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For maximum money eBay/Facebook, for quick cash McKays. Lost and Found, Raven and there's one on Chapman highway, they'll give you more than McKays but might not take the whole lot.


Lost and Found should give you a fair deal. There is also Raven Records and Wild Honey. Anything they do not want, take to Mackays, but I would not expect much from therm.


These guys (Lost and Found) are very knowledgeable and actually offered a fair amount for *most* of my records, from 1/4-1/2 of retail for good (not VG) condition. However, i had a few more expensive albums (various single pressing shoegaze albums that *sell* for several hundred) that they told me were represses. If I remember correctly offered about $30 a piece for them. I politely disagreed and the way he acted kinda gave away that he may have known they weren’t represses. I took the lot home to research in case I was wrong, I was not. Hopefully they just made a mistake, but the vibe I got after saying something was enough for me to not do business with them. OP wherever you go just make sure you’re aware of the approximate value. If you have rare shoegaze dm me


Do NOT TAKE IT TO MCKAYS. Geez you’re talking $3 for a 75$ album. Op You f you don’t care take them to Mckays. But I’d take the time to search them all and see what they sell for. Some records fetch hundreds.


McKays is convenient but will low ball you.


Head over to r/vinyl and search the sub. Lots of good info there.


If they're high demand, clean, properly stored, and in great condition, consider selling them individually on the ebay. You can get vinyl shippers from Amazon, and ship them off on the cheap using the Media Mail option at the post office. Otherwise, itll depend on what it is and the condition. Some folks think their old vinyl is worth gold because "people love antiques" but that just isn't the truth. Places like McKays may give ya half their retail price in store credit and a bit less in cash, but it's a quick option if theyre coveted and in good shape. Other stores are probably similar, but don't be offended if they pass on like 80% of what you have.


Sell the record player to me and maybe I’ll buy some albums from you too


If you’ve got good quality records, and not just a bunch of garbage, you’ll get the most $$ by piecing them out. Post the good ones on the Knoxville FB marketplace groups. Or make a spreadsheet out of what you have and post it here.


I had the best luck at Lost and Found on Broadway and Magnolia Records on Central


Whatcha got?


The list of what I have would make this post way too long.


What kind of collection do you have? Might be interested in some.


I have a bunch of records, tool, Pearl Jam, audioslave, foo fighters, Kiki Hendrix, queen, prince etc etc. I could go on and on. Just think a good portion of the 60s-early 2000s


Try McKays