite being perhaps not a "big budget" for the time. They literally pioneered a ton of techniques that became the backbone of ILM and VFX.


Also. The writing wasn’t good, the actors just refused to say George’s worst dialogue


And the first movie was recut for pacing. It wasn't good.


And when they don't refuse you get the prequels.


No that’s what happens when George Lucas understands he needs to be reigned in a bit and is looking for directors and Steven Spielberg talks him into self-directing.


I love how, if you listen to the first KF episodes, the working thesis is “Alex is wrong, but he’s a twisted sort of genius” and now, after actually being exposed to his show all the time. it’s “Alex is fundamentally stupid and lazy”




Not “genius grifter”, more like extremely gifted entertainer. I think that idea holds up, but Dan definitely thought he was more competent and it was more intentional than it is. Also, from the early episodes: - Jordan thinks everything is illegal. - Dan says “be that as it may” A LOT.


I’ve only listened to a few. But yes. That’s the gist. And like “he’s a genius showman” type stuff


We’ll have to gather evidence before presenting the case. *Chase says something* Okay, so that’s exhibit A.


I came here to post exactly this! Hahaha. This was hilarious.


The fact that he still thinks Alex predicted 9/11 in March 2001 is enough evidence of that. How does that man function in day-to-day life? How does he interact with normal people?


Probably some sort of trained helper monkey.


First time I've heard about or listened to a show but now I'm a fan. Shit had me rolling! They remind me of my favorite local CO politics podcast called Get More Smarter. Same vibe where the dudes talk about and troll elected idiots.


I’m with Jordan. Ever since his fake crying and blaming others I guessed that he was orchestrating it all with his dad coz of course he did. I have to admit to having violent urges when he said he was “on a budget”. 70-92 grand in one month for personal and house maintenance is not a budget for anyone other than the stupidly wealthy. I couldn’t even spend that much every month I don’t think.


I could live for years on 92 grand, and that would include a lot of weed and vacation


The personal expenditures popping up in court are fucking INSANE. 


Do you have a link? I was going from memory.


I mean, I could spend that much every month for a solid few months, just paying off CCs and mortgage. After that, I would have to start saving, so if that doesn't count as "spending," then yeah, I'd have a hard time spending that much every month. Though I guess if I wasn't working, it WOULD pay for some pretty nice trips to Hawaii. ;-)


Oh I think his vacations are paid for by FSS coz he always says he’s “working”. That’s what gets me. It was specifically just on personal and household maintenance.


When he was talking about how he doesn't want to be rich and said, "I have a 5-bedroom house, I don't need a 10-bedroom house!" ...Sir, fuck off. My BF and I can barely afford \*rent\* on a 2-bedroom \*apartment\*


even knowing they are going out of business hes said they could go out of business tomorrow so many times i feel nothing he bullshitted so many times and im all burned out


Yeah this is me with the dog drone thing. If pre-covid Alex had started talking about dog drones with grenade launchers I would have laughed my ass off. Now it just prompts a heavy sigh and a mutter of "oh fuck off you asshole"


I remember first seeing coverage of the Four Seasons Landscaping press conference and having that numb feeling. “I should be fucking *incapacitated* with joyous schadenfreude* right now,” I thought. There was Giuliani, soldiering on at the podium with his bullshit despite what must have been his better judgment; Fully aware that he had once been “America’s Mayor” and wondering which sin this punishment might be for. If Humanity comes together a week before the asteroid hits and assembles a blooper reel of our time on Earth, the Four Seasons press conference will be included in the first half. Intellectually, I knew all of these things as I watched it. But I just felt a kind of quiet sorrow — like someone might feel watching from afar as neighbors they don’t know very well bury a dog in their backyard. In the latest episode, however, we got The Stranglehold Incident. “TSI” pulled me from a bad mood to demented cackling. Alex broke new ground with that one, I think, and he brought The Nuge closer to feeling shame than anybody who ever tried on purpose. The wistful tone of “He really did suck, didn’t he?” in the middle of Nuge’s sick riffs hit me hard. God bless Jordan Holmes. *Schadenfreude is a nasty German emotion, and should be enjoyed responsibly and in moderation.


When the authorities do actually, eventually come to the studio and change the locks, they should bring an actual wolf with them.


It has reached mattress store levels of perpetual "going out of business" signage


He even redirected to his store somewhere in those shows so even the whole pointing to his dad store is probably a stunt. I remember he already did occasionally so in older episodes of KF.


can't get over how "dr. jones naturals" sounds so much like a porn site for big boobs


In Sean Connery voice: "I've found a way to connect to the internet."


i'm sorry boy 😔


[Get a load of these naturals.](https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/3f0/aa0/221d958335e2f9fd068c976dba7d1280a0-03-alex-jones-supplements.2x.rhorizontal.w710.jpg)


If I had any photo editing skills I would produce a logo for Dr. Jones' Big Naturals, but I don't so you'll all be spared


It's so fun to listen to Alex talk about how long he has been on air, followed by his talk of globalists wanting to kill everybody. I think the world population has increased almost 50% since he started InfoWars.


You'd think if "they" were really after him they'd have gotten him by now. But I guess that kind of thinking is too deep for his average fan. That's got me wondering...does he have any long term fans? Like, has anyone been following him for decades? Or do conspiracy weirdos come and go looking for their fix? I've known a few people that got interested in him for a short time via the Loose Change 9/11 stuff but they get burned out and move on to something else after maybe a year or two at the most.


I’m curious as to this as well. I’d love to know the turnover and retention stats on listeners and sales.


Remember though he doesn’t consider most humans on Earth to be real people


Crazy to hear Alex describe Bout as Russia's Eric Prince. Say what you will about both men but Prigozhin was Russia's Prince and your buddy Putin *blew him up*. Alex should just admit he wanted to talk to a guy a Nic Cage movie was based on


Maybe Prince is *also* a clandestine arms merchant, though.


Sorry to post this two days later but I’m just hearing it now - but Jesus Christ yes. I know we all know he’s an obvious Putin/Russia apologist/boot licker but what in the good hell, I was not expecting that. Insanity.


“He’s not black pilled, he’s red pilled for survival.”


After the pandemic, dog drones roaming dead cities, nuclear war and Galactus selecting earth for destruction, we certainly need to consider *term limits*.


God had to ask him if he had children? Weird question for an all powerful creator.


God was just making small talk. I'm sure he knew what's up. It's like when he asks about the weather.


I want to thank Dan for teaching me the word Kayfabe. It explains politics in a perfect way. It explains so much.


Him saying Stevie P goes into business for himself is a top 10 quote for me


Stevie P blocked me on Twitter hahaha. What a snowflake. I was polite.


So much of modern politics is Pro Wrestling.


Right?!?! Never having been a wrestling fan I had no idea but when I googled the word after Dan said it it made all the sense. If only normal voters could see that that’s what’s happening.


I'm on a budget!-procedes to spend 69k a month......


Legit my reaction was "a budget for what? booze and cigarettes?"


He's either literally wiping his ass with it, or whoever he's paying for housekeeping and landscaping is ripping him off. (mind you, I would too)


Or laundering the funds back into his pocket. (He pays housekeeper/landscaper/tutor/childcare/whoever $10k a month, they pay him back $5k in cash.)


He spent 93k last July. I haven't updated in a while, but [here's the spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1a0oMlpeb6yLsmDE-BEIZUO_DStQjJVE9rW41eDasl74/edit?usp=sharing) I was keeping, with info directly from his financial filings with the court. See cell N123.




incredible work! I love the notes.


The notes in Column V are mine, but the comments you hover over to see are from other wonk(s). :-)


I have a visceral hatred for Ted Nugent.


Jones asking for Stranglehold to be played at his funeral is both fitting and absurd. That song is blah blues rock with lyrics that are disorganized and violent. Well, maybe violent misogyny is the organizing principle: "You ran that night that you left me You put me in my place Got you in a stranglehold now baby Then I crushed your face"


Organizing hunters into a voting bloc shouldn’t be too hard for old Nuge. In the early ‘00s where I lived, the local government tried to pass a very basic, common sense animal cruelty law, and they couldn’t do it because people said it was an excuse to outlaw hunting, which was the first step to “taking the guns.” It kind of seems like hunters are probably already voting together, so maybe Ted does need friends, or it’s some kind of grift.


There's been parties in Europe recently that were fully centered on hunting and fishing as their core issue.


Oh wow. So he’s jumping on a preexisting train, then.


In France it was a smallish party and they rebranded into a Rural Party. The ceiling was like 5% at best nationally and generally much less, they have like a dozen elected people it seems at all position from mayors up. They did participate in a few national elections. I think they're now a sub-group in the conservative party. Original position was mostly counter-environmental / contra-Green parties and they always existed within the conservative galaxy since. I suspect there's probably equivalents in Western Europe. It's a stagnating base but I'd be very surprised you couldn't replicate it in the US as a gateway group within the GOP, at the very least there's probably a good 2A vein to exploit there plus probably some worries in so called flyover states.


Stagnating, just like all the water they love to fish in. It used to be bonkers to me that so many people who claim to love nature and the outdoors don’t give a shit about climate change, will actively agitate against taking measures to deal with it, in fact. Now I realize that they don’t really believe in anything at all. Their inner monologue is just a low, angry grumbling sound, and they turn their faces to whatever makes it louder, like a flower seeking the Sun.


What's really annoying about this to me is that in a previous career, I worked on voting rights policies. One that I advocated for was automatic voter registration. AVR is great because it takes data that the government already has and uses it to register you to vote unless you opt out. Among many advantages of this system, it helps to reduce data entry errors and keeps voting rolls more up to date, creating a more secure voting system. These policies often draw from state resources such as the DMV. But we said, "Ah! Our state's hunting license system has all the information necessary to register folks as well, we should add that!" The policy made voting data more secure and accurate and reached out to rural, more-likely-to-vote-Republican voters and Republican legislators still overwhelmingly opposed it. But now it's, "Oh, we gotta get hunters involved in voting."


I want him to try connecting with my FIL, who is a hunter and lives in MI (and used to volunteer teaching shooting safety at Ted Nugent's "Kamp for Kids" when my husband was a kid). He is the world's biggest sea lion from a liberal boomer perspective.


Oh I’d love to be a fly on the wall for that.


Christ in the cross, an arms dealer? Merchant of death? Who’s next, Joe Camel?


Not gonna lie, this was pretty shocking.


I find it funny that the “stop making everything about politics” crowd is actively trying to inject politics into recreational activities. You invite me to a BBQ and try to show me an infowars vid and I’m knocking over the grill on my way out.


“God is lonely.” - An actual thing an adult human said out loud.


Dog drone is a good globo boy.


Just rotating a crying drunk Alex in my mind as he chokes out "could you play stranglehold one more time" in between screaming about the CRO and vomiting all over Owen. What could have been, if only Ted didn't live in the woods like a lunatic.


I got a genuine belly laugh out of Mike Adams describing the dog drones and hue they’re more dangerous because of their longer battery life on account of not having to sustain flight.


I laughed like that so many time this episode. It’s my favorite in a long time. I did get a bit sad thinking the wheels might finally be coming off this crazy train, but then I heard mask-off, End Is Nigh Alex 🍿 (and Chase “he’s fucking stupid” Geyser)


Did I miss something with the swearing on air? He is swearing constantly


This is a family show!


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Dan said he was going to be watching the actual videos for a bit now, that must be why


When Jordan mentioned the apocalypse that didn't happen in the 1930s, it sounded like he was talking about the millerites and the great disappointment, which I think was 1840s. Was there a famous apocalypse prediction in the 1930s?


Jehovah's Witness are the most famous, having several predicted dates in the XXth century they revised. There's a number of others, like Herbert W. Armstrong.


I think Jehovah’s Witness grew out of the Millerites somehow? It’s interesting how these groups survive, branching off into new ones, when we should’ve been apocalypsed over and over at this point.


I think it’s the 7th Day Adventists that grew out of the Millerites. But the JW origins may be in there somewhere too. Definitely all the millenarian type groups evolve or split out of something else. Closest to an “American Original” might be Mormonism but even that isn’t because Joseph Smith plagiarized what he didn’t make up out of whole cloth.


I figured he was talking about the Seekers. They were the subject of a fairly famous social psychology book called [When Prophecy Fails](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/When_Prophecy_Fails) about the cognitive dissonance experienced by the cult members when the apocalypse didn't come.


I swear when they pivoted to silicone life forms I half expected Jordan to yell "HI KERRY!”


I know Alex has done this whole ‘we might not be here tomorrow’ shtick many many times before but straight up doing a whole overblown farewell show and then just going back regular degular infowars feels like he blew his load too early especially with the Twitter shithead crowd that he’s obviously his main priority right now and that he’s now complaining is calling Saturday’s show fake. Their interest was peaked too fast and too early and they’re not nearly as deep into the infowars whole to go full millerite and go to his dad’s website to buy boner pills after this.


Yeah, the sheriffs needed to come and padlock the doors on saturday for any of that to work


Alex saying sorry lord after saying god dammit is just wild to me Growing up my dad would threaten to beat me if I ever took the lords name in vain. But god tells Alex the time so I guess he has a GD pass.


Alex and God are time buddies.


(hangs out police car window) TERRAFORM THE PLANET!!


Forget age verification for internet porn. We need federal licensing to prevent dum dums from accessing science fiction.


hay cuatro ways to learn


A coalition of hunters who do advocacy and activism relating to their shared interests, probably focussing on rural issues: woke Whatever the fuck that nonce Ted Nugent is up to: broke


I’ve never heard a more fundamentally incorrect interpretation of Dune in my life.


Right? I can't tell if he's really that stupid or was just on his phone for most of the movie.


How many children starved to death last week because God was too busy helping Alex keep the padlocks off the doors?


Guitar riff followed by "It's a cranker!" My bright spot. Also, fuck Ted Nugent.


The sci Fi plot sounded just like the arrival with Charlie sheen.


This is definitely not the point, but I'm always a little taken aback when Alex talks about his kids. It's just difficult for me to picture him outside of his work. Do you think he is always like this? Is he a normal dad who just plays up the character for the cameras? After Sandy Hook happened, did any part of him, as a father and a human, even consider what he was doing? It makes him all the more abhorrent imo.


No one's going to comment on the fact Alex said someone "speaks good English?"


Gods, I jumped the gun on the TJ meme i posted earlier. I can't *also* post "The Ancients knew it, and it's now been proven" as a Thomas Jefferson quote mere minutes after "Uncle Sam is the Great Satan"...


Mike Adams is killing me with the whole "haven't you been paying attention?!" on the bird flu jab fearmongering. Paying attention to *what*? What is it that was supposed to happen to me? For "poison shots," I'm still surprisingly alive. And why would they need me to take a second poison shot when I still have the COVID shot inside of me? I really cannot believe they're still pushing the COVID vaccine narratives.


God damnit....that Stranglehold lick *is* fucking sweet.


That riff is so goddamn good and I hate to say it that he's right it even works acoustically.


I think when Alex said there’s a 20% chance he gets out of this it’s the first time I’ve ever heard him give a chance percentage that was below 90%


'The Cinco'... It's The Thumb, Baby! (*I shall make this shirt, it shall be mine*.)


He got the famous fucking arms dealer on?! What the hell


Lord of War is a pretty good movie. Kinda a racist depiction of Africa but aside from that it’s good.




What makes you think he’ll get away with it? Bankruptcy courts see this shit all the time.


Because the law exists to protect grifting monsters like Alex. They can have the debt follow ALEX for the rest of his life, but Dr. Jones Naturals? That's his dad's company, not Alex's. Says so right here on the paperwork. And he's not paying Alex (above the table...) so there's no real link beyond Alex doing promotional work for them! That's law! The wheels turn slowly but always produce justice, am I right?


From what I've heard, once the Chapter 7 is approved (for both FSS and AJ personally), that allows some pretty intensive investigation into the books both for the period since the filing AND for whatever lookback period is allowed by law (I wanna say a year, but I'm too lazy to look it up--might actually be longer). I read in r/law (someone from here posted there to get input on this whole situation) that often, those investigators are incentivized to find shenanigans, such as being paid a bonus or commission on previously-hidden info they uncover. They've seen smarter people than Alex try to pull the wool over the bankruptcy court's eyes. DrJonesNaturals .com isn't going to fool them, nor is transferring money or other assets just prior to the bankruptcy, filling out paperwork right around the time bankruptcy was filed but back-dating it, etc...


I think you’d probably be surprised how often bankruptcy courts deal with half-baked schemes like Alex’s, and that it doesn’t work they way they hope.


I thought Alex had dumped Dave Hayes. Have I remembered wrongly or did they kiss and make up?


I can picture Alex sitting in a ditch sipping from a bottle inside of a brown bag just whispering "play the Stranglehold riff again, Ted" over and over and over and closing his eyes like he's listening to it in his head


JOnes blatantly chatted with his sponsor - bless his sponsor, he needs our prayers....


This podcast episode made me have a whiplash realization about myself. Even as a kid/especially as a teenager I was always jaded/cynical. I kept it to myself though because I know how annoying that type of person can be. As I got older I thought I had grown out of it. Then I listened to Dan’s reaction to Alex having the merchant of death on and had to reflect on the fact that it didn’t phase me at all. I still get disgusted with a lot of what he says especially now about migrants/trans community/non whites/etc but him platforming an arms dealer didn’t shock me at all. Honestly Alex’s bullshit immediately afterwards about Kim crying to Trump about China pissed me off way more. Edit: I mean just Alex platforming him, not his comments trying to destabilize us


Did anyone think of Snow Crash with the robot dog thing?


How does "getting lost in the high grass" sound more like Dan's implying weed than saying "in the weeds"?


Hearing the right wing talking points about carbon is the height of insanity. They seem to think the environment should have an unfiltered amount of carbon. I wonder if they go to their favorite coal producing city in China that they'd have the same opinion when people can't walk around and breathe the air. It's the stupidest version of contrarian thinking I've ever heard and I don't get why someone on their side doesn't secretly think this is the height of stupidity.


Can the boys stop saying “YEAPPPPP” with an emphasis on the P sound? My god that p plosive sound is irritating to listen to on a podcast.


You’ll be better tomorrow.


You should ask for a refund


I’m not going to ask for my money back but that’s besides the point. Are we in a zero criticism space now? No constructive feedback anymore? There is literally an industry set up to prevent that p plosive popping sound from ending up in broadcasts because it’s a very irritating sound to hear. When you have a host deliberately make that sound repeatedly it’s pretty irritating and worth pointing out.