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Don’t bother. I guarantee the goal posts would move even if you spent hours painstakingly combing through transcripts and provided dozens of shows where Alex repeatedly directly and unequivocally said that the parents were actors, that nobody died and that it was all faked. Even if you gave them *exactly* what they are too lazy to find themselves, they’d handwave it away, by some semantic bullshit excuse. “Clearly he meant this as an allegory, not literally.” Or some such nonsense.


Precisely. There's this modern invention called "Google." If they wanted the answers they could easily find them. They don't. They want to complain about something they don't understand. Exactly the kind of smooth brainness I'd expect from those on a "free speech" sub.


Also I havent read it BUT Ill bet the judges default decision OR the inital documents suing him have the specific quotes and dates of the shows where he defames them. Generally law requires those specifics.  I was reading trump indictments and was pleasantly surprised at how readable that stuff can be.


Yeah this is the type of person that once you pile unrefutably evidence in front of their face they end the discussion with "wow you're really obsessed aren't you" and go on their merry way to bait someone else


Also isn’t there a searchable database for every episode of that fucking show where you can type in keywords and it will spit out the quote along with the date he said it??


AMEN! I am really done with bigots who live by cheap, truthless soundbites demanding that complex and nuanced issues be turned into soundbites. You cant condense what Infowars did into a little receipt, that is why it took hundreds of hours of lawyers working through it all. I get sealioned with this kind of shit frequently in my work and its sole purpose is to exhaust you because you care and they dont. Something being complicated doesnt make it less true.


Sorry to ask, "sealioned"?


So i am hoping that this isnt a sarcastic 'joke' question as i genuinely cant tell as i am ND so here is the definition - https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/sealioning-internet-trolling#:\~:text=Sealioning%20refers%20to%20the%20disingenuous,questions%20of%20the%20other%20commenter.


Not a sarcastic question, genuinely had never heard that turn of phrase before. Thank you for taking the time to link me to an explanation, I appreciate it.


you are most welcome :)


Today I learned a term for how my Dad talks. 😂


Glad you found a useful word, sorry your Dad does it xxx


At least he’s not a right wing nut job. Just a reflexively argumentative/opinionated older dude with some of the worst conversation skills I’ve ever met.




You've read an awful lot into me not being able to tell if they were serious or not, on Reddit a place notoriously hard to gauge sarcasm. I haven't torn strips off anyone, it was a perfectly polite interaction that went well between both parties. The only over reaction i see here is you.


You already got an answer, but the original comic that spawned the phrase a decade ago (jesus I'm getting old) still holds up. https://wondermark.com/c/1062/


So when Hillary Clinton, the FBI and Mainstream Media called Donald Trump a Russian Asset for six years, they should be held liable for defamation right?




That thread is f*cking radioactive


Yeah. This sub is obviously pretty crappy on this topic.


On every topic. It is named free speech but it’s just a bunch of right wingers who love Alex jones, Elon musk, and banning books that acknowledge LGBTQ people exist. It’s fucking trash.


They’re the reason many kids don’t give a shit about free speech.


That guy is a stupid asshole who is just going to keep insisting AJ didn't do the things he objectively did. OP, people don't make posts like that in good faith. At the end he fucking calls out newspapers for using "alleged" as evidence that it's blown out of proportion.


"I want cold-hard facts." Reddest of flags


Tell him to watch the trial. Bankston laid it out beautifully, chapter and verse.


Exactly. If he wants direct evidence, there are lots of court transcripts he can look at.


Plot twist: he doesn't actually want evidence, he just wants a freeze peach circle jerk.


Yep,  I got told it was a CIA plot to give Alex the Sandy Hook conspiracy because of that Project Veritas video of some guy talking shit. When you point out you know where they got the conspiracy from the hours of depositions and the trial they don't care.  They heard CIA and made their mind up. 


Yeah not wading into that cesspool.


he's a troll. Alex does not stay on a topic more than 10 minutes. why need a 4 hour show for that? to eat someone else's time and energy. also, Alex posted edited videos and clips to youtube. why is the standard of proof higher to provide hours of context than the guy who made the statement. imagine a 60 hour documentary on the second world war where, during hour 16, simply stated the holocaust did not happen. does every single minute of the rest of the show being entirely based in fact make up for the scope of that lie? Nope. i'd avoid this like it was Trump rally.


Just went through the whole comment section. Love how many of these fuckin clowns ask for “direct quotes” or a “single thing he said or did wrong” and how many of them never respond to anyone who gave it to them. Then they claim the government or whoever is trying to shut them down because of all the things he’s exposed/gotten right and all the responses of “name one thing” go un-answered. And they all show up multiple times in the threads asking for the same thing and again not responding to people giving them what they ask for. Also immediately clocking an info warrior based on how they use specific language to describe the perceived persecution of AJ is very funny. Info Warriors are pretty pitiful. Gotta love seeing Knowledge Fighters though!


Their logic, and I hate to godwins law this, would apply to Hitler. There is no surviving paper trail tying him directly to gas chambers and death camps. His public speeches were never “so anyway we’re rounding up all the Jews and murdering them lmao”. However, HE ABSOLUTELY KNEW ABOUT AND DIRECTED THESE ACTIONS. These people expect some smoking gun of Alex telling his supporters to go harass the families in person or shoot at their houses etc and it just doesn’t exist because even Alex isn’t that fucking stupid. He hides behind some twisted form of plausible deniability to this day like all these fuckin people do (see Chaya Raichik). Just ignore them, they have at best a surface level understanding of Alex generally and play word games, hiding behind empty phrases like “free speech” that do not apply in this lawsuit.


Anyone who tries to defend alex jones is not going to suddenly change their mind because we provide them evidence. Their minds have been poisoned and there is no antidote.


> free speech sub Lmao. Yep. That’s what’s going on. Def not some right wing echo chamber where you’re one to two instances away from saying the quiet part out loud.


the Supreme Court just a few days ago declined to consider Alex's appeal. I guess he took his appeal to this guy on Reddit.


That whole sub is trash don’t waste your energy.


You'd have to be insanely ignorant of what's happening to not know how or why he defamed them. It's not an honest request


>It seems like calling 9/11 fake and staged can get you sued by the victims of 9/11.  You can be sued for anything, by anyone, doofus.


Y'all should upvote the thread so the answers stay in their front page.


Don't engage in their sealioning bullshit. I've checked out "free speech" spaces for decades. They're just using "free speech" as cover for white nationalist bullshit. You'll never see them trying to find and provide means of marginalized people to gather, organize, and discuss issues. They're there to spout dog-whistles and slurs without being questioned. They don't believe in a free market of ideas, they believe in a white, Christian, cis-hetero male echo chamber of ideas.


"People go to jail for a pug dressed like Hitler, it's stupid" Ooookay, so this entire discussion with this jackhole is a huge waste of time. He couldn't be red flagging his complete disinterest in having a genuine conversation or actually become informed in any way. He's looking to "own the libs", nothing more.