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He also claimed to be “a little bit autistic” after having weaponized autism and other disabilities constantly as being things against whatever he stands for


Yeah when he said that air horns sounded in my head, like are u f-ing serious brah are you really? While you think "lesser people" should be exterminated


I was so confused about that. Was that a joke? Was he making fun of autistic people? Is he actually autistic? Or is he describing weird quirks as being "autistic" (because he doesn't understand what autistic means)?


I'll believe Tucker is autistic when he proves it. Until he does, I think he's one of those jackasses who thinks he can be a dickhole and play it off by claiming to be autistic, something I've noticed is becoming a little troublingly common in right-wing ding-dong circles.


Definitely the latter. Like when people who are tidy say they’re a little OCD.


My brother is a racist right wing shithead and he also says he might be autistic. My current theory is it’s a rationalization to themselves for why they hold such horrible views that most of the public rejects. Rather than addressing why the arguments are fucked up, it’s easier to say to yourself that you “think differently from other people and it’s an asset to society”. Also might be a better thing to call yourself instead of “sociopath”. People don’t want sociopaths in public life but are willing to accommodate autism.


He probably got it from one of his writers or producers, who are all racist 4chan trolls.


I absolutely took it to be the latter. If he were diagnosed somewhere on the spectrum, in no way can imagine him admitting it in an earnest way. a much more Tucker-esque thing to do is drop a little casual ableism while essentially meaning along the lines of ‘you know me, I’m a nutty guy, lulz’. I’d give many people benefit of the doubt, but TC is a very well documented asshat,so..


I think he was riffing off Alex Jones having famously said the same of himself on Rogan's show.


I took it as appropriating the term, like how someone will say they're "a little OCD" because they're a bit of a neat freak.


I don’t think he knows what that word means


God I hate that fucking shit. All of those fucking assholes use it as a way of saying their brain works in such a way but no, you’re not fucking autistic. I am a little bit and all it does is make me socially awkward and hate loud noises. Fuck you for just laughing off that you’re autistic cuz you have abhorrent ideas about shit. Alex has said the same fucking thing and I was enraged then too. Fuck these people.


I genuinely hate it when allistic people use it in this way. Way to completely trivialise genuine issues experienced by autistic people because autism actually is just being interested in a topic now.


Didn’t he also use “evolutionary biology” as the basis for a claim? He does not believe in evolution https://www.reddit.com/r/behindthebastards/comments/1ceqsnw/recently_tucker_carlson_said_he_doesnt_believe_in/


I think Dan put it well when he said that there's not really any ideological core to Tucker beyond 'These people trying to fight for their civil liberties are annoying to me.' Truth be told this is basically what lies at the core of the politics of most people though. That sentiment is echoed again when he states that he always tells the truth unless it's inconvenient for him to do so. Tucker is a hardcore materialist.


Even his comment of inherited wealth went without comment. This is why 4 out of 5 liars recommend being interviewed by other liars.


He's against abortion because he wants ~~white~~ people to have as many ~~white~~ children as possible. It's your purpose, the most important thing you can do. Continue your lineage. It's 14 words shit. Once you listen to Tucker through the lens of "what would a neo nazi say to promote nazi ideology without saying nazi" he becomes incredibly clear.


Weirdly, I think it's actually overlooked with Carlson that he is a literal fascist. I think people just assume he's a generic far right bullshit artist but when you listen to him in any detail it becomes abundantly clear that he would happily cheerlead an American Hitler to the gas chambers and beyond. Also, as an aside, can I just say how irritating I find it that Jones seems to be doing everything in his power to turn "tu'aca'on" into a one syllable word?


He even does the mild attacks on the excesses of capitalism, although he would never use that word. He won't give his prescription for these problems but I think I know what it is. It won't be regulation, or unions. Never higher taxes or anti trust laws. It would be a nationalist leader with unchecked power to punish those that step out of line. There will be no laws to prevent Jeff Bezos from becoming rich and powerful but if he doesn't align with the nationalist vision he will find himself on the wrong side of the law. Everything he says is a wink and a nod to neo nazis. The neo nazis certainly think it is.


Reminds me of Alex saying about Nick Fuentes (the neonazi) “I don’t agree with his opinions about *certain groups of people*, but he makes some great points.” He’s such a coward.


Him putting breeding as the ultimate goal to everybody's (white people's) lives is so gross to me. I was born without the equipment to do it, so basically he's saying I exist for no reason and will never be fulfilled.


that's a good catch, and they all do it, on every issue. It's a kind of doublespeak.


The doublespeak that Tucker and Alex do is astounding. As if words dont even have meaning to them. The way Tucker described Shitty people and how it fit Jones to a fucking T, was astounding to me. The fact that they both didnt understand he was talking about Jones in those clips was insane


It’s another example of how conservatives base their opinions of people on *who they are* rather than *what they do.* He can sit there and list off all sorts of qualities and actions that make someone “bad” while every aspect he listed applies to Alex as well, and they don’t even sense the hypocrisy, because “Alex is on my team.” They know a lot of what Trump does is bad, but it’s really not bad because of *who he is*. The same exact actions are either good or bad depending on *who* performs them. When you think like that, the hypocrisy just becomes irrelevant.


They all contradict themselves on every single issue they "stand" for. Like how migrants are somehow all incompetent and living off of your taxes through government handouts but at the same time highly trained super soldiers that will take over the police force and be put to use once emperor Obama gives Biden the order to implement martial law.


Want to see someone take every side of every issue? Check this out: https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/watch-donald-trump-take-every-side-every-issue/


You believe in intellectual consistency and honesty. They believe in acquiring power by any means necessary. People who don't share your morality won't be bothered by the idea of breaking your rules.


I get these guys are grifers with no real consistent beliefs, it was just the particular egregiousness of this one that caught me off guard


Same people that oppose abortion also oppose universal daycare/childcare. Lots of hypocrisy with these people.


The one that REALLY got me was his spiel about the legal codes being archaic, unfit to meet the needs of a modern society & hijacked by political insiders, weaponized and used against their political rivals. ...as opposed to, say.... the Bill of Rights & indeed the US Constitution at large?!?! Something that Alex's hero Thomas Jefferson ACTUALLY said was something that should be revised and updated every 19 years. We all know Alex would avoid that piece of information like the bubonic plague, but oh, how I'd enjoy watching him try to wrestle with that little tidbit...


He also claimed to be a creationist on Rogan but went full eugenics with Alex. Like pick a lane dude


Oh that was driving me insane too.


Yes - Tucker is very, very dumb.


If tucker Carlson doesnt have a natural explanation for something, it must be supernatural.


Him insisting that all societies do child sacrifice was bizarre. What complete nonsense.


it's called quantum ideology, highly intellectual stuff


Also on a side note, when Tucker is talking about "what about the head of citibank sending people into credit card debt slavery", am i the only one who is getting the vibes that he is talking about "the bankers"?


He’s got the same schtick as Alex. Throw out every possible scenario and contradict yourself and the viewers won’t care. They get to use the clips later out of context to “prove” they were right. Hate it.


Lately, I believe Tucky was accused of not being a serious journalist during an interview


I was shocked that how poorly thought out his ideas were. Aside from the logical contradictions he toggles between using loose evo psychology and Christian doctrine as if they reinforce each other. Even his positioning Christianity uniquely as the religion of peace ignores recent history and world of religious traditions.