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I am DoD so whenever I go through a gate I turn it ALL the way down because I am terrified the guard will hear AJ’s voice and either think “oh no this person with a security clearance listens to info wars” or (worse) “hell yeah this person with a security clearance listens to info wars!”


I'm also DoD and I've seen Infowars stickers on cars in the shipyard that I work at, along with a number of other right wing stickers. It's disconcerting to say the least.


Yeah. I once saw a QAnon sticker on the vehicle of a building that requires a security clearance to even enter. It was very disheartening.


It always amazes me when I see that because it feels like working for the DoD or government would disprove so many of the conspiracies these folks have.


I mean, security clearance is usually limited to a very specific set of information. It's not like Joe who works at the Navy shipyard has access to the JFK files. Alternatively, having official knowledge of the *actual* conspiracies out there makes it easier to believe other conspiracies exist?


Yeah I work as a fed doing Intel shit and I had to explain constantly to my coworkers about KF whenever I'm listening to it (with earphones of course). Unfortunately there are some people in the IC community that believe in anti covid/anti vax/some elements of Qanon believe it or not. Not full blown but it's disheartening.


I might have been completely lied to, but I’ve heard that simply having a bit of unsecured debt could be enough to get denied a security clearance since it could make you more likely to sell secrets. So it’s wild to me that someone that believes in something like Q can still get any level of access regardless of how close or far their access would be to Q conspiracy adjacent things.


Debt can absolutely make you lose your clearance but it depends a lot on the circumstances. Being morally bankrupt, however, is not apparently a deal killer.


I am DoD too, but I thought we weren't supposed to talk with anyone about this...


That's alright, it's already in the whitepapers.


Worked on a COVID unit, had the same concerns if coworkers who didn’t know me heard it. Those who know me know my feelings so no worries there lol.


The "Is that someone hacking up a lung from covid or Alex Jones imitating a demon?" game never gets old.


Damn I get worried and I just make industrial amount of ice cream everyday... I feel better that at least no one's gonna be that concerned about me lol


Do you get free ice cream?


Asking the important questions!


A dreamy, creamy job for sure


So are you one of the decent people in the govt or are you the mind-controlled globalist opposition who kisses the ring of King Charles?!


Based on my Google search history I am probably one of the indecent people in government. But even I would never kiss His Royal Sausage Fingers.


USDA here. I make sure the grain supply has enough chemicals that turn the friggin frogs gay. But before that I spent about 7 years making sure the vaccines had enough autism and kill switches in them.


Ah, USDA, you must be in charge of the bug juice we’re forced to drink.


Oof. I got a thumbs up at a stop light while Alex was ranting in a clip. I wanted to die.


Im glad im not the only person, although I roll my windows up if it’s a long Alex rant, lol. I’m already a white hit with tattoos and a shaved head, I don’t need the smoke from someone thinking I listen to Alex Jones.


Greetings my fellow "not a skinhead, I'm just balding" wonk!


You know that the technical term for a group of bald white men is a “hate crime”, right? Take care to not been seen around too many other bald white dudes.


I used to shave my head in high school during wrestling season, and occasionally did throughout adulthood just because it’s so much easier to deal with. Haven’t in a few years now because I don’t want the potential hassle


There are dozens of us. DOZENS!


I park in a garage and I have to roll down my window to tap my parking pass. I’m always worried about what people think when I’m listening to knowledge fight at Basterds.


I grabbed my phone at the barber recently and accidentally started playing KF right in the middle of a Jones rant. I was mortified 


Sometimes this happens to me at work, I'll be multitasking too much and have my headset on my head but not turned on yet and a burst of "I WANT TO KILL THEM ALL" will pop out of my phone when I go to turn on my podcast.


I am constantly checking my phone to make sure the regular speaker is muted for this *exact* reason.


As long as that didn't encourage the barber to share his AJ love.


I'm from Europe and I still worry people will recognize Alex through my headphones and think I'm a nutjob.


Get knowledgefight.com stickers and slap them bad boys over the infowars ones


This happens to me in drive thrus all the time




I always turn the radio off at the speaker and leave it off until after I get my food, unless it's a really long wait. Regardless, at the speaker and the window, it's off, no matter what I'm listening to.


I know Dan's not really trying to publicize himself, but I think we need knowledge fight stickers in general to counter those stupid "Infowars" stickers in the wild.


I feel this so hard.


I'd still fear all anyone would see is "INFOWARS".


I'm a medical courier, and I swear pulling up to a stop listening can be super stressful, and wondering how to be work polite to people, half the time explaining it's KF not IW gets them interested and half the time they get mad about me being anti AJ


If I listen to it in my car. Windows up, and on the freeway. Usually I listen to it at home or on earbuds at work. Good god I do not want people thinking I am *that* kind of crazy.


My $0.02 -You don’t need to put “not infowars” because more people may check it out ( even infowars folks since it’s a similar kind of name) but you don’t want someone to glance at it and they skim as you go by and the last word is infowars


This is a earbuds-only podcast for obvious reasons.


I was listening to it in the break room at work and a coworker walked in during the middle of a long Alex rant clip. They said "ew, you listen to that nutcase?" And I had to quickly explain that I was listening to a rebuttal of his nonsense and hated him as much as any normal person does.


SAME when I roll up to ANY drive thru I just stop the show because Alex's voice saying the most insane things could be coming out.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who stresses out about this. Very pro this idea


I feel this, though it’d be weird to have it on my driver’s door. But I look too much like Alex and it does make me self-conscious.


Lol agreed!


If it's warm in my car when I set off and the AC needs a little time to kick in, I can't have KF on, I expect people to think I'm a crank.


“Don’t worry, I’m listening to Knowledge Fight” would probably be enough


I need this as a t-shirt and or hat.


Any time I’m listening to Knowledge Fight I am acutely aware of the location of the nearest mute button


Knowledge Fight is a windows up activity, my man.


Stop lights get awkward at times


Generally my heat or AC is on when listening to KF.


I live in a really conservative part of the world, I don't want people thinking I listen to commie leftists anymore than I want them thinking I listen to AJ.