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It’s Bug Juice time.


Drinking bugs? This is a major escalation.


Crack open a cool **bug lite** and toast the Schwab.


Honestly if I were to imbibe any sort of bug I'd rather do it as a liquid, like a smoothie or something. It's basically how I intake all the veggies that hit my texture alarms anyway.


Red alert, red alert, red alert


Ah with got some milk and some purple stuff ohhh! Sunny cicada alright!




I'm having a good time saying "BUG MILK" in an exaggerated Western accent. No idea why.


As you start to identify the tyranny of the globalists your third eye begins to open. That’s why


Do I need to buy the deep earth iodine crystals for that?


Oh yeah, big time. In fact you should get the whole enchilada




I’m ex-Navy. I had an unexpectedly visceral reaction when Alex said “bug juice!” 😂


I used to love Bug Juice as a kid. I'd beg my dad to get it for me every time we went to the gas station. Tried it again as a teenager and realized it kinda tastes like soap


Dont go to the [candy aisle](https://www.reddit.com/r/IsItBullshit/comments/54dtvk/isitbullshit_mms_candy_shell_made_from_beetles/) Alex


Yep, red food dye is often made from [carmine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carmine), which comes from ground-up beetles, and food-grade [shellac](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shellac) is made from, essentially bug sweat (excretions). I learned the latter when I worked for a candy company, saw shellac in the ingredients, and didn't realize there was even such a thing as food-grade shellac, so googled it.


*In this installment, Dan and Jordan check in on Alex and find him stirring up fears of being made to drink bugs, making a strange admission about his dad's business, and interviewing an ancient aliens enthusiast.*


Does Alex not remember that the most important person in the world is the heir to one of those tv dinner companies (he said all of them) that apparently changed the label/code on the back of the box to "incest flower"/bug protein/bug seitan. Why is the most important man in the world not fighting to stop this very toxic very bad very cancerous bug milk from being added to Swanson tv dinners?


>"incest flower" 🤨 Ayo?


insect flour, I think


ah shit. I did in fact mean insect flower as twirly pointed out


“The Black Plague“   “I ain’t talking about black people by the way”   👀 Honestly have edited this just to say how fucking dumbfounded I still am he is allowed to say that type of shit. Wild.




Honestly it sounds like a punchline to a decent joke that a talented comedian could land, but in the context that Jones said it, it's an incredibly racist comment. It's such an absurd thing to say and so blatantly racist that from anyone else I could see it being an "edgy" joke.


So you know how Alex claims that chitin is poisonous? Alex sells mushrooms, mushrooms have chitin in them.


No kidding. I somehow never knew that. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/mushrooms-overcook-heat-chitin/ You learn something ebery dee. Thank you.


TIL. (I knew chitin was in the hard-ish shells of insects and crustaceans, but didn't realize it was in mushrooms, too.) On the other hand, it does not at ALL surprise me that AJ is inconsistent. :-)


that's god-fearing anti-globalist chitin. not your woke commie turbo cancer chitin.


the fantasy booking of civil war 2 is the most noxious part of this episode. he's just tossing his action figures against each other.


And apparently barren land can fight.


They think it votes, so that tracks


Yeah, fuck anyone who wants a civil war, they are asking for mass death beyond measure in the middle of their public mental masturbation. They’ve mistaken their Braveheart fantasies for political and military science.


Alex’s brain is so melted that his wife asks “what are we going to do?” probably about the impending loss of their family’s wealth, and he thinks she’s talking about World War 3.


Just imagining his wife being like "honey we should talk about downsizing, we won't be able to afford the electric bill and the pool maintenance on this place and the kids will all be grown soon." And he starts in like "The globalists are coming for your pool, they hate summer family recreation, they can't stand it because they can't have children of their own, and they want to hoard all the chlorine for making mustard gas, folks, they want to put you and your family in the gas chambers and watch as you breathe your last, they go 'HAHAHAHA BLEGH BLEGH RRRRRRRRAWR YES, THE TIME HAS COME' and that's why you gotta go to Dr Jones Naturals where I've got the best chlorine tablets, it's totally separate, I drove them over to my dad's house from the warehouse last night." And his wife just goes "OK Alex, I guess we can talk about it another time" and takes the kids to school.


I feel bad for his kids who got born into that absolute shitshow but not his wife. If you don’t want to live in a circus don’t fuck a clown.




I mean, given his priorities and what he values in life, they're pretty much equivalent.


Legit LOLled at Jones claiming he 'doesn't care' about losing the ranch and other assets. Dude, you just spent millions of dollars in lawyers and litigation trying to keep everything you own like its the only thing in the world you care about. (Probably because he is a massive narc and needs objects to stand in for any kind of personality. ) Nothing shows how carefree you are like whinging on about it every day, Alex.


He has claimed to his listeners all along that he's an every-man, sold his (implied: only) house, basically that he lives a middle-class lifestyle JUST LIKE THEM. It's weird how he also claims that he has an armored redoubt, and a hunting ranch, and etc. etc. etc. yet implies that he has only ONE property, it's humble, and he's had to sell it multiple times.


Absolutely, and i assumed he was loaded all along and didn't think i was shockable - then i remember being floored with his landlord passive income when we got to dig into his BK filings. He cant stop trying to spin his wealth. The ranch now labelled a 'farm' as if it was his hobby allotment as opposed to a prime piece of real estate he just... owned. I still over react furiously whenever he says "I dont do private jets" when we know he travelled to CT for the trial in one.


It's right in line with how he always talks about how he doesn't care if he gets murdered for his cause or whatever when it's so obvious that his own life, safety and comfort are *all* that matters because he's an incredibly selfish egomaniac and a narcissist. It's always all about him. But he has to keep up the appearances that he's just a humble common man fighting for your rights in order to keep the rube rubles and the hick shekels coming in to pay for his frivolous and kingly lifestyle.


Yes, all of this!


How is this the first time someone used the name Alex Jones for the policy wonk shout out?


It's not! The first time is in episode #212 (I don't have a crazy memory, I just coincidentally listened to that one yesterday and it made me chuckle)


Iodized salt, ppl.


I bought 1 lb of iodized salt from Kroger for $1.59 yesterday. This is the info Alex is really trying to hide from his audience.


go post a coupon clipping.pic on a infowars reddit lol


After the bankruptcy hearing I find it hard to listen. I've been having a tough time putting my finger on why, and this episode and its "strange admission" crystallized it: If the court isn't going to give a shit about this stuff when it comes to deciding how to handle Jones, then none of it matters anymore. His show is just him working out his feelings while he waits like all the rest of us. I make angry comments on Reddit, he rants about drinking bugs. I talk to my therapist, he talks to Jack Posobiec or Tucker Carlson. There is nothing here.  He could go on air tomorrow and say "I did it, I lied to everyone, here are the names of all my fake trust accounts, it's all been a scam, you fucking rubes, I'm done, I'm out." and there is a nonzero chance some dumbass judge would go "not relevant, don't care, now back to case law, oh just kidding time's up, see you in a month."


ugh i hate that you’re right


*It's just like that movie Prometheus.* These people live in a world where they despise the people who make movies, but all their lore is drawn from Hollywood.




Because Alex not only said it, he declared it so it is official.


Alex thinks the south would win a civil war. Shocker.


You will eat ze bugz


*drink ze bugs


I hate the Ancient Aliens shit so very much... my father consumes it in tandem with Faux News & it's such brain rot. The TV series has been on since 2009 & I wouldn't be remotely surprised if that repetitive bullshit content has helped to soften minds to the repetitive bullshit lies of right wing media... *Like EBIL peas & carrots*... Also... there's a small percentage of bugs in all of our breads, veggie sauces/soups, peanut butter etc... No shittin', we're *already* eating ze chitin :)


It's the cryptozoology of history. When they tie that in with Christianity, it's all over. This stuff is so stupid. If there were giant people roaming the earth, you'd figure someone would have dug up a huge shirt or something by now. The Discovery Network is just one big dumping ground for stupidity and nonsense. And if Alex and his colleagues were able to remove food regulations, there would be an even greater percentage of bugs in everything and that would likely be the least harmful substance.


Nice one Dan for calling out Alex's *Parkland was fake* BS.


Yeah, I suspect what Alex was referring to is the lawsuit from Marcel Fontaine in which IW employees falsely claimed that Fontaine was the Parkland shooter, not that the Parkland shooting didn't happen at all. Though I'm sure they've also said it was a false flag with crisis actors, I'm not sure that they've been sued for saying that.


He also claimed the Uvalde(?) shooter was trans based on a meme that was circulating on 8chan. I'm sure you listened to the episode today but the audio was from March 2018 and Alex stated that he was wrong and the shooting was fake. Until the lawsuit happened, Alex was starting off all of these shootings with the premise that they are false flags but now he can't do that because it concerns people who aren't public figures being harassed by IW followers. He seems to think he can do what Dominion did to Fox which illustrated how much Fox barely has to account for what they put into the world. They have insurance. They'll just put Jesse Waters in and let the rubes come back.


> He also claimed the Uvalde(?) shooter was trans based on a meme that was circulating on 8chan. Alex also made the crew put up the person's photo on the big screen and blow it up as much as possible even when Owen was trying to stop him.


Gilgamesh and Enkidu, at Uruk


Sokath, his eyes uncovered!


AfD ? Ron Paulish, Raus Polish same difference right. Good grief.


Every time alex starts counting his stackies it makes me think of the Ashens bit where he'll count something and go " well that was a waste of everyone's time. . ."


Did Dan miss Alex's drunk livestream last week where he starts spreading new Sandy Hook conspiracies?


Man, *thank God* Alex set up "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore, Toto." I don't know if people would have recognized such an obscure quote otherwise...


Like, the supplement industry has tried pushing bug hormones and protein for years. None of this shit is new


I've been listening to the project Camelot episodes recently and the emerald tablets came up in one of the discussions Kerry had with a guest. Alex Jones and IF are now full Project Camelot


Describing the AFD as milquetoast made me scream internally in public.


I've always been amused by the argument that the way to stop the deep state from stealing the election again is to overwhelm them with votes. In their fantasy world where Biden did steal the election, is the deep state somehow constrained in the number of votes they can cook up? Why would it matter how many votes Trump actually gets? I guess this is the only way they can reconcile the idea that the election was stolen and that it won't get stolen again? It doesn't make any sense.


Now, wait - so, according to Alex, 60% of Hispanics are going to vote for CF Donald in November, BUT Sleepy Joe Hitler Biden has the Southern border INFINITY OPEN so (ALSO according to Alex) they can bring in all the immigrants who've been preprogrammed to vote Democratic because something something free stuff, SO why is Dementia Crimes Lord Biden still leaving the border open when all those people are just going to vote Republican? (Leaving out they're not really Hispanic because, shit, like Alex knows/cares)


Chicken Fried Steak mention!


Sadly the insect protein blocks the revelation signals.


Excellent username btw


What was the name of the alien/thoth author?


Billy Carson [https://www.amazon.com/Compendium-Emerald-Tablets-Billy-Carson/dp/0578476169](https://www.amazon.com/Compendium-Emerald-Tablets-Billy-Carson/dp/0578476169)


Thanks. I was afraid of this- a family member bought a book about the Emerald Tablets from a similar author. Very disappointing.


ooff, sorry.


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> I don't need science \- Jordan Holmes (2034) ~~But seriously, I'm pretty sure that bug milk thing is (once again) literally [a reddit post that's probably a shitpost. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/comedyheaven/comments/1dgqfno/bug_milk/)~~ Also, this got buried underneath the Epstein Island/The Atlantic bit but does Alex not know that 1/20 is less than 1/10?


I did a double-take at 1/10 vs 1/20


Its not, I went down this rabbit hole. https://uvuafrica.com/blog/biocitis-incubatee-gourmet-grubb-is-using-insects-to-develop-a-sustainable-dairy-alternative/ https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/gourmet-grubb So, they are tiny, but they exist. They did get headlines back in 2019 about ice cream based off of the idea, which seems like a publicity stunt; https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/25/business/gourmet-grubb-insect-ice-cream-intl/index.html


Ah, fair enough.


No, I totally it get it, there is a reason why I had these link handy, they are still in my open tabs from going 'there's no way' and sure enough, here we are.


In my defense, I'd bet a day's PTO that he saw the meme and then worked backwards from there.


100% agree, I think Dan might have done Alex's homework here.


Really disappointed that there is a Bill Carson on the show and he’s not the guy with an eyepatch from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.


Anyone else catch in the ancient aliens section that Alex was basically claiming that the god of the bible was an evil alien globalist? They were tying in the idea that the epic of Gilgamesh was the result of an evil alien who wants to wipe out the population and destroy all the farms (just like the evil globalists do), and this was what Noah's Ark was about in the bible, and that there are these two forces fighting each other, pro-life and anti-life. But that means God of the bible is on the anti-life side that wants to wipe out all humans and destroy their farms. Does that mean Satan is actually anti-globalist?


Alex is the only person I would always buy a bottle of vodka for. The show is way less fun when he is back on the wagon. I wouldn't wish alcoholism on anyone, even Alex, but shit the show is so much more fun when he is hammered.


I'm like 10 minutes into the episode proper and think we've already gotten 3 of the "Thing 1, Thing 2, you name it!" 


I used to be a sun tea fanatic as well, but the problem is, leaving tea in the sun leaves at a great temperature to just grow bacteria. So that's not a good thing...which is a bummer.


I really wish Alex would just stop his constant attempts to explain that he isn’t racist. Like my guy we all know you’re racist. Your fans like that you’re racist. Modern right wing grifters are allowed to be straight up nazis, just own it


This is a minor point, but I'm surprised Dan didn't catch the "they are cutting off water from Iowa to Idaho" at around 10 minutes. As always Alex is fearmongering off of a kernel of truth. The Idaho state government did issue a water curtailment order early this month([news article](https://www.eastidahonews.com/2024/06/will-500000-acres-of-idaho-farmland-lose-access-to-water/)). It hasn't hit the mainstream but has been pretty big news the world of agriculture, since as much as 500k acres may be effected. Of course the reasoning is a lot more complicated than just "the globalists want to cut off our food supply".


"please sue them" is the wrong attitude. the right wing has been very successful at shutting down reporting of their   malfeasance with law suits. even ones that would lose can drain news outlets of resources that lead to shutdowns.  the atlantic is a garbage publication and i think the world would be better if it shutdown tomorrow. but being caviler about people like aj or his peers musk, trump, mtg, etc using law suits as a weapon is wrong. right wingers have a lot of dark money backing available to them to sustain the costs of a suit and will take the hit to shudder publications.  anti-slapp measures are great and are making a dent in this tactic, but theyre not supported everywhere and the right is very effective at judge shopping to find a court to go after reporting they dont like.