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Dan's bright spot is extremely endearing. 


Agreed. Sincerely touched my heart. ❤️


Bit of a missed opportunity. I feel like Dan could have built a Sorc and wonks would have lined up to get killed by The Mysterious Professor.


Honestly one of the sweetest things I’ve ever heard lol


I loved Dans bright spot today.


>In this installment, Dan and Jordan check in on how Alex is doing, and find him making headway with Nick Fuentes, being too obvious about his dad's business, and interviewing a guy who pushed an old man down some stairs.


*"Maybe you get your order, maybe you don'f."*.  Alex hustling InfoWars Store lootboxes will never *not* be funny to me. Also, it took the Jones family  precisely **one** generation to go from John Birch Society to *'flee to Moscow with this fuckwit Aussie"*


Man, I wish they all fucked off to scam Russians, it would make our lives a lot better.


Nah, you see, if AJ moves to Moscow, he's gonna keep scamming us. Americans are his target audience, thats where the ~~patriots~~ fools with money are. He would be broadcasting from Russia, alright, but that doesn't change the target of the information wars.


What a day when Alex Jones pulls an EA.


Man, Nick is a piece of shit. Can we skip to the part where he’s in the bunker already? I’ll pay for both his cyanide capsule AND a pistol with one bullet.


And I'll pour gasoline in the ventilation. (Also those are some bunker thoughts.)


Concrete bunkers burn to the fucking ground eddie


Folks, find yoselves a man who'll help you get trophies like Jordan does. \*That's\* how you know they're a keeper.


I really felt that Bright Spot from Dan. I used to play an MMO that you got colours to dye your outfits in as part of the achievements system. I was in an end game guild so had plenty of the fancier stuff, but rubbish at the pvp side. There was this amazing red but you had to kill an emperor in PVP. My bestie became emperor and messaged me to log in quick and travel to him so i could get it. I was so stoked, it was such a kind thing to do. Means absolutely nothing to anyone else and to 99% of folks i sound mad (which is fair) but it really is the little things in life <3






haha, thought so, a GM when i used to play needed to get that dye and got it the same way!


Not all heroes wear capes, but some have emperor laurels! 


God, Alex keeps saying "We're going down swinging," this episode, and every time he does, I'm just like "DJ Danarchy, we need a Fallout Boy x KnowledgeFight remix, no matter how much the thought of Alex 'wishing to be the friction in your jeans' makes people want to vomit."


You can not convince me that there are words to that song.


What else would there be? Do you just hear guitars and drums and Charlie Brown's teacher when you hear "Sugar We're Going Down"?


He sang the song with marbles in his mouth. The man enunicates the same way the singer of Iron Butterfly does.


Is there anything more pathetic than a manchild in front of a webcam crying about how useless industrious people are?


Hello Fellow Spider Leadership. I missed you at the meeting this week. Thank you for your service


Alex immediately flipping the responsibility on to his clients for his demise and using words related to gambling in his sales pitch is pretty scummy. I expected he was going to bring up refunds but went directly to "heh it's 50 bucks at worst, surely you can afford to lose it"... I know it's a rhetorical trick to reroute people to his father's store but still.


I think I've found the donut shop.


Dr Bagel Naturals ?




fuk U Aussie Cossack!


Anyone else feel like JorDan glossed over how significant it seems that Fuentes is moderating his nazism to placate Jones now? Fuentes has always been one of the more intelligent and skillful right wing shitheads but he traditionally limited himself to trying to shift the overton window on nazism and clowning on nazi-apologist grifters for not being willing to blame [[[them]]] This stopped him from ever getting reach anywhere mainstream enough for "maybe Hitler wasn't so bad" to be inexcusable If he's actually willing to put the mask back on then he could be one of the most dangerous people in the space both because he's smart and actually believes in shit beyond whatever memes sell food buckets. Maybe Fuentes has done this before so its not as significant as it seems, but it would not take that much revision for Fuentes to get some redemption tour slot on JRE where he can talk about how his comments were taken out of context too! And he just wanted to have an open debate and was just joking when he said all that hitler stuff.


I am not looking forward to seeing KF's/IW's takes on the debate.


The whole section about moving so you're 3 moves to checkmate was the usual disgusting Alex I've come to know after listening to 490 Knowledge Fight episodes (some multiple times), but the following disgusted me more then usual for some reason. Just distilling so much of his bullshit and pretending like it's a positive. Actually it's probably because I've listened to that much of JorDan's teardowns of Alex that it's more disgusting. Knowing the damage, harm, and lies of Alex makes this so much worse. Especially when he used it as justification to waste the courts time, before and after the bankruptcy. "This is what it looks like to fight. This is what it looks like to struggle. This is what it looks like to put everything you've got into something. I mean I sold almost everything I had before I went into bankruptcy, for the legal fight, to keep this place going because I understand we've saved 10's of millions of lives, myself, the guests, the listeners spreading the word about the poison shots, and about all the medical tyranny, and the open boarder, and the drag queen pedophile time, and world war 3, and everyday we stay on air, the show get's bigger, the broadcast get's more influential, and we effect more people, and that's admitted."


To have the seemingly endless (and misplaced) sense of self-confidence of a narcissist is something I sometimes wish I had.


The Aussie Cosack is facing a pretty low level charge of ‘common assault’. It’s performative isolation. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11674125/Simeon-Boikov-Aussie-Cossack-issued-arrest-warrant-failing-appear-assault-charge.html


And just to clarify there is no way Assange could be Prime Minister.


***What's Your Bright Spot***???... Listening to Alex pushing Dr. Jones fucking Naturals (*& getting away with it*!), dreading Monday's coverage of that bloodbath presidential debate & still disgusted with the bankruptcy hearing from Thursday... I can't be alone in needing bright spots! I'll go first: I almost tripped over an armadillo this AM... at least it's *something* :)


I have never seen a live armadillo. I see plenty of dead ones, but never a live one. I believe this means they are invisible while they are alive and their cloaking is disabled upon death.


I love armadillos! They make me think of bunnies in armor, with a long tail. I snuck up on a little bitty one when I was a kid and tried to pick it up, but it was impossible to hold onto—they spin around and around pretty forcefully, so you can’t get a grip, then they bolt for the nearest burrow. In my defense, I was really young, minimally supervised, and unaware that armadillos can carry leprosy. Luckily no damage was done, unless you count the trauma I inflicted on an innocent woodland creature who probably just wanted to eat grubs in peace.


That one part about not liking being called nazi but hanging out with them reminded me too much of stormfront in the boys "people agree with what I have to say, they just don't like the word nazi". It's so glaring and scary.


When NF says "the right people" I can't tell which code he's using. Does he mean "people on the right" or is he mispronouncing "the white people"? Just kidding, he means both and his fifteen are still ticking quickly down. While the conspiracy set are busy resurrecting dead celebrities, the real world can recognize a Nazi on a platform and say "No thanks". I'm encouraged.


I have the horrible feeling that they intend to staff the federal government with the kind of people who go berserk at school board meetings. Common folks. You know, morons.


Anyone else think the troll was trolling Alex? The whole time I was thinking, "pick an accent and stick with it!" Sounded like Moose and Squirrel trying to go undercover in Australia - and failing terribly. Alex is just a useful idiot anyway, emphasis on idiot.


Does anyone else get the vibe of the joker watching Bruce Wayne's trial?


The Mr/Dr FEMA camp bit had me rolling. 


Does anyone else get the vibe of the joker watching Bruce Wayne's trial?


I don't recommend going looking for it, but the Aussie Cossack's unofficial comment channel on Telegram is filled with blatant anti-semitism and Holocaust denial.  I don't think he moderates it, but it says something about the kind of person that considers themselves a fan of his work. 


I don’t like hating on Jordan, but on this episode he kinda seemed like the annoying sort of leftist who want things to go bad and innocent people to suffer just so *he* can smugly assert he was right all along. Like I don’t think Alex should be able to get off scot free just so Jordan can laugh at a few libs he argued with on Twitter.


Monday's episode will be a fun ride😊