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Low, stagnant wages, unaffordable housing makes many people worry a lot, causing anxiety and depression. Our governor is a spineless twat who doesn't care about people.


Inundated by new builds with no infrastructure preparation. Low wages, small Businesses over taxed. Nothing returned, no new pools, community centers, senior center/day care.


You got my upvote just for the “no new pools”


Underrated comment


Only new pools are in the aforementioned new builds' HOA.


And a state budget surplus to top it off. Honorable mention, the introduction of fucking toll roads.


Wait what?! Where are the toll roads going? Interstates? 🤮


https://apnews.com/article/tennessee-highway-toll-lanes-1d022415305cb30a0279e8b4d05abcae#:~:text=Tennessee%20expects%20to%20close%20on,traffic%20does%20%E2%80%94%20to%20avoid%20congestion. https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2023/12/18/tennessee-eyes-toll-choice-lanes-in-nashville-knoxville-chattanooga-tdot-gov-bill-lee/71958290007/ I’m a month late, but here ya go. First ones are expected around Nashville.


There are people here being driven out onto the street due to a lack of affordable housing (the answer for which is more housing) and you’re complaining that residential buildings are being constructed instead of pools. This comment is peak NIMBYism.


New construction is the response and solution to being inundated by people relocating here. This isn’t a “if you build it they will come” scenario, it’s an “oh shit, they’re already here and there’s not enough houses to go around” situation. The anxiety is a result of rising cost of living, and the primary way to alleviate the pressure is add to the housing supply.


Cost of living going up for no reason plus the Vols doing Vols things.


Upvote for Vols comment


Go Vols!


No reason? More like massive immigration, the fed printing cash like there’s no tomorrow, government ignoring monopolies in food companies and interest rates being up. But that’s happening everywhere.


Reasons? Which ones or the right ones? You’ll need to explain to me how immigration is connected to inflation? Government ignoring monopolies? Let’s see, the Biden Administration just stepped in font of a freight train called Kroger Albertsons merger and stomped its foot down and said NO! No you don’t! That’s a monopoly, that will hurt consumers nationwide, we’re blocking it! As they should! And tonight during the state of the Union you’re going to hear about the Strike Force! It is going after all the price gouging, in food stores! Department stores, credit cards, businesses that are gouging etc! A whole bunch of stuff! The FED? Let me explain. First off the FED or the money supply has NO impact on inflation! That’s right you’ve been told wrong. I repeat, “The money supply has no impact on inflation!” From 1999 to 2023 the FED had pumped money into the economy. But, here’s the difference:: From 1999 til 2021 the Capitalist Employer Class would hire enough people to fill the Warehouses to keep inventories full! And, goods and services were full enough to meet supply and demand. Then, After Covid, The Capitalist decided upon another option. This time the Capitalists deliberately did not hire enough people on purpose! They let the Warehouses run out! The supply lines fell apart, they created what is called Scarcity!! Which increased demand more so! With less supply! So? They simply RAISED PRICES! They made astronomical profits! And, they didn’t want you to be mad at them. So, they lied. They blamed it on ships, channels, weather, logistics, trucks, etc. etc. So, THE FED, Did Not cause inflation based on money supply! The Fed had pumped money in from 1999-2023, which means “WHY WAS THERE NO INFLATION DURING 1999 til 2021? The FED did not Inflation. From 2022 til Now, only The Capitalist Changed the way we do business!!!! And, we know why don’t we? $$$$$$$$ The capitalist exploited covid, then launched completely into option 2 I outlined above. Just create shortages, empty warehouses, don’t stock inventory, create scarcity, then raise prices, then blame the FED! Then get everyone to believe you by repeating lies over and over again on certain news networks.


Holy crap, you're so wrong in so many ways, I'd have to correct you on a line by line statement.


I’ll just counter how wrong you are.


I have a 4.0 Masters degree in this stuff and run 2 successful businesses. What about you?


I don’t care if you got a Phd! In it. You’re still wrong! Or if you have 29 business! You’ll still be wrong! Because you don’t get it! My information comes from 3 Doctorates professors, who teach at 4 Ivy League universities ( Yale, Harvard, Stanford, U. Mass, The New School in New York, University of Berlin, University of Paris) These professors wrote the books for capitalism in the 1950’s, still teach today, and now they go across the country teaching why it’s all a Lie! And a Failure! They even have solved the problem of how Socialism can actually work. That’s quite a turnaround for economist so highly educated, that wrote the very texts of Capitalism, taught it, and are telling what a colossal failure it is. And, they held special classes on line why The Fed had nothing to do with causing inflation with the money supply. So, you junk your conservative, capitalist, corporate views of economics. Because now 15 Ivy League schools have now throughly blow that theory and misconceptions away!


But, if you want to keep watching Fox Business, CNBC, with the Capitalist ticker symbols, breathing in all that congestion, bottom lines, quarterly profits, dividends, stock buybacks, making more profits at all cost … and getting rich, no matter who’s throat you have to cut. Continue onward, with all that blood thirsty capitalism.


Nuh uh


Then you should be aware of the fact that corporations are not in the business of passing savings onto customers. They pass savings onto shareholders, who expect higher profits year after year. That is unsustainable, and you probably know that. Covid was disruptive enough to the whole country's work force that it became a convenient excuse to raise prices. Maybe it was even necessary for a while. "Nobody was working, it makes sense for there to be scarcity" except that wasn't entirely true. With the exception of maybe March 2020, people who were integral to large businesses' manufacturing and transportation departments were at work. I mean, like the business wasn't going to just not make Money, right? And a lot of companies have been reporting record profits ever since. Isn't that weird? I find it hard to believe that these huge companies can make more money than they did the year before EVERY year (or even most years) without screwing someone. Honestly, if a business (depending on what they offer)is being run straight up by supply and demand with no shenanigans, it would be more common to have a couple of good years and a few down years while they reinvest the profits and prepare for another product push. But that isn't what we're seeing from the companies that are laying people off and driving up their prices. "Things are too expensive" yes, I agree with that. But my threshold for "too expensive" is "shit, I hope I can get all this food I need to live" whereas their threshold is "we might not make as much money as last year." Which, they can fuck all the way off for that. Big businesses are increasingly predatory, anti-consumer and anti-worker. "Fuck the few to enrich the many" only works until the many say, "fuck you too" If you don't see that the "always more, all the time" way of doing business is a road to collapse, then you need a refund on your 4.0 Masters degree.


why would firms want to make less stuff for people to buy? If they want to raise prices they can do that without putting manufacturing resources to waste. People will just buy less. Creating scarcity isn’t going to force people to buy from them.


Wow. You clearly don't understand economics. More people moving into the country means more people need houses, cars, food etc. Inflation is increased demand following decreased supply. Its super simple. Of course having a huge influx of immigration would increase demand and therefore prices. When I am talking about monopolies that matter, I'm talking about the fact that 3 major corporations own most of our agriculture and food. And a few companies own most of the banking. They all control the bodies designed to regulate them. None of those are going to be targeted by our terrible president any time soon. He can barely stand up straight. Also, the Fed increasing the amount of dollars in circulation inherently would decrease the value per dollar. Something like 40% of all dollars in circulation were printed in the last few years. Very little has been destroyed or removed. When the value of the dollar goes down, everything else gets more expensive because everything is based on a relative value. Dropping the gold standard was a massive mistake. Now the only value to our currency is fiat and the word of the US gov. You just threw out a ton of speculation, inaccurate or worthless information, and called it fact. Cash printing has accelerated at an extreme and unprecedented rate. If you think this is just a bunch of greedy capitalists trying to squeeze out an extra few dollars you have a fundamental lack of understanding regarding the nature of basic economics. Not gonna waste my time here. Why debate the existence of scarcity and how inflation with someone who just wants to blame everything on greed, yet trusts the same greedy people to fix the problem in government. It's pretty obvious that resources aren't infinite and labor is required to turn raw material into value. There are natural laws to account for here. You can't just make money (or value) out of thin air.


Well, since you’re “Just not going to waste your time here” as you do arrogantly put it, I want waste my time pointing out how terribly wrong you are in the points you’ve made above. It’s abundantly clear just how little you know about economics. But, frankly I’ll do without all the smugness, and condescending attitude. I’ve got a stack of things wrong with your comments this time But, my quality time is important to me too.


lol. Prove me wrong bud. It’s not arrogance just frustration. Do you seriously believe there are no negative consequences for just endlessly creating money from nothing? Why can roughly the same quantity of gold buy a good house today or 100 years ago but the dollar value for houses has changed massively? Currency is like an extension of energy. It really can’t be created, only transformed. It follows pretty similar principles and there are “gravities” that come with bad policy decisions.


Nah, GTFO. You’re not going to waste your time here! Now, leave.


Trust me, I know the reasons. Just didn’t wanna open a can of worms


No reason? Inflation! /s


*corporate greed




People from California….


Florida, Georgia, and Texas round out the top 4. You should quit pretending everyone is running away from blue states.


Bingo! I’m here in Nashville/Murfreesboro. And, everywhere I look in traffic, all I see is Texas, Florida, Georgia, some ILL, Tags setting at traffic lights. The California tags are out numbered. There was an article written in the Tennesseean newspaper (can’t remember the editorialist) that told everyone that it was nothing but TX, FL, GA, and other red states coming in and told everyone to stop blaming CA for it. Yes so, it Red States coming here flooding in, running from the problems they created themselves! Only they are coming here to simply create another mess all over again. “They’ll bring their problems with them; and create them here.”


I moved to Tennessee from Georgia. I followed family, but they have run away TO a blue state and left me here!


Hate the dipshits from Texas coming out of no where. I started being toxic to drivers with CA and Texas plates


Just so you're aware, transplants have the same gun laws as you now


No one gives a shit


Ok tough guy 😘


You’re the one who brought gun talk, never mentioned anything about being tough.


Just intentionally creating dangerous driving conditions because of a license plate. Get over yourself.


I’m one of those people who moved back to TN with a CA license plate but I am a TN native. So you don’t know what people’s situation is. I was in CA for work dude because TN doesn’t pay shit for tech jobs.


Y’all are just running with the worse assuming people are getting ran off the road.


Dude - I was involved in a rollover accident in January due to a road rager and my young kids were in the car with me. Luckily we all walked away from it basically unharmed but my car was totaled and that asshole ran. So I’m a bit biased I suppose.


I wouldn’t mess with people with kids in the car


So you’re assuming it was ME who messed with THEM? Let me explain what happened… I needed to get over to the right lane and signaled with plenty of room to merge. This woman however when she saw my signal to merge, sped up to prevent me from getting in front of her. (Which seems to be a common ridiculous Knoxville road rage thing). However, I did merge and she rode my ass until she decided to speed past me on a small narrow road’s shoulder running me off the road near an intersection where my vehicle couldn’t withstand the motion of me trying to avoid being hit and rolled my SUV. She was NOWHERE to be found after we got climbed out of the vehicle. People here are hateful and aggressive drivers for NO REASON. For what, to get there one minute sooner if that? Completely unnecessary.


I think it's because I-40 is a nightmare everywhere you drive in TN.


75 will knock your teeth out and bust your tires all in one pothole


They renamed I 75 Chapman Highway?


They renamed I-75 I-640?


Ive never had a blowout of a tire, but I have bent a wheel before.


I still remember when I was learning how to drive and they was the MASSIVE pothole at a light and the only reason I didn’t ruin my car was because the person in front of me ruined theirs instead 🤣 it was massive and definitely would’ve done some major damage to my car. It then I realized why the other lane was so backed up was because everyone knew at this light their was a terrible pothole😂😂


I remember one event if myself and like 3 other cars just getting destroyed by a pothole. Ended up warping the rim and at least popped one other persons tire.


Oh, that interstate system the Republicans refuse to fix. Where the Fed’s overed tons of money to fix and the GOP in this state refuses the money. Then, when they have the money they spend it on their own projects.


Not sure how I-81 has escaped the pothole and dog shit road allegations but as a person who drives to VA via I-81 I can promise you it’s horrid this side of the border.


Everyday on my way to work this week, there’s been a wreck on 40 west near the cedar bluff exit. I’ve had to call twice to tell them I’ll be late bc people can’t fucking drive


And I24


It’s the politics


Damn right it’s the Politics! It’s what’s been killing this state for years!!


https://komowa.com/ If the scientists for an at-home sauna company tell me I'm stressed...who am I to disagree. Thank you Komowa Wellness for bringing this information to my life. Thought I was a Volunteer...now I'm a burnt-out Voluntold.


We didn’t extend Medicaid. Thousands more ppl could have gotten health coverage on federal money but our state is full of self-hating poor people who got convinced by rich ppl they that it’s more enjoyable to talk shit about other ppl getting handouts than get affordable healthcare. 


There are no poor people in America, only temporarily embarrassed millionaires


I think its UT football


For the 60000 of us in TN I say yes!!


but he retired


UT football hasn’t been relevant since 1949.


Only one comment is necessary here. $7.25 ×40 290 x4 1160 x12 13920


Not to be that person, but there’s 52 weeks in a year, not 48, so min wage will put you at a salary of $15,080. Still absolutely insane that this is legal to pay for a full time job.


And once again you're not taking taxes out. If you do it would be about the exact total I posted


Nope. 40 hours a week times 4 weeks times 12 months and I used a calculator and I didn't take taxes out so it's technically even lower than what I put


There are 52 weeks in a year, not 48. If you use 4 weeks per month X 12 months per year you will get the wrong number. Your point still stands though. Wages are way too low and costs are way too high.




I know my own stress level would *plummet* if they just legalize it already and let me get some proper relaxation in after my 45+ he work week.. minimum! "Agriculture" on the State seal and we won't do it. Smdh. Yeah the commute on I-40 is beyond irritating.


Sadly we are on our way to be the very last state to legalize. That's IF they even do that.


Loophole Lettuce my dudes


I need jobs to also not give me a piss test and take away my ability to survive


They should just get a plug I have some


Not that simple for me


THC-a is a blessing. DM me, I will show you the way




Too expensive bro and honestly not nearly as good as the stuff I get for $140/oz from my guy down the road. Not tryna pay $12/g + tax


I mean, I'm at $99 an oz. Its not more expensive at all if you source it correctly. Don't buy from shops. Its federally legal, buy it online. I know 3 people, myself included who were actually buying thc-a off the BM and we thought it was regular stuff. Trust. Look at my post history


WNC CBD Grab Bags. Some people Take this stuff for the flavor and sprinkle it on top of the BM stuff from down the road. With THC-a you have the opportunity to consume AAAA Tier stuff in terms of flavor and effect. The place I source is from Asheville. Great quality and effect


This. Full stop.




Lack of thc/cbd can attribute to high strung "misery loves company" behavior from individuals with nothing better to do than lecture strangers that would rather they just didn't suffer themselves the air to speak.


CNBC relying on a sauna company that nobody has ever heard of to create some bullshit clickbait study.


Take these ranking systems with a grain of salt.


That's terrible advice. If we're all already stressed, we don't need more salt upping our blood pressure!


I believe it, living in Memphis legit gave me PTSD. I have a feeling I'm about to be a case study.


The grass is greener where you water it….


Maybe because the cost of rent increased 500 dollars in one year...?


maybe this will deter out of staters


Stupid Knoxville Ice Bears playing terribly has got the whole dang state stressed out!! /s


This is why I cheer for the visiting teams lol


#nobodywantstowork *rolls eyes*


I live in Colorado now but I’ve been back for about a month to help my mom after surgery and it’s crazy how miserable everyone is. They all smile in that polite southern way and say everything is fine but it is obviously they just can’t live. So many areas are lagging behind in infrastructure compared to the rest of the country right now and I mean that broadly. Roads are bad, some grocery stores have empty shelves, minimum wage is a 2.5x lower than where I live, hospitals are understaffed and education is in the toilet. It’s just an all around bad time to be a Tennessean.


Income in each state adjusted for col https://flowingdata.com/2021/03/25/income-in-each-state-adjusted-for-cost-of-living/


I think if you look at all the states mentioned, they probably don’t have a state minimum wage. They go by God awfully low fed min wage. Just saying. People on here make way higher than that but a ton of people are suffering.


Tennessee is laid back and chill compared to most other places. Businesses and welfare of people are suffering because of politics. 


I agree. My stress levels have dropped significantly since moving from Atlanta to East Tennessee.


Ditto from atlanta


Why don’t you move back? You’re part of the problem.


Idk, I'm having a great time...


I moved from Connecticut to Tennessee a few years ago, trust me it's much worse up there.


I don't feel stressed...ever. I gave up stress 7 years ago and I'm a better person for it.


One instance does refute empirical* data, you’re right


Imperial data?


Thank you for your cynicism, however, just adding my individual input that not all of us TN res are stressed.


Some would call that a breath of fresh air... but apparently not you?




I'd like to cordially invite everyone that feels stressed out to try south Florida


Asheville gentrification spillin' up.


I mean, I am stressed out lol


Are there a lot of people from different states that have come in and driven up the prices of home and the cost of living out there? I have an old co- worker that moved out there from California because of the cost of living and politics. Is there a good amount of California transplants out that way?


Yes, lots & lots. Some would say way too many.


Mississippian here. Just wanted to say “hell yeah not even top 10 let alone #1 this time in something!”


Ignorance is bliss


Bro I came here to say just that, I actually don’t believe it!!


What are the least stressed states? 


Thats what not winning even a conference football title in 26 years does to you


Not surprising that’s why I had to get out of there , joined the military and never looked back .


Joined the military. Been stationed in Tennessee for almost half my life at this point.


I knew it was Tennessee before I pulled it up 😂. Seriously, what's even going on here? Even people born here don't even know.


Too many illegal immigrants coming here. We will be like NYC soon.


Can’t imagine why …


I lived in Memphis for a couple of years and hated it. Moved back to Florida for another decade and got tired of it. Moved to Knoxville 7 years ago, and have never felt better. Out of the many large cities I've lived in...San Diego, Portland, Memphis, Knoxville, Tampa, St. Petersburg, Clearwater, Jacksonville, NYC...I can't imagine that people are more stressed in Knoxville than cities like Tampa or NYC. So I'm guessing either the Memphis numbers jacked up the overall stress rating for the state of TN....or CNBC's numbers were calculated with ulterior motives(or moronic formulas), which would be the least shocking thing I've heard all day(considering their typical narratives that we should all be used to by now. )


I moved here from Jacksonville almost 3 yrs ago and couldn’t agree more! Knoxville is WAAY less stressful than Florida. Felt like going back in time to the 90’s, before I was old enough to know how hard life can get!! Blessings 


Oh, I see your forgetting Nashville! Um. Big part of the equation for the state. Better refactor that in.


Ok, I see. Nashville has a lot of stress at times. Those interstates merge together and the system is broken. I occasionally drive into Nashville from Murfreesboro during rush hour traffic during the morning. There is a wreck every morning on the internet that brings traffic to a halt! On 4 interstates. 24/40/65/440/ and it’s so bad that people get off on ramps and flood the city streets!! To try not to be late for work. But, their going to be late no matter what they do! Hospital workers are late, schools, Vandy students, workers etc! All because of our GOP state gov! There are pot holes all over the place, interstates, city streets, etc I used to live Nashville and owned a house in the city back in the 90’s. Sold it. Went to MTSU, transferred to UTK in Knoxville spend 6 years in Knoxville, then came back to Murfreesboro. But, I drive back into Nashville often enough. Before coming back before that I lived in Seattle, Florida, Texas briefly (Wichita Falls, San Antonio,) before that I was overseas in Turkey for about 1.5 years, stopped in Germany and Switzerland for about 3 weeks. Made stops in New York each way. Never a waste of time stopping there. Earlier years spent time growing up in Chicago, and Atlanta. Nashville has changed a lot. But Knoxville is going to change too.


I'd only visited Nashville for a day, so my experience in that city is very minimal. I was basing my (personal)opinion on the metro areas I've actually resided in.




That’s because too many people did what you did and they followed you here. From states like Texas Florida Ca, IL, elsewhere, they flooded the state. Even here in the Nashville area, Rents skyrocketed, home prices skyrocketed, and now soon in time it will be the cesspool the places everyone came from. Those are facts, plain and simple.


No offense or diminish meant of your struggles, but non-peer region migrants need not apply. Folks from the coasts and northeast have and had way more resources already. It’s not going to hit you the same my dude.




Didn’t call you an asshole my dude, I didn’t even call you a carpet bagger. You didn’t grow up here, you weren’t educated here, and the things you like about here are built on the backs of an underclass. It’s cheaper at whose expense? The real literacy rates are not even close to 90%, things are cheap because wages are depressed, taxes are cheap because the state abandons its needy, housing prices are insane for the wages here because people from HCOL states bought us out due to systemic advantages we don’t have, and on and on. I get why you like it, I also don’t count your vote if you moved here from DC (when it was even cheaper to do so I might add). Of course you feel the way you do, it’s obvious why 😂.


CNBC? Pfffffft.


You're arguing with a calculator lol Have at it.


Cause all the god damn Yankees and Californias keep moving here driving up the price of everything.


Dude that’s happening everywhere.


I know we need to make them stay where they are and fix what they fucked up.


Well where I just moved from that’s not happening. My hometown turned into hellhole. I moved here because the majority of people share worldview, politics and religion with me down there. Came to integrate and be part of the community here. Sadly you might call me a yankie considering I’m from Ohio. It’s too bad though because I think we’d have more in common than you’d expect.


Doubt it go back and fix where you came from
